Captain Mako

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Captain Mako
Player: @CyberSpeak
Current Costume
Biographical Data
Real Name: Scott Gamble
Known Aliases: Captain Mako
Gender: Male
Species: Human Mutate
Ethnicity: White American
Place of Birth: Detroit (Millennium City)
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Angela Gamble (Mother), Derek Gamble (Father)
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 220 Ibs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Caucasian Tanned
Physical Build: Average
Physical Features:
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Legal citizen of the United States
Occupation: Marine Biology
Education: High School (various), College (Various, Biology Distinction) University (Marine Biology degree)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
His mutation caused by chemicals allows him to manipulate water with his mind (hydrokinesis). He can move water around, levitate it and shape it. He can form waves to ride on, additional armour and weapons strong enough to cut through flesh.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Body Armour
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Early Life

Scott Gamble was born to Angela and Derek Gamble on April 21st 1990 in Detroit, Michigan. His family evacuated during Dr. Destroyer's attack when Scott was just 2 years old. They later moved into the rebuilt Millennium City. Since a young age, Scott was fascinated by the sea and the creatures that inhabited it. He also showed great intelligence. He graduated school with flying colours and excelled in college, especially in Science and more specifically biology. He went on to earn a degree in Marine Biology at the Michigan State University. Scott thought he was dead set to earn a job, but in the harsh modern world full of superhumans and declining economy this proved to be harder than he expected. Then when he was down on his luck and flat broke, VIPER came calling. He saw no choice but to accept the job.

Project: WaveMaker

It remains unknown to most of the world that roughly 2 years ago VIPER created a secret sect dedicated to studying the Lemurians, and potentially finding a way to take them out for good. VIPER was afraid of the Mandragalore being re-activated and ravaging the surface world. They named this sect Project: WaveMaker. They had been scouting for potenial recruits and had come across Scott Gamble, an up and coming brilliant Marine Biologist who had been unable to find work. They immediately recruited him for the project. Specifically, Scott had been assigned to studying Lemurian biology and general marine biology to help with creating a mutagenic chemical. VIPER wanted mutant soldiers that could survive the harsh depths of the ocean with minimal equipment. Working the chemical side of things was Dr. Ellis Weaver, a fellow scientist who had struggled to hold a job and like Scott worked for VIPER out of necessity. They were overseen by Dr. Hidetada Hiyama, a harsh and cruel-natured VIPER scientist. One day, when the WaveMaker submarine was just off the coast of Millenium City, an accident (of which the origins remain unknown) severely damaged the sub and caused it to flood. Hidetada was seemingly killed, Ellis managed to escape and Scott was trapped in a flooded lab, becoming submerged in water and mutagenic chemicals. The sinking sub hit a rock formation which tore a hole in the lab walls, the releasing pressure pulling Scott out. He drifted ashore and miraculously survived. He soon discovered that the chemicals had changed him, giving him Hydrokinesis. He also discovered that they had mutated various marine life, creating many new monstrous threats in the waters around MC. Having become good friends with Ellis Weaver, he entrusted him with his secret. Weaver promised he'd do all he could to right their wrongs. Having lost all their research, VIPER abandoned Project: WaveMaker.

Recent Activities

Original Costume.

Ellis had saved up money from his VIPER paychecks, and started his own lab dedicated to solving the issue of the mutant sealife. He also secretly helped Scott, who was now calling himself Captain Mako. After a few outings in a homemade costume Scott realised he had overestimated the resiliency of himself and his suit. Ellis developed body armour for him, patterned after a shark. Mako mainly operated in the water, fighting the monsters causing the biggest threats. Because of this, he was not been seen much publicly and therefore was fairly unknown. A few months ago Scott began to appear on land to fight your garden variety supercrime. He has taken on many well known villains and villainous factions, and is recognised for his work in MC, Canada and most recently Lemuria.


Captain Mako has the ability of hydrokinesis, he controls water with his mind. He can move it, levitate it and shape it. He can ride waves of water to get around quickly. He can send crashing waves into his enemies to sweep them off their feet. He can shape water into spheres to hold enemies, and more complex shapes to form armour around body parts or his entire body. He can even form blades and other weapons, with enough water pressure to allow them to cut through flesh and bone. His range of control extends to 100 feet, and he can control up to a similar body of water to that you would typically find held in a city water tank.


Captain Mako's armour looks fancy, but it is nothing more than lightweight metal that protects him from knives, bullets, monster teeth and the like.


Thunder Oni.

Various mutant marine creatures currently being studied by Weaver Labs.

3 months ago MC Museum of Natural History was attacked by a Japanese male in a costume with a Japanese Oni mask. He called himself Thunder Oni, and appeared to have created technology that allowed him to project orange lightning from his hands. Captain Mako clashed with Oni and his crew and saved the museum, it seems that Oni's goal was to steal a Lemurian artifact. Mako and Oni have come to blows many in the last 3 months, he seems to have an obsession with Lemurians. His band of mercenaries that follow him have all been confirmed to be former VIPER soldiers. Recently Mako confronted Oni at his secret lair on Monster Island. After a long and devastating battle, Mako defeated Oni and removed his mask to reveal that he was none other than Hidetada Hiyama, whom Mako had presumed dead since the WaveMaker sub incident. After Mako removed his tech, Hidetada began shooting lightning violently and uncontrollably from his hands. It turned out that Hidetada had also received powers from the chemicals on the sub, and it was in fact not technology empowering him. The tech had actually been created to control his powers as he had difficulty doing so. He had continued working towards Project: WaveMaker's goals, but of his own accord without VIPER. Mako stopped the outburst of power by swiftly delivering a knockout punch.

After breaking out of jail, Thunder Oni began working on Project: Umibozu. This was a super serum to create what he believed would be the perfect aquatic soldier. Umibozu is the name of a mythical Japanese sea demon. Oni tested the serum on himself, but did not account for the fact that his DNA was already mutated. This caused a complication in his biological make-up which resulted in his death. His research assistant Izo Shiganori took the serum, and being a normal human it worked as intended. Izo mutated into a serpentine amphibian creature. He lost his mind however, and he has reverted to a bestial nature. Although he seems to be drawn towards anything related to Lemurians...