Dreamy Girl

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Sarah Williams
Player: @saiceles#4945
Dreamy Girl’s Picture
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sarah Jane Williams
Known Aliases: Dreamy Girl
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Metahuman)
Ethnicity: North American
Place of Birth: Battle Creek, Michigan
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Alive
Age: 25
Height: Average
Weight: Slightly above average
Eyes: Aqua Green
Hair: Blonde, long and wavy. Has twintails.
Complexion: Cute, young, charming, flirty-looking.
Physical Build: Very curvy. Top heavy and very bottom heavy.
Physical Features: Feminine frame, friendly, gentle voice.
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Identity: Dreamy Girl
Years Active: 9.
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Hero - Magazine Model
Education: Full Education
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Psionic Powers

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Capture Gear

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

About Dreamy Girl

Sarah Williams, popularly known as Dreamy Girl, is a costumed crime-fighting prodigy. Standing at 5'8, Sarah seems to have inherited an unique attractiveness to her ample figure. Where her mother never had such looks, Sarah got it in spades. With a large bust, and an incredibly ample bottom, she makes for a strikingly attractive figure, including in her facial features. Usually clad in a skintight bodysuit, Sarah likes to tease her fans with provoking poses and playful shots in her pictures. A playful, friendly and sociable girl by nature, Dreamy Girl is considered a charismatic, talented young Human hero, one who despite her bravery, sense of justice and kindness, is not beyond making use of her charms of giving her public some nice lip service. Sarah likes the cheers of her fans as much as they love to dote her with attentions. A showgirl by nature, Sarah always takes down criminals and villains in flashy, brilliant ways, and despite that they are still highly effective. She's not one to follow rules to the letter, and tends to sqirm a little around them when she finds it necessary. Holding a belief that her powers should not only serve the world, but also herself, she makes it her task to be not only a talented hero but a famous figure who's loved by her fans and friends. Always willing to pause to take a picture with a fan, or simply have a chat, her larger-than-the-world feel is often accompanied by a sense of personal intimacy that is not often found among such heroes, who seldom have the time to simply sit and chat with their fans and give them some of their attention.

Dreamy Girl's Uniform

Naturally, she has her flaws too. She can be a bit hot-headed, stubborn, and is a rebel at heart. Having never been entirely too fond of how controlling her parents could be, Sarah has a natural aversion to people who believe she's just another animal to be tamed, and people generally tend to regret getting on her bad side from being too pushy. On the other hand, people often assume that her showgirl attitude makes her vain and shallow, but they'd be wrong. For all of her interest in receiving attention, Sarah is just as willing to give it, and is entirely accepting of not receiving it if it means getting the job done with nobody coming to harm. Her shows, flashy moves and such, they are all done in occasions where there is no risk of such things causing harm to the innocent. She's also a very kind and forgiving person, and is willing to try and see the best out of people even if they have gone astray in their path for a while. It isn't entirely unknown for her fans to occasionally find her being able to redeem a villain after showing it enough forgiveness.

Short Story

Born without any immediate powers, it was thought that Sarah wouldn't have any, but at the age of three she first manifested her first gift towards psionics. Ever since then, she has been trained and nurtured by her parents, two retired relics from the Golden Age of Heroes, and who wanted her to follow in their footsteps. Not that Sarah minded, but she thought some of their beliefs were fairly antiquated. No fame? No glory? No cameras? Discreet, quiet work? Where was the fun in that? So while she did follow in their footsteps, she always sought to do it in her own way, much to their silent disapproval. Yet, one couldn't deny that for all of her showgirl attitude, she did have not only the talent, but the power to carry on with her words. From her young days up to her eighteen years, Sarah largely trained under the careful tutelage of her parents, while doing minor crimefighting on the side. A small purse robbery here, a car thief there. Things that earned her no notoriety, but at least helped her somewhat hone her skills. Once she officially became an adult however, Sarah decided to head out on her own and trace her own path. Not by becoming a villain or anything, no. She believed in the justice and the law that her parents constantly preached about. She just didn't believe she had to live as an unknown while at it. Adopting the nickname of "Dreamy Girl", Sarah moved to Millennium City, where every aspiring young hero dreams to shine. Gifted with incredibly powerful psionic powers, as well as an astounding amount of charm and charisma, it didn't take long for her to become loved by the public. A few years and she had a solid reputation built, including a fanbase of her own.

Known to take down criminals with flashy, but effective tactics, Dreamy Girl seldom wastes a chance of pleasing her public, and is known to freely give interviews and take pictures with her fans. A few times, she might even do it right after taking down a baddie. In seven years of work, she dealt with a number of threats, from minor to major, even coming across her own first Nemesis, which after a whole six months of cat-and-rat playing, she finally managed to capture. Much of her powers however are still somewhat unknown to public, and they just largely assume that she has a super-biology of sorts like some heroes. At the same time she makes little effort to go at length on how she's capable of doing so much, though her most avid fans have stipulated theories and believe that she inherited the psionic abilities from both of her parents, and uses them to improve her own abilities to such an immense degree. Beyond hero work, Sarah is also known to pose for mature magazines, usually in vaguely-revealing or teasing variants of her uniform, though hasn't been known to have worked on fully nude scenes. Currently, Dreamy Girl has a contract with Goldenwing Corporation, as one of their sponsored heroes.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes

A big secret to the general public (and please don't metagame this), the root behind Dreamy Girl's powers is an incredibly powerful psionic ability. Her psionic skill uses her sheer mental power to greatly "buff" her body, to the point of giving it super-biology. She can utilize it not only internally, but also externally, and much of the limitation of this power comes from whether or not she can be creative with it. Normally, she tries to use her enhanced body to defeat villains, making use of super strength, endurance and speed to get the best out of them, though sometimes that is not enough, which is when she expands her arsenal by unleashing more of her psionic abilities. The well-rounded nature of her skills, as well as extensive training from her youth, makes Dreamy Girl and incredibly powerful hero, be it to mortal or immortal foes, and a staunch defender of the Earth. Due to the sheer excess of psionic power in her body, she often uses it a little more casually, as a means to make sure she's not accumulating too much.


  • WIP

General Perception



  • WIP