Kyle Eckhardt
Major Kyle C. Eckhardt's story begins in Millennium City, MI far below the cities UNTIL HQ there Secretary-Marshall Wilhelm Carl Eckhardt and his wife were giving birth to their first and only child. During his birth complications incurred with his mother resulting in her death soon after birth. Due to this Kyle was raised in the secret UNTIL facility as UNTILs 11th trial in the Experimental SUPER SOLDIER program since his mothers could not take care of him on account of her death nor his father who was constantly out on missions and important business dealing with the worlds safety. The experiments and training resulted in him greatly improving his human senses and reflexes, him being the 11th experiment of this type he was given the code name Agent XI.
Eckhardt graduated the program at age 13, upon graduation he was assigned to a specialized Reserve Officer Training Corps where his Drill Sergeant was none other than his own uncle Eric M. Eckhardt the second most highly skilled soldier in all of UNTIL behind his brother the Secretary-Marshall. Kyle spent 5 years under the mentorship of his uncle improving his psychical fitness to measures beyond human standards as well as learning multiple forms of hand to hand combat such as Judo, Akido, Taijutsu, Karate and a multitude of others all of which he is highly proficient and masterful in. As well as being masterfully taught to handle guns and advanced marksmenship from none other than the legendary Eric Eckhardt.
On his 18th birthday he graduated from the Specialized ROTC receiving the rank of Second Lieutenant. After his graduation he received the disturbing news that his uncle went renegade and with him half of the SUPER SOLDIER program applicants, for reasons unknown to him but he ventured on. At age 19 he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, age 20 Captain, and age 21 Major which he is currently now so he can remain out on the field.
Major Eckhardt has completed multiple tours in Iraq & the Desert in missions including:
Completing hundreds of missions with over 1000 confirmed kills. Major Eckhardt is now the Commander of UNTIL Spec Ops the most highly trained soldiers in all of UNTIL.
Major Eckhardt is actually one of the calmer of the Spec Ops Unit and rarely bickers with them, but when he is angered he unleashes a round or two to clear his head. He has a slightly strange sense of humor and has a habit of doing rather odd things for someone of his status, such as joking with his subordinates, dressing up as a tourist while visiting foreign areas, staring at his female subordinate's "ASSets", ditching work to meet the brothers in the hospital, and jumping out of a window to get away from his attendants. He is also more lenient towards his subordinates than someone of his rank usually is.
A formidable opponent in battle, Kyle strongly favors using dual pistols, which he wields with deadly proficiency thanks to his unique gifts and lifetime of training, to the point where he can wipe out a room simultaneously. Already a supreme marksman and martial artist, he is made even more dangerous by his Bio enhancements. Though the details of his abilities have not been elaborated on, it apparently grants him tremendously accurate vision and the ability to read and predict practically any move his opponent could make as well as the minute details and movements of his general surroundings. His only weakness is that when there is a physical obstacle blocking his vision, he is unable to provide the predictions he normally would. Additionally, he has pointed out on multiple occasions that, while he is capable of reading any situation, his other senses are heightened as well so when his vision is blocked if he takes a minute to focus it no longer becomes a weakness.
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Its light weight fibreglass-reinforced nylon/magnesium alloy casing, resistant to water and dust ingress, protects the powerful technology within, which may include: Bluetooth radio or ZigBee short-range wireless, GPS receiver or GPRS cellular module, and options for an electronic compass and bio-metric finger-print sensor. The device also has an orientation sensor that detects when the arm is lowered and so switches to standby mode to conserve battery life. Revolutionary "tilt and dead reckoning" system is capable of determining if the user is motionless or fallen, and can automatically transmit a locator beacon signal.
The U.P.C.S. gauntlet is connected through Bluetooth with Kyle's headset which projects the "battle ready" visual assistant, which main function is to assist with Kyle's aim. the Gauntlet itself also projects a 3D maneuverable keypad hologram that gives access to the UNTIL Personal Computing Systems Defensive and Offensive features. These features include:
Energy Shield
Energy shielding Is a form of physical shielding consisting of a field of energized particles which will seal around any form of surface, deflecting physical objects. A number of UNTILs, Powered Tanks and Forerunner vehicles, air crafts and armor systems are making use of energy shielding to protect itself from damage. Kyle's shield in particular is projected from his U.P.C.S. Gauntlet in which the particles harden in the form of multiple octagons.
A.N.V.I.L. Dawn
Manufactured by UNTIL and Harmon Labs, the v-150 A.N.V.I.L. Dawn ion cannon is a massive, independently powered, surface based ion cannon designed to target and neutralize major planetary disasters in orbit of a planet. The v-150 is usually mounted on the rotating UNTIL base, and the weapon itself was covered by a semi-spherical shell of reinforced questionite. The cannon is powerful enough to permanently scar the earth, so the launch codes are only entrusted to the highest ranked UNTIL operatives including Major Eckhardt.
Eckhardt owns a Beretta M9, which is a short recoil, semi-automatic, single-action / double-action pistol which uses a 15-round staggered box magazine with a reversible magazine release button that can be positioned for either right- or left-handed shooters. The M9 is used with the Bianchi M12 Holster, though other holsters are often used. The specific modifications made from the Beretta 92 includes:
-Design of all the parts to make them 100% interchangeable to simplify maintenance for large government organizations.
-Modified the front of the trigger guard so that one could use finger support for easier aiming.
-Recurved the forward base of the grip to aid aiming.
-Hard chromed the barrel bore to protect it from corrosion and to reduce wear.
-New surface coating on the slide called Bruniton, which allegedly provides better corrosion resistance than the previous plain blued finish.
It also has an enlarged hammer pin that fits into a groove on the underside of the slide. The main purpose is to stop the slide from flying off the frame to the rear if it cracks. This was in response to reported defective slides during U.S. Military testing.
The M9 features multiple internal safeties, including a firing pin block that prevents the firing pin from moving without the trigger being pulled, and a firing pin striker that rotates when the safety lever is engaged preventing the firing pin from being hit even if the hammer falls. The M9 also has an ambidextrous external safety lever allowing both left and right handed people to engage or disengage the safety mechanism.
Kyle's Steyr HS .50 is a single-shot bolt-action rifle. It has a built-in magazine (on the right side of the gun) so each round has to be loaded directly into the ejection port and is pushed into the chamber by the bolt. The fluted barrel is cold hammer forged and provides excellent accuracy at an effective range up to 1,500 m. It has an adjustable bi-pod, a highly efficient muzzle brake which reduces recoil substantially to increase shooting comfort and a Picatinny rail for installation of various optics.
However, due to customer demand, a recent change to the HS .50 has included a 5-round detachable magazine that can be inserted on the left-hand side of the rifle much similar to the Denel NTW-20
Kyle's HS .50 is of the M1 variation which is an evolution of the HS .50. The biggest differences are: it is magazine fed from a five-round magazine feeding horizontally left from the receiver, has a longer top Picatinny rail and more Picatinny rails on the side, an adjustable cheekpiece, a newly designed fixable bipod, and a monopod at the buttstock.
FILE: Wilhelm C. Eckhardt
Name:Wilhelm Carl Eckhardt
Rank:Secretary Marshall
Occupation:UNTIL Commander
Current Commander of UNTIL and father of Kyle Eckhardt.
Due to the nature of his work, any images of his likeness are all classified along with all personal information regarding to his being outside of what is already general knowledge.
FILE: G.I. Joan
Name:Joan Susan Barrett
Rank:1st Lieutenant
Occupation:UNTIL Operative
Birth Date:March 24th
Birth Place:Fort Leavenworth, KS
Residence:Millennium City, MI
Lieutenant Joan Susan Barrett grew up in a military family, the daughter of Colonel John Phillip Barrett, and enlisted right out of High School. She served two tours of duty in the Middle East (Iraq and Afghanistan) as a Surveillance and Target Acquisition Scout Sniper with the United States Marine Corps before joining the Silver Avengers division of PRIMUS upon returning to U.S. soil, and then later being assigned to the elite UNTIL Special Operations Unit battalion.
FILE: Dust-Off
Name:Lawrence 'Larry' Nowitzki
Rank:1st Lieutenant
Occupation:UNTIL Operative
Birth Date:November 25th
Birth Place:Lincoln, Nebraska
Residence:Millennium City, MI
Larry Nowitzki is an ordinary human being in remarkable shape for a man in his mid-60s; he looks decades younger, a feat he attributes to his strict regimen of diet, exercise, and meditative practice of zazen, or sitting concentration. Nowitzki has in the past speculated that a brief treatment of a proto-Cyberline drug given him in the mid 1970s in his early days with UNTIL has retarded the aging process, but as he has never undergone a physical to determine whether this is so no-one can be certain if that's the case. Although he is primarily a gunfighter Nowitzki is also an experienced hand-to-hand combatant and has over time developed some fair detective- and police skills from his UNTIL days. Perhaps Nowitzki's greatest trait is his knack for keeping his cool in tough situations; this has been a big part of what's kept him alive all this time.
FILE: Agent Winters
Name:Brandon Winters
Rank:2nd Lieutenant
Occupation:UNTIL Operative
Birth Date:May 17th
Birth Place:Sydney, Australia
Residence:Millennium City, MI
Brandon Winters is a devout and loyal agent of UNTIL, firmly able to stand for the organization's cause and morals. Disciplined through the Australian Army and through UNTIL, Winters tries his best not to sound too robotic in social situations. He loves bad jokes more than anybody should. In the professional setting, he likes it straight-forward and direct. Heroes who do nothing more but talk cryptically are a personal pet-peeve of his. His hobbies include exercising and shooting for sport.
FILE: Eric Eckhardt
Name:Eric Eckhardt
Code Name:Sarge
Powers/Skills:Para/Military Training
Sergeant Major Eric Eckhardt was once heralded as one of the best agents of UNTIL, soon after training his nephew Kyle he abandoned UNTIL and took half of the Super Soldier Candidates along with him for reasons unknown. Now he has mysterious reappeared with those candidates corrupt with a need for power and conquest forming an new mercenary crime organization simply dawning the name M.E.R.C.S.
FILE: Viper-X
Name:Kevin Armstrong
Code Name:Viper-X
Powers/Skills:Para/Military Training
Kevin Armstrong A.K.A. Viper X is a member of VIPER's Dragon Branch and introduced in the 5th Edition Champions sourcebook, VIPER: Coils of the Serpent.
Kevin Armstrong grew up as one Detroit’s golden boys: boxer, triathlete, scholar, and all-around Renaissance kid. Upon graduating from college, he became one of the elite: a Silver Avenger in PRIMUS. He was the perfect citizen, the All-American Boy. But PRIMUS didn’t turn out to be all Kevin expected. There was too much petty jealousy, too many rivalries and feuds between the Silver Avengers, too little cooperation between the organization and other government agencies. It was a snake pit, and Kevin couldn’t adapt to all the games and internal politics. He became extremely disenchanted, but the more he complained, the less people seemed to listen to him. Then Dr. Destroyer obliterated his hometown of Detroit. His family — including his wife, infant son, parents, and most of the people that he grew up with — were dead.Kevin blamed the government for the destruction and then turned to VIPER.
FILE: Mechassassin
Name:Craig Vandersnoot
Code Name:Mechassassin
Powers/Skills:Para/Military Training
Craig Vandersnoot A.K.A. Mechassassin Craig Vandersnoot was a major in the U.S. Army assigned as a liaison to NATO. His good looks, charming demeanor, master's degree in political science, and take-charge attitude made him popular and respected, and before long he was put in command of a NATO research project to develop a light battlesuit for use by the military and law enforcement. The project was going well under Vandersnoot's supervision when his "moonlighting" came to light: he'd been working as a security consultant and troubleshooter for several organized crime groups and terrorist organizations, accepting huge sums of money to keep them safe from the cops. He even helped plan and execute crimes, applying his tactical knowledge to make the "missions" go as smoothly as possible.Three MPs were sent to arrest Vandersnoot quietly, so the press wouldn't get wind of things. He killed all three of them, snuck back into the research complex, and put on the battlesuit. Then he murdered every project scientist and technician he could find, stole all the plans and specs, and trashed the lab. When he was done, he escaped from the facility with ease.
Since then, Vandersnoot, operating under the codename "Mechassassin," has established an enviable reputation in the Mercenary World. Known for his skill, power, discipline, and ability to get even the toughest jobs done, he's made millions as he loots and pillages his way across the globe. He also works as a security chief and military trainer for master villains.