“Latyrx” was born Allyandra Romano, however she does not know her legal name. She is a mystery; so much so, that she’s struggling to figure herself out. Raised inside of a secret government facility in the Southwest Desert, she was trained from birth to be a black ops agent. She possesses unexplained superhuman speed, meta-human combat reflexes, and strength. Some of her physical features have also inexplicably mutated.
Latyrx is neither a genetic experiment nor part of a government project. Her father, a double agent for the United States, brought her to the government facility he operated from shortly after her birth, with plans to have her raised as a formidable black ops agent. From the infantile to toddler stages of her life, she received only the care necessary for her to develop as a physically healthy child. The intimacy normal children receive did not exist, purposely. She received a very good education, but it was based solely around espionage, weapons, survival and combat. At seven years old she was training in a specialized combat technique called "Gun Kattas" that combined both martial arts and the use of pistols. Gun Kattas teaches the statistically proven geometric distribution of adversaries. A master of Gun Kattas is able to inflict maximum killing efficiency without ever being in the trajectory of incoming enemy fire. Her training also consisted of simulations that ranged from breaking and entering into residential homes to infiltrating low to medium tech compounds.
By the time she reached her late teenage years, Latyrx was shaping up to be a truly remarkable operative and combatant. She was taking on several opponents at once in sparring matches and emerging victorious with minor or no injuries. In simulations mimicking live fire scenarios, she exhibited a killing efficiency 165% above most other specially trained operatives in various branches of the United States Armed Forces, all the while staying clear of lines of fire and never being pinned down. Her stealth abilities were truly amazing to watch. She possessed the grace of a gymnast as she passed through all manners of security systems, never once tripping an alarm or an automated turret.
Alone in the Dark
Shortly before her first mission assignment, her father returned to base and had a few days of rest and relaxation before he would be sent back out into the field. He took Latyrx to his home in Phoenix, Arizona to spend some quality time with her. They arrived late in the evening and Latyrx had the house to herself while her father went to bring back take-out dinner. Upon exploring the house, she tripped a hidden switch in her father’s bedroom closet that revealed a hidden storage compartment in his bathroom. Inside the compartment were two briefcases; one containing a photo album of her father and mother as well as some documents disclosing various personal information about her mother. The second briefcase contained two handguns placed in their padded molding, two suppressors, and photos of her mother with an old friend from high school holding Latyrx as a new born outside of a residential home. Latyrx went into a sudden, strange state of psychosis where she saw her father kill her mother and boyfriend in their own home, while she laid in the crib crying, only a few days old. He abducted her and sped off into the night in an unmarked vehicle.
When she woke up from the psychosis, she was deeply upset and found that she was crying. At the same time her father came home with dinner. She was burning with vengeance. Upon hearing the front door open, she loaded up one of the pistols and attached the suppressor. She stood several feet back from the doorway to the bedroom and when her father opened it to turn on the light switch, she shot him several times and killed him. She took all of the money her father had in his wallet, packed a duffel bag with the photo albums, guns, and her clothing then walked off into the night.
While fleeing and traveling through the Southwest Desert she met Gray, Seleos, and Muse at an oasis where she was stopping to get water. She has no other family, birth certificate, Social Security number, or any other form of identification. “Latyrx” is not her legal or code name; it is the name brand of one of her nighties. Due to the completely unorthodox method in which she was raised, she has very little knowledge about social interactions. This can be evidenced in her child-like speech pattern whenever she has to try and communicate.
Shortly after she fled the Southwest Desert her body began to take on strange mutations. Her physical strength is beyond that of any normal human being. She possesses superhuman speed and unnatural reflexes. Her ears have elongated to a point like those of an elf. The overall increase in ear size has heightened her sense of hearing. The sclera of her eyes turned pitch black and her pupils blood red. This mysteriously affords her increased vision in low light. Her skin has also become as white as snow and equally cold to the touch. As a result, she isn’t exactly sure what she is, on top of not knowing who she is.