Kid Steel

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Alex was the son of a military contractor engaged to develop of an armored battlesuit for the British Government. The suit was to aid non powered armed forces in response to the challenge of super powered criminals.

During a routine test of weaponry prior to mounting in the suit, Alex wandered into his father's laboratory and was accidentally shot by the weapon, severing his spinal cord. This left Alex paralysed from the neck down.

Wracked with guilt Magnus Snr co-opted some of the tech from the battle suit to create a lightweight exosuit to allow his son to resume a relatively normal life. The exosuit allowed Alex a full range of movement and was modular in design allowing his father to add or replace functionality.

During a break in at his central London lab, Magnus Snr was murdered. The authorities were unable to apprehend the perpetrators, although there was some information linking Argent to the crime but not enough for the Police to proceed with an arrest or conviction.

Angered by the lack of Police involvement Alex determined to bring his father's killers to justice. Hacking into the security footage of the break in, Alex was able to obtain a licence plate number of a van. Following design notes found in his father's private lab he managed to construct an armored outer layer to link to his exosuit.

Tracking the van to a compound south of the Thames, Alex was able to subdue the Argent personell and find the items removed from his father's lab. After a battle at Argent UK HQ, Alex turned the criminals and evidence over to the authorities.

Following his father's funeral Alex moved to live with his mother Alicia in Millenium City. Unwilling to give up his new armor he decided to emulate the heroes of MC, becoming a crime fighter using the name Kid Steel.


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Name: Kid Steel
Alter Ego: Alex Magnus Powers
Age: 15
Nationality: Dual - British/American

Player: @Liath