Magnus Lionheart

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Magnus proudly wears his S.H.A.F.T uniform

Name: Magnus Lionheart
Race: Felix Sapiens Superior
Status: Mutant
Origin: Alternate Reality


An accidental exile from an alternate Earth where it was the feline order which raised itself to the dominant place rather than primates, Magnus was a mutant adventurer in his own reality with the ability to generate blasts of energy and travel at great speed both on the ground and in the air.

Stranded in this Millenium City by Kitty Kaboom while she was working on a prototype for her Reality Transponder, Magnus decided to use his abilities to aid the overrun MCPD and the forces of good on this Earth.

Magnus also is willing to use whatever technology he comes across to aid his battle against evil, including guns, swords or even hammers

A reserve member of SODLAG, Magnus currently calls S.H.A.F.T his family thanks to the help of Zach Zapperoni and Kitty Kaboom in making him feel settled in this reality.
