The Moonlighter

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Revision as of 21:28, 16 June 2016 by Leroyswish (Talk | contribs)

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Moonlighter Title Banner.png
Player: @leroyswish
Unknown avatar.png
"The moonlight is a twinkle of sin."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Martin Touissant-LaChapelle
Known Aliases: Moonlighter, Le Mort Rouge
Gender: Male
Species: Humanoid (Human)
Ethnicity: French
Place of Birth: Carcassonne, France
Base of Operations: Mobile
Relatives: Lionel LaChapelle (father)

Marise Touissant-LaChapelle (mother)

Chloé Touissant-LaChapelle (sister)

Age: 23
Height: 1.778 m (5'10)
Weight: 79.4 kg (176 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: No distinguishing features
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Secret, known to most authorities
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Dual French/United States Citizenship
Occupation: Vigilante

Hospital Patient Transporter (former)

Education: High School Diploma (University Drop-out)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Assorted Gadgets, see section
ReldinBoxMini Template


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