Infinity Society

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Infinity Universe is an supergroup that is being ran by @novarockz. and @staticstriker252. He group is very active and we have a major RP event planned for every weekend. You can find us anywhere in the city usually standing on top of something or not. We've taken our inspirations of story arcs from image and marvel comics. We accept any theme that is inspired or your own thing(we'd prefer your own thing most of the time for most of our players to be a lot more creative.) we are currently recruiting members and we are up to 67 right now and hope to invite more heroes in, but you need to be interviewed in order to join. No inviting a random person, no setting permissions, no giving promotions which must be earned by merits, and if you take something out of the bank you need to put something else in it. I'd ask if everyone would just donate 1g just to keep things in balance and we can raise enough money for Costume Contest.



First showings of the group were in Canada. When c'eplavrian Legend sensed something was wrong, he decided to check out what was going on. Three Other heroes had gotten word about the incident. The second hero to show up was a speedster. The thit'd a cat named Wild Lion. The last was a devil. They didn't expect to see other heroes, but Legend suggested it would be better if they worked together. The flew around Canada gaining info from Argent, but they were there to study the ship that had crashed. Legend had found out some of the solders were roin'esh and used his Lunar blast against them. When they got to the ship, it seemed the captain was been I g held captive, it was an ambush the captain and his soideas fought of the roin'esh , but they just keep coming. Wild Lion questioned the leader of the alien species and it replied back saying "The crown was stolen." Everyone knew Argent retrieved something which could've been the crown. Legend flew back to the solder who had a crown looking object knocking him out cold and flew back. Legend gave the ctown back, but the roin'eh thought of taking over the Earth. Legend and the speed step uses their elelectrical attacks which seemed to have an advantage. Legend flew high uup into space using the moon to charge his lunar side in order for him to blow up the ship, killing g all the alien life. Oncertainly it was over Legend invited them to his penthouse suggesting they become a team and look for more heroes. The others replied they had their own business, but they were open to help Legend anytime thus giving them the name of the Infinite Enforcers.


After the first few appearances of the Infinite Enforcers, the leader had to leave Earth in order to save his own planet, so he introduced two new members of the team Captain Paragon and Impervious his lost brother. The two are registered heroes that have been around for about seven years or so. Impervious had a thought in his head and decided to share it. 'What happens if all these vigilantes keep causing damage or endangering people?" Half of the Enforcers team thought that he had a point, the other hand including Paragon begged to differ. They didn't hold a grudge, but it was a long dispute. Impervious brought up the vigilantes known as batwing and moth. Captain had told Impervious that they are hard working heroes who obviously don't want to have the government on their back which can be a burden sometimes. Impervious also then brought up Killer Spider. Captain laughed and told Impervious that there is no reason for him to become registered because he is with Until. Impervious bought it all and decided it's okay for the vigilantes to be around, but they might cause lots of damage.

Felix the World Breaker has reached earth and has decided to inhabit it once again. This time he had a plan which was to mind control heroes (vigilantes). First targets were in the desert, the Enforcers got the call. As soon as they got there they were confused because nothing was there. A vigilante came from behind them and Knock out one of the Enforcers. There was a roar, the cry of a beast. The huge object jumped towards the battle field. The vigilantes were finished. Impervious asked them if they were registered and the answer was no. He stood up and looked at Captain Paragon, "This is exactly what I meant and I won't stand for this anymore!" Flying away in anew the beast Golk arrived. Captain looked at Golk as if he were about to attack. Golk told them that he is a doctor, but he was affecTed by project greenskin. Captain in asked Golk a question, the same one Impervious had asked. He replied "I'm my own guy." Captain respected his answer and invited him to the team. Golk accepted and took care of his other business along with the Enforcers.


As Felix watches the heroes and Villians of Earth everywhere he notices one person, Necrull. He also notices Doctor Destroyers Mega Destroid. He forms a temporary alliance with Necrull. Necrull allowed him to have his undead army. Necrull told Felix that the great Legend wasn't there to protect them. Felix was pleased and launched the attack of the robots and zombies. The Infinite Enforcers went around the globe, other heroes were involved as well. Captain Paragon called it a code white event and said that we needed everyone on this one. All the cards of sll the heroes that were on the current team and reserved went off. Necrull watched as the heroes were being bombarded by different machines and species. Felix used his mind control device on the heroes of the world. Impervious and his squad were fighting off a group of Zombies, but the vigilantes in Canada attacked his squad. Impervious tried hard to not injure any of the heroes. Till one broke a leg of the speedster of the squad. Using all power with his wind breath to blow them away. Impervious and the rest took out all the zombies even though it wasn't over. Captain Paragon and his squad were fighting robots in the city, vigilantes attacked his squad. Captain took a beating. The other heroes struggled. Necrull and Felix laughed with lots of malice. Felix suggested that they telepathy the heroes to come to them to upgrade them. Both squads were beaten. Impervious and Captain Paragon helped to rebuild the homes that were destroyed. Impervious started a huge discussion that lead into an arguement.

"Earth's bravest guardians huh?" - Impervious

"We got beaten soilder, that's part of life." -Captain Paragon

"That should never happen.Wild Lion tell you where he was going for answers?" -Impervious

"No one has to answer to me before the leave Impervious, just give him time." -Captain Paragon

"We don't know when the next wave will show up." -Impervious

"No we dont, I just know that if we attack know that would be doing something stupid." -Captain Paragon

"They call us the bravest heroes, but we got whipped by some god damned creatures." -Capain Paragon

"You looked liked you walked away alright." -Impervious

"You got a problem soilder?" -Captain Paragon

"I don't trust a guy like you that doesn't have common sense. Call me old fashioned " -Impervious

"You don't know old fasioned yet, you've only been here for a few months, you better do your research ." -Captain Paragon

"I'd better not, I know all things needed." -Impervious

"You see, your too cocky." -Captain Paragon

"Isn't everyone, would it affect the team?" -Impervious

"No, it would destroy and end the team." -Captain Paragon

"Isn't that the mission? Isn't the reason why we end that fight so the people can be safe and we can all go home?!"-Impervious

Captain looks at Impervious deaply and punches him, making him bleed.

"Look I don't know how it is on your planet, but anytime someone trys to win a war before it starts people die everytime!" -Captain Paragon

They had finished rebuilding the house and decided that they can no longer stand for what they think the people should belive. Impervious searched for heroes that were registered to aid him in the fight against these creatures and to expose their identies. The heroes there belived what he was saying and discussed how it would make things easier and get ririd off the burden having to lie to their loved ones. There was a press that was made by James Harmon for the heroes to reveal their selves. Heroes were unmasking, people were amazed. It was then interupted by Captain Paragon and his own team of rebels. Killer-Spider had tried to reveal himself but he was frozen and ducked into his mind. In it theye was himself. It was the adult Mike Peterson from the past that became the teen he is now. He explained how it was a bad idea and teen Killer Spider argued. The adult transferred all of his memories, moments, and essence into the boy. Once he had all this now in his mind, he came back to his self in the conference and pulled his mask down saying that Captain Paragon is right. Impervious looked at Killer Spider and spared him, because he was a kid? No, he saw a man in Mike that is strugglin and confused. Killer Spider was attacked by one of the heroes. It was agent toxic a friend of his who was impaled by a laser blade. Havoc broke out and there was a war. Captain Paragon and his team of heroes tried getting the citizens to safe places. Impervious went for the three teens taking them out. Ms. Universe had fought back too creating a small earthquake while exchanging fist with each other. She was punched into a building. Golk had seen the madness that was unleashed onto the city. He tried to break up the fight, but impervious laser beamed him. As soon as Felix saw folk he said that they should make him a mindless beast. Golk started to grow bigger and Impervious was satisfied with this. As he was growing his eyes started to glow white and his teeth were sharpened, his hair was spiked up and unkempt. Folk raised his arm in the air and brought it down destroying dozens of buildings and an unfinished building. Impervious fought back with all his power. This was bad for everyone else, so ms.magic had castes them both somewhere else which was Monster Island. There was Wild Lion him and his tribe ran to get to safety. Wild Lion came back to fight. He took our Golk with his questonite sword. Impervious thanked him and asked him, who's side is he on. Lion had said he left because of this fight that happened, but he had no other choice but to pick the side of the registered heroes.


We're all hanging out at Until when we have an assignment. We do havery a penthouse apartment too in downtown. Usually we are at our moon base in space. If we aren't at any of these places we are either busy or out on vacation.

