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Faith title header.png

Faith pdb profile.png
Healer • Swordfighter
Player: @gijoespouse2
Personal Data
Real Name: Erin Rodriguez
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 124lbs
Hair Color: Black
Occupation: High School student, apprentice swordfighter, member of the Modern Order of the Knights Templar
Place of Birth: ????
Relationship Status: single
Known Relatives: relatives????


    Erin possesses many qualities that one might expect of a knight. She is calm, patient, and loyal to a fault. She tends to see the best in the people around her, and feels that those who do wrong should be given a chance to redeem themselves. That's not to say she's a pushover entirely. While she is friendly to most everyone she meets, she is not so quick to extend full trust to just anybody. Once her trust is earned, however, you'll never find a more loyal person to have in your corner. She's not the type to nag, and despite the fact that she holds Christian beliefs, she's not judgmental and prefers not to proselytize. If anything, she believes she can do more good for her fellow man by demonstrating how to be a good person, and by showing what the power of faith can do for a believer. In other words, rather preach at people, she lets her good deeds do the talking.

Some of that warm and fuzzy quality Erin has about her cools a bit in the presence of evil, supernatural entities. She was brought up in an order who's primary function in modern times is to defend mankind from DEMON, after all. In the presence of such evil, she is steadfast, stoic, and unfaltering.


Erin's choice of hero moniker aptly describes the fuel for her powers. For Erin, faith isn't proselytizing to non-believers, paying lip service only to her God. For Erin, her faith means showing those around her the power of her God through her acts and deeds, without advertising to others who or what she is about (unless asked), and fully trusting that her God will pull through for her in the end. When she is full of faith and conviction, her attacks become more powerful and her healing abilities are more potent. When that faith wavers, so do her powers. Should something occur that truly causes her to question her faith in God, it could very well strip her of her powers.

Divine Healing
Erin has been granted the power to heal the sick and injured. She needs to be within 10 feet of her target, though she often prefers to be in much closer proximity when using this power. For minor injuries and afflictions, she does not require much focus. For major injuries, especially those that are critical or potentially fatal, she needs to have complete focus, with no interruptions. She is able to cast out her healing powers in a sphere around her, but the effect is not as powerful as when she focuses on one specific target, therefore making it not an ideal solution when there severe wounds to see to.

Celestial Blasts
Erin is able to gather up divine celestial power and use it offensively to fire off projectile blasts. She can do this either with hand gestures, or through channeling the power through Gratia, her sword. It can also be used as a source of illumination. The blast is a blinding bright. This power's effectiveness depends on what the target is. Against your average human or metahuman with a normal resistance to attacks, it's pretty effective. If the target is resistant to damage, not so much. However, if the target something evil and supernatural, it's devastating.

Holy Purification
Think of this power as an evil, supernatural entity repellent. Erin can cast this in a sphere around herself, at a radius of roughly 10 feet, and keep such creatures at bay. It is painful for evil creatures to come into contact with, deadly to the weaker variety (such as fledgling vampires or zombies), and usually is enough to keep them off of her for a short time.

Erin is pretty well traveled, having spent a significant amount of her young life living in foreign countries, and as a result she has learned other languages. She is fluent in Tagalog, Filipino, English, and Indonesian. She is also proficient in Sinhalese and Tamil.


Only Human After All
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.


Gratia was presented to Erin when she was promoted from being an acolyte within the Modern Order of Templars, when she turned 18. The sword from pommel to tip is 40" long. The edges of the blade run parallel for most of the blade length before tapering off to a round point at the tip. The Latin phrase Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Glorium is inscribed along the blade's length. The pommel of the sword features a Templar coin, the grip wrapped with red leather and wire over-wrap. The coin set into the pommel features on one side the image of the cross set against a shield, and the other side features an image of two knights riding on one horse. he scabbard is wooden, covered in top grain, heavy-duty white leather. More often than not, the sword is in its scabbard, which hangs from her belt via a loop of heavy leather. She is in her apprentice sword training, and thus the occasions that she uses it for anything other than a focus for her divine powers are rare.


Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.
    Donec id elit vel mauris tempor porta. Aenean id neque ut dolor ullamcorper aliquam et vel leo. Nunc varius leo quis vehicula aliquam. Praesent semper id leo sit amet dapibus. In quis viverra enim, ac porttitor ex. Quisque maximus nisl et massa laoreet, nec sodales sem sollicitudin. Morbi id eros ultrices, ornare enim sit amet, blandit libero. Donec pretium venenatis dui, sed mollis tortor semper vitae. Ut ac lacus semper, rhoncus libero non, tempus dolor. Maecenas dapibus velit in elit aliquam aliquam. Sed id viverra quam.
    Vestibulum id lectus nibh. Suspendisse sed feugiat nibh. Ut ultrices eget enim eu tristique. Nunc malesuada sem nec nisi vehicula condimentum. Maecenas semper vel arcu ac viverra. Aliquam fermentum lobortis massa vitae laoreet. Integer pulvinar dolor sed condimentum laoreet. Nam nec congue ante. Phasellus faucibus sapien vitae dolor rhoncus gravida. Fusce magna magna, auctor vitae cursus vitae, suscipit sed lorem.
    Proin faucibus, neque ac interdum dictum, libero felis pretium felis, sed dignissim metus sem ut metus. Pellentesque tellus est, rhoncus id eros ac, faucibus ullamcorper ex. Aliquam ullamcorper nisl vel elit imperdiet, in semper turpis sollicitudin. Mauris vitae nisi velit. Maecenas sagittis sem magna, rhoncus imperdiet mi varius id. Morbi sapien felis, porta vel consectetur nec, hendrerit quis arcu. Pellentesque dignissim tellus et ligula luctus, et commodo urna posuere. Integer in nisl non eros sollicitudin venenatis.

    Cras lobortis varius lacus, sed volutpat lectus lacinia nec. Donec elementum, nibh eu condimentum mollis, nisl ipsum pharetra nibh, et suscipit felis urna eget neque. Curabitur varius lorem felis, eget hendrerit purus porttitor in. Fusce sagittis aliquet sagittis. Praesent suscipit turpis vitae tortor sollicitudin mollis et nec sem. Donec pretium lectus nulla, at pretium magna ultrices eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla sollicitudin dolor et enim auctor, maximus condimentum lectus dictum. Cras turpis orci, pretium vel lacus nec, pharetra venenatis justo. Nulla id sodales lorem. Integer felis ex, sodales quis mi a, semper ullamcorper mi. Duis et augue augue. Sed blandit magna placerat, venenatis erat eget, luctus urna. Vivamus euismod sit amet nibh eget ullamcorper. Suspendisse potenti. Proin in viverra velit.



    Lorem Ipsum: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.


    Lorem Ipsum: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.


Name: John Doe

Abilities: Donec id elit velmauris tempor porta
Occupation: Proin faucibus

Status: At Large/Incarcerated/Deceased
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin enim nulla, fringilla eu ultrices eget, fermentum et ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ultricies ipsum vel magna dictum, sit amet elementum nulla pulvinar. Nullam sit amet elit a sem tempus tincidunt non scelerisque leo. Cras laoreet finibus ex, non facilisis libero rutrum a. Duis lobortis augue ut congue egestas. Proin pulvinar urna nunc, non fermentum lacus iaculis at. Aliquam vitae congue libero.





• Faith's casting choice is Anna Maria Perez de Tagle.


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