John Izumi

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Player: @Saarai
[[Image:Screenshot 2011-07-30-19-08-58.jpg|300px|]]
Biographical Data
Real Name: John Izumi
Known Aliases: Ace, Triple Nine, Katsuo
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Assumed)
Ethnicity: Japanese-Italian (May be full Italian or Eastern-European)
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: N/A
Age: 18 - 19
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 201 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Light tan
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Small mole on left side of nose bridge
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Alignment: Template:MaekadaLawful neutral
Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Freelance Solder, Part-Time Model
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super strength, flight, extremely durable
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Magically enhanced katana, modified pistol, modified uzi, power armor vests made of an extremely durable alloy
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


John Izumi, commonly referred to as only Izumi, is a superhuman mercenary of Japanese and Italian descent from Los Angeles, California. Currently, he works in Millennium City as a model and as a mercenary soldier for UNTIL and at times for Primus.

Early History

Childhood And Teenage Years (1992 - 2010)

Westside Story

John was born into two large, but rival, criminal families through the love of his superpowered parents in Los Angeles during the early 1990s. Both his parents were actively on the criminal side of the law, assisting with anything that was asked of them. Izumi was the youngest of their four children and like his siblings he was kept a secret from their enemies. His parents, forced to keep their relationship a secret, decided to leave their families and start their own organization. This proved to anger their parents and many of their friends, but it also proved to be a good move for them. They now had the freedom to run things as they always wanted to and could also openly share their love. Knowing nothing else in life they remained criminals. Building an organization of powered and non-powered beings in order to gain control of the streets of Los Angeles.

Hours before the Battle of Detroit Izumi's parents touched down in the city on business shortly after receiving a call. The reasons for their visit has been of much debate to their most loyal of followers that still live. They were in downtown Detroit when the fighting started, almost caught in the crossfire many times. While on their way back to the airport their vehicle was rammed by another, several individuals emerged from the vehicle and opened fire on the other damaged car. They would then toss several grenades inside before speeding off. The bodies were never recovered.

Orphaned, Izumi and his siblings were likely to be groomed to take over their parents budding empire in the future. This was not the case, feeling they would be safer elsewhere their parents most loyal soldiers gave them over to an up and coming organization known as The Invictus. The Invictus owned a training facility for gifted young people with or without powers just outside of Los Angeles which also served secretly as their recruiting center for their very own paramilitary soldiers.

Schoolyard Bullies

Izumi and his siblings spent most of their lives living at the academy, each excelling in different fields offered and of interest to them. Izumi spent most of his time fencing and playing instruments, though his real goal in life was to join the Los Angeles police department, become a detective, solve crimes and mysteries. But, for much of his upbringing at the academy he was a victim of bullying. He and siblings were outnumbered, not always able to fight back when they could and it seemed the authority at the academy didn't do much about it. Not wanting to be picked on any longer Izumi began to work out and devoted more time to martial arts. In order to surprise his bullies he remained as scarce as possible around the school, waiting until the right moment to strike.

That moment came when spotted his bullies beating up another teen, while many others would just stand back and watch Izumi felt empowered by his new skills and strength. He confronted his bullies in front of most of his peers, while slightly unnerved by the size of the once scrawny Izumi the bullies still tried their luck. Though they were quickly dispatched by a few punches and kicks Izumi had learned while practicing martial arts. He felt good being able to defend someone. It was almost as if his goal of being a cop, of serving and protecting was closer.

He decided to protect other students from bullies in the school and on the streets, earning a small reputation for it. He did this for years and at sixteen even discovered that his strength was far beyond that of many humans. He could lift cars and trucks. But, it wasn't until a little while before he turned seventeen that he would get the push to leave the academy and do it for more people worldwide. Little did he know that his reasons to leave would be the cause of much pain.

City Of Angels

Just two months before his seventeenth birthday Izumi and several others discovered the true purpose of the academy they were raised in. While it did protect them, more or less, from the harshness of Los Angeles it was also training them to be the Invictus' private army of elite soldiers. Izumi came upon this discovery one night when he couldn't sleep, walking through the halls he came by the bedroom of the headmaster, Ian Carlyle. He overheard the headmaster, his assistant Colin and an unknown female voice in the room. While this wasn't suspicious, it was the piece of the conversation he heard that made him stop and listen a little further instead of continuing his quest to waste time.

The discussion was heated with Carlyle and the woman raising their voices and talking over about what to do with the academy and the students. Izumi's first thought was that they were going to be shutting the academy down. The only home he really knew. He was going to do what he could to help them remain open and take in others. It wasn't until the woman got a few choice words in that Izumi knew that wasn't the case. A serious threat from the woman about killing Carlyle if he tried to stop the Invictus from building their army with students from the academy.

Izumi and the other students figured that Carlyle and Colin wouldn't let anything happen to him, so when he heard Carlyle refuse to let the woman have any of the students for her organization's army he thought she would back down for the time being. He peeked into the room, catching a sour look on the woman's face. But quickly it formed into a grin. He watched as Colin, Carlyle's trusted friend and assistant, stabbed the man in the back quite literally. Placing a hand over his mouth so that others wouldn't be able to hear him yell out in pain or call for help.

Almost immediately Izumi ran off, heading straight out of the building towards the girls dorm building to warn his sisters and others. They all had to leave and they had to leave now. Upon arrival he almost made no sense as he tried to explain, eventually he managed to convince the others to leave with him. Sending some to the boys dorm to warn the students there. And others to grab what they could from the different facilities. Weapons, equipment, and rations.

Izumi, along with his sisters and several other students, used their natural and learned abilities as elite mercenary soldiers to scale the wall and make their way into the city. Though they weren't without Invictus soldiers searching for them to either bring them back to indoctrinate them or eliminate them all together. Upon reaching the city they ducked and dodge through alleys to get to Hollywood. The Invictus wouldn't dare try anything with so many police, celebrity heroes, and paparazzi around.

Knowing the risks to staying in a large group they all decided to part ways, promising to make contact and meet up when they felt they were safe. Izumi's youngest and oldest sister left for New York, while the middle sister left for the south. Izumi, like his middle sister, decided to remain alone. He stayed in Los Angeles and joined the other young adults and teens, most of which were trying to make it in acting and modeling. He chose this path, making a little money for small acting roles and photo shoots. It wasn't long until he would be pulled back into protecting people, initially doing it for free until he was paid by a man he saved from a vicious beating by Triad thugs in Chinatown. He knew the importance of money, especially now that he had no place to stay and barely any clothes to wear. He turned back to the life of a mercenary. Keeping it up for almost year. But, about a week shy of his eighteenth birthday he would receive a very important phone call.

Got Money?

One day after coming home from a photo shoot in Hollywood Izumi received a phone call to his cellphone from an unknown number. Figuring it may have been someone wanting to make use of his other skills, his skills as a mercenary soldier, he answered it. He was surprised to hear the voice of his oldest sister. She and the other girls had reunited in a city in Michigan called Millennium City and were doing fine despite the problems plaguing some areas. Izumi, short on cash, informed his sister that he would call her when he had the money to get there and was hoping she would be waiting for him at the airport. She agreed, telling him to at least call once a week to talk to her.

What he didn't tell his sister was that he was still being tailed by the Invictus and had accidentally gotten involved in a war between a Yakuza gang and a Triad gang while helping a Chinatown store owner find his missing daughter. Needing money and not wanting to abandon what he promised to do Izumi remained in Los Angeles and dedicated more of his time to his mercenary work. Hoping to be able to used the gang war to make just enough to buy some new gear and a plane ticket to Millennium City.

His first stop was Chinatown to meet with the leader of the Triad gang known as The White Tigers. The Tigers were involved in the war with a Yakuza gang known as Red Rain. The Los Angeles branch of a larger Yakuza family. Izumi wasn't actually sure why the war started and was determined to find out. Finding the restaurant owned by the Tigers he paid a visit, almost immediately allowed access to their leader due to his reputation for his charitable acts in Chinatown. Led to a room in the back of the restaurant he was finally introduced to Tiger leader Baihu, the man who founded the gang and due to his ego named them after him.

Izumi, wanting to find a way to resolve the war and increase his payment, asked why the ward had begun in the first place. Baihu explained it carefully, he suspected Red Rain of kidnapping Asian girls from Chinatown and other areas in Los Angeles. One of those girls happened to be his niece and when he sent some men to confront Red Rain a fight broke out. Izumi offered to find Baihu's niece and free her along with the other girls for a price. Explaining his situation to Baihu in order to let him know that his intentions were still sincere. Baihu agreed to the deal, offering to pay Izumi a large sum of money for the recovery of his niece. Izumi set out immediately for Little Tokyo to pay the leader of Red Rain a visit.

When It Rains

Upon arrival at the Red Rain stronghold in Little Tokyo Izumi was caught off guard by an explosion from inside. His first thought was the Baihu had sent his men to bomb the building, but the appearance of yellow clad men and women in paramilitary garb and them soon trading fire with Red Rain struck that thought from his mind. Izumi, being unarmed at the moment, quickly made a run for the building. Using whatever objects were around him to enter the stronghold. Once he neared the entrance to the stronghold several armed Red Rain members and their leader, Echo, burst out of the building and nearly stampeded over Izumi in their hasty attempt to flee the scene.

Not wanting to miss his chance to speak with Echo and not wanting to remain in the middle of a gunfight Izumi followed behind the group. Going so far as to push one of Echo's men out of his way and dive into the man's limousine as it was speeding off much to Echo's discomfort. Several weapons were drawn and aimed at Izumi by Echo's bodyguards, almost immediately prompting him to explain his reasons for being there in order to lessen the chance that he would be shot and killed there.

Echo explained that the war wasn't actually started by them doing any human trafficking, but by the group in yellow. Mercenaries hired by another Yakuza gang from Tokyo who were looking to expand to the United States by eliminating some of their biggest competition. Red Rain included. Feeling as if Red Rain was over and he would be forced back to Japan for punishment for his failure in America Echo asked Izumi for his help. Having heard rumors about the young man he figured that he would be a good choice to end the war and keep Red Rain in power in Los Angeles. Izumi agreed, asking for weapons and armor in order to launch an attack on the mercenaries and successfully put an end to their attacks on Red Rain and the other Yakuza gangs.

Echo agreed to give him everything he needed, men and women included, for a crippling attack on their enemy and put an end to the war with Baihu and The White Tigers Triad.

Yellow Fever

Izumi joined Echo and his people at one of their warehouses which served as safe house when fighting hit Echo a little too close to him. The warehouse contained many crates filled with weapons, armor, and ammunition for use by Red Rain. As Red Rain armed up Izumi called up Baihu, intent on informing him of what was really going on. Baihu answered his phone yelling, the sound of guns in the background an indicator of the danger he was in. Unable to get a word in before the line went dead Izumi quickly grabbed a few guns and a Kevlar vest, asking for Echo and Red Rain to come along in an attempt to save Baihu and his men from their attackers.

Upon arrival they discovered nothing but bodies including that of Tiger leader Baihu. The yellow clad mercenaries were still present inside Baihu's restaurant, the sounds of gunfire made this clear. After a minute she shots would cease, moments later the mercenaries would charge out of the restaurant. Their appearance prompting Red Rain to open fire and mow down many of them before they had time to react. They began to flee the scene just as more Red Rain and Tigers were showing up. Many of them deciding to follow the mercenaries and hopefully get to their base of operations.

While Echo would normally take days, weeks even, to plan an attack the heavy losses and relentless nature of the mercenaries caused him to want to end them as quickly as possible before they successfully ended him and Red Rain. The mercenaries inadvertantly led Izumi, Red Rain, and what was left of the Tigers to their headquarters, a large house near Hollywood. It was heavily guarded, though due to Izumi's quick thinking and planning the attack was a little more in his and his allies' favor. Izumi, able to lift up to 7 tons, grabbed a car and flung it at the house. Then another and another until the house began to crumble and some parts came down on his enemies.

Red Rain and the Tigers quickly moved in, leaving Izumi and a few others to watch their backs from the outside. A massive gunfight could be heard, almost drowned out by the police helicopters and sirens that were quickly approaching. Echo, still inside fighting, also heard the sirens after awhile. He called for a retreat, fleeing back outside to Izumi in order to leave and allow the police force to sort the rest out. Izumi and Red Rain retreated back to the warehouse with their Tiger companions and whoever survived or weren't caught by the police on their way back. Echo, having sustained a bullet to the gut, collapsed on the floor. Though his medics informed Izumi and the others that it was due to blood loss and that the man would live if they worked on him immediately.

A Job Well Done

Izumi awoke the following day in the Red Rain warehouse to the sound of Echo and the others yelling. He stood up and quickly moved to see what was going on. The news was showing on a nearby TV, the attack from the night before allowed the LAPD to recover the missing girls and prompted both the CIA and FBI to start investigations into the mercenary group and their ties to organized crime and terrorist groups in and out of America. In response to a job well done Echo offered Izumi money and and work for as long as he wanted it. Seeing no other way to make the amount of money he would need for his trip to Michigan Izumi decided to take any work he could from Red Rain and Echo.

Echo then told Izumi that he was trained in the art of Bushido, leaving Izumi skeptical. He informed Izumi that traces of it still existed, but to a lesser extent in the current day and age. He offered to train him, to hone his skills and make him even better at what he does. So long as he stayed in Los Angeles with Red Rain for about a year to work for them. Izumi agreed to the conditions of the training.

He started to train immediately after Echo recovered from his wounds, practicing with a seemingly magical katana that Echo kept in his office. Echo's explanation for the weapon's "magical" properties was that it belonged to an legendary warrior who happened to be a demi-god. Only few were able to proficiently wield the weapon. Echo being one of them and now Izumi. Echo's words kept Izumi skeptical as usual, the sword seemed very normal to him and many members of Red Rain.

Izumi put Echo's words aside, continuing his training without dwelling much on the sword he was given supposedly being magical. He worked almost nonstop for a year until finally told by Echo that he had taught him everything that he could. Echo gave Izumi a few thousand dollars and a plane ticket to Millennium City before letting the teenager depart for the airport. He boarded his plane and rode smoothly to the city.

It was the actual city itself which seemed like it would be a bad experience for him.

Arrival In Millennium City (Present Day - ???)

Making A Name

Izumi arrived during in Millennium City in midsummer hoping to make a new life with his sisters. He would soon find out that this wasn't the case. His sister told him that she had a place downtown, but when he got there it was all but destroyed in the middle of fighting between the local heroes, police, UNTIL, and what appeared to be killer robots. In a strange new city all alone Izumi turned to the one thing that he could really rely on for money and some form of steadiness. He engaged in mercenary work, though instead of working for local gangs and whoever would pay he offered his services to the police force in hopes of making a name for himself. In a place like Millennium City the one he was in it was good to have the law on your side and Izumi knew this.

His work against crime in the city, against VIPER especially, and his donations to several different charities would serve to draw attention to him. Attention from UNTIL, this led to him being considered for a position within the organization. It is unknown if he will accept this position at the time being.

He still continues his search for his sisters even while. Sure that they're alive just out of touch or unaware that he is still alive and in Millennium city.


Appearance And Personality

Izumi is tall male of what would appear to be Eastern-European descent, possibly Mediterranean, with long black hair reaching down past his shoulders. He stands at an imposing 6'4" and is very muscular despite his age due to bodybuilding and practicing martial arts since his younger days. Despite his body type Izumi is very polite and formal, usually referring to most women as "ma'am" and most men as "sir". This is not to say that he doesn't have another side, despite being nice he has a strong like for dirty jokes and at times black comedy. He also enjoys playfully exchanging insults with those he becomes close to.

He prefers to look at the brighter side of things. Never one to give up hope or lose faith in something or someone if the situation could be turned around and led in a better direction. He sometimes sees this as a weakness.



Izumi's strength can't be called anything less than superhuman. Able to lift up to 5 tons, punch through stone walls, and lift VIPER tanks he is indeed a powerful young man and his strength continues to grow as time goes on. It is unknown at this time if or when he'll ever reach his physical peak.


Izumi had learned of his ability to fly at a young age when attempting to reach a ball stuck in a tree. This was when he first knew that he had gifts. He would secretly practice flying at times up until he was 17 when he would eventually clock his speed at a little less than 100 mph. Over the years his speed has flying speed has increased, now a little over 120 mph.

Speed And Agility

Izumi isn't all brawn and he isn't all brain. Due to his martial arts background he has sharp reflexes and boxer-like grace when fighting on the ground. This added to his strength makes him a deadly opponent in almost all forms of close quarters combat.


Izumi's body is extremely durable, able to take and absorb massive amounts of damage. But, so far this has shown some weaknesses. Izumi still feels pain, but is able to shake it off quickly and jump back into a fight. This ability means he is hit more often and his body eventually begins to feel it. At times resulting in bruised ribs and deep wounds.


Izumi was initially being trained as an elite super soldier. Resulting in special forces level skill and tactics for him to use in combat which he frequently does. On top of this he was trained in Bushido, which he still believes is actually Bushido just away for his teacher to sound cool, as well as Muay Thai, Kyokushin Kaikan and western boxing.

Roleplay Hooks/Known Information

- Can be recognized for his old and recent appearances in magazines as a fashion model.

- Known by some members of UNTIL as a candidate for one of their many divisions dedicated to training and utilizing superpowered beings.