Cyber Star

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Cyber Star
Player: Thisguyistiller
[[Image:Liath ComingSoon 150150.png|300px|]]
Biographical Data
Real Name: Erin Winnonah
Known Aliases: Cyber Star
Gender: Liath GenderF.png
Species: Unknown Human Alien
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: None
Age: 18
Height: 5'9
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black (Civilian), Blonde (True Form)
Complexion: Athletic
Physical Build: Lean
Physical Features: Spiky blonde hair when in true form
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Identity: Confidential
Years Active: Less than 1
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Fighter
Education: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Super Strength
  • Endurance
  • Super Speed
  • Fast Brain

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • HUD Visor
  • Power Armor
  • Power Gauntlets
  • Power Boots

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Erin Winnonah was an orphaned street urchin with no birth information. She was a skilled fighter who got into scraps with thugs and criminals and never once lost a fight. She was the champion of an underground fighting ring, but got kicked out when she refused to throw a fight. One day, Erin came across a strange alien space pod that had armor and equipment that only she could use. Furthermore, she discovered that she may not even be human! Erin decided to use her powers for good to fight evil and protect innocents adopting the name Cyber Star!

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Cyber Star is a well-balanced Jack-of-all-trades fighter who's abilites are well beyond an average human's. She can easily lift up to 200 tons, can run up to 100 miles per hour, jump up to 50 feet in the air, is bulletproof, and can shrug off blows that would kill a normal human. But, Cyber Star's greatest power is her incredible brain. Cyber Star's brain works 20x faster than a normal one. This allows her to come up with plans, study her opponents, and change strategies all in a matter of seconds in the heat of battle. This also makes Cyber Star a quick learner, being able to pick up skills much faster than a regular person, learning in days what would usually take months.


Thanks to her HUD Visor, Cyber Star has computer hacking skills.


Cyber Star is a very skilled fighter and has mastered many forms of martial arts. She's also very acrobatic and flexible. But, Cyber Star's greatest ability is her incredible brain. Cyber Star's brain works 20x faster than a normal one. This allows her to come up with plans, study her opponents, and change strategies all in a matter of seconds in the heat of battle. This also makes Cyber Star a quick learner, being able to pick up skills much faster than a regular person, learning in days what would usually take months.

Gear and Equipment


Power Gauntlet - Cyber Star wields Power Gauntlets on both arms. These gauntlets weigh 20 pounds each and have a wide range of abilities: An arm cannon for ranged attacks that have multiple settings such as shotgun, rapid fire, charge shot, stun ray, EMP blast, sonic disrupter, and more; A laser wrist blade which can cut through almost anything; a grapple hook which she uses to swing to unreachable places and bind her opponents and pull them closer, it also comes equipped with a shock attribute; a laser shield which can block bullets, lasers, and physical attacks. This shield is very durable, but will break if put under enough stress, after which, it requires time to recharge. Each gauntlet is equipped with these gadgets.

Power Boots - Like the Power Gauntlets, the Power Boots are 20 pounds each. They also come equipped with two gadgets: Air thrusters, which gives Cyber Star a temporary boost of speed and air time. She also uses these thrusters to launch her jumps and perform a double-jump; Anti-gravity mode which produces a small gravitational field around Cyber Star, allowing her to walk on walls and ceilings for up to a minute, afterwards needs to recharge.

Power Suit - What appears to be a thin layer of cloth is actually a super thin layer of flexible and incredibly durable armor. This armor is twice as durable as Cyber Star herself. It also repairs itself if it should ever be damaged. The Power Suit also allows Cyber Star to survive in extreme temperatures, up to 2000 degrees above and below 0!

HUD Visor - Cyber Star's Visor comes equipped with a variety of features including a HUD for vitals, a scanner, targeting system, radar, communications, X-ray, thermal vision, computer hacking, and more!



Cyber Star is currently single.


Cyber Star is very brave and fears nothing. She happily takes on any challenge presented to her with confidence and grit. However, this also means she's very reckless and often jumps into situations without even thinking as well as underestimate her opponents. She's also typically a hothead, easily goaded into situations and challenges and often gets worked up. Cyber Star also loves a challenge, the harder the better for her. Because of her hotblooded tenancies, many people are put off by her attitude.

Despite her shortcomings, Cyber Star is actually a noble and kindhearted, willing to put herself at risk to protect others. She's also very loyal to her friends as they are more important to her than anything, always willing to lend a hand anytime they need help. Cyber Star values her friends so much that the one thing she actually fears is losing them, taking any loses very hard. Cyber Star also fears failure to protect, as any loss of innocent life on her hands hits her hard on a personal level.



Cyber Star currently does not have any friends.


Aracnia - Aracnia is Cyber Star's rival since the beginning of her career. Aracnia is the leader of a criminal gang and has made it a point to challenge Cyber Star whenever she has the opportunity. Aracnia sees Cyber Star as a worthy foe and is always striving to outdo her.

General Perception

For the time being, Cyber Star is mostly a newcomer, so her reputation isn't quite sizable. However she is somewhat known in the underground areas, specifically with the gang The Black Widows.

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