The American Dream
The American Dream | ||||||||||
Player: @Swordsaint_the_Elder | ||||||||||
[[Image:|300px|]] | ||||||||||
The American Dream | ||||||||||
Biographical Data | ||||||||||
Real Name: | Kristina Forrester | |||||||||
Known Aliases: | The American Dream, Daughter of Democracy | |||||||||
Gender: | Female | |||||||||
Species: | Human- Mutant (Altered) | |||||||||
Ethnicity: | Irish/Italian | |||||||||
Place of Birth: | Lowell, MA | |||||||||
Base of Operations: | Millennium City, Boston, MA | |||||||||
Relatives: | Daniel Forrester (Father) Elizabeth Forrester (Mother,deceased) Juliana Forrester-Bradon (Stepmother)Jack Forrester (Grandfather, biological mother's side) | |||||||||
Characteristics | ||||||||||
Age: | 19 | |||||||||
Height: | 5’10” | |||||||||
Weight: | 120 | |||||||||
Eyes: | Blue | |||||||||
Hair: | Blonde | |||||||||
Complexion: | Clear, normal Irish complextion. Kris can tan remarkably well, thanks to her Italian heritage | |||||||||
Physical Build: | Fit/slightly above average muscular | |||||||||
Physical Features: | Tattoo of a pair of red demon wings on her upper back. | |||||||||
Status | ||||||||||
Fame: |
Global | |||||||||
Alignment: |
| |||||||||
Identity: | Public | |||||||||
Years Active: | 2 | |||||||||
Citizenship: | United States | |||||||||
Occupation: | Part Time student, full time PRIMUS Super-human battle support | |||||||||
Education: | High School Graduate, Currently attending second semester of college | |||||||||
Marital Status: | Single | |||||||||
Known Powers and Abilities | ||||||||||
Hyper-dense musco-skeletal system, Enhanced metabolism, Enhanced skin cell regeneration. | ||||||||||
Equipment and Paraphernalia | ||||||||||
Phone, PRIMUS communicator. Given enough time, The American Dream can pull on almost ALL the resources that PRIMUS has at it's disposal |
Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Strength |
Weapon |
Durability |
Armor |
Speed |
Reflexes |
Resistance |
Stamina |
Dexterity |
Agility |
Combat |
Regeneration |
Non-Physical Attributes | |||||||||
Energy |
Psionics |
Telepathy |
Willpower |
Sorcery |
Technology |
Intelligence |
Knowledge |
Charisma |
Bravery |
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada |
Being new to Earth, Wanderer hasn't had much a chance to make many "affiliations" with other folks yet. He has, however, managed to join up with a group like-minded individuals that are interested in more then just stopping thugs on street corners, and are more interested in keeping the world from being consumed by extra-dimensional beings.
Organization/Super Group
Wanderer is current and founding member of the group C.A.B.A.L., a small circle of mystic and mystical creatures that stand against things that go pump in the night. And giant, Shining Darkness filled twinkies. He has also served as a member of the following organizations in the past.
The Brotherhood of the Blade: The Brotherhood the Blade is a group of Gaiaus mystics and warrior monks that discovered the single most important connection between all sentient creatures, that of free will, or something that they came to call "The Pattern". The Brotherhood dedicated itself to defending the free will of all creatures, regardless of their ethics, morality, or desires. Over the millenniums that The Brotherhood operated, there was eventually a schism that gave birth to The Covenant of the Sword, an organization that believed that free will was nothing more then an illusion, and that all things were fated to happen, regardless of the actions of creatures. Needless to say, the following civil war was devastating. The "War of the Rose" as it was called, was the single longest running civil war in Gaiaus history, lasting for over 4000 years. Over those 4000 years, both The Brotherhood and The Covenant polarized, with The Brotherhood believing that self-sacrifice and service were the path to oneness with The Pattern, while The Covenant believed that power and domination were the true path to The Pattern. Aldric was, before his disappearance, The Supreme Blade Master, the head of The Brotherhood. His major contribution to The Brotherhood is that he ended the "War of the Rose" by completely dismantling The Covenant during the Gaiaus Godswar. He is one of three greatest Supreme Blade Master's in The Brotherhood's entire history for this feat.
The Golden Triangle: The Golden Triangle is the alliance between Raziel the King, Azunai the Defender, and Mitula the Lightmother. The Golden Triangle, as a whole, reacts, instead of acts in the world of Gaiaus. Aldric was the Champion of the Lightmother, before his disappearance. Since his disappearance, only Mitula has been trying to find him, as Raziel and Azunai are busy gearing up for the upcoming "War of the Throne" with the The Fel Triangle.
Friends and Family
Aldric has an entire group of not only friends, but family members as well. Unfortunately, Aldric can't get back to them, as the multiverse is a MASSIVE place. His immediate family is:
Marisa Runesong: Marisa is Aldric's wife, and has been for the last 36 years. While separated by the limitless Astral Sea, not a day goes by without either thinking of one another. Marisa is also the avatar of Mitula the Lightmother, the Gaiaus' Goddess of Life, Love, and Light. Marisa is very loving, as suits her position. She is a wonderful mother, and wife.
Patricia Runesong: Patricia is the eldest daughter, and eldest child, of Marisa and Aldric. She's taking over the "family business" after her father supposedly died at the Roof of the World some 3 years ago. Patricia is level-headed, calculating, and helpful, making her the natural leader of the remaining Runesong children.
Ariel Runesong: Ariel is one of two twins, her brother being Michael. Ariel spearheads the search for her father, acting as "retriever" of the myriad magical and psionic artifacts and texts that her brother uses to try and puzzle out exactly what happened to their father 3 years ago. Ariel is hot-headed, passionate, and a world class "debater".
Michael Runesong: Michael is the researcher of the Runesong clan, using his schooling to best effect in not only trying to discover where their father went, but in securing the accumulated knowledge of The Brotherhood AND The Covenant. Michael is quiet, intelligent, and a bit scatter-brained.
Kyle Runesong: Kyle Runesong was the 4th child of the Runesong clan. He was bright, inquisitive, and loyal. He was often compared to his father, in not only the manner in which he dealt with issues, but in the way he treated other people. Kyle was possessed by Domiel the Life Reaver, and used to try and bring about the end of Gaiaus. He was stopped, but at great price. Kyle was killed at the Roof of the World, by his father, to save the rest of the world.
Maximillion Runesong: Maximillion, or Max, for short, is the last child of the Runesong clan. Max is the field agent when it comes to locating their father, using the Stone Circle in Gaiaus to tune to different planes and going on forays into them. Once described as carefree, after his father's "death", Max began to brood, becoming the more serious man he is today. Also, after Aldric's "death", Max changed his name within The Brotherhood from "Flurry" to "Swordsaint", his father's old name. He is the only Blade Knight in the history of The Brotherhood to do so.
Enemies and Opposition
"How can one man have so many enemies?"
"I'm a people person!"
-Sideshow Bob to Homer Simpson
Aldric, over 64 years of life, and as the leader of a secret society of mystics and warriors, has made more enemies over his lifetime then good Las Vegas gambler. Aside from directly opposing such groups as PSI and DEMON, Aldric counts notable undead and deific beings in his personal list of "Things that Hate My Guts". Here is a notably condensed list.
Domiel the Life Reaver: Domiel is one of Aldric's "brothers" another Spawn of the Dark Lich. Domiel is currently on Earth, having followed his "brother" for the last three years, gathering his strength to launch an attack. The time is coming soon, as the latent mystical energy in Millennium City feeds Domiel's hunger. Domiel posses a hatred of life, and indeed, a hatred of everything. Domiel's physical body was completely annihilated by the planar tear caused by the Tears of Liberia. He exists now as a possessing spirit, having to exert his malicious will into beings with corporal bodies in order to effect the material world.
Valdis, the Tyrant: Valdis is the Gaiaus God of Tyranny, Domination, and Greed. He seeks to use Aldric as a weapon against not only the Golden Triangle, but The Brotherhood. Cruel, calculating, and maliciously intelligent, Valdis has recently learned that Gaiaus is no longer under the planar lock this father Io instated to prevent Gods and Mortals from directly interacting. He has sent agents out to various planes to pick the ones suitable for conquest, and to find Aldric, and offer him a deal.
The Jack of Madness: The Jack of Madness is one of the few remaining clerics of Liberia the Laughing Lady, the Gaiaus Goddess of Madness, Chaos, and Chance. Completely insane, The Jack of Madness was forcefully ripped from his home plane and hurled across the Astral Sea to Earth to eliminate Aldric. The Jack of Madness utilizes sorcerous abilities to break the wills of others, as well as for attack and defense. He is attended by a legion of mind-controlled civilians, all dressed as clown-faced pirates. He is completely insane.
The Covenant of the Sword: While broken, disheartened, and scattered, The Covenant still technically does exist. With only a handful of survivors left after the Gaiaus Godswar, and most of their leaders killed and knowledge extinguished, the remaining Covenant members have fled into hiding. They, however, do try and keep tabs on The Brotherhood, and with Aldric missing, they have launched last ditch efforts to find and kill him, or to consolidate what little power they have remaining.
The Fel Triangle: The Fel Triangle is comprised of the three Gaiaus gods of evil. Valdis the Tyrant, Zaramoth the Destroyer, and Darksol the Unholy. The Fel Triangle has little interest as a whole in finding out what happened to Aldric, they're just happy to have him out of their collective hair. Valdis, however, is interested in finding Aldric and possibly using him as a weapon. Darksol has made no actions to find either of his lost "sons", seeing as he went "missing" 6 years after the end of the Gaiaus Godswar.
Wanderer stands at exactly 6 feet tall, and has a build not unlike that of an Olympic gymnast. His hair, once jet black, now speckled with gray, frames his face and cascades down his back in a manner that, for all the world, can't help but make viewers think of a lion. He has a old scar that crosses diagonally over his right eye, and ends at the bridge of his nose. Facial experts point out that he has a very Germanic look to him. Wanderer sports a van dyke style mustache, which he maintains with impeccable care. His eyes, when not engaged in combat, are a soft forest green, and betray not only an intense and passionate intellect and wisdom, but the sort of sorrow that is normally attributed to "A Thousand Yard Stare". In combat, Wanderer's eye's spark to life in a glowing blue nimbus of power, as he harnesses his abilities. Wanderer is normally dressed in a style reminiscent of an Old West cowboy, only in black, electric blue, and white.
Personality & Mentality
Wanderer is quite a few things now. A father, a teacher, a mentor, a listener. He views the world with the practiced eye of a veteran, a man that has seen perhaps too much in his time, not only in his own world, but in his planar travels as well. Wanderer has a slightly sarcastic sense of humor, but he tinges it with kindness, pointing out his allies flaws while at the same time, praising their strengths. He has a decidedly soft spot for children, which he considers to be anyone under the age of 30. Wanderer carries with him an old battered prayer book dedicated to Mitula the Lightmother, and he is an ardent follower of hers. It is very difficult to surprise Wanderer, with just about anything. One of the core beliefs of The Brotherhood is that everyone is free to make their own paths in the world, as long as it does not involve prevent others from achieving their own destinies, so Wanderer does not judge people, unless they are judging others.
Powers & Abilities
Wanderer's powers are all based off of something called "The Pattern", a piece of the fabric of Creation that deals with free will and fate. The act of using The Pattern is often times called "Thread Wielding". Wanderer, as the former Supreme Blade Master of The Brotherhood of the Blade, is the single most powerful Thread Wielder currently alive. "Thread Wielding" encompasses many different things, from harnessing the latent energy of the universe into searing blasts of energy, to using your opponents emotions against them, even manifesting weapons comprised completely of one's sense of self. Wanderer is a master at the last, being able to focus his mind and spirit into a blade that can cut through Neutronium. Wanderer is also capable telepathic, being able to communicate, generate false readings, shield his own mental abilities, and generate a psychic "mindscape" when he wants to have a more intimate conversation with another, or if he needs to "reprogram a VCR" as he once oddly put it. Wanderer is also capable of tracking the minds/self awareness of things around him. This power effects any sentient creature capable of making decisions, even robots or the undead. Wanderer's master of Thread Wielding allows him to encase himself in a field of probability, which absorbs damage before breaking through to become actual reality. Wanderer is also a world class martial artist, having used those skills for close to his entire adult life. Wanderer can use The Pattern to move himself instantaneously between places, as well as supercharge his running/jumping capabilities. Wanderer can also see the various branching paths an individual can take to achieve various destinies, which makes it seem that he is can see the future, but it is just things that CAN be, not things that WILL be.
Weaknesses and Limitations
Wanderer, despite all that he knows and practices, is getting old. While he can still "whup you a bucking Tez'rak lizard", he is slowing down, which means he is relying more on his ability to use The Pattern instead of his natural athleticism.
Wanderer, more then anything, wants to get back home. Enemies can use this to their advantage in numerous ways, but woe to them if they fool Wanderer and then DON'T manage to kill him. You'd be surprised how good a 64 year old's memory can be sometimes.
Wanderer has a weak spot for children. While threatening a child is a good way to get a hero to back down, Wanderer can be tricked by the more child-like villains out there.
Wanderer carries with him a solid gold holy symbol to Mitula the Lightmother at all times. It hasn't left his neck since he put it on 36 years ago. Also, Wanderer carries a battered prayer book to Mitula, which is filled with all the rituals and daily offerings a lay-person can perform. Aside from his normal outfit, Wanderer carries a special set of clothing that he only dons when he engages in serious combat. He's also been working on a more armored version, but so far all results have been paltry at best.
Wanderer [real name: Aldric Runesong], is one of the former leaders of The Brotherhood of the Blade, an organization from his homeplane of Gaiaus. Gaiaus is considered a relatively unimportant backwater material plane world, one that hasn't advanced past a magic based medieval society. However, Gaiaus acts as the centerpoint for something called The Pattern, a part of the fabric of creation that deals specifically with the fates and free wills of all sentient creatures. As such, mortal creatures native to Gaiaus are unconsciously attuned to it. With training, they can learn to tap into The Pattern and influence it. For generations, this secret was controlled by only one group, The Brotherhood of the Blade. They trained warrior-mystics who's responsibility was to see to the protection of The Pattern, but at the same time, ensure that all creatures were afforded the free will granted to them by it. For millenniums, all was well.
Until the War of the Rose.
The War of the Rose is an event in The Brotherhood's history that, for the first time, divided their ranks. Essentially, one group of mystics interpreted a section of The Brotherhood's codex differently then the others. This interpretation sparked a vicious civil war between the factions: The Brotherhood of the Blade and the newly formed Covenant of the Sword. (Incidentally, this is the longest civil war in all of Gaiausian history, lasting 4000+ years, although only Brotherhood or Covenant historians could tell you that.) For over 4000 years, brother fought brother until the two factions had polarized. The Brotherhood sought to protect The Pattern, as well as the free will and lives of the sentient creatures of Gaiaus. They believed that you could achieve oneness with The Pattern through self-sacrifice and service. The Covenant on the other hand, believed that truly merging with The Pattern is only possible by dominating over lesser beings and bending The Pattern to their own sadistic will. Evenly matched, it appeared that the two factions would battle in shadows for eternity. However, this was not to be.
Somewhere in the last 700 years, a small group of Razielians and Azunites (members of the churches of Raziel the Just and Azunai the Defender, respectively,) broke from their temples and formed the church of the Purifier. Although their goals were originally pure, they were targeted and eventually taken over by The Covenant, who decided that it was time to bring their war with The Brotherhood to a new level. Using the Church of the Purifier, The Covenant built itself a public powerbase, using the Church's teachings and ethics to gather the disheartened members of other religions into it's ranks. After 500 years of waiting and growing, they struck.
The Church of the Purifier declared open war on every other religion in the world, as The Brotherhood tended to hide inside the churches, using the guises of warrior monks and historians. More surprising then the open declaration, was the result:
The Church of the Purifier crushed it's opposition, and won the war.
With the Churches in disarray, and the remaining free kingdoms in the world bracing themselves for the final inevitable onslaught of the newly formed Empire of the Purifier, The Covenant began to hunt down members of The Brotherhood. During this time, The Supreme Blade Master, the head of The Brotherhood, and The Absolute Ascendant, the head of The Covenant, men by the names of Teacher and Brute, met in personal combat on Mt. Incendia Superum. It was there that Teacher was fatally wounded by Brute, and Oathkeeper, the sword of Brotherhood, was shattered. At the same time, a Covenant strike team stormed The Brotherhood's most secret of stronghold's and successfully managed to kill most of the members of the High Council, the upper echelon of The Brotherhood's power structure. On the verge of collapse, it looked like The Brotherhood would fall, and The Covenant would finally manage to wipe out their former brethren.
Through sheer force of will, Teacher managed to activate a fail safe teleport feature and arrived in the grand audience chamber just as The Covenant strike team was being obliterated by the fortress's defenders. Carried to his chambers by what remained of his personal guard, Teacher summoned to him his most trusted and learned pupil, a young Blade Knight who was given the name Swordsaint. He bestowed upon Swordsaint the mantle of The Supreme Blade Master, and told him that "The Brotherhood has been led by scholars and diplomats for generations. And now, in it's darkest hour of need, it must be lead by a TRUE warrior." Rallying what remained of The Council and defenders, Swordsaint appointed his most trusted allies to the High Council positions, and began to fight back against The Covenant's aggression. Some of the bloodiest battles in The Brotherhood's modern history occurred in the next 3 months time, as The Brotherhood fought tooth and nail not only for it's own survival, but for the freedom of the entire world. Eventually, Swordsaint met Brute in personal combat deep in the Undersea Palace, The Covenant's headquarters, and killed him in front of the entire Covenant Assembly. With it's leader dead, The Covenant began to tear into itself as they fought among themselves to replace Brute. During this time, The Empire of the Purifier signed a peace treaty with the remaining kingdoms in the world, and everyone sat back and licked their wounds. The war was later called "The Ten Years War"
After about 6 months of infighting, one of Brute's pupils, a Ravager by the name of Hellion, achieved dominance over his peers and became The Absolute Ascendant. Casting his eyes across the world, he was gearing up The Covenant, and by a larger extension, The Empire of the Purifier for war, when the impossible happened.
The Gods came down to Gaiaus. Angered by the Church of the Purifier and it's false god, they had finally been given permission from Io the Watcher to stamp them out. Volcanon the Great Bird was the first to arrive, ripping a hole between the Heavens and Gaiaus and flying to perch upon Mt. Beode, before making a single declaration to all sentient creatures.
Unphased, Hellion had the Empire attack Beode. They were decimated. At this time, Zaramoth the Destroyer began to pillage the country side before being captured and placed in Mounthold, a maximum security prison for "exotic' creatures. He was eventually freed by a Brotherhood strike team who was looking for a missing Blade Knight. Raziel the Just started a campaign against The Empire by staging a revolt in the Kingdom of Runefaust. Azunai the Defender and his armies took back his main temple in Yaris and fortified the city. Valdis the Tyrant sowed discord in the ranks of the Empire, and raised an army in the Parisian Kingdoms. Darksol the Unholy burst forth from the frozen wastes of the arctic Doomcrown. Mitula the Lightmother appeared in Protectoria in the guise of a school mistress, who was captured by The Covenant, and later freed by Swordsaint himself. Io the Watcher was captured and killed by The Covenant, throwing the divine order into chaos and emptying the Throne of Balance. Swordsaint and his High Council convinced the Gods that The Covenant was too great a threat to be ignored for an instant, putting off an inevitable war between Raziel and Valdis. Eventually, The Brotherhood and The Covenant clashed along the branches and foliage of The World Tree, a place believed to be the EXACT center of The Pattern. It was here that the true enemy was revealed.
Liberia the Laughing Lady. The Goddess of Chance, Chaos, and Madness. Mother of Raziel the Just, Valdis the Tyrant, and Mitula the Lightmother. She had orchestrated the entire event, to weaken The World Tree, so that she could break free of the prison that her husband, Io, had placed her in eons ago for introducing free will into The Pattern. The 6 gods fought Liberia to a stand still while the Free Nation Federation and the Empire swirled in combat around them, while The Brotherhood and The Covenant engaged in their most brutal battle ever inside The World Tree. Swordsaint managed to kill Hellion with the reforged Oathkeeper, and destroyed Oathbreaker, the ancestral weapon of The Covenant. With Hellion's death, the will of The Covenant broke, and they began to retreat in droves from the battle zone. Not more then a handful escaped, as The Brotherhood ground them into dust.
Outside, the 6 gods had managed to prevent Liberia from completely rewriting reality. However, she proved to be to powerful to permanently stop, and none of the gods exactly knew what would happen to creation if she was killed. Swordsaint, empowered by all 6 gods and what remained of Io's essence, took Oathkeeper and drove it into her, pinning her to The World Tree, and placing her back into her prison. The Empire, without leadership, collapsed in hours, as the kingdoms under it's heel rose up and overthrew them.
After the Godswar, The Brotherhood of the Blade was the single most powerful organization left standing. While it had won the war with the help of it's numerous allies, those allies had expended themselves against The Empire at the battle of Breach Point. The Gods retreated to their realms, and told their followers to listen to the wisdom and the advice of The Brotherhood, as they were the only one's capable of stopping Liberia if she broke free again. Swordsaint married the woman who housed Mitula's essence during the Godswar, and together, along with the rest of the world, went about the arduous task of rebuilding their lives.
27 years passed without a single incident. It was actually quite remarkable, even age old foes left each other alone. However, the peace was not to last.
Swordsaint, now in his late 50's, was more then just a world leader, he was father. With 5 fully grown children, he had hung up his sword, and left the fighting to younger, more eager Blade Knights. Until his second youngest son went missing. Aided by his children and the children of his closest friends, Swordsaint went on a world wide manhunt to find his son Kyle. Eventually he found him. And he wished he hadn't.
Kyle had stolen his father's old sword, Oblivion, the Heart of the Void. Swordsaint had used the sword in his earlier days, before he became the Supreme Blade Master. The sword was unimaginably evil, as it acted as the phylactery for Darksol the Unholy, before he ascended to godhood. The sword spoke to all members of Swordsaint's bloodline, as they were Spawns of the Dark Lich, mortal men and women who carried the Blood of the Dark Lich inside them. Kyle, unbeknownst to him, or anyone else in contact with him, was being influenced by Domiel the Life Reaver, one of Swordsaint's "brothers". Domiel was trapped in statis in Doomcrown, as he was far to dangerous to be allowed to stalk the world. Kyle brought Oblivion to Doomcrown, and thrust the sword deep into Domiel's crystal prison, freeing him. Domiel then took over Kyle's body, and rained his vengeance down on the loyal followers of his father, who had been left behind to ensure Doomcrown would remain undisturbed after Darksol disappeared 6 years after the end of the Godswar.
Domiel, using Kyle's body and utilizing the corrupting powers of Oblivion, traveled the width and length of Gaiaus unlocking special mana fonts, each tied to one of the elements that balanced the world so it was inhabitable. With each font corrupted, the balance of the world shifted closer to apocalypse. Swordsaint and his children followed him, but were unable to completely undo the corruption that Domiel was causing. Swordsaint and Domiel crossed blades in The Depths of Clarion, a long hidden and shattered set of crypts that was the final resting place of Brotherhood warriors before the War of the Rose. It was here that Domiel corrupted the last of the fonts, the font of Balance, by tossing Oathkeeper AND the reforged Oathbreaker into the font. Barely escaping with their lives, Swordsaint and his allies retreated to plan their next move. While his children and their friends discovered Domiel's end game, Swordsaint stayed behind to meditate. During this meditation, Mitula the Lightmother came to him and showed him the location where Hyjana, the Heart of Hope, was entombed. Armed with the one weapon capable of confronting Oblivion, Swordsaint followed his children to The Roof of the World.
There, Domiel, seeing his first plan was being countered by The Brotherhood, had decided to make one last gamble. He was going to focus the energies of Oblivion into a space/time hole generated by a constellation called "The Tears of Liberia" aligning. Essentially, Domiel was going to attempt to force the entire atmosphere of Gaiaus into a different plane, killing the entire population of the planet. Swordsaint and his allies engaged Domiel and his followers at the very top of the world. They were victorious, but not without a price. Swordsaint had to kill his son Kyle in order to force Domiel out of his body, and in the final moments of battle, "The Tears of Liberia" opened up a portal to elsewhere, and pulled Swordsaint and Domiel through.
Since then, Swordsaint has changed his name to Wanderer, as he is somehow lost in the multiverse. His "brother" is still out there, as well as an entire multitude of former allies and enemies that would like nothing more then to keep him from getting home. And woe unto those who would try and stop him from getting there.
Trivia, Rumors and Miscellaneous
Wanderer is an idiot savant when it comes to technology. He can't tell you how a TiVo works or how to operate a microwave, but he can hack a supercomputer, align a satellite, and replace a plasma battery. He's also a disturbingly good driver and pilot, which is odd, considering how his world's major form of transportation is still mount-based.
Wanderer owns an Ipod. He considers it to be the single greatest invention in the history of humanity. "Hot damn! Bring a full orchestra with you wherever you go? That's AMAZING!"
Wanderer works as a janitor at the local Millennium City High School. He does his job well, and is considered "cool" because he doesn't rat out students he finds smoking or doing other things when he stumbles across them while doing his job.
OOC Trivia
They say...
Thoughts and Opinions from Outside Sources
((Here is section for IC thoughts and opinions on Wanderer. Add away!))