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Player: @silkleaf#5974
Keeping an eye on her home turf
Biographical Data
Real Name: Genevieve Gage
Known Aliases: Wraith of Westside
Gender: Female
Species: Human Mutant
Ethnicity: Asian/White
Place of Birth: Rhode Island, US
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Downtown
Relatives: Michael Gage (father, MCPD retired), Toni Gage (née Lee, mother), Liu Han (master, 师傅, deceased)
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 67.1 kg
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Black, purple highlights
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 4 yrs., currently active
Citizenship: American
Occupation: PR Analyst, Harmon Industries; Vigilante
Education: BBA, Fudan University (复旦大学)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Flight, telekinesis, telepathy, able to form psychic weapons, shields, and other constructs at will; peak-human athlete and martial artist, expert katana sword combatant, vast resources and contacts in the criminal underworld
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Impact-resistant bodysuit designed by Harmon Industries with encrypted hands-free comm, and pressurized re-breather; dual katana swords
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada



Silkleaf was born Genevieve Gage, 26 years ago, on March 24th, in Rhode Island. Her parents were Detective Michael Gage, a police officer and Toni Gage, a registered nurse. While most of Silkleaf's early childhood was uneventful and happy, her family ran afoul of hard times when Det. Gage was indicted on corruption charges (falsified by an unknown party), shortly after Genevieve's 11th birthday. Detective Gage was effectively removed from his duty via a forced transfer to the MCPD, West Side. The relocation to Millennium City's most crime infested neighborhood took a toll on the Gage family. Detective Gage had his good name tarnished and most of the cops in his new precinct mistrusted him. Genevieve had very few friends at Grace Memorial High School . She also endured bullying by teen initiates from the Cult of the Dragon Banner due to her mixed heritage. It was during this stressful time that Genevieve's telekinesis/telepathy manifested, causing her to be more withdrawn, sullen, and even suicidal.

During a particularly hostile run-in yet more delinquents from the Cult of the Dragon Banner, Genevieve was defended by a reclusive man who ran a neighborhood gift shop, named Liu Han. The two developed a strong friendship and Genevieve discovered that Liu Han was secretly a retired street vigilante. Liu Han was a grandmaster of possibly all studied forms of hand-to-hand combat (in addition to inventing his own style), and while he successfully battled much villainy throughout his lifetime, there was one battle that he could not overcome: age. Liu Han was well into his 70s when he met Genevieve, and asked her to be his successor, to which Genevieve eagerly accepted. In her remaining high school years, Genevieve studied intensely under Liu Han's tutelage and was a natural, using her psionic powers to boost her martial arts skills to superhuman levels. On the day of Genevieve's high school graduation, Liu Han gave Genevieve two surprise gifts: a full scholarship for her to study abroad at Fudan University (复旦大学), as well as a writ of entrance into the ancient order that taught Liu Han the deadliest forms, nearly forgotten by the world.

Upon her return to Millennium City, Genevieve became the superheroine called Silkleaf, and picked up where her master had left off.

Appearance & Personality

As a civilian, Silkleaf has a career at Harmon Industries as a Public Relations Analyst. She is tall and athletic with exotic features, but otherwise "just another cute girl" on the PR dept.'s floor. No one suspects that in her spare time, Genevieve is actually a brutal enforcer of street justice. Silkleaf is particularly harsh to members of the Cult of the Dragon Banner, often leaving them permanently crippled in very one-sided confrontations. Her signature beatings of gang members unfortunate enough to cross her path earned her the title 'Wraith of Westside'. Despite her attractive appearance, Silkleaf is a social loner, devoted to nothing else but her mission and her training. She spends most of her downtime alone in a sparsely decorated loft, deep in meditation and exercise, keeping her mind and body lethal. Her greatest desire is to discover who framed her father and kill them.


Squid Pro Quo

When a Harmon Industries project out in the Southwestern Desert came under attack by mysterious tech thieves calling themselves the Hendricks' Gang, Silkleaf went to investigate. There, she would encounter the gang's leader, a radioactively mutated monster named Squidbilly. The once-human leader of the Hendricks' Gang, Squidbilly's powers included super-strength, durability, and the ability to drain the life-force of others by catching them with his squid-like tentacles. With the aid of Project Greenskin soldiers, Silkleaf was able to rescue Harmon's personnel. She defeated Squidbilly by keeping him at a distance and blasting him with her psi-bolts. Squidbilly was secured by the authorities, and Silkleaf headed home, certain that the danger was over.

Squidbilly ambushes Silkleaf on a rooftop.

A few nights later, while on patrol in the city, Silkleaf sensed something was not right... suddenly and without warning, she found herself wrapped in Squidbilly's deadly grip, her strength fading away fast as the villain drew her closer and closer to his hungry maw. Somehow, he had escaped custody and tracked her down! TO BE CONTINUED...