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Liath Rook Logo.png

Rook - Early File Photo
A trained sniper and former member of a special forces unit, Rook and his team mates were betrayed by one of their own; the armored powerhouse Black Queen. Left bloodied and presumed dead amongst the bodies of his fallen comrades in the Canadian wilds, Rook survived thanks to the ministrations of a local native tribe's shaman. Unfortunately he was unable to fully heal Rook, resulting in the loss of his left eye.

Rook subsequently retrained himself to use his right eye for targetting.

Returning to civilisation, Rook left active duty with the canadian military and was seconded to the UK, and became a member of the MOD sponsored Valiant supergroup. During this time he turned his attention to tracking down Black Queen. He has been distracted from his mission by requests from local authorities and the Champions to assist with capture of other fugitive villains.

Real Name: Warren McKenzie
Age: 37
Place of Birth: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Nationality: Dual Citizenship (USA/Canada)

Code Name: Rook
Skills: Almost preternatural aim and ability with weapons. Given Code Name for ability to sit on sidelines and shoot directly on targets a long distance away. (All team members were named for chess pieces)


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