Kortaga Shaan

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Kortaga Shaan
Player: starman212
Class Focus:
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Personal Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases:
Species: Demon
Ethnicity: Demon
Age: Unknown
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Biographical Data
Occupation: Exiled Demon
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Marital Status:
Known Relatives:
Known Powers
Known Abilities


I was cast out of the demon realm by my own cousin. Now I have to prove myself to get back in...

And yes, my left arm is made of gold. Thanks to the same idiotic, moronic, stoopid*, [CENSORED], [DELETED], [REDACTED], [REMOVED], [WHAT DOES THIS ONE EVEN MEAN?], [OK I THINK THEY GET THE IDEA NOW!] cousin.

I wish I could kill him. But Grandfather would just Raise him again and then I'd never hear the end of it...


* Yes, I know "stoopid" is mispelled. That's the point... There's "stupid"... and then there's "stoopid."

Also if I look human, don't believe it. it's a spell I use to blend in with humanity...

Nemesis List

  • Dr. Timothy Charles Smith - Telepathic collector of all things not of this Earth, including alien, magical, trans-dimensional, objects and, on occasion, beings...