Parker Mill County Park
Secret Identity
Margaret Monroe (Mother)
Kinetik Atmospheric Control
[hide]While visiting nearby Millenium City on a school trip Malorie and her schoolmates were trapped inside the museum in Memorial Park, when a large robot decided to stage an attack outside.
Peering around the door to try and see which of her favourite heroes had turned up to battle the mechanical fiend, Malorie was struck by a blast of electricity from the robot and thrown backwards into the museum, landing awkwardly amongst the exhibits.
Waking up later in Mercy Hospital, Malorie found herself without any serious injuries, however her hair had turned pure white. Released home a few days later, Malorie returned to her normal life and school work.
About a month later and purely by accident Malorie discovered that she could generate small electrical charges. Taking herself to a secluded wood near her home she began to practice and eventually learned to control the electricity and through doing this also affect the air around her. She found she was able to create gusts of wind strong enough to carry her into the air or push her forward at great speed.
Being quite a precocious child and having always been a super hero fangirl, Malorie decided to take the plunge and become a hero herself. She fashioned a home made costume and secretly took to the streets of MC. Eventually some of the older heroes took her under their wing and gave her proper training and access to better equipment. Since then life for Malorie has been a Breeze.
Malorie's most striking feature is now her white hair, unusual enough but for someone of African American heritage it is particularly startling. Despite the efforts of her mother Maggie to dye it to a more natural shade, Malorie has found that color preparations just won't stay in her hair for any more than a couple of hours at a time. Prior to the attack in Millenium City, Malorie's hair was a more natural shade of brown.
When Malorie first became Breeze she only had access to what materials and clothes she could find around house and school from which to fashion a costume. She managed to "borrow" an old cape and domino mask from the School's drama department. Initially she was simply going to wear her sports gear but felt it looked little bland. Luckily the cape she had taken was too large for her, so she was able to use the extra cloth she removed from it to make a tunic to wear over her t-shirt and cycle shorts. To keep the tunic from billowing too much she finished the look off with an old yellow belt of her mothers
As a result of the incident with the Mega Destroid, Breeze can generate vast quantities of electricity and channel this in various forms to cause damage to one or more opponents. A side effect of all this excess electricity has shown itself in a sort of inbuilt defibrillator. When rendered unconscious, Breeze autonomic system kicks in and jolts her back into battle readiness.
While Breeze's powers a electrical in nature, by affecting the charge of the air around her she can also create forceful winds to aid her in combat. For example by channelling charged ions towards an opponent, Breeze can create blasts of wind to keep them off balance. Increasing the charge before releasing the ions increases the damage caused due to the air moving faster. Breeze can also use this same method to throw large objects for additional damage.
By creating a spiral of ions in front of her, Breeze can send a twisters of turbulence towards an opponent and by causing the ions to circle her body rapidly, she can create a wall of air between her and any attackers. In the same fashion she can lift herself into the air and effectively fly, or push herself forward at greater than normal speed while running.
- Uniform: After her original home made outfit was damaged, Kid Steel (a reserve member of SODLAG) created her new uniform using one of his father's early battle suit designs. The suit comprises of a dense bodysuit which is somewhat resistant to small arms fire and blades, together with flexible metal gloves and boots, also a face mask to protect her face and identity. In addition a metal cowl provides protection for her upper chest and neck. In place of a cape which could hamper movement, the suit has integrated wings connecting the upper arm to the body. These have proved sufficient to give Breeze a much greater degree of control in flight.
- Personal Force Field Generator: "Liberated" from a Viper agent, Breeze uses this small device to provide herself with a little extra protection. It is not perfect by any means but due to it's small size she can conceal it easily in her uniform.
- Panda: Her bear themed backpack was a birthday gift from Kid Steel. In it she tends to keep snacks and her phone.
Theme Song: "New Shoes" by Paolo Nutini
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"Breeze is a good kid, a little too headstrong sometimes but her heart is definitely in the right place!" - Kid Steel | |||||||||
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