Tidal Wave

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TidalWave Logo.png

TidalWave Logo.png
Player: @brfabio
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee Tank
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Michael Arvaad
Known Aliases: Tidal Wave
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Human-Atlantean
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Andrea Arvaad (mother, diceased), Dorrek Arvaad (father, diceased)
Age: 25
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Light-Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Brown
Physical Build: Average
Physical Features: None
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Fisherman
Education: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Atlantean Physiology
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Atlantean Trident
ReldinBox Template

TidalWave Origin.png

Born with no apparent powers, Michael was raised by his mother Andrea, a sea-life researcher. Since a very young age, Michael showed promising swim skills. One day, while playing at his house backyard, an infant Michael fell at the pool, and for the surprise of his mother, he was naturally swimming, even that being his first time doing it. From that day on, Michael always preferred to play inside the pool, no matter what he was doing. It became his favorite place in the house.

Everything went normal until he started school. There, he felt inexplicably displaced, making him a very shy and introspective kid. Concerned with his son welfare, Andrea sought advice from the school. The counselor suggested to enroll Michael on some extracurricular activity. When the swim team subject came up, Andrea agreed almost instantly.

It was a huge success. For the first time in years, Michael felt comfortable around people other than his mother. When he was swimming, it was almost like he was at home, too. It didn't take long for him to stand out on the team, everything came naturally to him. He was a true prodigy.

Michael started his senior year at high school as a promising swim team captain. He collected trophies and achievments since he started to compete. And most importantly: that shy and introspective kid was completely gone. Now Michael was a very cheerful and easy going person, always trying to be a better leader, alwalys looking for ways to make the team and his teammates better. There were even talkings of a garanteed scholarship from Millenium City College and prospects of olympic level swimming. His life was getting better and better, with a bright future ahead!

Sadly, all that came to an end. One day after school, Michael and his mother got attacked by atlantean soldiers. They took Andrea hostage and swept the entire house down, asking for something that was apparently stolen. Michael managed to hide, only to watch his mother get killed by the soldiers. While they left empty handed, Michael, completely stunned with the situation, saw a glow coming from below the house. Lifting a loose floor, he found an atlantean uniform, a golden trident and an old tape.

The tape miraculously explained all questions floating around Michael's head: he was the son of an atlantean soldier, Dorrek, that left the Royal Armada with this trident, a powerful weapon meant to be used in an upcoming war with the surface. Dorrek seek refuge in Millenium City, where he met Andrea. Obviously, they fell in love. A few days later, Dorrek passed away due to internal wounds acquired during his escape from Atlantis, but left Andrea pregnant. His mother hid the story about his father hoping to avoid atlantean retaliation, but none of that worked out and now Michael is all alone.

Underwater Patrol

To sustain himself, Michael got a fisherman job at Millenium City docks. After a few weeks, he met an old sailor named Kurgo, that was always telling sea stories for the people that stayed late in the night working at the moored ships. Michael asked if he knew stories about Altantis, and the old man in fact did. A lot of them. In the next months, Michael learned a lot about the underwater culture and their interactions with the surface. One day, for Michael's surprise, Kurgo revealed himself as an atlantean, exiled from the legendary city many years ago. He also told he knew Michael had atlantean heritage, due to distinctive physical features like ears pointier than normal and amazingly light blue eyes.

Kurgo also said he saw his father on the run, but was too afraid to offer help, fearing the atlantean retaliation. He said there was a very old anti-human political faction that gained a lot of strength in the recent years, thanks to inumerous oil rigs around the world polluting the sea. That group, called The Atlantean Bastion, was famous for rallying multiple tribes for his anti-human front, until they are big enough in numbers to go to war against the surface. The weapon Dorrek stole was a prototype made of Orichalcum, the cornerstone metal of Atlantis "magic-tech". That's why the Bastion sent atlantean soldiers to Michael's house: to retrieve the trident and finally start his mass production.

Dorrek's noble act bought time for the surface, and Michael knew it was up to him prevent this war, or his father would have perished in vain. Seeing the young man determination, Kurgo, an old soldier himself, decided to mold Michael in the atlantean ways of warfare. After months of intensive training, Michael had learn how to maneuver the trident and how to handle himself in combat.

Now that his training was complete, all he needed was experience. Adopting the superhero culture in his acts, Michael decided to call himself Tidal Wave and help the Millenium City citizens against crime and corruption. After all, that city was his home, too. But despite all that, he will never forget about the Atlantean Bastion, and surely one day, hopefully with help, he will stop the incoming war before it's even started.

TidalWave Powers.png

Hybrid Atlantean Physiology: Michael's paternal heritage grants him the ability to breath underwater. His unique hybrid physiology also grants him superior strength, agility and durability compared to humans and even Atlanteans. He can withstand small/medium caliber shots or big blunt impacts, and is able to lift tanks with certain ease. All those skills are greatly enhanced when underwater.

Atlantean Trident: The weapon Michael's father stole is made of Orichalcum, a metal that is the cornerstone of Atlantis "magic-tech". It's highly durable and has the ability of summoning atlantean water that can be directed towards a specific target.

His trident can summon Atlantean water