The Moonlighter

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Moonlighter Title Banner.png
Player: @leroyswish
Unknown avatar.png
"The moonlight is a twinkle of sin."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Martin Touissant
Known Aliases: Moonlighter, Le Mort Rouge
Gender: Male
Species: Humanoid (Human)
Ethnicity: French
Place of Birth: Carcassonne, France
Base of Operations: Mobile
Relatives: Lionel LaChapelle (father)

Marise Touissant (mother)

Chloé Touissant (sister)

Age: 26
Height: 1.778 m (5'10)
Weight: 79.4 kg (176 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: No distinguishing features
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Secret, known to most authorities
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Dual French/United States Citizenship
Occupation: Vigilante

Hospital Patient Transporter (former)

Education: High School Diploma (University Drop-out)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Assorted Gadgets, see section
ReldinBoxMini Template


"I worked alongside a lot of people in my early years, Protostar before he died, Coyote for a bit, Terminus before Terminus went bad. I eventually met with an agent to discuss what I might do in case the people we worked for went bad, too."

Martin LaChapelle was born to a small family in the town of Carcassone, France. His father was a war veteran, having fought in the Chadian–Libyan conflict in 1980. When he returned home in the year 1989, he met a young cafe barista named Marise, and the two immediately fell for one another. Months later, around the time of Martin's birth, Lionel was contacted about a proposition. A wealthy benefactor was putting together a group of mercenaries to hunt down Nazi sympathizers and war criminals in Europe. The call to adventure and the fact that Lionel's father served in the second World War overruled logical reasoning, and he left his girlfriend Marise. While Lionel was traveling around the world, Marise stayed with her mother who helped raise Martin after his birth; the father would not be heard from for some time.