Iron Canadian
- Father: Daniel Hillwalker; Status: Deceased
- Mother: Martha Hillwalker; Status: Deceased
- Genius Level Intellect
- Intuitive Inventor
- Various Iron Canadian Armor Models
- Interactive Holographic Visor [IHV]
- Holographic Readout Overlay Device [HROD]
- Massive Automated Computer Memory And Network [MACMAN]
- Mobile Command Assistance Drone [MCAD]
- Neural Taser Orbs
- Eidetic Memory
- Polymath
Speturra Daniel Hillwalker was born January 4, 1982 to Daniel and Martha Hillwalker at Saint Paul's Hospital in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. He would not show any Superhuman or Supernatural abilities at birth nor would Martha have any kind of complications with her pregnancy nor birth meaning that from a birth standpoint Speturra was just like any other child who would be born at the hospital. Since Daniel was an American Citizen working in Canada Speturra would be born with both Canadian and American Citizenship. With both of his parents being successful business owners for a Defense Contracting Company called Hillwalker Industries they would be able to provide Speturra with everything that he would need in life meaning that he was born with the proverbial silver spoon as he would have the best of the best when it came to the things that he would need or want growing up.
Staying in Vancouver at the family home Speturra would for the most part be raised by both of his parents but because of their business needs at time they would need to leave on trips or be away from the home for long periods of time or late into the evening which meant that at times Speturra would be raised under the watchful eye of a series of nannies hired to assist during these times.
In terms of development Speturra would be just like any other child for the first 2 years of his life where it was not until this time that he would begin to show signs that he was different then other children his age. He would show a rather inventive mind and was reading and studying things that other children were not. He found technical journals to be extremely fascinating where he would read as many of the journals as he could get his hands on and would study each and every page of whatever books he could. Beginning at the age of 4 he would take various scraps that his parents had laying around the house and would surprise his parents by building various things that he would read about in the various journals that he would read starting with the construction of his first fully functioning circuit board.
A year later at the age of 5 Speturra would be registered for Kindergarten where he would show his advanced development by continuously acting out in class where his teacher would figure out that the cause of the issues Speturra had was because he was bored in the class due to learning at a much slower rate then what he would like. Testing would be done on Speturra and it was determined that he was indeed gifted so he would be given a specialized training program that would allow him to work at his own pace while still being in the classroom where he would do his own work during work time while being allowed to play with other children when it was gym time or time to play with the other members of the class. As soon as this new program was implemented Speturra immediately changed for the better.
Shortly after his 10th Birthday Speturra would learn that his family was planning a trip to Detroit so that they could inspect some company facilities so he would pressure his parents into allowing him to come so that they could make the visit a family trip where his efforts would pay off as he would be allowed to tag along the trip.
The trip would take place July 23rd 1992 where the family would arrive in the city 2 hours before Doctor Destroyer would unleash his invasion upon the city. At the time the invasion took place Speturra was with his parents inside a technical supply warehouse owned by Hillwalker Industries which was used to store various bits of technology developed by the company and was yet to be sold to anyone who would want such devices. The warehouse would be attacked w1hich caused the sides of the building to cave in trapping the family inside. Speturra would have been happy to sit back and wait for rescue workers to come and dig them out however his father was trapped on the other side of the cave in with a small pocket while his mother was with him 11but had been pinned down underneath a large support beam and was in need of immediate medical attention.
Taking note of the various things within the warehouse Speturra would look for a means of escaping the situation that they were in trying to figure out what he could do where at first he was drawing a blank however he would begin to get an idea after seeing a stripped down suit of armor that was tagged as a Black Talon Suit that was being researched by the company. Speturra would begin to tinker with the armored suit as he would work on the circuitry repairing the suit as he had the idea to use the suit to dig away one of the sides of the building so that he could create his own opening in order to escape and get medical help for his mother and perhaps dig his way to where his father was trapped.
Using the information he retained from the various journals that he studied Speturra was able to make the repairs needed to get the Armored Suit operational then began to look around the warehouse to see what equipment he had at his disposal in order to upgrade and enhance the armor to suit the situation that they were facing. Finding a jackhammer he would break down the hammer and would convert the instrument into a mechanical arm attaching the bracer as a makeshift jackhammer. Suiting up in the armor Speturra would carefully use the combination of the armor's enhanced strength and the jackhammer arm he designed in order to free his mother then got to work on digging his way to his father where he would find that he was too late and that his father had been died in the initial cave in so after a moment of silence he would proceed to make an exit and got his mother outside and would carry her towards the sound of sierens stopping an ambulance that was heading to a call where the paramedics would take his mother and transported her to a local medical treatment shelter while police and PRIMUS officials would stay with Speturra helping him out of the armor then questioned him to learn about how he had come into possession of the armored suit.
By the time Speturra was able to get the treatment facility where his mother was being treated he would learn that she had died from her injuries which Speturra would be forced to come to the realization that he was alone for he had no other family who would be able to take care of him leaving him an orphan.
Returning home to Vancouver Speturra would attend a funeral service for his parents before he would be taken into Foster Care as he had no family which could take over his care. It would be hard for him to get placed with a family however after the Hillwalker Family Will was made public it is revealed that Speturra was now in full control of the family fortune leaving him worth 250 Million Dollars Canadian. As soon as this was made public Foster Families began to come out of the woodwork looking to become the Legal Guardian to Speturra so that they would in turn get control over the fortune that had been left to the child. Speturra hated that everyone was just after his money and showed no interest in him or his well being so he would go before the courts and got himself Emancipated so that he could make his own choices. He would successfully win his case and would be left to make his own choices were he would stay under the care employees who served as butlers and housekeepers for his parents where he would continue to pay all employees of the family business.
As Speturra looked into his options and found himself continuously thinking about the way in which his parents died to which he would decide that he would do something about it. Working with PRIMUS and UNTIL he would begin to construct new technology to aid these groups in combating threats such as those posed by Doctor Destroyer creating an entirely new venture which he would call Hillwalker International which would work with agencies around the world to ensure that they would have the equipment needed to deal with threats beyond those of the average criminal.
His new business venture would quickly take off leaving Speturra with successful businesses but he would quickly find himself lonely and wanting to be with people that wanted to be with him for himself and not with people who wanted to be with him just because he had the money to do anything that he wanted to do. His solution to this was to begin work an an Artificial Intelligence that would be able to be his friend while not wanting or needing anything that his vast fortune had to offer. He would begin to work on his design going through several failures before ultimately coming through with his successful design for his AI which he would come to name the Massive Automated Computer Memory And Network which he would shorten to MACMAN or in his own personal case would shorten it even further often referring to his creation as MAC for short.
MACMAN would prove to be the perfect companion for Speturra who would travel with him wherever Speturra went thanks to a special Bluetooth Headset that Speturra would always wear or through the use of a custom designed tablet which housed a mobile version of MACMAN. MACMAN would eventually be interfaced to Speturra's home where the program would take over the day to day operations of the house becoming a virtual butler able to handle things 24/7 for Speturra.
Speturra would grow both personally under the guise of MACMAN and professionally through his work at the family business where he would put his inventive mind to use develop new technologies that would be marketed publicly or for military use in the event that he used military funding or technology in his creations. Agencies such as PRIMUS and UNTIL would prosper under the contracts that Speturra would get from them to deal with Superhuman or Supernatural threats from around the world.
After witnessing several encounters between heroes around the world and the various villains that they would have to face off against seeing how innocent people were often in the crossfire thus he knew that he wanted to do something about it. With help from MACMAN he would begin to design a suit of Power Armor with the intention making something that could be mass produced by anyone who purchased it and easy to operate. He would design the prototype armored suit which he would dub the Hillwalker International Combat Assistance Suit. Once the suit had been produced Speturra would begin to show off the suit to potential customers starting with PRIMUS and UNTIL however neither group nor anyone in the public would be interested in the suit after Speturra revealed that the suit would cost 25 million per suit to construct if not more if the buyer wanted additional weaponry installed in the suits. With no interest in his suit it would get sent to a Hillwalker International Storage Facility where he would sit eventually gathering dust. Having faced what he considered his first big business failure he would return his focus to his business ventures purchasing land in what used to be Detroit which was being rebuilt under the new name of Millennium City and he intended to make a fresh start in the city like many others.
Once construction began on his Millennium City location he would design a state of the art building that would house the brand new headquarters for his company as well as having a Penthouse in which he could live in as well as several well lavished guest rooms for special guests he wished to house. The fresh start would be a good move as Speturra would get back to the business of designing tech and leaving the worlds problems and threats to other heroes around the world.
Speturra was quite happy with this decision but like many choices in life he would once again find himself faced with the image of becoming something more when the United States would face its worse attack to date...the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Like many people around the globe Speturra would be glued to his television set as he would watch extensive new coverage of the attacks and its terrible aftermath. As he watched the news PRIMUS and UNTIL immediately began contacting him looking for new technologies to use against those who attacked the states looking for military equipment to use to strike back against its enemies globally.
As he watched events unfold and take calls from those seeking his help on responses to the attacks Speturra would find himself thinking about his own position and how he wanted to do more then what he was doing currently. Taking a trip to his storage facility to get parts for a project Speturra found the prototype for the suit of armor that he had designed in the past and immediately began to think of himself inside the suit and how he could use it to help those in need even if others did not want to spend the money that it would take to purchase the suit or mass produce it.
With help from MACMAN Speturra would review his armor design and began a new project this time he would design a new model of the suit but he would market it for himself and not others which meant that he did not care about the cost nor did he have to keep the design within the constraints of a budget to make it affordable to those he might try to sell it to. Not only would he work on designs for an upgraded suit of armor Speturra would also design a complex interface system that would allow MACAMAN to upload himself to any suit of armor that would be made so that the AI could assist the wearer while they operated the armor.
After playing around with various designs by doodling different designs on paper and through 3-D Holographic Simulations Speturra would eventually come up with a design that he liked and would house the equipment that he intended to use with his suit of armor. Once the design was complete MACMAN would handle the construction of the armor through a remote controlled automation system that the AI had control of in order to fabricate anything that its creator wants. MACMAN would complete the fabrication of the armor to which Speturra would take the armor to a Hillwalker Testing Facility in the Southwest Desert where he would get into the armor and with help from MACMAN would put the armor through an intense testing program to determine how the suit would function and give him a chance to work out any kinks in the design.
With the armor perfected to the best possible point possible Speturra would return to Millennium City where he would have MACMAN begin to monitor various new outlets looking for a situation that would be suitable for Speturra to reveal himself to the world.
Speturra would wait until 2009 closely monitoring things from behind the scenes but the Quaalar Invasion of 2009 would prove to be too much for Speturra who would suit up in his armor and flew into the city and would work alongside other heroes to fight against the invading aliens and found himself making the difference that he had always wanted to make. After the aliens were defeated Speturra would annouce himself to the world wanting everyone to know that he was the man behind the suit showing that he would stand up to any threat and also show the world that not all rich people were selfish jerks who were out for their own purposes.
Speturra would use the guise of the Iron Canadian to help PRIMUS and UNTIL with various threats focusing on criminals that were too strong or too well equipped for police officers to handle on their own as he felt that those criminals could be handled by dedicated police officers who were skilled at their job.
Speturra as the Iron Canadian would take part in many accidents and events around the globe not afraid to travel to other lands to assist those in need often working for UNTIL as he would help protect International Law from criminals who operated on a global scale such as groups like VIPER. As he would gain field experience Speturra would always tweek his design improving on things that he learns or incorporate a new weapon or device to handle a specific target.
As of the current present Speturra continues to run his business empire of Hillwalker International as well as continue as the Iron Canadian always watching and waiting for a threat to arise or always making himself available to UNTIL to assist with dangerous threats that could use the specialized skills that Speturra brings to the table.
Genius Level Intellect: Speturra is classified as being among the smartest people on the planet having an IQ that most Humans could only dream of having. He is able to perform complex mathematics in his head without the need of another's assistance or the assistance of a calculator in order to come up with the correct answer. He is able to look at a person or object in his environment and automatically in his head calculate various deflection or ricochet angles in order to strike a target or perform other tasks such as playing a game of pool.
Intuitive Engineer: Speturra has a unique ability to understand technology even things that are new to him such as new technology developed by a rival company or technology that comes from another planet or dimension. By spending a few moments examining new technology he is able to completely understand that piece of tech to the point that he can effortlessly use that tech or repair it should it be damaged. He is able to completely dismantle any technological device and easily reassemble it afterwards without having to pay attention as to how he went about taking apart that object in the first place. It is this skill combined with his Intellect that allows him to take random scrap from his environments and like this childhood hero Macgyver turn those scraps into useful items that can help in a particular situation or even help with tasks in his everyday life.
Resourcefulness: Speturra is able to look at his surroundings and take note of various objects and items that are present. He is able to take what other people would call random items or scrap junk and re-purpose those things into things that can assist him in whatever it is that he is doing. This ability is similar to that of his childhood hero Angus Macgyver where Speturra grew up watching episodes of Macgyver and would after watching an episode take random junk that he found around the room that he was in. As he grew older this ability would help him in the designing and building of the various technology that he is now famous around the world for including many of the systems that are found within the various models of the Iron Canadian Armors. Speturra is always tinkering with random junk either when having to make something for someone else or if he is stressed out and uses this as a way to release his stress and focus on anything but that which is bothering him.
Eidetic Memory: As a part of Speturra's above average mind he was born with an Eidetic Memory which allows him to remember anything that he registers with any of his senses as well as anything that he reads. Because of this he has remembered vast amounts of information from his entire life where he has picture perfect clarity over everything that he remembers and too date has yet to show that he has reached a limit for the amount of information that his brain can retain at any given time leaving even Speturra unsure if a day will come that he will begin to forget things in order to form new memories.
Polymath: Due to Speturra's Eidetic Memory he has retained knowledge in a variety of subjects which allows him to walk around as if he were a walking encyclopedia of information as he has remembered in perfect detail various subjects taught to him in school as well as the various subjects that he has studied in his personal time over the years. Some examples of the things that he has studied over the years are.
Human Factor: Despite his amazing suits of armor at the end of the day Speturra is just the average person who is just as susceptible to things such as aging, disease, illness, alcohol, environmental hazards and many of the other various factors that would effect any other Human being. Like any person he requires food, water, oxygen and sleep in order to function and must have these on a regular basis in order to survive and function at his peak performance. His attributes are on par with a Human being who exercises on a sporadic basis.
Armor Reliance: In order to live in a world with Superheroes and Super Villains and still stand a chance of being considered on par with these beings Speturra must rely on the various suits of armor that he has designed in order to give him a fighting chance of being able to compete on the same level as the various beings he encounters who have abilities beyond the limits of the average person. Without his suits of armor he is just as weak as any other person which means that Speturra constantly relies on his armors in order to stand equal to the various heroes and villains that he interacts with on a regular basis. If left without one of his suits he has shown that he is
Limited Combat Experience: Speturra has spent his life as a businessman and not as a law enforcement officer or a soldier. Because of this he goes into the field where he has admitted to his close friends that while he knows how to utilize the equipment in his armor knowing how to use a weapon and knowing how to fire a weapon are completely different things thus when it comes to combat tactics he has admitted that others he encounters have far more training then he does which means that he is easy to be ambushed or take down as he lacks the tactical experience that others have.
Interactive Holographic Visor: This unique device often dubbed the IHV by Speturra fits over the one of the wear's ears much like a Bluetooth Headset which can then project a holographic band which covers the eyes of the wearer showing an Interactive Holographic Heads Up Display. Through the use of this device the wearer is able to link up to any of the Iron Canadian Suits in in real time allowing them to remotely operate any version of the suit allowing him to be in two places at once with the suit being operated in a combination of himself through voice commands which are ultimately carried out by MACMAN through remote control of the suit. The IHV is only able to link to a single suit of armor at any given time however MACMAN is able to control multiple suits thus while controlling a single suit the wearer of the IHV can issue commands to MACMAN if multiple suits need to be in operation at any given time or he can give out Multiple IHV's to those he trusts and allow them to operate a suit so that multiple suits can be used at any given time.
Holographic Readout Overlay Device: The Holographic Readout Overlay Device or H.R.O.D. or HROD for short is an interactive device shaped much like an I-Phone that functions in a similar manner. The device is programmed with various apps taken from the Apple Store as well as Google Play as the device incorporates features that allow it to function both as an Android Device as well as an I-Phone Product. It is capable of placing phone calls or using video technology such as Skype in order to speak to various people across the planet and is even loaded with a custom designed program that uses military encryption for when Speturra needs or wants to speak to someone without any other people being able to listen in. The HROD makes use of various holographic projectors throughout the surface of the device to allow it to project holographic displays in thin air and is able to maintain those images for as long as the device is kept in the open as it is unable to function if stuck within a case or the pocket of an individual. The device is able to project readouts of the HUD of any model of the Iron Canadian Armor however it is only able to play back prerecorded information as the device does not have the required equipment to be able to connect to any of the suits in order to get real time information on anything that the wearer could see while in a suit.
Phaser Wrist Watch: Designed to appear as a Gold Rolex Wrist Watch this device is able to do much then simply tell the time. At the press of a button this watch expands around the hand taking the form of the armored glove of the Mark I Iron Canadian Armor allowing the wearer to now have an armored glove hand as well as a fully functioning phaser unit that can be used to create phaser blasts or phaser flashes just as the Mark I armor is able to do. It only major difference between this unit and the unit found within the Mark I armor is that the Wrist Watch is only capable of firing at total of 5 Phaser Bolts or a 5 second continuous Phaser beam before the energy cell is depleted whereas the Mark I Armor version has the power supply of the Mark I armor thus allowing for longer use. The wrist watch version does use a rechargeable power source so that the unit is able to recharge itself often taking 2-3 minutes to recharge if the unit is fully depleted.
Neural Taser Orbs: Speturra designed these devices after an encounter with Telepaths left him doing things that were beyond his control and he wanted and needed a way to subdue future telepaths before they could do such things again. The device is designed to be placed on the back of the neck of the victim where once attached the device is able to run a detailed scan of the target's brain identifying the area or areas of their brain that control their abilities. Once the device locates the area or areas of the brain that control telepathic abilities that device is able to target that area or areas causing a disruptive effect that once the areas activate prior to the use of telepathic ability the device produced a bio electric shock that prevents the activation of the telepathic abilities and also causes a shocking sensation to warn them to prevent such attempts in the future.
Massive Automated Computer Memory And Network: The Massive Automated Computer Memory And Network or MACMAN or in the case of Speturra further shortened to MAC is a state of the art artificial intelligence program designed specifically by Speturra. MACMAN was originally constructed as a means of Speturra having someone to rely on after the death of his parents however after designing Hillwalker Tower in Millennium City MACMAN became more then what he is originally designed for as the program would take over the day to day operations of many of the functions of the tower and even many of the functions of Speturra's day to day life essentially becoming an Electronic Butler. MACMAN was the only other person that Speturra turned to when designing the Iron Canadian Armors and through a special interface built into the design of each model of armor MACMAN is able to uplink to any suit where he is able to control many functions of the armor as well as monitor the various streams of information that pour into the armor at any given time allowing Speturra to control armor functions through voice commands and warn his creator of dangerous situations that are about the befall him that are detected on the armor's various sensors.
Mobile Command Assistance Drone: After several encounters with numerous targets and a foe much stronger then himself Speturra realized that there would be encounters where he might need assistance in order to deal with that threat and thus came up with the Mobile Command Combat Assistance Drone or the M.C.C.A.D or MCAD for short.. Based on the design of Military Grade Drones currently in service by the United States Military Speturra simply built The MCAD larger then any drone that is currently in service. The MCAD has been incorporated with various military grade devices and equipment that allow it to serve as a useful tool in combat situations where additional firepower beyond what is found in a particular version of the Iron Canadian Armor is required in situations where the odds and not in favor of the armor wearer and the odds need to be evened in their favor. The MCAD is controlled through a custom interface found within any of the Iron Canadian Armors or more often then not the drone is operated by Remote Control through MACMAN who can instruct the drone based on the commands of Speturra or another authorized user. Listed below are features found within the MCAD.
- M61 Vulcan Machine Guns
- Phaser Energy Cannons
- Micro Munition Launchers
- Torpedo Launchers
- Kendrium Cable Launchers
- Questionite Containment Cell
- Integrated MACMAN Interface
- Integrated Sensor Network
- Integrated Communications Network
- High Energy Tractor Beam Emitter
- Spare Armor Deployment System
- Electromagnetic Pulse Generators
SIDEKICK: The SIDEKICK unit was designed for situations where Speturra needed additional help on the ground beyond what assistance he could get through the use of the Mobile Command Assistance Drone (MCAD). SIDEKICK takes the basic design of a Robotic Humanoid and puts Speturra own personal touch and style behind the design giving the unit a simplistic design but with the advanced programming and technology that one would expect from anything that was built by Speturra Hillwalker. The design of the unit is so simple that Speturra has gone and designed a number of identical units that have been given numerical designations in order to tell the difference between one unit and another. The presence of multiple units of SIDEKICK has earn the grouping of them the Canadian Legion which Speturra calls upon when the odds are significantly against him or when innocent beings are in danger to which he will call on the Legion to provide Emergency First Response to help those in trouble with either medical treatment or assist them in escaping a combat situation without any further harm then they have already suffered from. Listed Below are features found within the SIDEKICK Units.
- M134 Machine Guns
- Phaser Rifle
- Wrist Deployed Rocket Launchers
- Multiple Micro Munition Launchers
- Integrated Sensor Network
- Integrated Communication Network
- Integrated Tactical Targets Scanners
- Magnetic Body Frame
- Reinforced Armored Plating
- Electromagnetic Pulse Generator
- Mark I: After several prototype models were constructed and used as testing drones for various systems Speturra would work out all of the kinks then took the design of the perfected prototype and used that design as the basis for the first Iron Canadian suit which would be dubbed the Mark 1. Speturra considers this suit to be his Jack Of All Trades suit as it is designed to handle various situations and scenarios that Speturra might find himself facing and is the suit that he most often uses in the field unless he requires the specialized equipment that one of his other armor models would afford him that the Mark 1 does not.
- Mark II: Heavy Assault Armor Using the Mark I as a basic design Speturra would take Holoforce Armor Plating and use it in the design of the Mark II improving on the armor protection found in the the Mark I armor. This new design incorporates the features of the Mark I however the Holoforce Armor Plating allows the wearer to withstand more damage then they normally could in the Mark I however the downside to this armor is that the Mark II is much heavier then the Mark I due to the additional added armor plating meaning that the wearer is giving up flexibility in favor of a higher degree of protection as well as stronger weaponry and additional energy for energy based weaponry.
- Mark IV: Jackhammer Armor: The Mark II Armor dubbed the Jackhammer Armor was at first designed by Speturra for use in labor intensive activities such as construction as the suit would be able to take a single individual and allow him to perform multiple jobs as the armor has various tools installed as well as allowing for physical feats such as lifting heavy objects. After beginning his new work as a hero he would find that he would at times face off against beings who were like Mixed Martial Arts fighters so with a few modifications the Mark III could be used to face off against these types of enemies. While not as physically strong as the Mark IV armor the Mark III is able to give the wearer a physical edge when facing off against the average being as the suit's enhanced strength combined with the hammers and other blunt melee weapons of the Jackhammer Armor allows him to be more then a match for those who like a good scrapping instead of ranged combat.
- Mark IV: Skyscraper Armor: The Mark IV is strongest of the armors Speturra has created specifically for fights against beings such as Grond who have height, weight and strength that exceeds that of the average Human. The Mark IV makes use of 12 Electrovoltiac Polyturbines in order to provide the armor with the energy in order to stand up to beings such as Grond while still having a chance to beat them in a physical fight. The Mark IV stands at 7 feet tall however there is a Mark 4.5 Armor which can assemble around the Mark IV giving the wearer of the suit the ability to fight giants as the Mark 4.5 suit stands at 50 feet tall and has a total of 50 Electrovoltiac Polyturbines in order to power the massive suit of armor.
- Mark V: Questionite Armor: This armor at times dubbed the Brickhouse Armor by the public is the bulkist design used by Speturra outside of the Mark IV. The suit is composed entirely out of Questionite making it the most durable of the armors that he owns allowing him to withstand tremendous amounts of damage however the bulky design of the armor restricts the movements of the wearer forcing them to rely on the weapons and the durability of the armor to protect them rather then flexible movements that other versions of the armor offer to the wearer.
- Mark VI: Magically Enchanted Armor: Speturra has this armor designed so that he would have protection against foes who would utilize magic against him in a battle. The armor has been etched with various magical runes of protection to give the armor a level of protection that Speturra could never get through technological means. The Armor has empty Power Cells which can allow the wearer to absorb magical energy used against them and store it in these cells then release it later on through various weapon systems of the armor to deliver magically enchanted blasts back at those who would use it against him or combined the absorbed energy with his normal energy in order to deal powerful blows not normally capable without the armor.
- Mark VII: Energized Assault Armor: The Mark VII was designed by Speturra for times when he would need to enter into a fight with all the energy he could have at the start of a fight. Additional Power Cells have been incorporated into the armor design and these cells and already precharged which means that they can be used immediately in a fight to deliver the energy needed to deliver stronger then normal strikes without having to worry about taking time to charge energy or draw reactor energy that have to wait for the reactor to recharge before more energy would be available. Armor energy is set to 500% when the suit is precharged to its full potential.
- Mark VIII: Mechanoid Assault Armor: Speturra designed the Mark VIII in homage to Japanese Anime where he created a suit of armor that resembled Japanese Mech Armored Assault Droids. This model is the bulkiest of the armor models however in terms of functionality it operates very much like the Mark I armor with much of this model being nothing more then cosmetic appearances instead of having any kind of functionality improvements over previous models.
- Mark IX: Asgardian Assault Armor: When Speturra would meet the Asgardian Demi-God Arriurra Odinson he would convince the Asgardian to give him access to Asgardian Tech where he would create a suit of Armor unlike anything he could ever forge using materials found on Earth. The entire suit is made of Asgardian Metal and has been etched with various Asgardian Runes which are magical in nature half the runes serving as defensive runes which allow the wearer to have even more protection then what can be found in just using Asgardian metals while the other half of the runes are able to allow the wearer to tap into the Asgardian energy field known as the Odinforce allowing for it to be used in various attacks to create blasts that are stronger then anything he could normally generate using Earth Based Tech. Due to the power of this suit Speturra only uses it during extreme emergencies as he does not want to cause needless collateral damage or give his opponents a chance to figure out the suit and find a way to adapt to its use.
- Mark X: Starburst Armor Speturra designed this suit with the idea of Deep Space Assignments in mind. While other versions of the armor are capable of space flight the Mark X has been designed using materials similar to those used in the construction of spacecraft to provide an exterior shell around the armor that is not only able to handle the intense heat that occurs during Atmospheric Entry / Re-Entry but is also able to handle the extreme colds that come with being in Outer Space without causing a build up of ice which could prevent or restrict the movements of the wearer while in an Outer Space Environment. Due to the lack of oxygen found in Outer Space the Life Support Systems of the armor have been enhanced significantly to ensure that they are able to handle prolonged periods where the wearer would be in hazardous environments that would not support Human life. The Mark IX's Life Support System has been designed to utilize an Oxygen Filtration System similar to other models of the armor as well as several Oxygen Tanks within the system as well as a large tank on the back of the suit to allow anyone wearing the suit to survive for 3 days in a hazardous environment such as Deep Space without the need of oxygen or an oxygen recharge. In the event that the wearer is in an environment where the filtration system is able to absorb various elements present to convert into oxygen the armor's program is designed to use the filtration system first to keep the wearer alive before resorting to the use of the Oxygen Tanks or will at times use a combination at first until the filtration system has absorbed enough elements to create oxygen without having to rely on the use of the Oxygen Tanks to maintain the wearer's life. Due to the nature of the armor and its overall intention of Space Operations the armor is restricted in the Weaponry that is available for it as compared to other models of the armor for the Mark X is equipped with only Hand Phasers, A Phaser Lance, Miniaturized Finger Lasers Phasers and Wrist Deployed Rocket Launchers as the only weaponry found within this model of armor. The suit is powered by 2 separate Electrovoltiac Polyturbines as the main power source but the armor has an emergency turbine as well as power cells that can draw on Solar or Cosmic Energy to provide power which might be needed especially during long distance space flights. Since the armor is designed to be used solely in space the flight systems in the Mark X have been modified to a high degree in order to handle the propulsion of the wearer as the flight systems are the only means of the wearer being able to move while in Outer Space. The suit incorporates thrusters in the boots, thighs, shoulders, chest, back and forearms giving many options for the thrusters allowing for him to travel in any direction that he wishes to travel in and is able to change his direction in a dime without the need of stopping or slowing down in order to make the required course correction or change. Aside from the thrusters that the flight system incorporates the armor has been installed with a faster the light propulsion system of Speturra's own design based on Warp Drive which when activated and functioning as designed the armor is able to allow the wearer to travel from one end of the Solar System to the other in just under an hour.
- Mark XI: Stealth Reconnaissance Armor: Speturra would design the Mark XI to be the ultimate tool in Reconnaissance and Scouting Assignments. The suit has state of the art sensors not found in the other versions of the suit allowing for more detailed scanning of various people or objects in the wearer's surroundings as well as being able to track people or objects over further distances then they could using another suit of armor. The key feature of the Mark XI are the Holographic Overlay Panels located throughout the suit which when active function as a Cloaking Device blending the wearer into their environment allowing them to avoid visual detection and even various detection senses and technology. Due to the energy requirements of the sensors as well as the Holographic Overlay Panels the Mark XI is considered the less armed version of the armor for it could not incorporate many of the weapons that are found in the other suits. The Mark XI comes equipped with Standard Hand Phasers, Lower Powered Phaser Lance, Micro Munition Launchers and Countermeasure Flare Launchers.
- Mark XII: Black Sand Buster Armor: After Hillwalker Intentional was tasked with conducting Military Research into the Black Sand Mound in the New Mexico Desert Speturra would by accident discover the sand's unique properties at causing pain and disrupting the power of beings who are anything other then Human. To this end the suit has been coated with Black Sand and has several storage tanks filled with Black Sand that can be dispensed through a spray combined with crazy glue to adhere to opponents as well as be deployed across the suit in the event that the Black Sand Coating is destroyed through physical contact. The effect that the Black Sand suit has one an opponent is dependent on what weakness or weaknesses that particular being has while in the presence of Black Sand.
- Mark XIII: Robot Combat Drone Armor This armor suit was modeled after the model design that he used for his SIDEKICK Assistance Drones. The suit incorporates heavy armor plating to make the suit one of the more durable models of the Iron Canadian Suits thus far created. Making use of advanced cybernetic circuitry located throughout the armor the Mark XIII allows for MACMAN to better control the suit to the point that this suit allows for MACMAN to essentially have an automated control over the armor in the event that Speturra needs assistance while wearing a different suit or is without his suit as well as allowing MACMAN to take control over the armor and all of its features in the event that the wearer is injured and unable to operate the armor for any given length of time or to remotely pilot the armor while the wearer sleeps or does something else to pass the time during long distance trips.
- Mark XIV:
- Collapsible Helmet: As the Mark I armor is the suit that is used the most it comes with a Helmet which is able to retract and collapse into special storage compartments on the neck and is able to expand back just as fast. This allows the wearer of the Mark I armor to speak with others without have to speak through the Voice Modulator of the armor or through the Public Address System. The Collapsible Helmet is only featured in the Mark I Armor
- MACMAN Interface System: All models of the armor have a sophisticated interface system that allows MACMAN to connect to all suits allowing the AI to assist the wearer in operating the armor as the AI can control various suit functions through voice activation or through its own as MACMAN has shown it is able to anticipate the needs of the wearer and activate systems or divert power to needed systems without the wearer having to ask him to do so.
- Emergency Backup Computer: In the event that MACMAN is however disabled or unable to interact with a suit of armor all versions of the armor have an emergency backup system which is able to take control of all essential functions of the suit to ensure that the suit will remain function especially during the heat of a battle where retreat is not an option.
- Tricorder Sensors: Dubbed the Tricorder by Speturra he placed a series of sensor orbs throughout the armor which is able to collect information from all directions of the armor with the armor being considered Ground Zero. The Tricorder is able to scan various spectrums and rely that information into the HUD of the armor so that the wearer is able to know about everything that is happening around them even if it is beyond normal Human methods of detecting through the use of their 5 basic senses.
- Interactive Visual Display: The HUD of the Helmet in all models of the armor is able to display detailed information about the wearer's surroundings which can help him identify things that he does not know about or detect various hazards in his surroundings that could effect the wearer or those around them. The display is able to allow the wearer to shift between various visual spectrums allowing for the wearer to see things beyond the normal sight limits of a Human being. Some of the fields that the scanners can display are Thermalgraphic, Night Vision, Infra-Red, Radiation Spectrums, X-Ray, 3-D Spectrums just to name a few but he can adapt his display to many other spectrums as needed in a situation. The armor is capable of displaying a Biometric Scan of any living being that allows the wearer to get detailed information on the health and well being of anyone within the range of the armor's sensors which can be useful when someone is injured and the wearer of the armor needs to determine their injuries in a hurry. Interactive Targeting Sensors are able to target any person, being or object providing tactical information on that target allowing him to determine weaknesses and strengths as well as ensuring that whatever weapon he decides to use will have a higher then normal chance of striking its target each and every time a weapon in the armor has to be used.
- Interactive Media Monitoring: All versions of the armor with assistance from MACMAN or through the backup computer of the armor are able to connect to the Internet, Television Channels Or Any AM / FM Radio Station at any given time the user wishes. This is useful for monitoring news coverage of emergencies around the world where the wearer might be flying to as they can get intel on what it is that they are exactly flying into before actually arriving on scene.
- Impulse Flight System: Using a series of rocket thrusters built into the boots this system is designed to be able to provide enough thrust to allow the wearer to hover in the air or fly through the skies where the system is able to reach up to Mach 5 in 2 minutes. Aside from the main thrusters in the boots of the armor smaller thruster jets have been installed on the front thighs, back thighs, left flank, right flank, both shoulders front neck, back neck and even the top of the head that can provide the thrust needed to change direction when moving at high rates of speed to ensure that if the wearer needs to change direction he can do so while flying at top speed instead of having to reduce his speed in order to make any directional adjustments before returning to top speed again.
- Electrovoltiac Polyturbine: Speturra knew early on in the design process for his armor that he would need a powerful energy source if he was going to have any chance of powering up the armor and make it useful in any and all situations that he might find himself in. His answer to his energy problem was to use an Electrovoltiac Polyturbine in the design of the armor as it would provide the energy that he would need and then some allowing him to power his creations. All models of the armor utilize a single Electrovoltiac Polyturbine in the design of the armor with the exception of the Mark III Armor which utilizes 12 Electrovoltiac Polyturbines to provide the required energy and the Mark 3.5 Armor which requires an extensive 50 Polyturbines in fully power the suit.
- EMP Generator: Located in the chest the generator is able to project EMP blasts which if used at full power has the strength to knock out all electronic devices within an entire city block but can be channeled to release a smaller blast from a full powered blast is not needed.
- Magnetic Boots: The boots of the armor are able to magnetize at the activation of the wearer allowing them to stick to any metallic surface allowing them to stand their ground no matter what might be coming there way.
- Enhanced Strength: All versions of the armor are able to afford the wearer superhuman like strength where all versions of the suit are able to lift up to 50 ton safely. The exception to this limit is the Grond Buster Armor which is designed to face off against beings such as Grond thus the Mark 3 armor is able to lift weights of up to 100 tons safely while the Mark 3.5 can handle 200 tons safely.
- Enhanced Reflexes: All versions of the armor make use of a combination of various motors, sensors and thrusters to allow the wearer to move and far faster then even an Olympic Class Human Athlete allowing them to react to situations as well as incoming attacks considerably faster then they normally could without being in the armor.
Iron Canadian Offensive Features
- Palm Mounted Phaser Projectors: These weapons are located in the palms of the armor's gloves and are the primary weapons for all versions of the armor. These weapons are able to be adjusted to fire various shaped blasts of energy as well as control the amount of energy that is channeled through each blast to ensure that each and every blast is tailored to the situation or target in which the phasers are being used against. Aside from just firing off energy blasts the phasers can be modified to produce blasts of intense light to disorientate an opponent for a short period of time allowing for the wearer to escape an area or by valuable time to charge other weapons of the armor for the next attack.
- Electrovoltiac Phaser Emitters: Located on the back of the armored gloves of all versions of the suits are specialized laser emitters that tap directly into the Electrovoltiac Polyturbine in order to prevent laser beams similar to phasers however these lasers act as a cutting beam allowing them beams to slice through a wide variety of substances. Too date these lasers have yet to not be able to slice through a substance or material especially if the wearer has the time to spend slicing through a substance or material.
- Chest Mounted Phaser Lance: This weapon system in located in the chest panel of all versions of the armors. The system is a larger version of the Phaser Projectors from in the palms of the armor's gloves as this version is designed to channel more Phaser energy to project blasts of energy far superior to anything that could be fired from the Palm Projectors. Much like the Laser Emitters the Phaser Lance is able to draw power directly from the Electrovoltiac Polyturbine in order to create extremely powerful blasts unable to be matched by the other Phaser Systems of the armor.
- Minizaturized Finger Phasers: Each fingertip of the armor's gloves have been incorporated with small Phaser Emitters which can be used either individulaly or together where these micro sized phaser beams as useful for cutting into objects as the beams are considerably smaller then those found within the Palm Phasers or the Phaser Lance.
- Miniaturized M61 Vulcan Mini Gun: Stored within a panel behind the left shoulder this weapon locks into place on the shoulder with deployment time taking only a second. The weapon is designed to fire custom made rounds with various tipped rounds or filled with various substances so that the Minigun can have various effects based on the type of ammo loaded into the weapon at the time of firing.
- Photon Torpedo Launcher: Stored within a panel behind the right shoulder this weapon locks into place on the shoulder with deployment time taking only a second. This launcher based off the design of a Missile Box where Speturra's launcher is designed to house 8 missiles at any given time with various types of missiles and warheads being loaded in allowing for the launcher to fire missiles with a specific effect or various effects based on the type or types of warheads loaded into the launcher at the time of firing.
- Mini Smart Guns: These custom designed projectile launchers deploy from both sides of the wearer's neck on multiple versions of the Iron Canadian Armors and are able to fire off small rounds which can be used to converge on a single target or be used to attack up to 12 targets at a single time. The smart nature of the weapon allows for the wearer to use the weapon to attack opponents who are for example using hostages as Human Shields as the rounds are small enough that they can strike a target without fear of accidentally striking an innocent person who is caught within the cross fire between the wearer and any opponents in the area.
- Micro Munition Launchers: These miniaturized missile launchers are located in the Chest, Both Shoulders Front And Back, Upper Legs Front And Back, Lower Legs Front And Back and in the Boot Soles of the armor. The launchers are able to fire off various miniaturized missiles which have various effects based on the type of warheads loaded in the launchers at the time of firing.
- Forearm Weapon System: A custom designed rotary system has been installed within the forearm allowing for a total of 4 separate weapon systems to be installed within the forearms of the various versions of the suit. The first weapon system is a rocket launcher which is able to fire various types of rockets depending on the type of rocket loaded into the weapon at the time of firing. The second system is an Sonic Supression Cannon which is a non lethal weapon system that projects sonic energy waves that are useful in subduing threats without having to resort to killing the target. The third system is a Cable Launcher which is able to fire off solid Kendrium Cables which can be used to subdue foes non lethally and in the event that a little extra power is needed to subdue anything caught in the cables the launcher is able to send an electrical charge along the cable acting like a taser to assist in subduing stronger targets then normal. The final system loaded into the weapon system is a Phaser Projector allowing for the wearer to create energized sword blades out of Phaser energy for use during melee encounters when they need a melee type weapon for whatever scenario they find themselves in. The Projector is able to control the size and intensity of the energy used to create the blade to ensure that a blade is formed that works for the situation that they find themselves facing.
Iron Canadian Defensive Features
- Reinforced Armor Plating: Unless otherwise stated the majority of the models of the Iron Canadian Armor make use of the same blend of Lightweight Titanium, Kendrium and Kevlar in order to provide a degree of protection that can protect the wearer from many forms of attack that might be directed towards them. Depending on the model of the armor some have various levels of layers making some armors stronger then others but even the most basic of armors are able to provide a high degree of protection against a wide range of attacks that the wearer might find themselves facing when facing off against various criminals and Super Villains of the world.
- High Energy Deflector Shields: By drawing on energy from the Electrovoltiac Polyturbine located in all versions of the armors the wearer is able to create powerful energy shields which they can use to protect against virtually any incoming attack directed at him provided that they can draw on the energy needed to create a field strong enough for that particular attack. As long as the wearer has the power needed to create a shield then it is believed that there is no attack that the wearer is not able to protect themselves against.
- Countermeasure Flare Launchers: Dual launchers have been installed within the hips of multiple versions of the armor. These flares are able to intercept incoming attacks usually in the form of missiles, rockets or other types of projectiles. Despite being used to counter incoming projectiles the flares can be useful at point blank range when needing to cause a distraction as the flares activate causing intense flashes of light which can distract anyone caught in the path of the flares as they detonate.
- Sentry Mode: All versions of the Iron Canadian Armors allow the wearer to eject from any of the suit models where MACMAN is able to take full control of the suit and enter into a protective mode dubbed Sentry Mode. In this Sentry Mode MACMAN will remotely control the suit remaining close to the one who activates the Sentry Mode and will protect them in the event that the wearer who activates Sentry Mode is attacked. Once an attack occurs the MACMAN can operate all of the suit's functions including the weapon systems in order to defend the wearer long enough for them to return to the suit and get back inside the armor where they can retake control of the armor once and deal with whatever threat has found them.
- Armor Ejection System: This system allows for the Iron Canadian Armor to be extended around a person rather then have the unit require bulky pieces which have to be placed on using machines or other strong assistants. This can allow the wearer to get out of the armor in a hurry to perform tasks that they can not do while in the armor and has the benefit of knowing that in these cases anyone who ejects from the armor can quickly get back inside the armor in the event of an emergency or hostile changes in the environment. As a second bonus to the armor in the event that the armor sustains critical damage and risking exploding the wearer can exit the armor thus saving their life as they will not have to be trapped inside when the armor explodes…they just have to make sure that they eject somewhere safe or the point of the ejection may be a mute point.
- Armor Override Command: In the event that someone gets the armor who should not have it or the armor's systems are compromised by a being such as Mechanon all models of the armor are installed with an Override Command in which all electronic systems of the armor are shut down and the Thorium Reactor or Reactors powering the armor are overloaded preventing the armor from being able function thus preventing unauthorized parties from being able to make use of the armor.
- Armor Lockdown Mode: In the event that the wearer of the armor is in an area with a hazardous environment the wearer is able to create a hermetic seal which can keep out the hazardous environment of the wearer's functions and protect them no matter what environment they might find themselves in. The lockdown mode can also be useful in the event that the wearer is abducted by an enemy as they can activate the lockdown mode which can seal the wearer inside the suit preventing an unauthorized individual from being able to get inside the armor and use it for whatever evil intentions they might have.
- Armored Rambolts: Deployed from the soles of the the armored boots of any model of the Iron Canadian Armors. These Rambolts are forged of solid Questionite making them nearly indestructible. These Rambolts are able to keep the wearer from being knocked around thus when deployed there are few things can be get the wearer to move from any given spot unless the wearer wants to move from the spot that they are holding.
Theme Songs- Main Theme song: Shoot To Thrill By AC/DC
- Theme Song: Iron Man By Black Sabbath
Facts and Comments- Speturra is a self confessed Trekkie which is the reason that many of his armor's inventions are named after things found in Star Trek for he has developed real world applications for Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, Impulse Engines and Warp Drive just to name a few.
- Main Theme song: Shoot To Thrill By AC/DC
- Reinforced Armor Plating: Unless otherwise stated the majority of the models of the Iron Canadian Armor make use of the same blend of Lightweight Titanium, Kendrium and Kevlar in order to provide a degree of protection that can protect the wearer from many forms of attack that might be directed towards them. Depending on the model of the armor some have various levels of layers making some armors stronger then others but even the most basic of armors are able to provide a high degree of protection against a wide range of attacks that the wearer might find themselves facing when facing off against various criminals and Super Villains of the world.
- Palm Mounted Phaser Projectors: These weapons are located in the palms of the armor's gloves and are the primary weapons for all versions of the armor. These weapons are able to be adjusted to fire various shaped blasts of energy as well as control the amount of energy that is channeled through each blast to ensure that each and every blast is tailored to the situation or target in which the phasers are being used against. Aside from just firing off energy blasts the phasers can be modified to produce blasts of intense light to disorientate an opponent for a short period of time allowing for the wearer to escape an area or by valuable time to charge other weapons of the armor for the next attack.