Praetorian Dusk

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Praetorian Dusk
Submit To The Dusk
Praetorian Dusk.jpg
Base of Operations: Multifaria
Concept: Official Radio Station, authorized by Citizen Harmon
Website: [ Click Here]

Every regime needs media to spread the words of the leaders. In a world like Multifaria, this need is fulfilled by the group known as Praetorian Dusk. Not only is it the only radio group authorized by the government, but each of its members is recruited among the most ardent supporters of Citizen Harmon. Praetorian Dusk is not subject to any control or censorship, simply because it does not need it. The word of Citizen Harmon is Truth, Law, and Will, and every member of Praetorian Dusk follows it to the letter.




  • Omnibus
    • Known aliases :
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Shortbus
  • Queen Dark Scream
    • Known aliases : The Void With A Voice
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Princess Softlips
  • Propaganda Director G
    • Known aliases :
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Geodaddy
  • Cara Green
    • Known aliases :
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Amber Blue
  • Cerberus 2950
    • Known aliases :
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart :
  • Zealot
    • Known aliases : The Winged Thunder
    • Role : Propaganda Agent
    • Powers : electrokinesis
    • Danger level : medium
    • Counterpart : Mordykus

If the man known as Zealot had a name before, it has been long forgotten and erased from history. Zealot got his name from his unconditional faith in Citizen Harmon. Few people, even according to the precepts of the group, have shown such blind obedience. For some of his peers, it's a sign that Zealot is nothing but a tool with no personnality. Whatever it be, this devotion was rewarded. He subjected himself willingly to a dark ritual that nearly shattered his body and mind, but left him with the ability to control a corrupted form of divine lightning. He was then tasked with a new mission : as part of Praetorian Dusk, he would spread the word of his master on the radio. He also is an active agent against the Resistance, and took down a few vigilantes by himself during public executions.

  • Pagliacci
    • Known aliases :
    • Role :
    • Powers :
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Coconut
  • Gentleman Jokester
    • Known aliases : Nigel Crowley (Real Name)
    • Role : Propaganda Agent, "Behavior Reconditioner"
    • Powers : Mental Manipulator
    • Danger level : High
    • Counterpart : Jester
  Born to a poor family, his father was an abusive alcoholic. His mother sold her self for money. The severe abuse he took from his father left him horribly scarred, and forced to wear a mask to hide his facial scarring. This led to more abuse by bullies in his school, as they beat him and drew a clown's face on his mask. The abuse pushed him to lash out, violently. Slitting the throat of one of his school bullies with a pen.
  This outburst got him placed in a "correctional facility."  This was, in fact, one of Citizen Harmon's many experimental facilities. Anyone showing signs of aggression toward Harmon's regime would go through "Behavioral Reconditioning." Anyone who showed potential in being a pawn to Harmon would be experimented on, and tested. Eventually becoming brainwashed to serve The Conquerors.
  Little did they know, young Nigel Crowley was born with a genius level intellect, and a latent mutant telepathy. Outsmarting his doctors, and handlers, he quickly learned the ins and outs of Psychology, and psychological warfare. Realizing his own mutant abilities, and combining them with his love of psychological torture, he began to manifest the fears and nightmares of those around him, into psychic holograms.
  Escaping the Correctional Facility, he used his new found powers to gain the wealth he never had, and the fear of those who wronged him. After torturing his family to death, with their own nightmares, he threw away his lowborn past. He was reborn as, The Gentleman Jokester, finding glee in the mental torture of those he deemed lower than himself while wearing his clown mask.
  His actions caught the eye of both Shadow Destroyer, and Omnibus. He was quickly recruited into Destroyer's team of propaganda pushers, the Praetorian Dusk. He continues his crusade of villainy, while working as a propaganda DJ for Dusk Radio and using his mental powers as a "Behavior Reconditioner" in Citizen Harmon's Correctional Facilities.
  • Exterminator Omega
    • Known aliases : formerly known as Marc Richter
    • Role : Manhunter/Enforcer
    • Powers : Force
    • Danger level : high
    • Counterpart : Cybrax

born with a weak body but the mind of a genius, Marc replaced his human body (with the exception of his brain and parts of his head) with a cybernetic one as soon as he reached adulthood. He became known as Exterminator Omega because one of his main functions in Praetorian Dusk was to hunt and to exterminate members of the Resistance. He is cold and calculating and shows barely any emotions.

  • Hex
    • Known aliases : Aaron Bain Rosenfield
    • Role :
    • Powers : Dark magic
    • Danger level :
    • Counterpart : Spellbinder
  • Nelo MK-9 v1
    • Known aliases : The Dark Cyborg Child
    • Role : Heavy Destroid Sentinel General
    • Powers : Egokinesis
    • Danger level : high
    • Counterpart : Alto MK-7 v2
Just like Alto Mk-7 v2, an android child,Nelo MK-9 v1 is a Cyborg Child who is the evil counterpart of Alto MK-7 v2,unlike Alto MK-7 v2's father who is DR.Destroyer, in Multifaria Nelo MK-9 v1 was kidnapped from the streets of homeless children and later on turned into a Destroid Super Soldier for Shadow Destroyer's army,Nelo MK-9 v1 was later on experimented on when he still was a human child before they turned him into a Destroid/Cyborg, for the New Harmon's Propaganda Regime,durring time Nelo MK-9 v1 was experimented on the New Harmon Regime took an intrest in the boy, they offerd him a choice, if he had to have free will do as he pleases, he were to join the New Harmon Regime, after being experimented on for 2 years the boy took up on the offer and accepted it, later on Nelo MK-9 v1 was assigned to do propaganda broadcasting for Proganda radio station: Praetorian dusk, as well as Commanding Forces for the Harmon Regime as Destroid Sentinel Commander, in order to keep New Harmon Under control for the New Harmon Regime, Loyal as ever for the New Harmon Regime.