Beyond the Gods

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Yeling's Resolve

One year ago

My younger sister threw her arms around me. It felt like almost an eternity had passed since I felt this level of affection before.

We had been separated for so long, from such horrific circumstances, but despite it all, Hakah had overcome her trauma and was healed. And she was now by my side.

"Thank you so much, Outer Shadow Onyx, for bringing my brother back to me. I am grateful." Hakah said.

Vicki and Carlton bowed.

The threat was over. Even if I had lost my friends...

None of it mattered anymore.

As long as my sister was by my side.

I was worried sick about what had happened to her. I didn't know who this Aaron Hope was, but if it wasn't for him, my sister wouldn't be by my side like this.

The only thing left...

Was to make sure no one else could harm her.

Thank you Vicki. Thank you Carlton.

But you guys were still Black Legion.

And I had no mercy toward people who harmed my family.

"As a celebration, let's have Canaan styled hot po-"

I drew Tatsu, lunging toward Vicki with animalistic rage.

Aspect of the Rain God - SURFACE SLASH

I swung the blade as hard as I could at her neck, but Vicki quickly deflected my blade with her own sword, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Yeling!" Vicki gasped.

"Goh goh! What are you doing?!" Hakah asked, bewildered.

I pushed my younger sister back behind me as I transformed into Stage Four.

Grand Ultimate Ascendent ITR

A blast of red and blue flame projected outwards, swamping Vicki and Carlton.

"Quick! Hakah! Create a portal and banish them! We need to get out of here!" I shouted at my sister.

"Yeling! Why are you doing this?!" Carlton shouted from the flames. A white orb had manifested from the destruction, as I gritted my teeth in frustration.

Dammit! After all the strength I had amassed...

Vicki emerged from the flames, trying to grab Tatsu, but I shot forward.

Level 2 Intangibility - DEVIL'S COMET

I threw a punch at Vicki's face, but Vicki deflected it with her forearm, swinging her sword, the blade inches from decapitating me, but her eyes suddenly filled with indecision.


I unleashed a gargantuan inferno of flames outwards, forcing the two back.

I had to get Hakah out of here.

I played this act for long enough. I pretended to be Vicki's ally for long enough.

I will never.


Let these people put the only family... the last person in the world who cared about me, in harm's way EVER AGAIN.