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A-Plus is the name of a secret training program for teenage meta-humans. It is housed at Detroit Memorial High School, and receives funding from the US Department of Justice. If the teens were to operate officially together as a team, their team name would also be A-Plus.


Detroit Memorial High School

The school was established in 2002 in honor of the victims of the Battle of Detroit in 1992, a calamity which gave way to Millennium City's founding atop the remains of Old Detroit.

Detroit Memorial is located at 2930 E. Jefferson Avenue in the downtown core, a 22 floor building of which the school occupies the first 11 floors. The hidden training facility is concealed between the 5th and 6th floors, though it is primarily on the 6th. The school has capacity for 2,500 students.


22 - MC Public Schools Board Room/Board Offices/Roof access/Building Maintenance 17-21 - Various professional offices 16 - Commercial lobby/professional offices/PRIMUS Field Office 13-15 - Offices of Millennium City Public Schools 12 - School administration/media arts studio 11 - DMHS Student Council/Student Lounge/Club Spaces/multipurpose rooms 10 - Math faculty/classrooms 09 - Science labs/science faculty/classrooms 08 - Humanities faculty/classrooms 07 - Library/Computer Science lab/Robotics Lab/school server room 06 - Industrial Arts/A-Plus Secret Training Facility/Split-level atrium (upper) 05 - Gymnasium (upper)/spectator space/indoor track/Split-level atrium (lower) 04 - Gymnasium (mid)/workout room/spectator space/classrooms 03 - Gymnasium (lower)/athletics faculty/infirmary/classrooms 02 - Arts studios (art, drama, music)/Arts faculty/Cafeteria/Foods labs/Theater (upper) Main - School Admin/Lobby/loading dock/Auto Mechanics lab/Theater (lower) Sub - Parkade/Building maintenance

Elevators and Stairs

There are two sets of two elevators on the northwest and southeast of DMHS to service the school for all 11 floors it occupies. Students may also use stairways on the northeast and southeast to move between levels.

Professionals working in upper floors of the tower use an alternate lobby on the north face of the tower, with its own dedicated express elevator to reach the Commercial Lobby on the 16th floor. There are emergency stairwells which go through all levels of the tower, however, they cannot be accessed without tripping an alarm, and are monitored by cameras.

There is a large service elevator on the main and second floors which services the drama department's movement of items to the theater stage. A teacher key is required to operate it.


All teams of Detroit Memorial are called the 'Maelstrom.' Their team colors are white and powder blue.

The school has an impressive slate of teams, including:

  • Football (September-November)
  • Basketball (December-March)
  • Volleyball (May/June)
  • Badminton (February-April)
  • Track and field (April-May)
  • Cheer (all year)


The following are established extra-curricular activities students may join:

  • Anime Club
  • Drama club
  • The d3C0d3r5 (Robotics & Coding Club)
  • Chess club
  • Concert band
  • Marching band
  • Mathletes
  • RPG Club
  • Running Club