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Player: @saiceles#4945
Judie's typical form
Class Focus: Firearms - Spellcasting
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Jutta Von Holda
Known Aliases: Frau Magistra Judith - Beer Bunny
Species: Fae Rabbit?
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: A little older than two thousand years
Height: 4'5
Weight: 89 lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Brown, braided
Biographical Data
Nationality: Germanic, technically
Occupation: Private Investigator - Faerie Huntress
Place of Birth: Faerie Realm - Germanic Lore
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Nature Sorcery
Known Abilities
Fae Abilities - Huntress Abilities - Firearm Usage - Combat Spellcasting
Several Firearms and Bombs

About Judie

Judie, named Jutta by birth and Judith by the way of modern translation of her people's language, is a creature native to the Faerie Realms, more specifically to the region pertaining the old Germanic beliefs. A member of the now somewhat defunct "Wild Hunt", Judith was one of the Rabbits that accompanied the Goddess Holda. Having lived in times where Humans organized in their tribes, she would eventually also see the fall of the beliefs that empowered her leader, and that eventually rendered the Wild Hunt nearly defunct by modern standards. Having a thirst for hunt and an ever curious nose, Judith decided to instead depart to the mortal realm, where she has employed her many acquired skills to aid Humans with their troubles in exchange for payment as well as the occasional unique treasure or objects of unusual significance. A treasure-collector by nature, Judith can't help but grow drawn to the mortal world, where things of unusual nature are often bound to be created. In her younger days, Judie lived like most of her sisters. She took part in the Hunt, she did her share of work. She occasionally pestered mortals, even visited other realms. In the end, the arise of Odin's Pantheon brought Holda's worshipping largely into forgetfulness, and even started associating some aspects of her culture into that of the Norse. This particular thing was the first step into what caused the Wild Hunt to eventually be associated with different cultures, and thus end her own. As a result, she has a bitter dislike towards the Norse and their Pantheon.

Judie's Bunny Form

In her most usual appearance, Judith heavily resembles a young Human girl. Her hair is styled in a pair of twintails, with small ribbons at their ends, and her eyes are often regarded as sleepy-looking, with red-colored irises. Her voice is often low and almost whispered, though she is known at times to become very loud, particularly when screaming profanities in her natural language. She's rather short, though presents rather curvy proportions from the waist down, with thick thighs and a round bottom. Above waist, she is flat-chested and narrower. She is rarely seen in an outfit other than a white dress, as well as a rather large hat with a plushie rabbit decorating the top of it. Her own rabbit ears are usually mistaken as part of the hat. Behind her back, she has a small rabbit tail. Her skin is pale and pinkish, looking rather flawless and absent scars. Her smell is rather distinctive, haivng a natural smell of nature that most predatorial noses would rapidly associate with the smell of an actual rabbit. For those capable of sensing auras, hers typically feels like that of a nature spirit. Her humanoid form however is not her natural, true form, and is instead a form of physical-magical shell that she adopts to facilitate her life. Rarely seen, her true form is that of a simple, white-colored rabbit. A Faerie rabbit still, so perhaps not that simple.

Personality-wise, Judith is generally regarded as quirky, curious, a bit too much for her own good in fact. When she picks the track of a mystery, she has a hard time letting go until she finds more about it, and this has sometimes landed her in a fair share of trouble. She does however get out of them as easily as she enters. Beyond that, she's a friendly and talkative individual, though her moral compass at times can be considered somewhat strange for mortal standards. As a Faerie, there are certain things she absolutely loathes, but most of those tend to be related to highly-advanced science and technology. She does ironically love hunting tools, and has a particular appreciation for guns, explosives, and other warfare products. Despite her laid-back and calm behavior, Judith is an exceptional and extremely deadly hunter, and her more serious side tends to be seen in fights. She seems to be very knowledgeable on supernatural themes, particularly on creatures and such.

Powers and Abilities

Judith has the usual abilities related to Faeries, including a degree of magical control over nature and other minor trick spells. Her greatest ability however is that of being a natural predator and an uncanny counter of virtually every supernatural creature or species known to men. Vampires, Werewolves, Ogres, Elves, Demons, Angels, and even other Faerie. When it comes to those, Judith seems to almost always know their inherent weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and can be a devastating foe when dealing with them in battle. It also seems to extend to those whose powers have an origin on these supernatural races. On the other hand, and with no small amount of irony, that skill does not expand outside of it, though she is still very fast at learning one's weaknesses. As such, creatures from other planets, or even simple Humans, are not subjected to it, and against them she can only count with her typical preparations and skills. As a Faerie, she's incredibly agile and extremely durable, with her physical strength being on par with that of a seasoned weight lifter. Her particular means of fighting typically revolves around the usage of any weapon that can be categorized as a "hunting weapon", though her favorites are generally firearms of different calibers and sizes. As a Faerie, she can shapeshift, and despite common misunderstanding, her humanoid form is not her truest form. Due to her species, Judith also has very sharp, supernatural senses. She can track things by their smell along over very long distances, and her eyes can adjust to see much farther than the Human eye. As with high-ranked Fae, she is considered Immortal, but as a result is affected by the Ban. As such, she can only wield so much power while in the mortal realm, though her adapting to modern weaponry and natural skills tend to bridge a gap for that. She also has the odd ability to store a seemingly endless amount of things into her clothes or under her hat.