Mavus Shaw

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Mavus Shaw is a metahuman originating from Jason's Universe and was a classmate to both Jason and Junon during their college years . Mavus applies to the Inquisition and offers his services to Kyrael Prima and Darkstar some time after Blackflame leaves the team. He goes by the codename Maven.

One of Maven's robotic scouts pick up a job posting from Kyrael that was sent to all of Corinth, recruiting people to join their cause against the New Militia. Maven sends a bipedal scout unit to The Fortress, along with several other units containing some of his tech to showcase his services. Kyrael allows Maven to assist the team.

Maven is an extremely powerful technomancer, as well as a telepath. Most of his robots and "inventions" are created by extracting resources from his environment and repurposing them to form extremely complex and powerful alloys, these parts are subconsciously assembled within seconds, creating a vast array of mechanical weapons, robots, and structures. The variety of his technology is gargantuan, making him one of the most powerful and dangerous metahumans, placing him in the upper echelon of metahuman ability among the likes of Gravitar and Grond.


Mavus is described to have an average build, with short black hair, brown eyes and is of asian descent. He often wears a dress shirt and dress pants, and dons a pair of eyeglasses. Due to most of his operations being remote, he is rarely seen in person, but rather in the form of a large robotic armoured mech unit.

Due to being mostly a technology-type, his mech units undergo frequent revision changes. However, the mech unit that he uses the most (denoted Main) (along with his other inventions) is usually black and grey in colour with green lighting. Main consists of three main modes.

Scout Mode: The mech possesses minimal armour, and resembles a skinny bipedal robot with a single robotic eye capable of producing holograms, which Mavus typically uses to project himself to communicate with others. The mech contains the bare essentials for travel, including jet boots, and a storage compartment in his chest.

Armored-Assault Mode: The mech possesses significantly more armour, with more weapons and utilities, which typically unfold from various mechanical compartments. These include a mounted minigun, micro munitions, missile launcher, hand and chest lasers, rocket propulsors mounted on his arms and legs. The face is cladded with armor from three directions, giving a green Y around the eye.

Golem Mode: The mech becomes even more bulkier, armour significantly enhanced to support significantly more firepower. His weapons become significantly bigger, and the mech no longer conceals them.


Master Technomancer: Maven's primary metahuman ability is his ability to create and manipulate machines from raw materials. Maven describes the machines as an "extension to self", and is able to interact with them through a psychic link. When creating his own machines, the only limit is his imagination. Maven is able to control multiple machines simultaneously, which was the case when he singlehandedly controlled an entire army of his robotic mech soldiers to drive off Calliope's forces that had tried to forcefully recruit him into the New Militia. When not being controlled, these machines are able to act autonomously. Maven is able to use this powerful to an extremely skilled level, as he was able to remotely assemble a gigantic cannon in mere seconds, that was capable of firing a massive beam of nuclear energy that decimated hundreds of soul beasts that had tried to attack one of his extraction units. Maven is also capable of fixing, controlling, manipulating and restoring mechanical units that are not natively his. An example is this was when he restored a barely operational Adam Blair from the brink of death.

Master Telekinetic: Maven's machines are made from resources, and these resources are often obtained by extracting raw materials from the environment. Maven's telekinetic abilities were so powerful, that he was able to modify the molecular structure of these materials to form complex alloys. These alloys make up the majority of his machines.

Upload: Maven is able to "upload" his consciousness into his machines, whether be it one, or an entire platoon. He is able to control an army or his machines in a manner that he describes "similar to a video game". Micromanaging his machines becomes second nature, as a command is simply a matter of willing it to happen. Maven typically uploads a majority of his consciousness into Main, and distributes the rest of his consciousness on a platoon of the robots that he wants to concentrate on.


Despite being an extremely powerful metahuman with seemingly incomprehensible powers, Maven's abilities are offset by a few major weaknesses.

1) Maven cannot move when using Upload or any of his technomancer abilities. When he is using his powers, he is essentially in his subconscious, meaning the simplest solution to defeating Maven is to locate his real body and eliminate that. However, Maven has since developed technology to protect his body, which he can move around with one of his mech's.

2) Using his powers is costly, as a result, Maven typically sleeps for around 15-18 hours a day.

3) Maven is not very strategic, relying on simply overwhelming his opponents with sheer firepower or numbers.