Force Girl

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Force Girl
Player: @MeisterZero
Character Build
Class Focus: Might
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms: Alien Metabolism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Catherine Maria Duncan
Known Aliases: Force Girl, Maria, Cathy
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Ethnicity: American
Place of Birth: Atlas Metahuman Medical Center
Base of Operations: Vibora Bay
Relatives: Jessica M. Duncan (Mother)
Jason Cain (Father)
Age: 26
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 176 lbs
Eyes: Radiant Green
Hair: Strawberry Blond
Complexion: Warm, Soft, Durable
Physical Build: Athletic,
Physical Features: Radiant Eyes, Lots of Curves, Pierced Ears
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Not Widely known
Years Active: 11
Citizenship: American Citizen
Occupation: Acquisitions Specialist
Education: Paramilitary, Associates Degree
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength and Stamina, Nanite Healing, Light Speed
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Energy Shield
ReldinBox Template


Force Girl is no stranger to the Heroine Act. Born in Paragon City, a City of Heroes. Force was a Major in the Freedom Corp and the daughter of Jessica Megan Duncan also known as Ms. Liberty. In a battle against Lord Recluse, Ms. Liberty was to make a choice; the lives of many or the life of one? Making the ultimate sacrifice, Force Girl was left to die. She was classified as K.I.A. without a search party being dispatched. Broken and abandoned Force Girl took a path of darkness. In the meantime her mother searched relentlessly for her and had also taken in an orphaned child during her search. Force injured many Longbows and super heroes alike in her path for revenge and soon came across that very same orphan that her mother had taken in as a stepdaughter; Vanessa. Force Girl was heartbroken at the thought she was replaced so soon and fought her mother relentlessly. Ms. Liberty refused to fight back while Vanessa tried to stop her but was unable to. Force finally realized her mothers tears and stopped fighting. Her mother explained what happened before slipping into a coma. Force Girl came to terms with herself and forgave her mother, as her mother forgave her.

During the time Ms. Liberty was M.I.A. Force trained Vanessa to be an outstanding Longbow and fighter. Once Ms. Liberty and Vanessa were fully recovered and battle hardened, She left Paragon City saying goodbye to her sister and mother. Traveling aimlessly for some time, Force found herself in Millennium City where she was rediscovered by a Hero only known as "Defender". He offered her a chance to redeem herself and welcomed her with open arms, now she fights the forces of evil and the darkness in her heart trying to rebuild her life and repent for the deeds that she's done in her past.

Little Monsters

Catherine found out about her powers at a younger age then most. Not only was she scared about them but she was more frightened of how others would treat her. The first sign of her abilities was on the playground during school recess. Catherine had climbed her way to the top of the jungle gym pretending to be a super hero like her mother, overly confident about herself as she's done this several times before. Neglecting to pay attention, a rubber playground ball hurled towards her. Catherine unable to react or grab on to anything after impact, plummeted to the ground breaking her arm and sustaining severe cuts and bruises. The children gathered around her making a commotion as they witness her injuries healing, some of the kids gasped turning away is disgust while others awed. One child spoke up comparing her to a lizard sparking the others to comment, calling her a monster and inhuman before kicking dirt at her. Catherine pushed herself off the ground to defend herself as painful as it was, when the other children ran off to the teachers crying that she was a bully and was hurting them. The teacher scolded her, forcing Catherine to sit in the corner till she was able to get along with the others, which sadly never happened. She became withdrawn from the others not only verbally but also emotionally.

Family Matters

Growing Pain

With Liberty and Justice

Death in the Family

Welding Hearts and Steel

Shadows of a Bright Future