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Player: @Tkaeo
Basic Data
Class Focus: Support hybrid
R & D: Science
Level: 11
Occupation: Student (Grade 12)
Personal Data
Real Name: Cinaed Kilchii Keonie
Known Aliases: Cin, Cinder
Identity: Private
Species: Human
Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: O+
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Crownpoint, New Mexico
Birthdate: November 29, 1995 (Sagittarius)
Nationality: Navajo, American
Current Residence: Millennium City, Michigan
Religion/Faith: Christian, Peyotist (Native American Church)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
English, Diné Bizaad (Navajo)
Known Relatives
Known Powers
(Primary) Fire and Heat Manipulation, Thermal and Solar Radiation Absorption; (Post-Saturation Point) Solar Manipulation, Light Absorption, Ionization, UV Radiation Generation
Training / Abilities
(Primary) Flying, Fire Breathing, Combustion Inducement, Pyrokinesis; (Post-Saturation Point)Particle Acceleration, Solar Flare Inducement, Solar Energy Blasts, Incineration, Inflammation, Thermal/Solar Wind Generation
Multi-Purpose Survival Knife


Cin moved to Millineum City from New Mexico where he lived with his aunt and uncle-in-law. His mother died from pneumonia shortly after he was born and his father was killed by a drunk driver when he was six. He was traumatized by his father's death and had a very rough adjustment to life with his aunt and uncle, becoming very distant and independent over a year and a half period after moving in with them.

After struggling with the meaning of life during this time, he ran away from home and spent a week lost in the desert. Before being found during a rescue search, he experienced a series of spiritual experiences that left him with an extremely deep respect for nature. He began studying shamanism following this and became a practicing animist shortly before puberty at twelve, spending much of his time with the local shaman who taught him the life lessons that would fuel his worldview.


Cin's powers tap into the Navajo's Black God, the fire god and creator of the universe. His abilities are divided into two categories: a controlled, basic "Primary Stage" and an explosive, runaway reaction known as his "Post-Saturation Point" stage.

Primary Stage

Cin's "Primary Stage" consists of his baseline and passive abilities. In this stage, his passive energy intake/output are balanced or manageable. He has access to his most basic, mostly pyrokinetic abilities, while also being able to manipulate waves of heat with an existing source (heaters, candles, excess body heat).

Energy Sources

Even in his Primary Stage, Cinaed has the passive ability to absorb environmental heat and solar radiation. These energies are stored separately in his body, though in his Primary Stage his stored solar energy comes out as thermal energy because of lower energy conversion rates. The air temperature surrounding him greatly impacts this energy conversion rate -- colder temperatures require more effort, higher temperatures increase his effectiveness -- and is the driving mechanism behind his "saturation point", the point at which the surrounding air temperature becomes so hot that use of his powers no longer drains stored energy from his body. At the Post-Saturation Point, the air temperature begins to heat up his body and, combined with his passive heat absorption, creates a positive feedback that causes a runaway reaction.

While technically classified as "solar absorption", it technically is the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. This distinction is important because of Cinaed's cellular chemical reactions: access to the sun isn't required for his solar cells to gain energy. Thermonuclear reaction, like the sun's core, is the same reaction in his heat-storing cells, causing his heat-storing cells to slowly fill his solar cells. For this reason, Cin can replenish his solar cells simply by being in a hot room, regardless of access to light.

Fire and Heat Manipulation

In his Primary Stage, Cin possess full pyrokinetic abilities and a basic thermokinetic ability to move heat from an existing source to a secondary location. While he can move heat from a heater to the air surrounding himself or another person, he can't create thermal vacuums that allow for freezing or cooling of the air via thermokinesis (he possesses this ability, but it's based on him concentrating his heat absorption rates, and only works to cool the air for other people; he becomes hotter in the process).

Cin can generate combustions to produce his own flames, but can also raise the temperature without causing combustion. However, he only possess the ability to control flames with any kind of precision.


Through his ability to control heat, Cinaed can generate and manipulate updrafts and the air surrounding his body. Through these two methods, his flight is similar to either a hang glider or a hot air balloon. While his hang glider method creates a rolling, up-and-down type travel, his balloon method tends to go up and forward in a diagonal line, similar to a large arc. The longer he travels, the further he becomes from the ground, and typically free-falls down to the ground before catching himself on a strong updraft.


Cin's "Post-Saturation Point" is the point at which the ambient temperature becomes too hot for Cin to exhaust his stored energy. At this point, because of his heat absorption, Cin begins to simultaneously create new heat and absorb the new heat in a positive feedback loop. At this point, Cin's body temperature dramatically increases, his energy storage cells quickly fill, and Cin begins to exhaust his excess energy into the air around him, which feeds the loop even further. As his temperature increases, his abilities begin to transcend different states of matter and energy.

Solar Manipulation

Almost immediately after saturation, Cinaed's energy conversion rate becomes high enough to unlock his stored solar energy. The increasing heat and need to store more energy within his cells begins to maximize the transition of heat energy into solar energy within his cells. His combustions become solar flares by taking on extra energy from the UV radiation, while the heat emanating from his body becomes filled with UV rays, turning him into a minor solar body, undergoing the process of thermonuclear fusion.

Particle Acceleration

Because of the heat his body begins to radiate, atomic particles in the surrounding air begin to accelerate. His fires burn hotter, the raw heat causing thermal damage to the cells of an average human body, while his flames begin to incinerate most materials. His combustions become increasingly concussive while his fires begin to create thermal winds that blow harder as he keeps getting hotter.


Because of the increasing temperature and the UV radiation, air molecules begin to ionize around Cin, small sparks of electricity snapping under the roar of swirling winds from the heat. At this point, Cinaed's flames become full-blown solar blasts, while the heat creates thermal winds filled with UV radiation that continue to ionize air molecules. Electronics in the area begin to malfunction, magnetic currents become mildly disrupted, and Cin begins to glow as his own body heat becomes plasma.

Light Absorption

When Cinaed's body reaches a point of total saturation -- when his energy storage cells become completely filled with plasma -- his body reaches a point of criticality under the stress of the heat. Similar to a small supernova, all of the plasma is unleashed as a pressurized, UV-filled wave of gas. His cells become to expand to take in the cooler, nearby light. He takes on the appearance of a black hole, while the blast of pressurized gas creates a rolling wave of heat that draws the nearby heat away from his body, keeping his rapidly-cooling body from being incinerated by the exhausted heat he was unable to handle. The steady and massive intake of light creates a shell of highly unstable magnetism that attracts a layer of plasma from any left in the nearby air.

His body is completely exhausted at this point from the extreme expansion of his cells, causing an intense soreness that lasts for almost a week. His body slowly releases the stored light waves over a period of a few hours, during which the decaying EM waves cause damage to electronics and the emission of numerous visual phenomena.

MP3 Playlist

  • Crossroads (feat. J. Raplh) -- Matisyahu
  • Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head -- Gorillaz
  • Busy Bein' Born -- Middle Class Rut
  • No Woman, No Cry -- Bob Marley
  • Work Me, Lord (Live at Woodstock) -- Janis Joplin
  • Still Remains -- Entwine
  • Live Like a Warrior -- Matisyahu
  • Clint Eastwood -- Gorillaz
  • White Rabbit -- Jefferson Airplane
  • The Science in Violence -- The Rifles
  • Don't Stop -- Innerpartysystem