From PRIMUS Database
School Name |
General Information:
Known Natives:
- maincolor - Sets main color for the box background and raised text. Defaults to Silver . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- altmaincolor - Sets an alternate color for the raised text (should you wish it to stand out more). Defaults to Silver . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- hicolor - Sets lightest (top) color for the box and text border. Defaults to LightGrey . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- midcolor - Sets medium (sides) color for the box and text border. Defaults to DarkGrey . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- altmidcolor - Sets alternate medium (right side only) color for the box and text border. Useful if you wish to have the shaded effect at 45 degrees. Defaults to DarkGrey . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- locolor - Sets darkest (bottom) color for the box and text border. Defaults to Grey . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- shadowcolor - Sets shadow color for the box and text. Defaults to Black . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- catcolor - Sets color for parameter titles. Defaults to DimGrey . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
- infocolor - Sets color for parameter data. Defaults to Black . Values accepted include: standard HTML Color Names, any hexadecimal color value.
| designation = | nickname = | dod = | pod = | contact = | travel = | natives = | maincolor = | altmaincolor = | hicolor = | midcolor = | altmidcolor = | locolor = | shadowcolor = | catcolor = | infocolor =