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Grace Anderson
Player: @saiceles#4945
Grace in a civilian dress.
Class Focus: Esper Powers
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Grace Anderson
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: 35
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Girl's secret.
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Brown. Straight and long.
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: High School Teacher / Part-time Hero
Place of Birth: Ann Arbor
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single - Divorced
Known Relatives: Alive.
Known Powers
Extensive Psychic Abilities
Known Abilities
Esper-related skills


Grace, or Mrs Anderson as she is usually addressed, is a thirty-five old woman and a natural-born Esper. Divorced, Grace has moved from her former town of Ann Arbor to the more populated and lively city of Millennium City, where she sought a job at one of the local High Schools, working as a Math Teacher. It was not always like this however. Prior to her divorce, Grace married young, when she was merely eighteen years old, and so was caught in a marriage that she did not quite come to appreciate. An year later, Grace has slowly rebuilt her life and started living on her own, having received her divorce papers and managing to find a decent job in her field of knowledge. A mature woman with an young heart, she wonders if there is still something special for her in life, and ever since she moved she has decided to try things that she did not try before - in part, seeking to indulge to the joys that she did not have the time to enjoy during her youth, as well as understanding more about her unusual powers.


A simple way of describing Grace is to use the word "MILF". Grace is an attractive mature woman, currently thirty-five years old and thankfully carrying herself with a youthful beauty and a curvaceous build. She has deep auburn eyes, pinkish healthy skin and long, auburn hair that falls all way to the middle of her back, normally worn loose or in a ponytail. The years gave her a blossoming body and as such she is the proud owner of a rather full chest, as well as wide hips and a round, perked bottom, ending in long, shapely legs. It will still be a few decades until the first traces of age catch up with old Grace, hopefully. Generally, she's seen wearing clothes one might associate with a housewife. Long dresses, sweaters, skirts and so on. At work, she wears a black business suit with a tight skirt ending at the middle of her thighs, with dark stockings underneath and delicate heeled shoes. Her formal outfits are frequently composed of long and form-fitting gowns, normally in dark, strong colors. The clothes she usually wears for going out shopping or partying happen to be tight, small dresses or miniskirts. When actively using her powers, her hair seems to spread out, as if lifted by a constant wind, and a thick outline of glowing colors can be seen surrounding her body.


Having been born with very powerful Esper powers, her suburban parents weren't quite sure of what to make of Grace. Her father assumed it to be a blessing from God, while her mother thought it a curse. Therefore, for much of her life, Grace never quite got to make too public an use of her powers. Instead she practiced alone, in the quiet of her room or sometimes in a distant field. A youthful girl still, she even tried to show these powers to her friends, but in such a distant city, such powers were regarded as absurd, scary. It led other children to sometimes avoid Grace, and the ones who didn't simply wished to be on the good side of her power. Seeing both sides of the spectrum, she instead kept the power to herself, and sought to live a life where she didn't have to make use of them. With the years passing, and nothing particularly eventful happening, the children would even forget about such powers, and Grace made no effort to remind them. At times, she even came to regard her own powers as a curse, which made her seek to forsake them. Yet sometimes they manifested. Often when her emotions hit an extreme, such as in times of great anger, sorrow, even happiness. So she sought a life without such things.

As a result, Grace Anderson, married young. Her relationship with Edmund Carter was her first, and only one up to this point of her life. Grace met Edmund when the two were still in High School, still seventeen years old. She was a regular, somewhat timid student, while Edward was a Quarterback in the local American Football team. Feeling a distant attraction, she somewhat managed to find the man's attention with a romantic letter, and so the two have dated for roughly an year before he proposed to her. Grace accepted, and they married as soon as they graduated, moving into a rented apartment. Due to a serious knee condition, Edmund was out of his football career, but Grace managed to hold things steady as she joined College with a paid scholarship. Years later, she managed to graduate in Mathematics and became a teacher at the local school. Edmund jumped from job to job, never quite managing to find himself in them, and little by little the love between the two began to fade. At some point, Edmund stopped trying. Envying both her regular skills, as well as her Esper abilities, Edmund showed a bitter side then. A form of racism against anyone and anything that might have superpowers, including his own wife. Grace, thinking that it was just a phase, eventually became pregnant, and gave birth to Richard, her only son. Sadly, for her, Edmund took upon himself to become the most active parent, and as such his views and misconceptions were strongly passed upon his son. For fear of being disliked by both husband and child, Grace tried to stop manifesting her powers permanently.

At twenty-nine, Edmund decided to stay home and not seek a job, instead leaving their house income entirely up to Grace. He still took one or other rare odd job, but most of the money obtained was spent with his growing vices - alcohol and games became part of them at first, and then drugs joined in. He became loud, violent at times, but never to a point of harming anyone. For that reason, Grace endured for as long as she could, but at the age of thirty-four, she arrived into the situation where their marriage could no longer sustain itself - one day, Grace arrived from work to find Edmund having brought his own local dealer home. Angry, she verbally lashed out at the man, and this brought the next sad turn of events. Edmund tried to hurt Grace, grabbing her by the neck and nearly strangling her. In her own accumulating anger, Grace let out her power and the outcome of this argument took a full distance of six neighboring houses, all of which Edmund went through, wall after all after being hurled by Grace's psychic powers. As expected, this led them into a divorce, with the local court deciding that their son would stay with his grandparents, from the mother's side. This also caused PRIMUS to seek Grace and perform a full and proper analysis of her powers. Having used her powers to harm a person, even in self-defense, made the court consider giving her a manner of punishment, but the case was settled by Grace instead allowing PRIMUS to study and use her abilities for the period of an year.

Now, having moved to a new city, a new home, a new life, Grace looked back and saw that the so-called flame of lovers was not something she got to enjoy very often. Sure, she loved Edmund at first, but from the very beginning they had a number of mismatching tastes, but she was never too vocal about them until it was too late. She realized she never got to enjoy parties, or to try different men and see what they were like. She never went out to dance, never spent a leisure day at a beach, things that her friends often spoke to her about and that she could only silently envy them for it. With her life starting anew, she intended to change that. No longer she would be the silent, timid woman that would ever hear her husband's complaints and say nothing about it. Never again she would sacrifice her own happiness for that of someone who was not willing to do the same for her. So she changed herself. Grace stopped wearing old, unattractive clothes, and started trying more daring and charming wardrobe pieces, at times, although as old habits tend to die hard, she still struggled with it somewhat. She even started tending better to her body and beauty. All of this gave her new confidence to become the person she should have been in first place. And as an added bonus, PRIMUS paid very well for her services.

Finding a new job at another local high school, Mrs Anderson, as she was now referred to, was a charming and positive-looking woman. Secretly admired by many of her students, popular among her coworkers, and ever catching the eyes of passing men, she found she enjoyed this feeling. It made her feel young again, blossoming a more adventurous side of herself. She bought a sports car, she purchased a fine apartment suited for her tastes, she bought all DVDs and downloaded all songs she ever wanted to hear. Regarded as a youthful and young-spirited woman, Grace soon became the object of desire for the many men that now existed in her life. And the best part of it - it was her choice. If she choose to seek them, if she choose to flirt with them, if she choose to pick one and be happy with it, it would be done her way. She would no longer be guided by the immature feeling of an insecure girl. Instead she would be guided by the heart of a woman who knows what she wants and why she wants it. It did not take long for her to find interesting attractions in her new lifestyle. Grace soon came to realize she loved adventures. She loved speeding in her car - even if it cost her some tickets. She loved music, she loved going out to eat, she even started enjoying parties. And above all, she liked to feel that perhaps her power wasn't such a curse, and that she might be able to even help others by using it. So many things to enjoy, so many feelings to enjoy. She felt so very alive. Life was truly changing.

Powers and Abilities

Even as a child, Grace already had enviable psychic abilities. After growing up, that power matured within her, and seemingly as a result of her hardships it became even stronger. Grace's combat and hero strength lies in his phenomenal psychic powers, which often outclasses even that of experienced Espers. She has an incredible capacity for storing psychic energy, which she primarily uses to fuel her already existing powers, typically in the form of her excessive emotions being kept within, and such a thing often causing her internal power to accumulate, due to it often being tied to her emotions. Because of her belief that superpowers are not to be used carelessly against others, she has done little combat training and does not specialize in any specific type of psychic branches. Despite this she still has a wide variety of techniques at her disposal, mostly coming out of her natural, instinctive usage of her powers. She does however typically rely most heavily on simple skills such as telekinesis and barrier creation, when in combat. When using her powers actively, a multicolored aura of pink, blue and green colors can be seen as a thin outline around her body. It sometimes expands with the more power she releases, or alters shape depending on what is being done.

Esper - Rank S - An Esper of enormous latent power, Grace is easily among the highest observed psychic signatures registered by UNTIL and PRIMUS' databases. However, where she doesn't leave lacking for sheer power, she has much to acquire in terms of situational experience. Her powers can manifest in many ways, and she has taken a habit of trying to practice them to a minor extent in her day-to-day activities. In combat, those powers typically manifest in the form of telekinesis, psychic attacks, barriers, unnatural senses and even reality-bending.

Psychic Enhancement - Rank S - Due to the way her own psychic way interacts with her body, her energy typically strengthens her body as well as create an unseen barrier over her skin. This makes Grace an incredibly sturdy combatant when push comes to shove. Battles against her tend to drag out for very long periods of time as a result. The same power can be used to make her faster, or cause her to hit harder, though the nature of it all will always be psychic. This also enhances her own senses when necessary, and an added perception towards those of supernatural nature, though her lack of experience and discernment typically makes it hard for her to see the true nature of one's powers. As such, she is usually able to tell someone is not a regular Human, but not the "why" behind it.

Battle Experience - Rank B - A powerful but unexperienced Esper, Grace can often be compared to a recruit wielding a nuke. She can be extremely dangerous and deadly, and her psionic abilities make her a very difficult opponent to contend with. When imbued by that power, her body can become extremely resistant, and the degree of flexibility of her skills allow for it to be utilized in many different ways. As such, it is difficult to gauge how truly dangerous she can be, but she is generally deadlier when angered or driven to extreme emotions. A calm, composed Grace, is actually something of a "rookie" at times, even for Esper standards. As such, her main weakness perhaps lies in lacking the extensive experience of those who have fought and bled with that power for much longer than her. In a sense, it puts her in a level where she has an absurdly high latent power, but not as much practical training with it.