Bobby Creeseman

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Creeseman 003.jpg
"No one can stop me. No one can tame me. Because that would mean admitting that I was right all along. None of you could admit it though, can you? Since you're all so... NORMAL."
Robert "Bobby" Creeseman
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Supercosmic Villain
R & D: N/A
Level: Incalculable (As Bobby Creeseman)
65 (Atriox)
60 (Rukia)
48 (Moloch)
10 (Daon)
Occupation: Waiter (Formerly)
Religious Figure (Current)
Cult Symbol (Current)
Intergalactic Supervillain (Current)
Personal Data
Real Name: Robert Creeseman
Known Aliases: The Vancouver Angel
The Angel of Anarchy
The Abomination
He Who Wanders
Identity: Public
Species: Human (Formerly)
Age: 28
Height: 17' 11" (5.41 metres) (Current)
5' 5" (Formerly)
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Canadian
Current Residence: None (Residing as an abstract in the Abyssal Realm)
Religion/Faith: Atheist (Current)
Catholic (Formerly)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Bobby's Father (Deceased)
Bobby's Mother (Unknown)
Jennifer Creeseman (Older Sister)
Known Powers
Overwhelming Telekinesis, Telepathy, Overwhelming Strength, Regeneration, Abyssal Manifestation
Training / Abilities

"Deep down, you know in your heart that I represent a part of all of you. So band together, heroes of Millennium City. Unite, and form as many alliances as you want. In the end, you will all lose, and this city will be mine. Because your hypocrisy will always betray you!"

- Bobby Creeseman challenges Millennium City's superheroes

"Your lectures on morals and ethics mean nothing to me. Here is all I have to say. You carry out YOUR justice. And I will carry out MINE."

- Bobby Creeseman

Robert "Bobby" Creeseman is a cataclysmically powerful metahuman, known amongst the people as The Vancouver Angel, later going by the alias The Angel of Anarchy.

As a symbol of rebellion for those who were oppressed by society, Bobby's reputation was legendary in his home city, with many supporting and even going to the extreme of worshipping him in protest against an unfair system.

After conquering all of Vancouver, sending the entire city into anarchy, Bobby's influence and massive following spread throughout all of Canada, eventually reaching Millennium City, America, where Bobby has become an extremely dangerous threat to UNITY and NATO.

Following his first battle against the unlikely alliance of Defender and Doctor Destroyer, an inexperienced and reckless Bobby was met with a devastating defeat, in which his body was vaporized by the same death ray Destroyer had used on Detroit. Having lost his body, Bobby is only able to retain a terrifying physical ethereal visage for at most a few minutes. After regaining his consciousness in The Abyss, Bobby began accumulating power at an unfathomable pace.

In an attempt to manifest for longer periods of time, Bobby's essence formed several offshoots of consciousness; entities known as his Four Heralds, which act on his behalf and possess a fraction of his power. Each Herald has been classified by UNTIL as a Cosmic Threat. Together, the four Heralds represent 40% of Bobby's true power, which has since grown to incalculable amounts.

The Four Heralds are:

  1. Atriox - The Herald of Ravage: A gargantuan beast the size of skyscrapers. Atriox represents the sheer animosity Bobby harbors. Atriox is said to be so powerful that the monster was capable of easily overpowering the likes of Grond, who is known for his immense strength.
  2. Rukia - The Herald of Ruin: Rukia represents Bobby's desire to bring ruin to the world. Known as the "Grim Reaper of the Heralds", Rukia frequently wields a scythe and is capable of killing entire armies in hand-to-hand combat. Rukia is said to be so powerful that direct slices from her scythe can sever entire mountains.
  3. Daon - The Herald of Corruption: Unlike Atriox and Rukia, Daon is not a fighter, but rather a highly cunning and manipulative shapeshifter. Neither male nor female, Daon has taken the form of men, women, non-binary, animals, creatures, and monsters. Daon represents Bobby's perception of society: greed, lust, lies, and corruption. Daon's methods of infiltration, sabotage, and manipulation have been the cause of the Canadian government's fall into anarchy.
  4. Moloch - The Herald of Subjugation: A skeletal robed creature capable of infinite, exponential replication, Moloch overwhelms his enemies through sheer numbers. Representing Bobby's desire to take control of the world that had oppressed him, Moloch's replication and necromancer abilities have been the main military might of the Four Heralds. Moloch alone was capable of completely overwhelming the entirety of Asia.


Bobby Creeseman (Human)

Bobby's human form at 5 percent power, from when he faced Defender and Doctor Destroyer the first time

"He was someone who looked so broken, but for once in my life, I had no desire to help him. My entire body was screaming at me to run away."

- Sapphire

Before losing his human body, Bobby is depicted to be a scrawny young man of below-average height with brown scraggly hair parted to one side. His olive eyes are described to be animalistic, and due to his jaded personality, often manifest in a permanent glare towards his surroundings. A running gag from when Bobby was still a human is that despite his short stature, his build and slenderness would make him appear to be at least 6 feet tall.

Bobby wears a dark short-sleeved aviator jacket on top of a black T-shirt, complimented by a pair of dark grey jeans.

When manifesting hints of his telekinetic power, Bobby's body emits an intimidating aura as well as a noticeable shadow across his body. Flashes of violent black lightning surround him, with residual telekinetic energy causing debris to be lifted from the ground. At 5 percent, Bobby's power was so intimidating that multiple superheroes who attempted to confront Bobby in Westside collapsed from the sheer pressure his body was generating. Upon arriving at the scene, Defender instinctively ordered an evacuation of all residents of Westside, heroes and villains alike, greatly disturbed by Bobby's presence. Sapphire claimed that upon seeing the supervillain at first glance, a chill ran through her body causing the hairs on her skin to rise.

The Four Heralds

Atriox of Ravage

Atriox, the Herald of Ravage

"A god of destruction. In his wake, entire armies exist just to be trampled under his feet.
My prayers go out to whoever encounters that thing.
Because I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.

- An agent of VIPER witnessing Atriox decimate the continent of South Africa

Atriox is an enormous monstrosity, easily dwarfing entire villages and even cities. Boasting a whopping 150m in height, Atriox's size rivals that of skyscrapers, and is multiple times larger than the supervillain Grond.

A mass of spikes, demonic flesh, extremely sharp claws, fangs, and glowing white accents, Atriox's bestial features are similar to Bobby's Ethereal Visage, which emanates tremendous amounts of wrath and destructive intent. The footsteps Atriox leaves behind contain residues of Bobby's malicious telekinetic power, in the form of glowing white cracks within the crevices of destruction.

Atriox's appearance has left behind a state of panic towards many civilizations, due in part to both his size, as well as his monstrous features. Upon wreaking havoc, many nations that find themselves victim to Atriox's rampages usually are unable to assemble to fight the threat, as they typically succumb to panic and disarray. When Atriox invaded South America, the sheer pressure of the monster's presence caused many militaries to lose the will to fight, and entire civilizations to fall apart from sheer fear.

Unique to Atriox, is that, unlike the other Heralds, the Herald of Ravage is capable of manipulating the weather and environment around himself, manifesting extremely violent thunderstorms. Within the dangerous vicinity of the monster, the sky appears to darken, influenced by the abyssal properties of Bobby's consciousness influencing the environment around Atriox. The level of storms is so great, that when Defender attempted to contain Atriox, the superhero was incapable of breaching the violent winds surrounding the monster even with the help of Witchcraft and Nighthawk's aerial support.

Rukia of Ruin

Rukia, the Herald of Ruin

"Rukia. The Herald of Ruin
Where there exists adversity
Where there exists defiance
Ruin shall befall them.

The Grim Reaper of The Four Heralds shall cut them down.

- Bobby Creeseman

Rukia is described to be tall, beautiful, and elegant, but wild and vicious due to her reaper-like nature. Frequently seen with a crazy smile on her face, Rukia resembles her progenitor's unhinged personality. The Herald of Ruin wears a black dress with ancient black armor, cladding her left shoulder and belt. Abyssal lines mark her face and arms. Similar to Bobby when channeling at least 10% of his power, Rukia possesses black scleras and glowing white irises.

Akin to her nature, Rukia always wields a scythe in battle, which emanates Bobby's fierce telekinetic power in the form of a terrifying entropic energy that disintegrates anything it comes in contact with.

It was revealed later on, that Rukia was created from Bobby's subconscious image of Jennifer Creeseman, Bobby's older sister. During their childhood, it was Jennifer who always stood up to their father during his abusive mental episodes, protecting her younger brother. When Jennifer moved out with her boyfriend, Bobby subconsciously created an ideal version of his older sister where she never left him, and continued lashing back at whoever harmed him.

Daon of Corruption

Moloch of Subjugation

The Vancouver Angel

Bobby's Visage


Bobby's mental instability

"Did you really think you would be forgiven after everything you've done? A quick routine crack of the Bible and all of a sudden everything is okay? HAHA! Pray however you like! Kneel before that cross all you want! You brought this all on yourself! There's no heaven where you're going. I'll send you to hell, one body part at a time!"

- Bobby Creeseman to his father

Bobby is a genocidal, psychopathic, sadistic, and maniacal supervillain, stemming from a long history of severe mental illness which was compounded by a combination of family trauma, as well as societal neglect.

Bobby's mental instability was extremely prominent in his early years when he had only begun scratching the surface of his powers. During the time Bobby's enormous telekinetic potential began to manifest, the young metahuman immediately used his powers to slaughter his abusive father, showing not just zero remorse, but also a sadistic thrill in hearing his father's hysterical praying.

Bobby enjoys tormenting his targets, rarely ever using his full strength but rather allowing his enemies time to gather and prepare themselves, at times even leading them to a brief advantage before overpowering them with sheer overwhelming might. This was especially prominent when Bobby attacked the superhero team StarForce, in which the metahuman manifested an abyssal form using only eight percent of his power. Leading Justiciar into believing the team stood a chance against Creeseman, Bobby then summoned his Herald Rukia, who proceeded to effortlessly destroy the team with Prism Girl being mortally wounded before Justiciar's eyes. The defeat left Justiciar psychologically shaken. Finding amusement in Justiciar's suffering, Bobby ordered Rukia to withdraw before she could continue killing the rest of the heroes, as he wished to torment the superhero further by killing his team one by one, rather than slaughtering them at once.

The nature of Bobby's telekinetic powers is highly dependent on the emotions he displays. The degree of animosity Bobby harbors is reflected greatly in both the darkness and the overwhelming magnitude of his power.

Despite the numerous mental instabilities that Bobby displays, a small part of humanity still exists within his psyche; Bobby's love for his older sister, Jennifer Creeseman, has been pivotal to the remaining morals that he still has. This is reflected in both his extreme overprotectiveness of his sister's wellbeing from her boyfriend, James Grainger, as well as the fact that his Herald, Rukia bares striking similarity in appearance to Jennifer. When both Jennifer and Bobby were little, Jennifer always protected and stood up for her timid little brother in response to their father's abusive episodes. Seeing Jennifer as his protector, Bobby was highly reliant on his older sister psychologically. This reliance on Jennifer only intensified when Bobby came out as bisexual, which their father viewed as a grave sin in the Catholic household, worsening the abuse that Bobby suffered.

One of the largest contributors to Bobby's psychological damage has been his relationship with his Catholic father, who greatly condemned Bobby's sexuality. Bobby's father would routinely abuse the boy. Every night, Bobby would see his father read the Bible and pray, the hypocrisy of his father's actions greatly adding to his animosity. When Bobby returned to his household and released his telekinetic powers for the first time, his father began to hysterically pray, begging for Bobby to be exorcised and destroyed, even going to the extreme of throwing liquor bottles at his son's head and believing that the alcohol would melt Bobby in a manner similar to holy water.

The true turning point to Bobby's declaration as an international supervillain and becoming The Vancouver Angel was the response of his older sister, who decided to abandon Bobby out of fear. On one fateful night, Jennifer screamed at her little brother, declaring that she was no longer affiliated with anyone in the Creeseman household and that she would willingly marry her boyfriend, James, and join the Grainger household. By saying this, Bobby realized that Jennifer had decided to not just cut ties with her younger brother, but would leave him all alone. Realizing that he no longer had anyone to turn to, Bobby's decision became cemented, and he returned to the Creeseman household to finish what he had started: by killing his father for everything he had done to him.

Powers and Abilities

"I am the voice of all unheard by this world. We who have been oppressed, discriminated against, and accused. Why do I have to act a certain way? Why can't I love a man, as a man? Why do I have to be forced to believe in a god who let me be abused for years?! You, who silence people like us. You, who goes about your day... PANDERING to us for your own reputation! This ends now, for I have come to collect your debt. I am your reckoning. The Angel of Anarchy has come for you."

- Bobby Creeseman

"Oh, hell nah. This dude is cracked. Nope nope nope. Screw this. Bye."

- Officer Douglas after witnessing Bobby killing superheroes and supervillains alike

Bobby Creeseman is among one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. Though there is no explanation as to how he gained his powers, it is clear that due to his circumstances, for better or for worse, have created a true monster among monsters.

Bobby's Powers

"Do you feel my rage? My animosity? You can't possibly fathom the limits of my power, because that would mean understanding me."

Manifest Emotion: Bobby's fundamental ability is projecting his emotions and converting them into telekinetic power. Depending on the state of Bobby's emotions, the telekinetic force he is capable of manifesting can range from weak TK, such as propelling a person several feet, to lifting an entire continent into the air. There is no limit to Bobby's telekinetic potential, as it is dependent on the intensity of his emotions. Added to the fact that Bobby has suffered severe psychological trauma as well as his mental illnesses, both the nature and magnitude of his powers are incalculable. The emotional and psychological state of Bobby's psyche has greatly influenced the nature of his telekinetic abilities, with it emitting a terrifying, sinister, and dark form of destructive energy.

Despite Bobby's power being theoretically boundless, it is clear that Bobby possesses several subconscious limiters that keep his powers from spiraling out of control.

The first limiter is Bobby's relationship with his older sister, Jennifer, which keeps Bobby from manifesting higher levels of power for fear of harming his sister. This limiter is the main limiter that caps his power and has been one of the driving forces by UNITY to try and attempt to contain Bobby's threat to mankind.

The second limiter is biological. Due to how Bobby's emotions manifest, the nature of his powers is highly sinister. As a result, the sheer evil energy has deeply corroded his consciousness, making it almost poisonous for his body to harbor his soul. After losing his body in his fight against Defender and Destroyer, Bobby has been unable to create a physical body for himself to inhabit for any longer than several minutes. The only way Bobby can manifest is by appearing as a ghostly apparition, but the aura it emits will disintegrate and corrode his surroundings, leading to death and destruction. Bobby has since partially circumvented this bottleneck by splitting his power into his Four Heralds, but together, his Heralds only comprise at most 40% of his current restrained power.

Telepathy: As an extension of his telekinesis and essence manipulation, Bobby's presence can be detected in the minds of others. The psychic power of Bobby's abilities has been said to invade the minds of individuals, shutting down their senses, and appearing in their dreams and thoughts.

  • Penance Breakdown: Bobby uses his telepathy to invade the minds of his victims, subjecting them to their worst psychological fears, guilt, worries, and trauma. When Bobby subjects his victims to Penance Breakdown, their sense of time is completely warped. Depending on how long the victim falls under this state, Bobby's victims could experience the breakdown for as much as years, in what would realistically be several seconds.

Absolute Disintegration: Bobby can will any object to disintegrate, no matter how sturdy or its properties. Bobby's destructive power is linked to his boundless telekinetic abilities and has been one of the reasons behind his terrifying reputation.

  • Soul Disintegration: Bobby is capable of targeting an enemy's soul, disintegrating the very aspect of it despite it being ethereal in nature.
  • Foresight Destruction: The limits of Bobby's disintegration goes beyond that of physical and even spiritual. Bobby's power to destroy steps into the bounds of reason and abstract, as such, when Bobby completely eliminated Zero's ability to see into the future. Upon attempting to predict Bobby's next moves, Zero was incapable of reading the supervillain, even going as far as to suffer an aneurysm.
  • Subatomic Elimination: Bobby has demonstrated the ability to destroy even on the subatomic level, from when the beams of Defender's weaponry were unable to breach his aura. When Destroyer sent one of his Mega Destroids to pursue Bobby, the giant robot was immediately erased from existence, with no traces being left behind.

Reality Creation: When Bobby faced Defender and Destroyer, Bobby unleashed his power recklessly; his telekinesis inadvertently created a new plane of existence, separate from the world. This plane is known as the Abyss, a dark and empty world that follows a set of physical laws completely under Bobby's control. After losing his body, Bobby's consciousness migrated to the Abyss, where he currently inhabits.

  • Abyssal Banishment: Bobby is capable of sending anything into the Abyss, be it objects, or even living creatures, for which they become full victims to Bobby's world. There is no limit to how much or the size of the things Bobby "banishes". Bobby has banished cosmic entities and even entire planets into The Abyss.

Body and Soul Manipulation: At higher levels of telekinesis, Bobby's body begins to distort, with his essence being warped in response to his intense emotions. Bobby is capable of manipulating his own soul, expanding it to create terrifying shadow visages, going intangible, or even teleporting to other points in space.

  • Offshoot: Bobby is able to branch parts of his consciousness into separate entities, with their own thoughts, quirks, and personalities. His most notable example was the creation of his Four Heralds, each Herald possessing a separate personality. Though, these offshoots typically manifest traits similar to their progenitor. For instance, Atriox's monstrous features, Daon's hobbies, Rukia's smile, and Moloch's sense of humor are all similar to Bobby's.
  • Abyssal Visage: At levels higher than 5% power, Bobby's body is incapable of withstanding the malicious nature of his telekinesis. Instead, Bobby inhabits an abyssal form, a mass of intangible darkness with malleable properties. The form is practically impervious to physical harm and can assume any size. When Bobby lost his physical body, this Visage became his main means to exist outside of the Abyssal Plane.

Atriox's Powers

Devastating Super Strength: Akin to his enormous size, Atriox is extremely strong; his footsteps generate shockwaves capable of leveling surrounding buildings, with long swiping movements from his limbs easily decimating entire cities. The strength Atriox exhibits is so daunting that when the monster faced Grond, the latter superhuman was incapable of moving the colossal threat even with an immense rage boost. Atriox on the other hand, repelled Grond with a single punt, which sent the green adversary airborne and smashing into the side of three mountain faces, knocking him out cold.

Immense Durability: Atriox's defenses are practically impregnable, as entire missiles were incapable of breaching through his obsidian spike clad. Atriox has withstood the strikes of beings with superhuman strength, nuclear attacks, magic spells, and even hexes that would ordinarily reduce the overall defenses of individuals to allow attacks to go through. However, it was revealed by Doctor Destroyer that very specific types of radiation can harm the monster.

Regeneration: Atriox can recover and regenerate his body from bodily harm at a rapid pace. This draws upon his connection to Bobby's essence, calling the abyssal properties of the dark telekinetic power that formed his body in the first place. If Bobby's powers wane, due to the nature of his abilities being entirely dependent on his emotional state, Atriox may not be able to regenerate at all. Even so, the rate at which Atriox can regenerate his body has been proven to be frighteningly fast, as the beast can completely return to battle from complete destruction in a matter of days.

Abyssal Resurrection: As long as Bobby's consciousness remains intact, Atriox can return from death without limit due to being an offshoot of Bobby's self.

Atmokinesis: Atriox can manipulate the weather around himself, generating violent tempests of thunderstorms, blizzards, hurricanes, and tornados subconsciously. When rampaging, Atriox passively maintains a violent thunderstorm around himself, turning the clouds dark, and fierce winds akin to a freak weather phenomenon. The degree of Atriox's weather control appears to be unbound, as Atriox's nature is that of a mindless berserker, as such, there is little to no control of the storms that the monster generates.

Rukia's Powers

Daon's Powers

Moloch's Powers