Swift,The Shadow's Vengeance

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Player: anestiionut
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Jonathan Ryarr
Known Aliases: The Shadow's Vengeance
Species: Human?
Ethnicity: Ophrean
Age: 21
Height: 6.5'
Weight: 150 pounds.
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Ophreas
Base of Operations: Karvas
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Sylvia,Deena
Known Powers
Shadow craft,teleporting.
Known Abilities
Enchanced agility and a bit of magic knowledge.
Swords,Daggers,Shurikens,all da stuff.

History of Ophreas

It was twenty years ago on a normal day like you are probably enjoying right now that the fate of the great land of Ophreas started to change...and no one could have ever fathomed the coming cataclysm,events that were bound to lay waste over such a prosperous empire. Ophreas was a land of pure democracy,a little slice of a paradise where magic,sorecers and martial arts came together in their dream to form an ever growing community away from the wars of the outer world...and the dream came true,just not as everyone expected...
Ophreas was ruled by a powerful king named Triyulas,the Edar Senate and the Council of the Three which was composed of three high ranked generals:Akylion,Bharas and Zartes.Decade after decade the king kept the peace within his land and he intended to do so for even more decades to come.
One day though,while the weather was harsh and the wind was turning trees into graceful dancers on an empty field,a courier caught in the coming storm got blown into a sewer entrance and decided to remain in there for when the storm ended.And so he did.After a while his impatience grew and he started exploring the sewers until he started hearing ground stomping noises coming from behind a wall.Curious and,with a storm brewing outside,he approached and after a second of hesitation he looked through a shattered part of the wall only to see what was to become the end of Ophreas...

The Great War of Ophreas starts

Elite armed 7 foot tall soldiers,all armed with blades and covered in metal armor were fighting against each other.The courier turned back quickly and set straight for the king's palace to deliver the news,storm or not.When he got there Triyulas laughed at him and did not believe what the courier said but at the man's further insistence,the king sent an assasin squad down the sewers to investigate.When they arrived the place was empty,no soldier,no samurai,no ninja...something was very strange. When the squad reported in the king sent the courier home saying he should not invent such stories at his age...what the king did not know is that whatever was down there already put its plans into motion and it was now too late to act... Three peaceful nights followed after the storm and people were happy although there was something strange in the air,it was almost as if things were awufuly quiet....definitely too quiet.
Then disaster stroke swiftly and quietly.The secret army that grew in numbers and force atacked overnight and destroyed half the capital and reports came from all over Ophreas,reports of destruction and losses.The king was devastated and broke down mentally. The High Council quickly aimed to discover who was behind the atack and they found out it was the king's brother,Nephios.During the king's lifetime Nephios always seemed to want the power his brother held and so he grew a secret army he would one day use to take over the land....and he did. He took over the Senate in the blink of an eye and dissasembled the Council of the Three in an instant.Akylion and Zertas swore loyalty to the new tyrant while Bharas vanished to later form a resistence group. Nephios then came in front of the revolted crowd and presented himself telling everything about the imprisonment of the king and so the tyrant started an age of war in the once peaceful Ophreas,conquering more and more of the land with each passing moment...

A shadow comes to light

Deep within a forest at the edge of the capital of Karvas,Jonathan and his family tried to hide from the guards and Nephios's hunters that patroled the forests day and night.It was a hard life but the Ryarr family was prepared.Jonathan's mother was a trained assasin who was once part of a spy team for Triyulas and his father was a wise Blade&Shadow master. During the day Swift used to explore the surroundings of his home while during the night he trained with his father gaining knowledge of his forbidden arts.
One night though,he heard footsteps patroling around his house and went to check it out only to discover that Nephios sent guards to find escapees that did not yet live under his tirany.The guards saw the assasin and launged for him when his father quickly appeared out of nowhere slicing their armors and blades alike and butchering them one by one.The fight was quick and Jonathan and his wise master returned home without knowing that a spy already returned to Nephios to report the vague events.
When the tyrant found out about the assasin duo,he took his,now,most trusted general with him,Akylion and set for the hidden home in pursuit of gaining the Ryarr assasin family on his side for they were not just mere assasins.
Back within the forest,suspecting that Nephios might have already found them,the boy's father told them they had to move immediately to a new location and so they packed up everything and set straight for an abandoned shack in the north of Karvas.

The Night of the Lonely

AT their arrival things were peaceful.No guards,no Nephios,no danger at first sight.The boy and his father kept their training schedule while his mother hunted half abandoned markets for a source of food.
Days and days of constant fights with his master made the young assasin stronger by the minute.But somehow he felt it was not enough.Normal days followed after their move and then one night,when his family was sleeping,Jonathan went out to explore their new location as he loved exploring.Seeing himself at the bottom of a mountain that most likely appeared out of nowhere,he started cutting through the dense vines and found himself in front of what appeared to be a huge wooden door built in the base of a mountain.After a moment of hesitation,he attempted to open the door when he felt his mind overwhelmed by a thought of a whispering voice:"The shadow is not ready...pain of loss...it has to feel...not until the sun downs will it be able to survive..."
Back home after the strange event,he returned only to find that his house was devastated.Nephios and his general,Akylion were waiting in front of the door while his father and his mother fought through the waves of soliders the evil tyrant was sending endlessly.In the end,the young assasin's heart was overtaken by rage as both his parents perished in their endless fight.
Jumping out and dashing from behind a bush,he sliced all the remaining soldiers and set right for Nephios,cutting through Akylion's defenses and going straight for the tyrant wrapping his blades around his neck ready to strike....but he didn't.Jonathan was not a merciless soul so he could not finish the War in this opportunity he had even though Nephios clearly underestimated how his plans would go.
The boy kicked Nephios off his feet and vanished into the night alone...

The Master and the Temple

Wandering alone for days and nights,hiding from hunters,running from wild beasts,Jonathan was lost.In a moment of silence,he felt his mind once again overtaken by a thought of the same whispering voice he heard back at the mountain base:"Yes...it's time,the boy is ready." It was as if two people were talking and their conversation echoed in the boy's mind. Needless to say,Jonathan returned quickly to the hidden door he found that dreadful night and attempted to open it again.In a clash of stone and an awufuly loud sound,the door opened and the assasin entered. Inside he was amazed of what he found:assasins were jumping around tall pylons,some fighting on the second floors of what appeared to be a whole wooden temple hidden inside the mountain. After some seconds,a figure of an old man came to the boy as if he knew he would come to him.It was the temple's master who explained to the boy that he was to become a great assasin one day... For days,the old man trained the boy in the arts of the blade until each dawn when Jonathan and other assasins gathered together around a campfire sharing their own stories.
"Have you heard about what happened to Skarn?",said one sitting on the opposite side of the campfire.
"No,but I've heard he beat a whole battalion of guards last night.",replied another.
"Hah,really?I thought the guy would never be good enough for something like that."
As the guys got lost in their conversation a girl approached Jonathan.
"What about you?How did you get here?"
The assasins looked at her for a moment then remembered how his parents died fighting bravely Npehios and his guards.After a moment of paralyze he simply replied...
"Hehe,it's okay! You don't have to tell me.I'm Deena by the way.I am impressed by your skill.My father said that all the Blade&Shadow users died long ago,even before Nephios came to power."
"Oh...who is your father?,asked the boy intrigued.
The girl pointed to the old master who was looking at them sleepily and giggled.
"The master is my father but don't take it too serious,he is a really nice old man.He built this temple and assembled what you see now here.We are the League of Shadows and our goal is to rid this land of Nephios's existence.It's nice to meet you,Jonathan."
After long stories and laughs,the night ended and everyone went to sleep.The next day the master took the boy under his extreme guidance and intesified his training.He wandered why the old man was going so hard on him but he knew better than to ask as he believed he got there for a reason...

Headline text