Odin Taragosh

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Odin Taragosh
Player: @granitrite
"Rip and Tear until it is done"
Class Focus: hybrid
Power Level: 31
Research & Development: self scientific mutation
Personal Data
Real Name: Odin Taragosh
Known Aliases: none
Species: mutant human
Ethnicity: caucasian
Age: 36
Height: 8ft
Weight: 500+
Eye Color: Pure Black with green glowing pupils
Hair Color: short Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: none
Place of Birth: unknown
Base of Operations: unknown
Marital Status: none
Known Relatives: mother and father, he is still looking for them, unknown if they are still alive
Known Powers
Super human Strength, highly deadly acidic secretion that can be fired from his hands or dispersed around him, hawk like eyes,superhuman reflexes,regeneration, superhuman durability, minor mental control resistance, acidic blood, immune to own acid
Known Abilities
highly skilled at using all types of military grade guns and armaments, near limitless stamina, experienced as a military commander
two vary large and vary powerful pistols able to be used like sniper rifles, combat knife, acid coated chain and arm, series of high-tech medical tubes and fluid deliverance systems in his body that are able to survive groud level punishment
he had a custom super soldier serum in his body (so he says) but we can not determine weather or not this is true as all attempts to collect his blood has melted out equipment