Rave Harem Island Extravaganza

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Act 1

Caribbean Winter

A bit mature but not overly explicit warning. My stories tend to be a bit twisted and not intended for younger audiences. View discretion is advised.

Fictional folklore of Ariel Wintour:

Ariel was born with no father. One night Calypso turned to a fish and was swimming beyond the reefs where she got swallowed by a whale. She made a deal with the whale to turn it into a fish if it spitting her out so they can marry. But she lied. When it spit her out she turned back into a woman and dashed to shore. The whale said it will turn the land to ice so she must return to the sea. But Calypso didn't care. The whale was now a fish and could not bother her. So she eat the fish and her belly became swollen. Ariel was born of this curse but Calypso didn't care she hid this truth. On her 18th birthday the curse happened Rave had to aborb aborb most of her ice powers to temporary maintain the curse.

Ariel is an ice skater based with ice powers. Her story begins when this Caribbean girls power causes winter in the once sunny isles. And it happens some time after Chastity character is well introduced. Ariel was not told they were magic her mom kept this a secret.

On her 18th birthday the very poor mother Calypso gave her daughter Ariel an phone as a gift. That cause the cybernetic ghost Rave to sense Ariel awaking ice power. He saw it as a dangerously huge source of chi energy. They had gone undetected from living a lower technologically advanced region of the island which was a bit tribal with a few modern privileges.

Calypso sat in a poorly lit room around a fire driven from a single candle on a medium birthday cake after the sun went down. The giant Rave came hunched back and creeping from a dark corner of the wall where tentacles ran it like wild vines. She tried to move but his eyes dazed her and his force powers then held her down. She kicked back flipping the table and breaking the wooden chair. "Aye aye aye, Oh my, devil" she cried as he made his way towards her. He held out one of her armns while she sat cross legged on the floor to examine her throughly. It didn't seem like the source of power he felt. Rave was so big he filled almost the entire room.

Then Ariel entered the room, "Jesus, Mom what happened? You fell?" Calypso, " no, Ariel run get out of here immediately, what do you want with me you monster?" The Rave stared at Ariel Calypso cried out, "No not my daughter take me instead" Ariel confuse asked, "who are you talking to? There is no one there. Did you hit your head?" Ariel walked in closer to hold her still on the floor. Calypso slammed her hands on the ground angrily, "Ariel, you are so stubborn you never listen to me! There is a demon right their." Then Ariel squinting and confused as she could not see him. Rave leaned in right in Ariel face. She screamed and drop down on her knees while embracing her mother. Itema levitated and spun around the room. Rave says something about Ariels powers then Calypso had to come clean.

Ariel is told her origin. She she says she knew it because Calypso looks way to young to be her mother.

They agree to go to Canada or the ice experts to try to fix Ariels curse. Ariel learns to use her powers with ice skating and becomes really attached to using it. Absorbing all of Ariels powers by Rave is not advised because she is a magical being and without magic there is no idea what will happen to her. Rave has to hold Ariel stare in her eyes to absorb and nerf her powers every couple of days but he power comes back faster and more violent. The only way Rave can fully control Ariels power is if they become more intimate but Calypso doesn't allow it. Rave doesn't really show concern for any of this. He just wants to access this powerwell of limitless energy. Ariel develops a crush on Rave but then she finds out that Calypso and Rave already did, um you know, 'It'. Calypso is ashamed but sees no need to be questioned as she is an adult. So Ariel escapes back to the Islands. Her power is not nerf and boom, snow in the Caribbean. The snow starts off like a miracle but then it becomes increasingly colder and more violent. The people and eco system is not eppuiped to handle snowy conditions.

Ariel has to be found. Rave goes to the coldest point where no other man can travel. In the helicopter Calypso shows hints of sadness as snowfalls down. She understands what Rave has to do. Ariel's powers are now to strong not be nerfed. In the heart of the ices core. Rave goes in Ariels ice castle alone wearing full black Ice King armor. The snow stops...

Rave walks out in time. "'It' is done."

A girl in the background asked, "what happened!" Another "did he kill her?" But they are not answered. They leave all leave together. Rave hints to Calypso that Ariel wishes to stay on her own in her icy kingdom for some time. He will keep an eye on her, now that their souls have bonded. Ariel doesn't want to see people but eventually she will come to terms with what she has done.

Rave says that he is now even a man, I have no true physical form, Just a tool to be used by humanity. And discarded when broken. I bear the curse so that you wouldn't have too.

Next scene. sliding doors open. Rave enter a large white bedroom with a bend center of it. Chastity is lying on her back looking up at the ceiling with a candy worm in her mouth and the pack besides her. He walks to the bed slowly. He puts one foot up as he scratches his head. He says, "Umm, Chastity don't be mad but..." She shakes her head looks the other way and replies, "I'm not even listening to you." He says, "Good well that went better than I thought and starts to turn to leave." She rolls around on her stomach and replies, "You couldn't find somebody else?... What is wrong with you?!!! Are you sick? You need a doctor? You need to find somebody that can help you this because I'm not equipped to handle the amount of BS what living with you have to be like. I always knew you had a problem but this is beyond mental. You need to get yourself one of those plasma cannons! Put it to your frigging bald stupid head! And really, just stop yourself. Even so you just walk into my room without any frigging clothes on!!! You just get up every morning and walk around with you big old chest. 'look at me. I'm Rave. I'm gaude... camon I'm gaaaude! I can do anything I want!" She throws the pack of worms at him but he catches it with telekinesis. Looking at the worms he replies softly, "You're right. I'm sorry I'm like this Chastity. But oh, I will do it again and again, because that's how I am, and I want to." She reacts, "What?" He explains, "This planet is no longer easy for me. These things use to matter when I was a man. There was consequences. I had to think about where I end up if I made poor choices. But now I'm dead. Non of this matters accept for the people I care about. I care about you Chastity. I love you." She replies with tears in her eyes saying, "You take that back. You don't care about anyone. Everything you do is for yourself. You don't love me. You'd love to possess me. Just like every woman you come across and your excuse is. Its for saving the world. Look at yourself Rave. You're so use to seeing everything you stopped wearing clothes. I use to like you but that part of me has gone out the window with your mind." His face changes with a pout as he flex his nose and takes her by the shirt. Roman replies, "What am I even talking to you for. You shut your mouth. You forget who is in control here. I will do what I want and you WILL NO LONGER OPEN YOUR MOUTH UNLESS I GIVE YOU PERMISSIN TO!!!." She crouches down and nod yes silently. He flies out of the room angrily to cool off. Calypso comes to sit on the bed. Chastity says, "Stupid Rave. Always making me cry." as she rub her eyes. Calypso says, "I've been a goddess all my life. This human body of mind I don't even understand it. One day I'm a fish the next I'm just water. Humans wasn't meant to have that kind of power. He is not just a nice man but hundreds. And he will never show it but he is always in pain. And even worried that he cannot help everyone. The gods made us women to carry their pain. Even for the short moment you distract him he forgets he's hurting." When Rave comes back he stand on the balcony, Chastity says, "I been waiting here all day for you to come back. It's too cold for me. Come inside JA." He looks at her, chuckles and the scene ends.

Sunny Islands

Ok so imma just drop some new girls on the team because there is a lot of them. They happened in the last months. First he meet Calypso and Ariel in the Cayman Islands. Then popped his little Rave body back to legion island in The Bahamas. He belly flop all the way to Bermuda where Jojo joined after some she gave Rave a quest at the paradise island carnival. Then he found himself in Asia. Luna and Sushi are two sea based monster girls just just auditioned to join. Sia aka CyberSpyder saw the Vindicator fight and asked to join. And SoNeko is a kitsune ghost Rave found somewhere in Asia. Why was Rave in Asian he never been there before and wanted to see it. So he be just getting back with his little new recruits. Hoopty hardy so whole hearty. A dark shadow stretches across Rave's face his teeth sharp like razors. Kimbra screams, "Eck! Rave, What is that face. Please stop making that face." He replies, "I'm happy. Can't a man smile. I forgot how to smile." Chastity adds, "Right. Because smiling is for small scale trivial men. Got it." Doll House gathers around him. "Got a mission for us bad boy" Braille asks. Poison says, "Not me. China as exhausting." Rave say, "Nope I got nothing planned really. I could just walk as far in one direction till I see something. But you girls always complain. 'We been flying to long - I'm hungry - I need to sleep.' it's nothing efficient." America adds, "You are really under utilizing my skills." Rave answers, "The only skills you need to utilize is here. Learn how to dress your bed. Do some laundry for once." Rave walks into the other room. He continues, "I love how on this island the world just stops." Gaia looks at him. He tells America and the other girls that follow him, "I have less interesting endeavors to embark. Ones of commerce and good cooperate moral standing. I'm thinking the domestic robot and defense weaponry scenery." They sigh. "And yes I will need you to accompany me. With my powers I will be making defense weapons so the humans can protect their cities. And on a side note I will be making companion dolls to sell because if there's any thing I know it's the human body." They reply, "Robots? You forget what happened in Sky City?" He says, "No no no no, these robots will be incapable of achieving sentience. I will not use my powers to make them. I will set up factories. Yet I will set up a trusted monitored anti crime data base and protocols in them so they will not be used to harm anyone. My weapons will only be in the hands of trusted agencies. I did some research while I was in Japan as well." He looks at Proxi saying, "They will be nothing like Proxi or Gaia. And for every robot I build which has eyes. My monitoring will be effortless stretched across the planet."

Rave is in a new big fancy tech sky scraper in Florida. This is the company he started under the Name Rave Industries. Roman looks at five female robot models in a glass cases. Of one of those is the model named Sky Fall. This one is a thick black woman with standard cut hair. This one he doesn't sell to the public but several copies of her work as security for his company. He wants to give people more jobs but he doesn't really trust to have to much outsiders in his building. He is aware that the A.I for Sky Fall has achieve sentience under one internal hard drive (One mind running several copies.) He calls her Sky for short but keeps a copy with him he calls Nibblez. Proxi and Sky sit on his desk in bedroom wear. He says, "To give life is the ways of gods. And life is the resulting death. And for what my powers do I'm quite terrified." Nibblez says, "I don't want you to talk so grim on your big day." He brings them downstairs along with another model to the interviews. Today he will finally announce that the Rave Bots are available for shipping. Store will open with them for purchase.