Kristine Khanner

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Kristine Khanner
Player: Kristine Khanner@tfavb10
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kristine Khanner
Known Aliases: Krist'ine, Kristy.
Gender: Female
Species: Human, Kivan
Ethnicity: American
Place of Birth: Steel Canyon, Paragon City, Rode Island, Primal Earth
Base of Operations: The Green Green Gullet (STO: Star Cruiser), (TOR: Personal Star ship) D5-Mantis
Relatives: Kheldia's Grace
Age: 18-20
Height: 6'0" (72")
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Red
Hair: Green with Black streaks
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Black Phoenix Tattoo (Back)
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Identity: Learned Knowledge
Years Active: 10
Citizenship: Refugee
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary
Education: "K-12" Special Education
Marital Status: Single (Uninterested)
Known Powers and Abilities
Duel Wield, Combat Armor
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Duel Blaster pistols, Cyber-tech combat suit, Hover Disk
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Kiva Corps.jpg

The Bounty Hunter

Both infamous and anonymous at the same time, Bounty Hunters are far more than mercenaries for hire—they’re heirs to a professional legacy—an ancient brotherhood with a glorious history. Tracking elusive targets across multiple star systems requires expertise, especially when the targets can be prominent, powerful, and often prepared for confrontation. Thrill seekers from all walks of life set out to become Bounty Hunters, but only the most hard-boiled survive in this competitive and deadly business.[1]

Joining the Ranks of the bounty hunters, uses her Military training from her upbringing in KIVA Corps, to make a living, Hunting Bounty's wherever her travels may take her.

The Mercenary

If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating offense in the Business. Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform. There’s no problem extra firepower can’t solve, and no one who knows what he’s doing gets between a Mercenary and his target. [2]

Character Background/div>

Coming Soon...

Character Background Part 1: Paragon City

This is what is known of Kristine Khanner prior to Paragon City's demise, from her Experiences she says that, she is the daughter of Trans-dimensional Adventurer Mystique "The Cyberchill" Khanner, Who lived a brief live in Steel Canyon, long enough to attend collage, and bore Mystique Khanner Jr., and Kristine. year's later, Kristine's family caught up with their wayward daughter, Misty luckily was blessed with the gift of a Khledian merge, while Kristine, became their grandfathers Ginnie-pig. Years of experimentation, took their tole on the child, She was for the most part, and angry detached rebel, and the Experiments left her an Angry and Unstable person, It wasn't long before she was trained to unleash her rage upon Paragon City, but Kristine had other plans. She took vengeance upon her Insane grandfather. Destroying his Labs, Foiling his plots. Over the next few year Kristine walked a thin line between good and evil, going from Hero, to Vigilante. Soon her actions led her to a life of Crime, and she was exiled to the Rogue Ilse, where she embraced the culture for some time, until she got sick of being a mere pawn in Recluses games, in a quest for power, she began to diversify, leaning to magic. That is when she Met Cythia Amber's a young magi, who brought her to the Ruins of Rome, and Greece. she soon learned, that Cythia was not as human as she once appeared, a Rebellious half demon, raised by the Circle of thorns. Who helped her reach incarnate potential by finding a strange Relic, the "Pendant of Hades Desires". Soon, she began to turn rogue in a quest for power. Until the day came, she was to face her rival, which was revealed to be her own sibling Mistique Khanner "Kheldia's Grace" who had reached Incarnate potential, a battle ensued. In the in Misty was the Victor, and Kristine, was left powerless. Misty decided to redeem her sister, and her companion. Soon Kristine was back on the side of good, and Cyhtia discovered she was the Sibling of the hero Infernal. When Paragon Met its Demise, the three along with their comrade Belladonna Copular where aided by the mysterious Mallennia, who helped them escape to Millennium City.

Character Background Part 2: Arriving In Millennium City

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Day to day life

Now a days, Kristine often works a long way form home, from the Frozen lakes of Canada, to the depth's of Lemuria, or even to the distant worlds such as Hutta, Kristine is following in her mother's footsteps as the Trans-Dimensional adventurer, "The Cyberchill". However unlike her predecessor, Kristine has taken some rather odd jobs, kept in line by her sister for many years, she is now without her sister's guidance, and often gets in over her head. Surviving such encounters only makes her more Battle-Hardened. With each Bounty comes its own Reward, while not always monetary, Kristine is known to salvage, Equipment, Collect Battle Trophies, Mementos, and rack up a lot of Personal Prestige for her efforts, but for her nothing beats the thrill of the hunt.


Kristine started out her Superhuman Career after a accident at her grandfathers Laboratory mutated her, giving her Amazing strength, and regenerative abilities, however as she continued in her rocky path of she went from Heroics, to Vigilant actions, to Villainy, to complete Rogue, soon after she gained the attention of the Well of Furies, in the end her sister Misty stopped Kristine, bringing her sister back from her Decent, but after they left Paragon for Millennium City, Misty saw it fit to remove Kristine's volatile power, so that this incident will never repeat itself, Begrudgingly Kristine gave up her power, know if left unchecked by her sisters healing, she would only grow corrupt. Using the same science that created Kristine's mutation, Misty was able to remove the unstable portion of the powers, that increased strength, leaving Kristine with her regenerative powers. Ever Since, Kristine has opted for her Military Combat Training. To combat Super-powered threats with nothing more then Custom Modified Blaster Pistols, and a strange suit of combat armor.


Kristine is a strong willed woman, Reckless in combat, she puts her life on the line to save her allies, she gets this trait from her mother. However, unlike her mother she is not the most well liked person, an unconventional education has only made her slightly more socially awkward, but she has a good heart. Despite Mercenary comments about money, she does care for her allies safety, as well as her objectives.

Equipment and gear

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Duel Blaster Pistols

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Armor Background

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Jet Boots

Gadget Background

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Vehicles & Transports

Kristine Khanner uses a variety of transportation devices, from rocket boosters, Hover boards, Speeders, Hover tanks, and Grav-bikes to Interstellar star ships, and Star Cruisers.

Hover Tank Snow Leopard

Hover Tank Background

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Grav-Bike Raptor

Grav-Bike Background

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Sith Empire Icon.pngD5-Mantis Patrol Craft

Ca d503 full schematic.jpg

Spacecraft Background

The D5-Mantis Patrol Craft is an alpha predator starship in the cold depths of space. Designed to meet the hefty demands of a much larger interdiction vessel, the Mantis was given a compact frame and built to fight–and nothing else. By employing three retractable weapon foils with independent power supplies, the Mantis is capable of safely deploying armament intended for larger class vessels, as well as reducing its profile significantly in order to be packed tightly into carrier ships with a surprising number of other Mantis crafts.

To mitigate what would otherwise be an extremely cramped interior, the engineers of the D5-Mantis make efficient use of vertical space and minimal bulkheads to provide more open areas and ensure ease of access for maintenance.

Although the D5-Mantis is considered a best-in-class vessel, spotting one in use is a relatively rare sight. The prohibitive cost of building a completely independent, long-range picket ship prevented the Mantis from seeing large-scale production. [3]

A Nemesis Plot!

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Fusion Kristine


Enemy Background

Shortly after her arrival to Millennium City, a threat emerged, one that called it's self "Fusion Kristine", This vile alien Doople-ganger, appears to be a Reptilian version of Kristine. Its origins are a mystery to Millennium City, but this armor-clad she-beast leaves a trail of destruction in her wake, poisoning civilians, and retreating to the sewers, leaving behind a trail volatile acidic ooze. Despite her grotesque appearance, and abilities, she is oddly cognitive for a monster, through the wheeze of her metallic respirator. But, what is this creature? Why does it appear to be some form of double to Kristine?

None can be sure, but Millennium City seems to experience a period of relief as it has mysteriously disappeared from the public eye, as Kristine and Local Law Enforcement search for clues, deep in the sewer system of Millennium City, the best dwells plotting in Secret.

Praetorian Double

Currently Kristine's Praetorian doppelganger, self-proclaimed "Praetor" Cyberchill's whereabouts are unknown, but she knows she is still out there, planning for her revenge on Kristine and the other Incarnates who vanquished Tyrant.

Enemy Background

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