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Player: @shanemagi13
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: Jack Devito
Known Aliases: The Booty Hunter, The Gabbing Gunner, Gulag Fugitive #0420
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: 'MURICA!
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Los Angeles
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Superdurable skin; can block bullets and combat knives, but not lasers or other non-conventional weaponry
Known Abilities
Expert marksman and assassin, proficient in boxing and karate, expert in handling and defusing explosives, self-proclaimed god of Texas Hold 'Em
Infrared Goggles, Hand-pistol nicknamed "Yoko", tulpa/imaginary friend named 'Black', a crap ton of shooty things


Abilities, Powers, Weaknesses, and Equipment


Blackjack is very proficient in boxing and karate, the former more so. He's an expert marksman and assassin, and once shot the gold tooth off a smiling man from a rooftop 3 blocks away. (Why? It was a bet and he was drunk.)


Superdurable skin is arguably his greatest asset. It will block most bullet-wounds and knife-stabs, as his skin is now tougher than a bolt of 3 inch thick cowhide leather. However, this also has the disability of making him unable to recognize minor pain, and his wounds can accumulate without him realizing it. Another thing to note is that his skin, while incredibly tough, is not invincible. It will not hold up against lasers or other non-conventional weaponry. If it's made with regular steel, it'll probably bounce off. Questionite or lasers? Not so much.


As skilled of a fighter as Blackjack may be, he does have many weaknesses. The first and foremost would be his weak mind. Described by telepaths as somewhere between insanity and sanity, he's sometimes rational and strategic, but can verge onto unpredictability and insanity on the stop of a dime.


Due to his skin acting as armor in its own right, Blackjack tends to dress light. He's armed to the teeth with grenades, guns, pistols, and seems to have a small mastery over hammerspace, though it may just be him pulling an AK-47 out of his trousers. His preferred style mostly involves guns and the occasional throwing knife, but will avoid melee if possible due to claustrophobia.