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Adrien Victus
Player: @Ravenkk
"Science knows no boundries"
Character Build
Class Focus:
Power Level:
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Adrien Victus
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Eetrayan
Place of Birth: Eetraya
Base of Operations: The Navitas
Relatives: Tarquin Victus
Age: 255
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: Black with streaks of silver
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
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Lawful Evil

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Identity: Known
Years Active:
Citizenship: Eetraya
Occupation: Chief Engineer
Marital Status: Available
Known Powers and Abilities
Super intelligence
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Power armor
ReldinBox Template



Adrien was born on Eetraya, one year after his brother Tarquin Victus. Adrien was never physically capable of what Tarquin was, however Adrien had significally more intelligence, even at young age Adrien was constructing all sorts of gadgets. Naturally he would make Tarquin test those gadgets for him.
At the age of sixteen, he started to study Engineering. It obviously wasn't much of a challenge, given his natural intelligence. He started off as an Architecti (Basic engineer) simply fixing things or creating small adjustments. He had his first real breakthrough when he decided to start Project Omega. Not soon after he made notable change in the military with this project, alongside a few other things, such as the EM-Spike, and various adjustments to the power armor they wear. It didn't take long after those creations to earn himself the rank of Armicustos (Chief engineer)

Project Omega
