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The Grail.

The one sought prized treasure. Each year, a team of the most powerful warriors would assemble to do bloody combat to win over the grail and fulfill one wish.

These battles would be great and mighty, but incredibly violent. Their violence spreading across the world. Causing massive catastrophe and disaster.

My name is Ethereum, Ether for short. I am what you can call an Etreum, a shadow based mage. I specialized in spy and reconnaissance missions. So upon hearing that the item I needed to complete my mission was a grail, you know what that means.

"You're going to steal the Holy Grail?!" Ashley yelped.

"Absolutely!" I said, standing tall and proud.

"How can you say that all high and mighty?! What happened to the grail being sought after by the most powerful warriors through bloody combat?" Jake asked.

"Well, you see..." I laughed nervously.

"I'm not exactly a fighter..."

Jake grabbed me by the collar.

"You idiot! But you said you were a damn Etreum with shadow magic powers. What do you mean you can't fight?!"

I suddenly dropped my airhead act. My grimoire materialized in front of me, opening and flipping to the page I wanted.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Black chains erupted from within the shadows of the room as Jake was tied up.

"Jake!" Ashley cried out, as she instantly burst into red flames.

"You dare attack my beloved, human?!" She snarled, as she leapt at me.

I reached within my trench coat and drew my Garrison M55. I took aim and fired, shooting her square in the chest and sending her crashing into the couch. Her wounds were already starting to regenerate. Made sense. I wasn't using Black Bullets. If I did, she would be dead. Which would instantly terminate my contract. Which would mean my sister was going to beat me up for failing to bring food to the table.

I broke open my gun.

"Let's not resort to combat!" I said, cheerfully.

I reached into my grimoire and pulled out several glowing dark bullets, loading them into my gun.

"I could easily kill you with my Black Bullets, succubus." I said, coldly.

Ashley calmed down.

I let go of Jake.

"Right now, what we're looking for is the Grail to turn her into a human. There doesn't exist magic that can change a succubus into a human. The only way is the Grail. And to speak the truth, I'm not a fighter. The only thing I can do is bind and shoot with regular ass guns. So realistically, the only way we can get a hold of it is to steal it!"

Ashley began to sob as she buried her head into Jake's shoulder.

"Oh Jake, I just... I don't want to be this thing anymore. What are we going to do?"

Jake stroked her head.

"It's going to be okay. It's okay. Ether is a moron, but he's a cunning one. He can help us."

"Hey, who are you calling a moron?" I asked.

I stepped into a shadow and began to dissolve, my body slipping into its subconscious as everything began to melt. Concentrate on that point. Concentrate.

Everything began to gain form, as my vision returned. I was in a dark closet. I creaked the door open as I peeked out.

No one in sight.

I slowly opened the wardrobe as I stepped out.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

My feet became one with the shadows, lowering the sound of my footsteps as I snuck around the room. Suddenly, my foot got caught on a piece of fabric. I looked down.

"EEEUGH!!!" I yelped, nearly tripping over.

A bra! Oh god. Where the hell was I? Was this really the Grand Commander's Room?

Then it hit me.

The commander's name.

Oliviera Rentrace.


I was in a woman's room!


Calm down. Calm down. I can't let my shut in life get the hold of me. Just think that bra belongs to my sister. Not turned on anymore are you? Yeah.

Now I'm disgusted!

I cleared my throat, regaining my calm composure. I glanced at the door. I needed to keep watch of that door. The last thing I wanted was to be caught snooping around in a lady's quarters. I didn't even care if it was the Commander's. There are worse things than death. Like that time I Shadow Walked into my sister's room by accident. I had an ice pack on my face for a week.

I opened my grimoire.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

The darkness in the room gained form, until a copy of mine took shape. The copy went to the door to keep watch. Drawing its Garrison.

I opened the cupboard. So where was her log. I sifted through papers as I tried to look for any intel on the Grail's location. Of all the factions battling for the Grail, Rentrace's faction was leading by a long shot. There had to be some kind of intel on the Grail's location.

There it was. I opened the logbook and skimmed it. One of the great skills I learned in high school. Correction. One of the only skills I learned in high school. Reading tons of stuff and picking out only the details I cared about.

The Grail was being kept in a room, sealed by a ton of traps. A guardian blah blah blah. I took to the location with Shadow Magic.

The Guardian was huge. He looked like one of those angels from Diablo. If anything, fighting that guy was essentially suicide. There was also no evading him. In fact, I wasn't the only one who had found this location, obviously. Rentrace's troops were already there, engaging the Guardian, being slaughtered left and right.

I hated up front fighting. It was never my style. In fact, being hasty is the stupidest thing ever. Guts and manliness, one of the core traits to a meathead, are also core traits to a fool.

I made sure no one could see me, as I slipped through the skirmish. These guys could hold off the Guardian for me. I was getting my hands on that Grail.

The room was elegant. But ethereal. Decorated with golden drawings of war and myths. My boots knocked on the ground as I approached the Grail. A golden cup, suspended in thin air.

I guess this is it. Job well done. After what seemed like weeks of stalking Rentrace's army, her generals, and even going as far as checking the barracks, I had finally achieved what numerous warriors would have only dreamt of having.

By cheating.

I held out my hand, as my grimoire materialized in front of me.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

A clone manifested in front of me, as I melted into shadows, becoming one with the darkest parts of the walls.

The clone stepped forward and held out its hand to touch the cup, when suddenly, a spear appeared, piercing him. My clone shattered into a black mist.

"I guess it wasn't gonna be that easy." I muttered.

"Ethereum, to think you would go so far as to use us for your own personal gain." A woman's voice appeared from my side.

Rentrace approached the cup.

"I know that wasn't you. You sneaky little shit. Come out and face me."

I sighed. I guess this was unavoidable.

I stepped out of the shadows, my hands in my pockets as I regarded the commander.


"Oh shut up. We both know you are a traitor." Rentrace took out her sword. Six feet of murderous steel.

"I'm going to cut you down. My army has no place for traitors like you."

Oh yeah. By the way. I may or may not have enlisted my services to help Rentrace. I guess she didn't like my treason too well.

"I don't suppose it's too late for us to talk this out?"

Rentrace walked to my direction, her face full of disdain.

"Um, new hairstyle? Looks good on you. Makes you ten years younger!"

"That means you think I'm old."

The hell? Sis, you told me that worked on women!

There was no way around it. I had to fight. I usually didn't like fighting, I'm more of a laid back kind of guy. But Rentrace wasn't giving me much of a choice.

I held out my hand as my grimoire manifested.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Moon

A black orb appeared above me, as my surroundings began to darken. Dimmer and dimmer, until I could barely make out our figures in the everlasting darkness.

"So, the traitor has some tricks up his sleeve after all. But nonetheless. This battle is decided. For you are just a mere scout. While I am a commander. A warrior!" Rentrace shouted, as she charged.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Several chains erupted from the shadows of the ground, as Rentrace was pinned down.

I calmly closed my grimoire as I walked up to the grail, and plucked it off its pedestal, throwing it into the shadows. Contract completed. I guess it was time to dip-


"Heh?" I turned around, narrowly dodging Rentrace's sword swing. That was too close!

I put my hand inside my trench coat, pulling out my Garrison. I took aim and fired. The high penetrating round soaring in the air and cracking Rentrace's sword.

Rentrace scowled, as I leapt backwards.

I took aim again and fired, but Rentrace was already charging forward, deflecting another bullet.

I fired again, and again, the bullets deflecting off of her sword.


I reached into my coat with my other hand, drawing out my sidearm. My FN P90 submachine gun, as I took aim and fired a stream of bullets in her direction.

This time, Rentrace couldn't block them all, as some of the bullets hit her square in the armour. Although not as powerful as my Garrison, the P90 was still a gun. Rentrace slowed down, as her face contorted in pain.

"You little-"

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Rentrace was once again wrapped in chains. Even with the dark boost of the surroundings amplifying their strength, I knew it wasn't going to be enough to keep this beast caged. I put my P90 away.

Gun Magic: Black Bullets

I reached into my grimoire's pages, retrieving a handful of obsidian bullets. With my other hand, I opened my Garrison, loading the bullets in. Even the power of the Garrison M55 wasn't enough to completely shatter her sword. I'd have to resort to my black bullets to take her down.

I took aim, just as Rentrace snapped the chains, and fired. The bullets shattering her sword and hitting her square in the chest. I fired again, taking out her arms. Then her legs. I lowered my firearm as the Great Commander fell to her knees.

I turned around and melted into the darkness. But not before hearing Rentrace's final words.

"Ethereum. You truly are... the scum of this world."

I smiled.

"You're damn right."

After all, to these guys, I was the biggest asshole in the world. Someone who only cared about myself.

But in reality, I was Ethereum. A magus who specializes in shadow magic and gun magic.

Taking on jobs, unseen. Untouchable.

Infiltration, subterfuge.

The Recon support, to Captain Dekani Price of the Lotuscraft.


I left a now human Ashley to Jake. I didn't bother asking Jake for the crown just yet, since it didn't feel right to tell him to fork over the goods after everything those two went through.

I guess it isn't my style to pry into other people's businesses. But since I was hired by Jake, well actually. Deka was hired by Jake, that made his business our business too. Ashley Barnes was initially a succubus, who was thrown out of the underworld because she was "different" from her kind. Jake took pity on her, and the two became a couple.

Or something like that.

Ashley hated her nature, and wanted to become human. Jake sought the Grail, but after failed attempts, and nearly getting himself killed, Ashley convinced him to seek for other help. Deka and his crew happened to be around at the time, and Deka, the good natured tool he was, volunteered to help, offering his services. But after realizing that his gear and Lance, Umbra, were vulnerable to magic, Deka tasked me with retrieving the Grail.

I watched as the two embraced, crying tears of joy.


You could say I have a cold heart. But I've seen so many of these already. Wholesome moments, that it's almost become cliche for me to even bother describing. Long story short, Ashley became human, and Jake now owes us.

"Ether, about the reward..." Jake handed me his necklace.

I took it, glancing at Ashley, who was hiding behind the door.

"No point eavesdropping. Especially when you're so bad at hiding." I said. Ashley opened the door and stepped in, embarrassed.

I looked at Jake. He looked kind of sad. I guess that would make sense. The Crown was one of his most cherished possessions. And I happened to be that guy who said the reward of turning his girlfriend into a human was just that. Deka didn't want to go that route. But we needed the Crown for the Lotuscraft. This was the only way.

"Thanks, Jake. We won't let it go to waste."

Jake smiled. "Yeah. You better not. I guess this is goodbye."

I waved as I stepped into the shadows, putting on my hood.

"Yeah. Look after Ashley. Starting now, you two have a new life ahead of you. Go and make that slice of life anime a reality."

"Did... did Ether just say anime?" Ashley asked.

I shadow teleported to the Lotuscraft. The place was bustling with life ever since Deka had recruited more people onto the ship. I kept myself dissolved in shadows as I looked around. But no one was there.

But just to make sure.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense

My eyes inverted colour, as my scleras darkened. I sensed two presences from behind the walls. Marked by dark trailing wisps.

Flippy the Doggo, Umbra, and... a little girl?

How long have I been away from the Lotuscraft? Who's kid was that?

Whatever, I just needed to drop off the crown.

I emerged from the shadow of Deka's pedestal. I took a walk around, admiring the decorations. The place still had the good old spaceship feel. Even after recruiting Shane Mayen, and expanding his crew, some things stayed Valian. Good on him.

I approached his desk and put the Crown on the table.

For a few minutes I shadow walked around the Orbiter, my footsteps obstructed by the shadows in the ship. I hadn't fully mastered the Total Eclipse spell yet, so as of now, it was Half Eclipse, which makes the spell caster half invisible. Which is useless.

Much had changed. From what I heard while I was away, Deka had recruited some girl who was also a Valian. At this point, he might as well have held a daycare for defective people of the Star System on the Lotuscraft. Because apparently, the girl didn't know how to fight, despite being a Valian.

I glanced at the new living quarters that Folock had made for her.



I quickly dissolved into a shadow as I watched Deka and some girl, who I presumed was the defective Valian emerge from the Landing Craft.

"Good work on today's excavation, Rinne." Deka said, as Rinne stretched her back.

"Thanks. I'll see you in the meeting room."

I watched as Rinne walked dejectedly to her living quarters, while Deka resolved out of Umbra and approached the Foundry.

"No point just staring at me, Ether. I know you're there." Deka smiled.

"Ah, you got me!" I said, cheerfully, as I emerged from the shadows.

Deka watched as my body melted out of the shadows and gained form.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to come visit us more often. You're still a member of our crew. I'm sure you'll get along great with Rinne."

I readjusted the collar to my trench coat.

"I'm needed in the field." I replied, bluntly.

"I know, it's just, you're kind of family to me now-"

"We're not family." I replied a little too quickly. Deka jumped in surprise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I said, as I walked across the Orbiter.

But it was true. The only family I had was my sister. Ruby is all that matters to me. The only reason why I took on Deka's offer to become his Recon support was because I needed the money.

"It's fine." Deka replied.

I followed Deka to his room as he inspected the crown.

"Damn. I didn't think you would manage to get this thing. How is Jake?"

"He's fine." I replied.

Deka sat down as he continued inspecting the gem. I glanced at a busted up mask that was sitting on his desk. It was Shane's version one Toron mask.

"Where's our little Javlok?" I asked.

"Shane? He's with another Valian right now. But lately, I haven't been able to contact him, don't know why. Maybe it's static."

I clenched my fist.

It sure as hell wasn't static. I knew everything.

Shane Mayen wasn't what these people believed him to be. The gutsy kid who would charge his enemies head on with big guns and big swords. I was there when that Severen monster SHADE slaughtered the Valians. Deka had requested I check up on Shane, after Quorra had informed the team that she was under suspicion from the Council. I was going to report to Deka right away, but then the biggest plot twist happened.

Shardis Licita. Shane Mayen was no Severen. At least not now. But what everyone didn't realize, was that this kid and SHADE were one and the same.

People can't escape fate. No matter what you do. No matter what you say or how you warp the story.

This kid was going to grow up to become SHADE. We were literally nurturing a monster that would kill us all in the future.

Of course, I didn't feel like telling Deka this. He grew real fond of Shane during the years. I didn't wanna break that bond.

I picked up a little bobblehead of an Excalibur off of the table.

"You're into bobbleheads now? Cap?"

Deka laughed. "No, it was a gift from Quorra. She loves collecting those. Thought it would be a funny joke on Umbra."

I put the bobblehead down as Deka continued fiddling with the crown. We were silent for a few minutes.

"Captain, I'm going to the Severen mothership to investigate Nero."

Deka stopped fiddling.

"Come again?"

"You heard me." I gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm the only one in this crew who can do it."

"But... if you get caught, it's over for you. None of us are equipped to fight Nero. Even with Quorra's help I couldn't beat him. I forbid you from doing something so reckless."

I smirked.

"Yeah. Which means I have to add some more spells to my grimoire. I'll be taking a pit stop to a special place first. Don't worry. I'm not going in without a plan."

Deka still didn't look satisfied.

"Look. Just go in, get enough intel, and extract as soon as you can. Promise me that, at least."

I nodded.

"Hey, Deka. I was just-" Rinne's voice appeared from behind me as I heard the doors slowly open. I quickly melted into shadows as I dissolved into the corner of the room.

Rinne paused. "What was that just now?"

Deka raised his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" He said, nervously.

"I could have sworn I saw someone... nevermind."

I resurfaced from behind the building of Mercy Hospital. Champions Universe.

If it meant finding spells. There were a couple of people I could ask. But by far the best and largest variety of spells I could locate in a single region would have to be Millennium City.

This place never ceased to amaze. Flying hover cars, high tech buildings. The place was brimming with life. Almost every civilian had some superpower of some kind. Meaning there were plenty of mages residing here.

And because of that, the ones who stand at the top, the ones who worked the hardest.

I could steal their tricks for my own.

First target: Bethany Duquesne. Codename Witchcraft (I'm not joking, that's really her codename).

Specialization in sorcery and flight, Witchcraft made a name for herself for her heroics. But really, I don't give a shit about that. The only thing that stood out to me, was that her family had experience in dark magic. Which is the progenitor of my shadow magic. If I could gain access to her grimoire, I could copy her incantations and possibly find ways to upgrade my current spell set.

The only problem was... what I'm doing is technically mage theft. If I got caught, I'd be labelled a villain and criminal.

So nothing out of the ordinary.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

I dissolved into shadows as I travelled around the city, searching for magic residue.

It took a few hours, but I managed to track down the witch. I had two options. Either I take her down and obtain her grimoire by force, or I put on my airhead persona and let her teach me directly. Time-wise, the first option would have been better, but Witchcraft was a very well respected figure in this city, being an iconic hero. If I did that, I would risk making an insurmountable number of enemies.

I decided to go for option two.

I spent the next few weeks under the tutelage of Witchcraft. It was surprisingly easier than I thought.

"What was your magic affinity again?" Witchcraft asked.

"Dark magic. My mom told me not to pursue it, but I want to show the world that even if I use dark magic, I can still make a difference."

That really hit her in the feels. I did my research from infiltrating the PRIMUS archives. Witchcraft was born in a family who used dark magic. Ritualistic weirdos, she wanted to go into sorcery for the better of good.

Am I a scumbag to use her horrible past to get what I want? Absolutely. Am I bothered by it? No.

"Your magic is bound by your mana. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best way forward. Take for instance, your binding spell."

Witchcraft pointed her stick at the chalkboard drawing of my spell. Obviously, when I showed her my magic, I only showed her a very small portion of it. So only one chain manifested.

"You don't have a lot of mana. So at the moment, you're bound by that one chain. Usually, I would advise you train to increase the number of chains to better its effectiveness. But in your case, I would advise something else."

Witchcraft opened her grimoire and summoned a spell, binding the training dummy with pure magic.

"Try going for a pure mana spell. Rather than expending your mana on a chain medium, try using pure darkness."

Pure darkness spells. This witch was good.

"Hey, Miss Duquesne, I prepared tea!" I bounced in, cheerfully, as Witchcraft smiled, taking the cup.

"You're such a sweetheart. Thank you, Terrance."

I joined Witchcraft as we sat together in her living room. Terrance was the name of my father. He died from cancer when I was six.

"I haven't had an apprentice for so long."

"Why's that?"

"I never wanted someone to carry the burdens of a superhero. But I guess with you, I just see so much of myself. Dark magic. A foul magic known for being evil. Yet, you strive to become a kind and gentle soul. Something that I wanted to go for as well. I will keep guiding you until you see it through."

For the next few weeks, I learned to hone in my Umbral Bind spell, gaining a stronger variant of it. This variant was dependent on its application. If I wanted to use it in a similar manner as restraints, it would require more mana than my usual binding spell, but in exchange, better effectiveness. If I wanted it to just grab things, it would be more efficient.

I gave it the name Prominence Umbral Bind.

But it wasn't enough. During those weeks, I discovered that Witchcraft was capable of something called "Anti-Magic". This power would essentially erase the magical powers of mages or even beings who used it offensively. I needed to learn about it, but there was no way I could ask her to teach me. The reason being, was because anti-magic was so powerful in the mage community, it was considered taboo.

One night, I had decided to sneak into Witchcraft's quarters, and learn Anti-Magic on my own. Eventually, I managed to figure it out, but at the cost of being discovered.

"Terrance, what are you doing?"

I paused, my face shrouded in shadows. I knew this day would come. There was no point in me trying to be all touchy feely.

We may have had what appeared to be a student master relationship. But there is nothing genuine in something that was built from a lie.

Shadow Magic, Prominence Umbral Bind

Witchcraft was suddenly pinned down by dozens of shadow arms.

"What is the meaning of this?! How are you able to summon so many binds at once-"

I glanced at her grimoire, which was glowing with mana, attempting to return to its user. I summoned a dark tendril from the shadows of my vicinity to restrain it.

"No... you were playing me all along..." Witchcraft muttered.

I said nothing, as I glanced at the pictures of Witchcraft and her hero squad on the wall.

So she had a loved one.

"I'm sorry, Miss Duquesne. But this is the end of the road for this relationship."

"What are you talking about? Why are you doing this?!"

I guess option one was always the option I was going to go with. No matter what I did. How nice I was. Things would never go my way. I guess that's just how it is.

I put on a big smile.

"There's no other way. I guess this is how the world works!"

Witchcraft tried to struggle and call upon her spells, but her grimoire was no longer in her possession.

I opened it up and stared at the incantations for her Anti-Magic spells. I had already figured out a way to integrate it into my magic arsenal.

"There's no point trying to wield that type of magic. It's incompatible with your dark magic."

"No. But it is compatible with something else."

I closed the grimoire as it dissolved into ash. I really wished there was another option. But because I was caught and had to use take her spells for myself by force, I had already become an enemy to the people of Millennium City. Meaning there was only one way to move forward.

After all, I can't be an enemy if I'm not discovered.

And the only way to do that is to eliminate the witnesses.

I pulled out my Garrison M55, cracking open its barrel and reaching into my grimoire.

"Even if you kill me, what's in it for you?" Witchcraft muttered.

"Absolutely nothing." I said, coldly.

Witchcraft stared at me.


Gun Magic: Anti-Magic Bullets

I took out three bullets, slipping one into my Garrison, then aimed the barrel to Witchcraft's head.

"There is nothing to gain out of this."

I fired a bullet, which nullified Witchcraft's protection field. I slipped the second bullet inside the chamber.

I fired another bullet, which cracked open her armour that she had secretly kept invisible.

One more bullet.

Into the chamber.

"I thought you of all people would understand how I feel." Witchcraft said, her eyes getting teary. "What it's like to be suppressed from greatness just because you were born."

I paused.

To be suppressed from greatness, huh. That was exactly what Javlok had said to Deka.

I never agreed with Javlok's personality. Being bitter and brooding about the world just because he couldn't have his way. But just because I didn't agree with his views, didn't mean I didn't agree with his belief.

This world is unfair. It treats certain people so badly that you might even wonder why the hell you're alive. Why you were even born.

Javlok continued resisting. Every day, I would see him training hard, pushing through every barrier fate had put on him. Willingly letting that grotesque monster of an infestation destroy his body so he could become a hero.

But I was different. I was better. Because I fully understood that no matter how hard I tried, this world would find ways to ruin it.

After all,

I was born cursed. Just like Mayen. Just like Witchcraft.

If this world was going to treat me poorly,

wouldn't it be right to treat it back the same way?

It was unfair for Witchcraft to die like this. To have her feelings played with. It was unfair for Defender to watch the love of his life be killed.

But this world was always unfair.

I pulled back the firing hammer, as I cocked the gun.

"That's just how it is." I said, pulling the trigger.

"You... why?" Witchcraft gasped.

I held out my gun, the barrel still smoking from my last shot that intentionally cut off the magical runes around her feet. I had identified those runes during my monologue. It was faint, but it was very obvious. It didn't take a genius to realize she had summoned a beacon spell. I erased them just before they could let loose a signal.

"Why indeed." I muttered, staring at the photo of Witchcraft and Defender. She didn't deserve death. There was no reason to execute her like this. I had what I came for. Even if I was an enemy to this world, I could still get what I wanted using the spells I currently had.

I approached Witchcraft, and knelt down.

"I know that you are capable of summoning runes. Your magic is independent from the grimoire."

Witchcraft glared at me.

"Tell me, Bethany." I said, as my own grimoire materialized before me, its pages flipping to another section in the book, separate from the other spells. I pulled out a magical gem from within my trench coat.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Pack Leader

Four hunting dogs gained shape from the shadows surrounding the room, as they glared at Witchcraft, snarling, foam coming from their mouths.

"These are my Abyssal Hounds. I have instructed them to avoid killing you. But there are worst things than death. These fellas haven't had the luxury of eating non-abyssal flesh. I will deactivate my relic, if you tell me...

"Where Lawrence Wright of Darkstar is."


There was no point in using Witchcraft anymore. Even if she was capable of Rune Magic, for one thing, she hated my guts. But the other, is that her magic, though formidable, was not the best. I needed the best.

And there was no other rune magic user that was better than Lawrence Wright. The Deputy Leader of Darkstar.

In the end, I wasn't able to extract the information from Witchcraft, so instead, I threatened to kill Defender. Obviously, she wasn't too thrilled about that. But I instantly made her change her mind.

"You won't be getting any information from me, you worm!" Witchcraft shouted.

I stood up, fingering my relic.


The four beasts backed off, returning back to the shadows.

I held out my grimoire again, the pages flipping to another section.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Two clones manifested. One on each side, as they regarded Witchcraft.

"If you do not give me my information, we will hunt down Defender."

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker

My clones melted into the shadows, searching and locating Defender as I held out my hand. Showing Witchcraft an image of my clones, who were dissolved in the shadows of James Harmon's lab. Defender was doing maintenance on his suit, as one of my clones approached from the corner, completely undetected in the darkness of the corner.

Slowly, the clone reached into his coat, pulling out his own Garrison M55, and loading in a bullet.

The clone took aim, while the other clone followed suit from the other side.

"Defender doesn't have 360 degree vision. Even if he catches one of my clones, the other's bullet will still catch him." I said.

Witchcraft's eyes were wide in terror.

"I shall... give you his coordinates." She said, staring at the ground.

I snapped my fingers, as my clones lowered their guns, dissolving into shadows.

I got up and left, deactivating the shadow binding spell I had on her.


I stopped at the door, turning around. Witchcraft had her hands clenched.

"There is no atonement for people like you. There is no future for those who manipulate and harm others."

"You're absolutely correct." I replied, as I left the house.

"I'm home, honey!" Lawrence shouted, as he closed the door to the penthouse. It was quite extravagant. I guess the legend was true. Lawrence Wright. Saviour of Croft. The Lazarus. Focused on healing magic and rune magic. The guy became extremely proficient in rune magic after he had given up his soul link creature.

It was best to avoid fighting this guy. Not because he was a strong mage, that wasn't it. His skill with rune magic was probably the best in this city, but in terms of pure magical power, that honour would go to...

"Welcome back, Lawrence!" Calliope Ariandal leaned in and kissed her husband.

I always felt weird watching couples display affection. It wasn't any better that I was basically stalking them from within the shadows of the crevices in the apartment.

Calliope Ariandal. The princess of Croft. She was famous in that country for being quite possibly the most powerful mage in history. Her soul link creature, the Seraphim, and her magic affinity: Celestial Magic, was by far the most powerful type of magic in existence. My magic stood no chance against someone of that calibre.

Against Lawrence, my magic was still inferior, but I had spent years honing in on alternatives. Gun Magic, for instance, was a type of magic I had learned after I realized I was shit with Shadow Magic. Yes. That's right. For an Etreum, I am below average. Spending hours studying in the academy, just to get outdone by my classmates.

I had accepted that I would never succeed as a full power shadow mage, so instead, I sought other methods. So I could be useful. My own way.

If I could get Ariandal out of the picture, I could beat Lazarus easily. But I would have to be smart about it. One mistake could be deadly on me.

I spent the next few weeks inspecting and analyzing Lazarus' schedule. He was usually out doing some kind of housework. Calliope was often found in Croft. If I attacked Lazarus now, it would take a few minutes for Calliope to arrive. Meaning I had that window of opportunity to defeat him. But if Lazarus managed to pull out a portal, then it would be over for me.

I watched as Lazarus kissed Calliope goodbye as she left the suite.

"Go get em!" He said.

"Ugh. So many meetings." Calliope muttered.

I waited an hour in the darkness after Calliope had left to make sure she was gone for good.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copy

I nodded at the clone, as he nodded back, dissolving into shadows and kept an eye on Calliope. Through the clone's eyes, I could see what she was up to, and to make sure she wouldn't come back for her husband.

Lawrence began sweeping the floor as I watched. A whole day of housework? Doesn't this guy ever get bored.

Suddenly, Wright put the broomstick on the ground.

"Come out. I know you're there."

A chill ran through my blood.

How did he know?

I didn't answer, but Lazarus put up his hand, and a rune manifested, revealing a single dot in the radar. It was me.

"I'm guessing you're the Mage Hunter. If you're going to go against me, you'll have to try a lot harder than that."

I needed those rune spells.

I slipped out of the shadows as I slowly revealed myself. Lazarus didn't look surprised. I closed the door and locked it.

"Lawrence Wright. Darkstar's Lazarus." I said.

"You know who I am? Well I know who you are. You made quite a foolish choice betraying your teacher like that. Are you not ashamed?"

What? How did he know about this? I made sure to deactivate Witchcraft's magic with my anti-magic bullets. There was no way she could have alerted-

The phone. Dammit.

I should have trapped her in a shadow binding spell or thrown her in the Abyssal realm. But I was hasty. And overconfident that I had taken down a world class famous mage.

And now my plan was off the rails.

Lazarus held out his hand and summoned another rune, but in one swift motion, I pulled out my Garrison and fired an anti-magic bullet, dissipating it.

"So that's what you wanted out of Witchcraft, huh." Lazarus muttered, as I took out my submachine gun with my other hand, aimed, and sprayed a stream of bullets in Lazarus' direction.

Lazarus leapt back and summoned three runes, which formed a force field.

With my other hand, I slipped in another anti-magic bullet as I switched guns, firing and dissipating the field.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Several chains wrapped around Lazarus, but suddenly, he dissipated into green sparks.

I spun around in shock, as Lazarus had materialized behind me. I held out my P90 and fired behind me as Lazarus evaded, forming another shield. But the bullets were starting to crack it as he landed on the ground.

Not good. I was at a disadvantage. I was already desperate with my attacks, and Lazarus didn't look fazed at all.

I thought I could take on Lazarus because he was seemingly the weakest out of all them members in Darkstar, but I guess I was wrong.

I slipped in and out of the shadows, as Lazarus sent dozens of fireballs and lightning bolts at my direction.

Rune magic.

The type of magic that calls upon other affinities through incantations and symbols. By fighting Lazarus, I was fighting someone who had basically every magic affinity in his kit.

I was never a fighter. But if it came down to it, I had to learn. After all, this world is never forgiving.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Three clones manifested, as they drew their grimoires, reaching behind their backs to take out a larger firearm from the rest. The Argent BAS X170 shotgun.

Gun Magic: Black Shotgun Shells

The clones each loaded in their bullets into their guns as I materialized from underneath Lazarus' feet, taking out a different relic.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Serpentine

A huge snake erupted from my grimoire, as it instantly wrapped itself around the mage, holding him in place from the waist down, pinning his arms.

The clones all fired as Lazarus flew in the air, and crumpled on the ground, blood splattering the floor.

"Black bullets, huh." He muttered, as he tried to heal himself, to no avail.

My clones dissipated as Serpentine slithered on the ground, wrapping itself around Lazarus and baring its fangs.

"Serpentine is capable of Abyssal Poison Magic. Those Black Shotgun Shells will keep you from regenerating and healing. If it so much as bites you, you're finished." I said, as I reached in my coat and took out my Garrison. I took out my grimoire and loaded in an ordinary bullet into the chamber as I aimed the barrel of the gun to the mage's head.

"I'm afraid you're in no position to make demands." A voice appeared behind me.

I spun around and fired several bullets with my P90, but nothing came out. I stared at my hand, which was frozen in ice.

Trill Cohen, The Coldarrow.

My clones took out their Garrisons and fired, three bullets converging on the mage, but their guns were also frozen in place.

"Who are you." Trill said, as a large glowing cyan wing erupted from his back, slicing my clones as they dissipated into black mist.

I held out my hand.

Shadow Magic - Shadow Moon

My spell cast all around the room, as the place flooded in darkness. Now I was at an advantage once more.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Dozens of shadow arms latched onto the Avatar, as I took out my shotgun, grimoire out. This guy.

Trill Cohen. He was one of the mages in the Mage Academy, the same one Lazarus was in. Apparently, he was soul linked with a Hyperborean, which explained his ice powers. That ice, it needed to go.

Gun Magic: Anti-Magic Shotgun Shells

I loaded my gun and fired it with my main hand, the shells racing to his location, when suddenly, they stopped. Suspended in mid-air.

"A fight? And I wasn't invited? Rude!"

What is it now.

My eyes widened as a massive force cascade came flying my way. I instantly dissolved into shadows as all my spells were obliterated by the sheer force of Dennis Wagner's attack.

This was bad.

Against just Lazarus, I might have stood a chance. But against three of Darkstar's members, this was extremely one sided.

Lazarus looked at me.

"Never underestimate a team. We've been through thick and thin. If you think cutting out my coms with your anti-magic bullets was enough, then you're sorely mistaken."

I emerged from the other side of the room. I had to get out of here. There was no telling how bad I would be if I-

I paused. What was this ominous, terrifying feeling?


What is...

The dark realm. It was always my home turf. I would always travel in it, be bathed in it. But this time... it felt...


I slowly looked up, as I was face to face with a gargantuan monstrosity. A massive dark being with long hair, and demonic spikes all around it. Towering over me, its claws, surrounding me, keeping me from moving.

"You're not going anywhere, Etreum."

Standing on its shoulder, was The Black Jason.

"So you specialize in gun magic, huh." Jason said, as he took out his own gun.

"I never thought I would have to use Sentry's powers again. Ever since my father died, I swore to only see Sentry as a friend."

I had no choice. It didn't matter if it was a Hellspawn. I could still take it down.

I held out my grimoire, swapping my shotgun with my Garrison.

Gun Magic - Black Bullets

I loaded my gun and fired, the bullet soaring to Jason, but Jason held out his own gun. It looked incredibly advanced. Almost like it was from the future. The gun imbued with darkness as suddenly, my bullet was split in half, a streak of darkness cut my face as I stumbled back.

"Nice weapon. I like the old fashioned polished wood look. But in terms of firepower, it will never match mine." Jason said, as Sentry brought his fist down. I narrowly dodged.

This was bad. I couldn't escape. Not through shadows. Not through the real world. I knew attacking Team Darkstar was a bad idea, but I didn't think it would be like this.

I tried firing again, but Jason destroyed my bullets before they could even get close. How was he this fast? There was no way his reflexes were human.

Jason regarded me from above. Six feet of pure muscle, and silver eyes that made me want to curl up into a ball and die.

"SPART205. The second eldest of us. This was his last gift to me before he gave his life. Against all firearms, I have trained with this gun to the point where it will always be at the top. No matter who I am up against."

No option. I had to do it. I had to go all out against the Black Jason.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Four clones manifested as we all took out our shotguns and P90's.

Gun Magic - Abyssal Sharpshooting

Dozens of magazines and bullets flew from our grimoires as we unloaded a barrage of bullets, all five of us, as the bullets instantly replenished. Firing everything we had.

"You like spells, huh. Then I'll show you a fraction of mine!" Jason said, as he leapt from the shoulder of the giant, landing on the ground, dodging all of the bullets as his body sparking with demonic black energy, his body glowing blue. Jason drew his katana, taking a deep breath.

Kaiju Boost x400000 - CONTINENTAL SLASH

A massive wave of darkness blasted me and my clones away as we were ripped away from the shadow realm. Just from the pure force of his attack. I flew right out of the shadows into the real world as I smashed into the city.

I got to my feet. I was screwed. There was no escape. My only means of protection was guarded by quite possibly the most frightening dark mage in existence.

Jonathan Crypt. The Black Jason.

The Remnant of Decen the Paladin of War.

I turned around and managed to dodge a sound blast, following by more dark magic bullets from a girl and guy. Reya Park and Toby Rufus.

Everybody was coming to get me. I needed to eliminate myself as a threat.

Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Pack Leader

Several hounds appeared at my feet, as they snarled at the two, rushing forward, but suddenly, Toby got on all fours, transforming into a massive white wolf.

My hounds whimpered. Right. Toby was the son of Fenris. How could I have been so stupid.

I took a step back, but suddenly, stopped. My feet were stuck in the ground.

"What business do you have with Lazarus?" A girl's voice appeared behind me.

I clenched my teeth. It was all over.

A beautiful woman with black and silver hair approached me. That brown aviator jacket. And beside her, was an extremely muscular man, even bigger than Jason.

Amana Cross and Ferris Wheeler.

I said nothing as Amana stood in front of me, her tail turning bright red, her orange eyes regarding mine critically.

"You might want to say something." Jason said, popping up beside her as he brushed off his t-shirt.

I couldn't. I was going to die anyway. Also why would I be intimidated by The Fox of all people? She was always the rational smart one. There would be no way she would scare me.

"My son was sleeping peacefully for once. Endless days and nights he would be crying. I've lost a lot of sleep. Then you had to ruin it by attacking one of my closest friends. So not only have you decided to mess with Lawrence, you took away valuable sleeping time from my little boy." Amana's eyes became murderous.

Holy shit!

Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Shadow magic huh. You decided to pick a fight with us, I can't for the life of me, understand how people can be so reckless."

I struggled against my restraints. I had to get out of here, but the only thing I could do was give into their demands. There was nothing I could do right now.

"I need his rune magic. My friends and family are in danger from an unspeakable threat in my universe. If it means giving my life to protect them, then so be it." I replied.

Jason took a deep breath.

"Giving your life, huh." Amana said dangerously, as she stepped closer to me.

"Do you really think that's going to change anything? If you died?"

My eyes widened. Since when was Amana Cross this cold? Didn't the stories and legends say she was the most accepting of all the members of Darkstar?


"No, John. I'm going to lay it out for you straight, kiddo." Amana held out her hand, as her tail projection grew larger and spikier, her body began glowing red.

"You can do whatever you want. But if you so much as lay a hand on my friends and family, I will destroy you. I've had enough, Sam."

Sam? Who the hell was-

Was she talking about Samuel Mason?

Amana suddenly paused, her eyes widened, as she became paralyzed. Her orange eyes began forming tears as her tail projection dissipated.

"Huh? What am I- what am I saying..." She muttered, as the restraints around my feet loosened. Ferris put his arms around her as Amana stared at me, her face had gone completely pale.

Ferris turned to Jason.

"I'll take care of her. You deal with this delinquent."

Jason nodded, as he regarded me.

"I still don't know who you are, aside from the fact that you're an Etreum who decided for whatever reason it was a good idea to fight us. But right now, you're coming with me for questioning."


"Why did you attack Lazarus?" Jason asked, as I found myself in meta human cuffs. My grimoire was confiscated by Lawrence himself.

I glanced nervously at Amana, who was at the door.

Jason turned to her and waved his hand.

"It's okay. I can handle him."

Amana shot me a glare and left the room.

Jason noticed my sweating.

"Amana wasn't always like this. These past few years have been really hard for her."

"I would have guessed that out myself. Stories said she was the most rational and level headed of the team."

Jason leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"As scary as Sentry is, he is a good person. And I'm not a violent gunslinging maniac people like to make me out to be. When I fought you, I sensed desperation from your movements. What's got you all tied up?"

"These cuffs."

"Funny guy." Jason chuckled, as he got up from his seat, putting his hand on the window.

"No wonder Amana hates you."

"She mistakened me for one of yours. Me and The Blackflame have nothing in common."

"You're right. You're nothing in comparison to Samuel Mason. He was the greatest and best of us."

I shouldn't have gotten myself involved with their problems. If I had kept my face covered, this wouldn't have happened. But then again, I looked nothing like him, so why was-

"You're probably wondering why she did it." Jason read my mind, as he turned to me. His face, though calm and objective, was mixed with a little bit of sadness.

"Was it something I said?"

Jason sat back down.

"What about Blackflame do you know? The stories and legends that circulate around here."

"He was the guy who defeated an entire Aspect army on his own and saved the multiverse. Fought and held his own against the Prime Aspect Deimos, who had the power to literally alter the natural laws of the universe. The guy was strong enough to decimate an entire country with one chop. What else is there to not know about him?"

"I'm not asking about his accomplishments. We all know about that, even if it is slightly inaccurate."

"Inaccurate, how?"

"Answer my question."

Jason's hypercritical eyes focused on me, like he was analyzing how to take me down.

"Legend said that he was selfless, rarely thinking about what he was doing and charging ahead on instinct.... oh."

Jason's expression confirmed it.

"Amana loved Sam like family. After all, she had lost her blood relatives from an Infernal attack. Sam was with her from Day One. His death shook her to the core, and even after all these years, she never got over it. Because he left her so suddenly. Left us so suddenly. All because he made what Amana believed to be a selfish choice in sacrificing his life for us."

Jason reached to his side pocket and ran his hand over his combat mask.

"Since then, she's been suppressing it. I thought she was happy again when our son was born. But I never knew it still haunted her to this day. Then you came along, with the reckless goal of attacking one of us, for the purpose of protecting your loved ones. It rubbed her the wrong way."

I clenched my fists. Getting involved in other people's drama. This was not how I was supposed to go about things. I was the guy who slipped in and out without a trace. Who did things in the shadows. In the background. Why was I suddenly in the spotlight? I hated it.

"Look. I didn't mean to bring up any past traumas. I'm just here to learn the necessary magic to complete my mission. If I can't gain anything here, I'm going. So please, just let me go."

Jason put his hand on his chin, as he took out my grimoire, flipping the pages.

"Lazarus is a remarkable mage. Known widely as one of the best. But in terms of magical knowledge, I would have to say Trill Cohen and I are the best. Since he was the only one of Darkstar who fully completed our degree in the Mage Academy."


Jason continued flipping the pages.

"Your specialization is in shadow magic. But judging from the way your spells are oriented, they look inefficient. Cross spell amplification - Shadow Moon and Umbral Bind limits your casting speed. Not to mention almost half of the main shadow spells, like Total Eclipse, and Death Flood are not even inscribed in this book. I'm guessing you're not too proficient with this affinity, which explains why..."

Jason flipped to another section.

"Your grimoire possesses dual magic attributes. Gun Magic with Bullet Alchemy. You tried to seek an offensive attribute to offset your lack of offensive spells. Am I correct?"

What the hell was this guy? He completely saw through me.

"What are you getting at." I grumbled.

Jason gave the book back to me, as I felt my restraints crumble.

"I'm offering to help you with increasing the power of your spells. Lazarus may be a good mage, but I'm a dark affinity mage just like you. I can offer you a few tips."

He held out his hand.

"I used to be just like you. I wanted what I wanted without a care in the universe about what happens to others. But I want to set an example for my son, and maybe for you too."

I stared at the hand. Was this really a good idea? Should I trust this guy? He seemed nice enough. But the moment I start developing bonds, it always comes back to bite me in the ass. I had to be careful with this guy. No getting attached to his group. Everything came down to getting the job done.

Remember that, Ether.


Everything you're doing is for Ruby.

I took Jason's hand.

* * *

"Welcome to Eldia, home of the pixies." Jason said, as he spun around. Then he looked at me with a deadpan expression.

"Ether, if you're going to get yourself one, can you at least look like you want to be here."

I emerged from the shadows of a tree with a scowl.

"I wanted my spells to be stronger. I didn't ask for Tinkerbell."

Jason shook his head.

"There is currently no way I can think of that will amplify your strength other than a familiar."

"Then give me a wolf or something. Besides, I have tons of familiars." I opened my trench coat, revealing my relics that I used for Abyssal Summoning.

Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Abyssal Summoning can only get you so far. They consume mana. With a pixie, her power will add on to yours, amplifying your spells greatly. Besides, you seem like a lonely guy for your age. Having a pixie girl sounds nice."

"The last thing I need is an annoying pixie chatterbox by my side when I'm doing recon."

Jason paused.

"Believe it or not, Samuel Mason also had a pixie. But she was more of a Guardian than pixie. They didn't get along too well at first, but over time, they became close."

I didn't hear about that. I knew Samuel Mason had Sentry, then passed it on to Jason. What was this pixie he was talking about?

"What happened to her?"

"She sacrificed herself in his struggle against Deimos."


"It's here." Jason said, pointing at a grove. It was the one place where the sunlight shone down in a circular region. It kind of looked magical. Actually, it probably was magical, with all the pixies here.

The asshole part of me wanted to pull out a can of bug spray and see how they would react.

We stood there, as little orbs of light began to gather. The orbs began to grow until they were the size of a smartphone. Pretty ladies with wings of different colours surrounded us.

"Ooh, who's this cutie?!" One of the pixies squealed.

My eye twitched in annoyance.

"Don't call me cute-"

"Haha, I appreciate the compliment Seras!" Jason held out his hand as the pixies perched on his shoulder and all across his arm.


Jason turned to me.

"During the pixie binding ritual, the pixie chooses her master. But sometimes, the master can choose the pixie, but must engage in combat with her."

"I don't mind shooting up these bugs."

One of the pixies gave me a raspberry.

"Wow. You clearly don't know how to talk to girls."

The other pixies chattered amongst themselves, calling me an incel.

Jason nervously scratched his head.

"Look, Ether. You need to be more friendly with them. The whole point is to get them to like you. Maybe just-"

"If they don't like me for who I am, in what way am I obligated to put on a fake mask to please them?" I responded.

"A prophet. How amusing." A voice said, from the corner of the grove. The pixies turned to the source of the voice. I narrowed my eyes to locate her.

She looked stunning. Long silver hair, pointy ears, and critical cyan eyes. Her wings were beautiful, cyan but translucent, like glass. Unlike the other fairies, who wore dresses, she had what looked like several appendages from her hips that almost reminded me of Deka's Archwings that decorated her full body black leather.

She kind of reminded me of a biker.

"Ugh. Noctis, you're always such a tomboy. Why can't you be more graceful like the rest of us?" One of the pixies said.

Noctis glared at her, but said nothing.

I stepped forward. "She can be whoever she wants to be-"

"Stop." Noctis held out her hand, cutting me off. She crossed her arms.

"Just because I don't fit in with the rest, does not automatically make me compatible with an oddball like you. The other pixies are still right. You have no respect for us. You will not be my master."

Well, I guess it was never going to be this easy. But looking at Noctis, I realized she had power unlike the others. She was an ice based fairy, but her ice seemed almost ethereal.

"You're a Cryo-abyssal Pixie." I said.

Noctis raised an eyebrow.

"And? I'm not interested in serving a half baked Abyssal mage."

I smiled.

"Then I guess that's that. Noctis, I, Ethereum Lux, challenge you to a bout for mastership."

A large rune appeared in the grove, as the other pixies moved out of the way. Jason leapt back as he gave me a nod.

"Good luck." He said.

Noctis clenched her tiny fists as she fluttered into the air.

"Unbelievable. After everything I said, you're still delusional enough to choose me. This isn't one of your stupid fantasies where the weird girl becomes your lover."

My grimoire manifested in front of me.

"I only chose you because you know when to shut your trap. That's all you are to me." I said, coldly.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Several chains manifested, but Noctis zipped around elegantly, dodging every chain coming her way.

"A binding spell on such a small target? Pathetic." She said, as she zoomed in, manifested two icicle daggers.

"This is over, foolish magus." She hissed.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Moon

An orb manifested, as the entire place flooded with darkness.

Noctis paused.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies - Fivefold Umbral Bind

My chains manifested, in an even greater frequency, chasing down Noctis as she was blinded by the darkness.

"Tch!" She muttered, as she flew into the air, spinning and releasing a shower of frost, freezing all of my chains and clones in place.

"You're the type of man who uses underhanded methods. How repulsive!"

Noctis fired hundreds of icicle daggers as I leapt back, dissolving into shadows.

I watched as Noctis dispatched all of my clones, one by one.

"Are trap spells all you can do?" Noctis taunted, but suddenly paused.

"Not quite." I said, as the surroundings became flooded with a different kind of darkness. Thank you Witchcraft. I didn't think you would have this kind of rare magic for me to use.

"You're absolutely correct, Noctis. I'm the kind of man who uses underhanded methods. I'm complete scum. But at least I'm honest enough to admit that."

Shadow Magic: Emotional Extension - Flood

Noctis' memories exploded from out of her body as the darkness lit up with ethereal projections of her memories. Her emotions. All of her insecurities. I saw them all.

"No... stop this. Stop. Stop now!" Noctis pleaded, as I saw everything.

Noctis was born a Cryo-abyssal. Her powers, were labelled as disgusting by her mother, who abandoned her from the nest. I watched as Noctis spent her childhood away from the other pixies, learning to become tough and fighting off predators all on her own.

"Leather makes me harder to kill." I saw a child Noctis say, as she put on her leather suit for the first time.

"Ugh, look who the cat dragged in." One of the pixies said, as Noctis joined the others in the grove dejectedly. One of the mages, a handsome man, had a ton of pixies all around him, asking for his hand in marriage.

Noctis approached from the back, but was too shy.

"I... I like you too..." Her timid voice squeaked.

"You wish, No Husband Noctis!" One of the pixies said, as the insult rippled through the assembly."

The present Noctis stared at me in horror, her eyes wide and teary. Her mouth trembling.

"No more... please..." She begged.

I melted out of the shadows.

"Not until you submit as my servant." I said.

"Otherwise, your whole life story is going to unfold for me to see."

"I... I can't. I don't want to... I don't want to.... to..." Noctis stammered.

"Then let's keep going." I said.

The projections continued, as the pixies continued jeering a teenage Noctis. The mage parted the pixies aside as he knelt down in front of a crying Noctis.

"You like me? I think you're kind of cute too. Be my servant."

The pixies stared at Noctis.

"Her?! Why her?! Hey! Come back!"

Noctis perched on the shoulder of the mage as they walked off. She clung onto him desperately.

I raised an eyebrow.

"You were chosen by that mage boy. Yet... you're..."

Noctis stared at the ground, her face empty, as tears streamed down her face.

The memories continued as I watched a teenage Noctis spend time with the mage. And I finally understood why Noctis was back in the grove again. I watched as the mage abused Noctis, forcing her to clean his house, whipped her, had his fun with her.

"I didn't think I would find a pixie so damn submissive!" The mage bellowed, as he and his asshole buddies took turns bullying and tormenting the pixie.

This continued throughout her teenage years, until one day, a young adult Noctis was forced into her full size, tied to the bed.

"Looks like you're legal age. So there ain't nothing illegal about what I'm going to do now. After all, you're my servant." The mage said, as he began to undress.

I clenched my fist. Even though this was a memory, I felt full of rage. This man. I myself am considered a scumbag, but this man was the worst of the worst.

"No... stop! Stop!" Noctis screamed, as the man paused. The mage stared at the dozens of icicles that had pierced through his body.

"You... little bitch!" He gasped, as the mage doubled over, dead. Noctis frantically escaped her restraints as her body began to sparkle with cyan light. She was dissolving. I watched as Noctis fled back to the grove, barely making it back alive.

Throughout the journey, I watched as Noctis became more and more resentful. Angrier and angrier. But also in pain.

I closed my eyes and held out my fist.


The projections dissolved, as I looked at a sobbing Noctis in the corner of the battle ring.

"Of all the mages to have come here, you're the absolute worst piece of garbage I have ever seen." She heaved.

"You can say that. I'm complete garbage. But at least I'm garbage who knows what you're going through." I said as I knelt in front of her tiny body.

"You were born into this world cursed. There's no such thing as looking at the bright side of things, when even fate doesn't allow it. After all, you can't fight fate."

"Shut up... you don't know what it's like. To be defective. To be... to be..." Noctis muttered.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Your life isn't going to get any better when you're with me. I'll use you like a tool. Because that's all you're going to be. But at least it's better than whatever the hell that psycho had in mind."

Noctis glared at me, her eyes puffy from crying.

"I'll kill you!" She screamed, as hundreds of icicle daggers manifested in front of me.

"Ether!" Jason shouted.

I reached into my coat, as Noctis held out her hands, more and more daggers formed, ready to turn me into a magus shish kebab.

"Die like the rest. Die like the other men." She snarled, as she let loose with a yell.

Gun Magic: Anti-Magic Bullets

I pulled out my P90, loading the magazine into the gun and firing a large stream of bullets that chased down each magical projectile like a homing missile. The bullets erased the daggers instantly, as Noctis kept creating more and more.

She was being extremely reckless. Which was all according to plan.

I continued firing with my submachine gun, until Noctis fell, her wings failing her as she crumpled onto the ground.

I approached her, the sounds of my footsteps echoing as I suddenly realized the other pixies were quiet for once.

I reached into my pocket with my other hand and pulled out my Garrison M55.

Noctis breathed heavily, her eyes barely open as she stared at me.

"You... a mage using firearms? What kind of... taboo... is..."

"I was born with a genetic defect." I said, as I loaded a bullet into the chamber.

"Wha... What?" Noctis said, her voice surprised.

"Whenever I use my shadow powers, my body deteriorates. I'm told that I will die by the time I hit thirty if I keep using stronger shadow spells. Effed up, isn't it? That the one magic I was allowed to use, since it happened to be my magic affinity."

I inspected my P90.

"My little sister had the same disease. One day, we were attacked. My sister decided to use Total Eclipse to help me escape. But the spell took too much out of her body. Since then, she's been in critical condition. I am all she has, and I don't have enough money for an operation."

I aimed the barrel to Noctis' face, which was full of shock.

"To make money, I was forced to take up contracts. But what use is a mage that can't even use their magic to its fullest? So I took up marksmanship, and bought a couple of guns. Everything I do is for Ruby's sake. So I don't have time to mess around with some chatterbox bitch."

I cocked the gun.

Noctis closed her eyes.

"I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I don't deserve to be your servant. Just... kill me. I know that bullet is designed to kill magical beings."

"Ether! Stop! You've won, just stop!" Jason pleaded.

I regarded Noctis' defeated stance. Come to think of it, she wasn't cute. She wasn't girly. Or super "kawaii" like those fairies you see in the anime.

She was mature and tough. Been through hell and back. Hardened.

Despite that, she was still on her feet.

She wasn't cute or girly like the pixies.

She was incredibly beautiful. Strong.

She was my type.

I dropped the gun, to everybody's shock. I glanced at my P90 and threw that on the ground too. Both guns clattering to the floor.

"I'm not killing you." I said, as got down on my knees and used my finger to wipe her tears.

"Crying doesn't suit a badass like you. Get yourself together. It's time we got to work, Noctis."

Noctis gasped as she put her tiny hands on my finger. A smile crept on her face.

"Just don't expect me to be like the other pixies, then. And for the record, I still find you incredibly repulsive."

"I don't mind that." I said, as Noctis fluttered into the air and perched on my shoulder.

The rune glowed, dissipating, signifying the pact was set in place.

Jason ran forward and slapped my back.

"You did it! You're amazing, Ether!"

"Meh. Now what."

"Well, I mean. You get to know your pixie. You two are now together for eternity."

Shit. I didn't know that. I thought this was a temporary thing.

Noctis looked at me with her cyan eyes.

"Um..." I muttered.

"What is it?" Noctis asked.

"Do you mind not sitting on my shoulder. It feels uncomfortable."

Noctis got up and fluttered off.

"Thanks." I said, but suddenly, paused.

Noctis fluttered to the top of my head and curled up in my hair.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"You never said your head was off limits. I might just go to sleep. This is technically your fault, by the way. Since you made me use up my mana. I have no love for tricksters."

Jonathan Ko

"We're heading back." Jason said, as he got up and left the grove.

Noctis had fallen asleep on the top of head, snoozing away. The fact that she could sleep while my head was bobbing from walking was honestly beyond me.

"Your pixie's pretty." Jason said.


"Abyssal Cryokinesis is actually a really good magic type that compliments your current spells. You made a good choice."

I put my hands in my pockets. I hated revealing my personal life to people. But for some reason, I felt obligated to tell Noctis. I really hoped this wouldn't develop into anything more than mere colleagues. If I was caught being in a relationship with Noctis, I'd be labelled a pixie con. Or whatever the term is.

"I didn't know your body was, like that. I'm sorry if I pushed you into doing something you didn't want."

"There wouldn't have been any way you would have known. That information is strictly confidential. Do not tell anyone about this. I don't need more people knowing about my weaknesses."

Jason laughed. "Got it."

"But... I guess now that you know a bit about me, mind telling me more about yourself? Equal exchange."

Jason looked surprised.

"You're interested in knowing more about me?"

I looked away. "It's not like I'm interested. I just- I told you guys about me. Figured it was only fair if you told something about yourself."

Jason clapped me on the back. "Haha, alright. Let's see. Where do we start."

Jason showed me to a room in his apartment.

"Amana is staying at her old house in her universe. Figured it would be safer to take care of Benedict there. No hard feelings."

"I don't give a shit."

I reached to the top of my head and gently scooped a snoozing Noctis and placed her on a piece of tissue paper. I hoped that was good enough for a bed.

I put my hand on my chin.

Maybe a few more layers.

I thickened the tissue bed. Noctis moaned as she stretched and went back to sleep. Did that mean she was still uncomfortable? How did Ruby make beds for her dolls when we were little?

I glanced at my bed. Oh. Pillows.

I ripped another tissue and turned it into a wad, gently lifting her head and resting it. Then I took another tissue and wrapped it around her like a blanket.

Bona fide master right here.

"You know, for everything you've said about making her a tool, you sure are treating her like a person."

"I can't have a tool acting defunct in the field just because of a sore back." I explained.

Jason snickered. "Sure. We'll go with that then."

I rested on my own bed as I thought about Ruby. From my current pace, I made around half of the expenses to pay for the operation. Ruby didn't have long. I needed to keep making money.

Hang in there, sis.

I stared at my grimoire.

"Wow, your grimoire looks so shabby compared to mine!" Ruby said,

"It's only shabby because heroes start out at the bottom!" I shouted, cheerfully.

I remembered. I wanted to become a hero. A hero mage. Just like Mom and Dad.

Ruby clutched her grimoire.

"I want to be a doctor."

I busted out laughing. "You? A doctor?! Seriously?!"

"Don't laugh." Ruby pouted. "What's wrong with an Etreum being a doctor? You're an Etreum trying to be a hero. We both save lives!"

"Yeah, but your dream is so lame. Mom and Dad are heroes and cool. I want to be cool too."

Ruby brought her knees to her chin.

"I don't wanna."


"I don't want you to be a hero."


Ruby shifted in her seat.

"Because I don't want you to end up like Mom and Dad."

"I won't get cancer and die during a mission. I will become strong and-"

"You're all I have!" Ruby sobbed.

"Ether." A woman's voice said, as I jolted awake.

"Wha- What time is it?" I asked, staring at Noctis' face.


"And you woke me up.... why?"

"My neck hurts."

"And how is that my problem?"

"Because you made the worst bed imaginable."

I sat up and glanced at the little tissue paper thing. The pillow had flattened, as did the rest of the "mattress".

"I tried." I said, and turned around, but Noctis fluttered to the other side, grabbing my nose.

"Ow! Cut it out!"

"Let me sleep here."

"Hell no! I'm not sleeping with a woman!"

"That is not up to you to decide."

Noctis curled up on the pillow as she closed her eyes.

"I'm your master, dammit. You will obey my commands. And my first command is for you to get the hell out of my bed!"

Noctis opened one eye, and smirked.

"No thank you. And since you are acting like an incel, I'll do this."

Her body began to glow cyan as she grew bigger. Bigger and bigger until she was human size.

It took me two seconds to realize I was in a bed with a full grown woman.

"Dammit, Noctis! What are you playing? Don't you know how suggestive this is?!"

Noctis snuggled next to me as she smiled.

"Am I suggesting anything?" She teased, as she shifted closer to me until we were only an inch apart. I began sweating bullets when suddenly, she turned around, taking all of the blanket for herself, as my pixie moved to the far side of the bed away from me along with the sheets.

I should have expected this to happen.

"Good morning, whoa. Did you sleep at all last night?" Jason asked, cooking breakfast.

"Did I sleep at all?! Look at me, Jason. I'm a mess. And it's all because-" I stopped myself. What was I supposed to say? That Noctis ended up in my bed and we slept together? I couldn't say that. It even sounded wrong in my head.

"Huh? Where's your pixie?" Jason asked.

"What?" I looked around. She was nowhere to be found.

"She must still be in the room."

"Go and wake her up. Oh, and take this with you." Jason handed me a plate.

"It's breakfast. We'll train early today, so you better eat up."

I took the plate and went to the room. Noctis was in front of the mirror, doing something with her hair until I barged in.

"Hey, it's morning. Come with me... aaaand do I even want to ask what you're doing."

"I'm doing my hair."

"Come on, we don't have time for that."

Noctis turned around.

"My appearance is very important to me."

"It's not like people are going to care. You're like minuscule 99% of the time. No one's going to sit there and admire your hair with a god damn magnifying glass in hand."

Noctis pouted, as she began to grow to full size.

"Take this." She said, as she handed me a strand of her hair. I took it and sighed.

"Fine, we'll go once this is over."

Noctis smiled, as she continued braiding her hair, forming a braid down the right side of her face.

I sat on the side and ate my breakfast as Noctis reduced to her pixie form. She fluttered next to me.

"You're not gonna eat?" I asked.

"Pixies don't eat." Noctis replied, but then her stomach growled.

"Yeah, sure they don't." I said, sarcastically.

I held out a piece of pancake to her.


Noctis crossed her arms.

"I refuse to be fed by a man."

"Okay. I guess I'll eat this incredibly delicious pancake all on my own. The fluffiness is too tempting for me to share anyway."

Noctis' eye began to twitch.

"Damn, look at how the syrup and butter mix together. So glad I get to eat something like this in the morning."

I raised the fork, when suddenly, my hand was suspended. Noctis grabbed my wrist in her full size form.

"Maybe just... a little." She muttered, her face red.

Noctis sat down next to me, with her hands on her lap.

I handed her the fork as she stared at me.

"What? Did I just do some weird pixie custom?"

Noctis' face was still confused. "You're not going to feed... nevermind." She said, angrily, taking the fork and wolfing down the pancake.

She finished the piece then glared at me.

"What? What did I do? Why are you so mad?"

"I wouldn't expect an incel like you to understand. Men like you only care about looks anyway. Repulsive. Disgraceful. Repugnant. Unsightly."

"Do you want the rest of the pancake or not? I'm already full." I said.

Noctis took the plate and turned around, pouting.

I sighed, scratching my head.

Maybe I chose the wrong pixie after all.

"The first step to using your pixie, is to combine her magic with yours." Jason said.

I held out my hand, summoning my grimoire.

Jason drew his katana.

"Your most used ability is your chains. With the combination of your shadow magic with Noctis' cryoabyssal magic, integrate the two together, and form a restraint strong enough to bind me."

I concentrated.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Dozens of arms emerged from the shadows, surrounding Jason in a large radius. The tendrils of darkness closed in fiercely.

"Do it, Noctis." I said.

Noctis held out her hands, attempting to fortify the arms. I watched as they began to glow cyan, but Jason sliced them into pieces with his katana.

"Not durable enough. Try again."

"Tsk!" I said, as I concentrated again.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Noctis attempted to strengthen my bind again, but Jason shattered them into pieces.

"Are you even trying to make them harder?" I asked.

Noctis glared at me. "Excuse me? I already enhanced them. Have you maybe thought that your spell was too pathetic for me to even enhance?"

"The hell did you just say? That's a Prominence Umbral Bind."

Jason buried his face in his hand.

"Look. You two need to keep trying."

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

The arms were sliced again.

Noctis turned to me.

"This isn't work. We need to-"

I doubled over, clutching my stomach.


"Shut up. We need to do this."

Noctis fluttered in front of my face.

"Ether, we can't keep this up. Your body will-"

"To hell with my body. We're gonna figure this out, no matter what! Ruby is going to live!"

Noctis grimaced, as Jason crossed his arms.

"It looks like this isn't going to work. I guess you're no Samuel Mason after all."

I got to my feet.

"I never said I was."

"So you mean to tell me that all that talk is for nothing? Show some results. If you want to keep saying you're willing to throw your life away to save your sister, then I want to see results."

Noctis grew into full form, standing between Jason and I.

"My kind were fawning over you. But I see that your kindness is but a mere facade. How dare you demand something like this out of Ether? Can you not see this is damaging him?"

Jason drew his katana.

"It is only when a warrior is backed into a corner, do their true colours show. What separates a man from a coward. If you so choose to grow stronger for the sake of your sister, then reach deep inside..."

Jason's body began sparking with black electricity, glowing a dark blue.

"AND BRING THAT BEAST OUT." Jason roared, as his body began to gain demonic features. His sword arm manifested samurai plating, and his hands became claws. A fang appeared on his mouth.

Kaiju Boost x50000

"Right here. Right now. If you two do not merge your powers, you will die." Jason said, as he leapt into the air with frightening speed, bouncing around and gaining momentum.

Noctis took a step back, her face terrified.

"Such frightening, overwhelming, incomprehensible power. We're... we're going to die..." She muttered.

I clutched my midsection, scowling.

Could we do this? Can we do this?

Can we fight a Remnant of Decen?

Jason positioned himself against the wall of the building, and launched himself forward. Going straight for Noctis, who was paralyzed in fear.

"Noctis!" I shouted, as I ran forward and tackled her to the ground.

I pulled out my P90 and took aim, firing at Jason as he deflected all the bullets with his katana.

Kaiju Boost x50000 - Towerbreaker Smash

Jason wound up his sword, and unleashed a slash projectile to us.

Gun Magic - Black Bullets

I quickly loaded my Garrison and fired back, neutralizing the slash as it soared to Jason, but Jason grabbed the bullet with his clawed hand, smiling at me with his fanged teeth.

"Your normal magic is no match for the power of Connor Shel. Evolve, Ethereum Lux. Or you will die and never see your sister again."

Dammit. Noctis wasn't gonna do jack shit. She was literally finished. Whatever was going to happen, had to be done with my own magic.

I brought my shirt up staring at the black veins all across my chest.

No. There's no time for worrying about that.

"I gotta evolve. Noctis, get out of here." I said, as I took a step forward, holding both of my guns in the air.

Noctis had fallen to to the ground, staring at me.


I turned to her.

"Go back to the grove. I'll keep Jason busy. That way, he won't come for you once I die. And you won't dissolve away."


"I know. You hate your life back at the grove. But... just remember."

"Remember what?"

"Our time together. Even if it wasn't much, you have to admit it was probably better than your time with that dumb shit mage. If you ever feel down..."

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Copies

Seven clones manifested, as we all held out our guns in unison.

"Our time together, it will give you strength in this piece of shit world."

Jason wound up another attack, as he began to power up even more.

"This is it, Ether. It looks like your pixie was worthless after all. Whatever happens, is going to be your full power. Whether or not you can break through your limiter shells, comes down to this moment."

Kaiju Boost x 5 million - WORLDBREAKER SLASH

A massive glowing black blade manifested, cutting and slicing the sky, as I stood before it.

No running away.

No turning back.


I stomped on the ground, as my clones all summoned their respective grimoires.

Gun Magic - Prominence Abyssal Sharpshooting

I yelled, as my clones and I all fired a huge torrent of bullets at Jason, who brought his sword down, the huge black arc clashing with our bullet storm.

"ERRRRRRRGRAAAAAH" I roared, attempting to hold it off, but we were losing the clash. My chest hurt like crazy.

I was going at full power, but there was nothing I could do.

This was it.

"Heh... I guess... Deka's gonna have to find another recon member." I muttered, as the black veins went up my neck.

And to think I was so confident too.

"Raid." Noctis muttered. I turned to her.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed. "Run back to the grove!"


"What? No shit you're afraid. Just go! I'll hold him off-"

"Not of him..."

"Is now really the time to get deep-"

"I'm afraid of US!" Noctis screamed, her eyes tearing up.


"I'm... I'm afraid of falling. Of falling in love." She muttered, running up to me and embracing me from behind.

"I'm afraid of falling in love with you, Ether!" She screamed.

My eyes widened.



The one thing I didn't want happening between us ended up happening.

"If you die and I end up back in the grove, I don't want to remember. I don't want to remember our time together, because it will hurt me." Noctis said, as her hands began to glow cyan, covering me with frost.

"Noctis, I'm going to freeze- wait. I'm not cold?"

Noctis began to glow brighter, as she shrunk, fluttering in front of me, as I watched my bullets begin to cover in frost too. My dark magic gaining a cyan glow.

"Jonathan Crypt, you will not take Ether away from me! You will not take my master away from me!" Noctis yelled, as I felt power erupting inside of me. Some kind of power, as my black veins begin to retract, disappearing.

My body stopped hurting, but my spells were getting stronger.

Jason smiled from within the black slash.

"Very well then, Noctis. Then show me. Show your master just how powerful you are. Because now, I will show you just how powerful I am!"

Power of the Guardians: FULL REMNANT REGIMENT

Projections? No. Those things were not projections.

Fourteen ghosts appeared next to Jason. One of them had a gun. The other had a mask. Both items were part of Jason's arsenal. One kid was holding two swords, glowing gold. Another with long hair, had a cool spiked arm that was glowing red.

"Lucius Cassidy, I request the help of our brothers. You're okay with that, right big bro?"

Lucius held out a large silver sword which glowed silver, as all the ghosts pooled together. Lucius put his hand on Jason's shoulder.

"Continue fighting on our behalf. My little Jonathan Ko." Lucius dissipated along with the blade, entering Jason's body.

Jason gritted his teeth and smiled. A huge boom shook the whole place, as Noctis and I began to lose the struggle.

"From here on, you will be facing the full power of Paladin Decen. Prepare yourselves."

Noctis and I yelled as we poured everything we had into our attacks, but Jason was too powerful. Decen was too powerful.

"We're not giving up!" Noctis and I screamed.

My vision turned bright, as things began to appear that shouldn't be there. It was hard to explain, but it was like I was hallucinating, but everything I was seeing was absolutely real.

Mage contender

A voice said, from all around.

I turned to Noctis.

"Do you hear that voice?"

Noctis nodded, as she struggled to keep up the clash.

You are no longer battling just Jonathan Ko. For he has summoned me in the form of my Remnants. I am the warrior spirit pertaining to Paladin Decen of Acadia

Wisps of energy formed in front of me, creating a boy with spiked hair, a green jacket, a chain, and two swords.

Remnant 1, the Kingslayer.

Remnant 1 charged as my eyes widened.

"Ether!" Noctis shouted at me, but I shot her a glare.


Shadow Magic: Abyssal Summoning - Prominence Basilisk

A dark serpent emerged from my relic as it battled the Remnant in hand to hand, keeping him restrained.

More wisps came out of the energy.

Remnant 2, the Warchild. Remnant 3, the Fury. Against the power of Decen, you still hold true.

I summoned one of clones to my position as he fired a volley of bullets, but Warchild glared at the clone, and in one swift motion, even faster than Jason, blasted the bullets away. Each bullet he fired had connected with the bullets my clone fired.

Remnant 2 and 3. They were Jason's inspirations and older brothers. There was no winning.

Remnant 3 put on his mask, and I recognized it immediately as the same one Jason always wore.

Angelbreaker Smash - Full Gatling

The third Remnant, his hair white as snow, rushed in and pummelled me as my body exploded in pain.

Noctis stopped assisting me and leapt in front of me, growing into full size and shielded the blows with her own body.

"Noctis! Stop!" I pleaded, but Noctis held her ground, wincing in pain.

"I have already made my decision." She gritted her teeth. "To be by your side. For all eternity. In life... and in death."

Remnant 3 regarded the pixie, who had fallen to her knees.

Deacon Chow. The Wrath of Decen. Against the flames of Diablos, your ice will never quench. Do you still have the resolve to protect your master, little pixie?

"I do!" Noctis shouted. "I will protect him with my life!"

Deacon's flames dissipated, as the resistance from my attacks suddenly stopped. The vision returned back to normal, as all the energy in the room returned to Jason.

I caught Noctis before she could fall to the ground.

Jason smiled, as the room returned to normal.

I still held out my gun, aimed directly at his head.

"Relax, Ether. I'm no longer a threat." He held up his hands.

"You have one messed up way of training, old man." I said, dangerously.

"Old?! I'm not that old, come on." Jason said, as he laughed it off.

"I'm sorry I had to amp it up this far. I really am. But now you know. You've gotten far stronger. Both you and Noctis."

Noctis shifted in my arms.

"Ether..." She muttered, as she glared at Jason.

"I hate your methods. I really, truly, hate them." She said.

Jason looked down. "I guess a simple sorry isn't enough. But at least you're more honest about your feelings for your master."

Noctis' face turned bright red. "Wha- No. That was just... that was just from the spur of the moment. There is nothing between us. I am his tool. That is all."

Jason smiled.

"I guess something like this needs more time. But I'm glad the two of you have bonded."

I sighed. The amount of power I had gained was incredible. But I still needed to remember why I was here in the first place.

"I think I've been here long enough. My powers have increased enough to continue with my mission."

Jason looked disappointed. "Are you sure you're not going to stay a little bit longer? At least stay the night?"

"After you tried to kill me and Noctis?!"

"Hey now. You tried to kill Lazarus first!"

Noctis raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry? What did Ether try to do?"

"Nothing!" I yelped. "We can stay the night."


I walked with Jason back to the penthouse after we had completely destroyed the abandoned mansion in the woods. I guess they didn't need to worry about paying the facility fee or whatever. Since the facility didn't exist anymore.

"Hey, Noctis. It's time to go." I said, gently.

"I can't move." Noctis muttered.

"It's okay. I'll carry you." I slipped my hand under her back and legs as I hoisted her up. Instantly, my arms began screaming in pain.

"Ughhh... never mind. You're too heavy like this..."

Noctis gritted her teeth as her nails dug into my back.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Don't call me heavy!"

"Well, you are!"

"Then maybe it is because you are weak. Are you really a man?"

"Dammit, Noctis. I'm trying to be nice. Just shrink to fairy form, we're wasting time."

Noctis smirked as she shrunk. I scooped her up as she climbed onto the top of my head and closed her eyes.

Jason held back a laugh as we continued walking.

"I guess even after all there's still some things that will never change between the two of you. But I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty adorable seeing you two bicker. I hope it never goes away."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to get her to shut up, if that's what you're asking. She's a pixie, after all."

I gently placed Noctis on the pillow and brought the blanket over her.

"Sleep well, Noctis." I said, quietly.

I walked to the main living space and noticed someone familiar. My heart stopped. Oh no.

Black flowing hair streaked with silver.

Amana Cross.

I held up my hands.

"I mean you guys no harm. Really. Your husband was teaching me and showing me how to-"

Wait. No. Jason was Sam's teacher. I would basically be-

"It's okay." Amana said, as she walked to the counter and picked up an old photo of several people. Team Darkstar. Amana ran her finger over the picture of Blackflame.

"I should be the one apologizing. You didn't deserve anything I said. I pushed my problems on you just because I wasn't strong enough to learn to move on." Amana turned to me.

"You're the kind of person who prefers to stay out of the thick of things, being a stealth mage, so I'm assuming you weren't too thrilled about being involved with my dramas."

Damn. So that was the deductive power of the leader of Darkstar.

"I'll be leaving this universe soon to continue with my mission. Thank you again for letting us stay."

Amana sighed.

"Did John talk to you about Sam?"

"A bit. I'm sorry about what happened to him. I know he was a really core member of your group and your family. It must have been really hard for you all these years. You must really miss him."

Amana closed her eyes. "Did John tell you that?"

"Uhhh, maybe."

"Well he's not entirely correct."


Amana put the photo back on the counter.

"For the longest time, I hated Sam. I hated how he made me love him so much, like a brother. I hated how he was so pure and innocent. Then how he became more and more serious, losing that kind goofy nature of his once he discovered what he was. I hated how I grew to love him just to have it ripped away from me."

Amana wiped her eyes.

"The final straw was when he decided to sacrifice himself. All because of some prophecy. He wanted to die a hero so badly he was willing to hurt us to do it. That was what I believed for the longest time."

"Then seeing you. It was like I was reliving all of it again."

I glanced at the cradle in the other room.

"Is Benedict the name of a family member?" I asked.

"How did you know?" Amana asked.

"Jason told me you lost your family. When Sam came to your life, it was almost like he became a brother to you, right? Sorry if I'm being intrusive."

"No, no. You're correct. Benedict Cross was my father. He inspired me to go into a field I loved. I named my son after him."

"You know, even if it hurts, you still have a family here, right?" I asked. Even I was surprised at what I was saying. I guess maybe I could relate, since I was kind of in a similar situation with Ruby.

Amana ran her hand through her hair. "I know. I guess..."

"A family that loves and cherishes you. When your son grows up, he'll love you the same way you loved Sam. He may not be here, but these people." I spread my arm.

"These people are here."

Amana smiled. "You're quite the speaker. Have you thought about taking on leadership roles over stealth recon?"

"Nah. I'm more of a one trick pony."

I held out my hand.

"I know we didn't start off on good terms. But your husband helped me a lot with my mission. If you guys ever need my help, I'll be here."

Amana took it and we shook hands.

I went back to my room. "I'll be heading out tomorrow morning. Thank you again for letting me stay here."

Amana nodded. I was going to go back to my room, but I wanted to say something.

"You know. If you miss him that much, why don't you honour him? Jason told me you were thinking about having another kid. If it's a son, you could name him Sam. If it's a daughter, you could still name her Sam. Dual purpose."

Amana paused. "That's... actually a good idea. Thank you."

The next morning, Noctis and I headed out.

I put on my coat.

"Okay. I'm going to use Shadow Walker to get to my next destination. Are you good with Shadow Travel?"

"Yes." Noctis responded, as she fluttered next to me. "I am familiar with other Etreums and how their spells operate."

"Ah. Yes. Cool." I muttered. I felt strange. When Noctis brought up the other Etreums, I felt... weird.

"Is something the matter, Ether?" Noctis asked, tilting her head curiously.

"No." I lied, as I opened my coat.

"Alright, get in." I said.

Noctis fluttered into my coat as I felt her clutch my chest with her tiny hands.

"You know, I half expected you to be flustered over doing something like this." I said, as I began to melt into shadows.

"Being flustered will not do us any good. To put it in your terms, it would only delay the mission."

"Is that what I really sound like to you?" I asked, incredulous.

We began travelling at the speed of darkness. Our surroundings elongating and warping, the sounds of echoes and voices all around us.

"Ether, I have something to tell you." Noctis said, from within the folds of my coat.

"What's up."

"I overheard your conversation with Amana Cross."

"You were awake the whole time?"

"Yes. I didn't expect you to say such comforting words to her. Perhaps my views on you were a bit... skewed. You have gained my respect."

Of course, once we arrived at the destination, Noctis' views reverted back to normal.

"You... you ingrate! After everything I said about you! Why here of all places?!"

I showed the man my ID as I stepped into the casino. It was time to earn some cash before continuing on with the investigation. After all, I needed the money to buy some gear for my guns.

"I need cash." I explained.

"And you decided the best course of action was to engage in gambling?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"You are abhorrent."

"Wow, a new insult!" I joked.

Noctis pulled on my hair with her tiny hands, causing me to flinch.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"I always took you for a rude, insulting, antisocial lowlife. One who couldn't possibly achieve anything other than a quick contract. But to think my master was a gambling addict too-"

"Noctis, it's just going to be for a few rounds. I need the money, okay?"

"Come one, come all. Place your bet on the table!"

The mixer mixed a bunch of dice in a bowl as we began placing our bets all over the binning regions.

"This is a game in the casino?" Noctis asked, in her full size form.

"Yeah. Why?"

"This game is unusually easy. I am just surprised." She said.

"Well, more for us then!" I said, as I threw my bid on the highest range values.

"Ether." Noctis said.


"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm placing my bet on the largest average. Duh."

"Are you serious?"

I turned to her. "What do you mean am I serious? That's how the game works. The more dice you roll, the more opportunities to get a higher average for your roll. Are you stupid?"

Noctis grabbed my ear, yanking it as I yelped in pain. "You are stupid! The best bet is so painfully obvious, yet you chose the complete opposite! How are you even allowed to be in casinos with your level of idiocy- heh?"

Noctis stared at the other betters, who placed bets all over the board.

The dice began to mix up, as Noctis' mouth hung open.

"Are you all... braindead?"

The dice averaged to 3. The midpoint of the dice values.

"Dammit!" I muttered. I took the last bit of coins I had left.

"We gotta do this. All in." I took my stack and was about to put it in the same spot, when suddenly, Noctis grabbed my wrist.

"No. Put it in the center."

"What? Why?"

"Just trust me. It's statistically almost guaranteed to land in the centre, with these many dice being rolled."

I took a deep breath as I waited for the dice to mix.

Sure enough, it averaged to 3 again.

"H- How?!" I gasped, in disbelief.

Noctis closed her eyes and sighed.

"To think the people in this universe have such a low intellect, it hurts. It really hurts. And to see my master being among these idiots..." Noctis' eyes began to tear up.

"Are you seriously crying?! How dumb do you think I am?!"

"Extremely dumb!" Noctis snapped.

"Congrats on your crazy winnings you two! My my, Mr. Lux. Your girlfriend here sure knows her stuff when it comes to these dice games! Say, want to come again? I'll give you a discount-"

"No." Noctis cut him off, as she grabbed my ear and dragged me away.

"Also, I am not his girlfriend." She said.

The man raised his eyebrows. "What? Then what are you? His sister? Cousin?"

"Ether Lux is my master, sadly." Noctis said.

I walked down the night streets of Neo Tokyo. According to this universe, the Americans had taken a large part of the land, leading to heavy Westernization.

This place was also where I went to get all my gear for my firearms. After all, nothing beats a good old American firearm, and the exotic innovation of the Neo age was just a cherry on top.

It had begun to rain, as I slipped on my hood.

"Hey! What about me?" Noctis asked.

"Just slip into my coat."

Noctis grumbled something about me being an insufferable incel and female pixie rights as she slipped into the crevice of my collar, her upper body poking just under my chin, covered from the rain by my long hood.

"So I am assuming that stop to the casino was for something useful?"

"Yeah." I said, as I rounded the corner, reaching the gun shop.

"Quick gear update. Then we start the real mission."

"Ah, Ether, my boy. How are my guns holding up?" The man behind the counter, Guthul, greeted me, as we opened the door, the bell jingling.

"Over half of my arsenal isn't even yours. You stole them!" I said, as I reached behind my back, pulling out my shotgun, and handing it to Guthul.

Guthul inspected the weapon.

"Good old, Argent. Never failing to impress me. The X170 BAS has always been a star prototype to them. A shame it got... borrowed." Guthul gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"I need you to modify this weapon. I want a sniper mode installed."

"Hmm. That will require a separate ammunition storage unit. And a new barrel. Shotgun shells don't pass as sniper bullets, I'm sure anyone with a brain knows that."

Noctis' tiny face peeked from inside my shirt. "So it's no surprise Ether didn't know."

"Irk!" I stammered, as I stumbled back.

Guthul gasped. "Who's this lovely lady?"

"My name is Noctis."

"A pixie? Wow, not much of those here in Neo York. How did you end up with this drunk?"

Noctis gave me a disappointed look.

"So, you have an alcohol problem as well. As expected."

My ears turned hot.

"Give me a break! I need a good pitcher after a hard day's work. Don't deny a man of his drink!"

Guthul laughed heartily. "Well said, Lux!"

Noctis fluttered onto the top of my head, sitting on my hair and crossing her legs.

I glanced at her reflection from the mirror. She looked so graceful. My face felt hot.

"What's wrong?" Noctis asked.

"Uh. Nothing. Right, Guthul, so a sniper mode for my shotgun please." I said. Guthul was holding back a laugh.

"Quit laughing, old man. I need you to be professional at times like these."

Guthul cleared his throat. "Erp. Right. The shotgun will take a few days to me modified."

"A few days? Can you expedite the process?"

"The best I can do is expedite the orders for resources. We don't have much on hand to give modifications on a weapon of this rarity. You'll need to wait."

Damn. My investigation on Nero wasn't going to complete itself. I needed a sniper for high range dispatchment.

"Fine. But in the meantime, what snipers are you willing to offer?" I asked.

I could get a sniper now, while Guthul was working on my Argent. The only thing I'd be missing was my shotgun, but if I was doing a simple recon mission, my P90 or Garrison should be enough.

Noctis bent over and poked her head in front of my face from above.

"Should I remind you that I am also present? I am capable of offensive ice magic, don't disregard my pres-"

"Can you neutralize Severen Adaptation properties the same way my Black Bullets can?" I cut her off.

Noctis pouted as she sat back on the top of my head, crossing her arms.

"Give me that one." I said, pointing to a sniper that was hanging on the wall. Any firearm fan would have recognized this weapon instantly. Especially if they were Russian.

"Ah, the Dragunov SVD. One of my greatest creations." Gunthul said, his face all high and mighty.

"Your last name isn't even Dragunov you filthy liar." I snapped.

"Hey. That's how you run a business. It's all about doing whatever it takes to make money. I figured someone like you, who's entire grimoire was basically stolen spells would understand."

I sighed, as I paid Gunthul for both the weapon modification and the sniper.

"I also need body armour." I said.

"What's wrong with what you have right now?" Gunthul asked.

"Not for me."

I pointed to the top of my head.

"Heh?" Noctis stopped playing with my hair.

"For her."

Noctis fluttered in front of my face, putting her hands on her hips.

"I will have you know that my suit has provided me with adequate defences for years."

Gunthul shook his head.

"I don't have the expertise to craft something that small, unfortunately. Also, don't pixies have a full human form as well? I don't have the technology for that."

I pursed my lips. Damn.

"Hey! Do not ignore me, Ethereum. How dare you make such a ridiculous accusation about my armour?"

"Noctis, the Severens have technology that far surpasses the predators in the forest you're used to. I don't want you to get hurt."

Noctis' face turned red, as she turned the other way.

"I... appreciate your concern. Idiot."

What a tsundere.

Gunthul scratched his beard.

"You're currently under the employment of that Valian right? Dekani Price? Maybe he has tech for your fairy."

"Huh. I didn't think of that." I said.

It was true. The Valians use a Lance called Titania, which was basically a pixie. If they were able to develop the technology to shrink her down and clad her up, maybe I could borrow some of that to protect Noctis.

I waved Gunthul goodbye as I took the case with me on the way out. It had stopped raining as Noctis fluttered next to me. Her tiny fairy wings glowing and illuminating the alleyway a warm, calming cyan.

"Noctis" I said.


"What happened to your boots?"

Noctis paused. "What do you mean?"

I pointed at her feet. "You're wearing those slippers. Those won't do in the field. I'm kind of surprised, someone like you wearing something that fairy-like."

Noctis' face reddened.

"It's... nothing."

Something was definitely off. I couldn't have Noctis running around with those fairy slippers if we were getting shot at by those Severens. Her original combat high heeled boots gave her better protection. I had a good feeling what this was about.

"Noctis, do you mind going full size for me?"

"Wh- Why do you ask?" Noctis stammered.

I turned around and crossed my arms, critically regarding her.

"This is an order."

Noctis reluctantly grew into her human sized form, her wings closing inward as she landed on the ground. She winced as her she stumbled in those slippers. Something told me she did not wear those often.

I stepped closer to her.

"E-Ether?" She stammered.

I stepped even closer as I locked gazes, eye to eye. At eye level. That was the problem.

"Noctis, why are you intentionally hunching your back?"

"I do not know what you are talking about." Noctis looked away.

"Stop being silly. Put your combat boots back on. I don't have time for these shenanigans when we're on mission."


"What's gotten into you today? First the body armour, then the slippers, now the back?"

Noctis straightened her back, as she struggled to look me in the eye.

"I'm truly sorry, Ether. I didn't mean to hide my height. I'm sure there are many women in the world out there who are shorter than you. I didn't mean to-"

"Noctis, does it look like I give a shit about the fact that you're taller than me?"

Noctis stared at me.

"But... as a boy, aren't you insecure about your height?"

She must have confused me for Shane "I'm only 5 foot 8" Mayen.

"What's the point of fretting over my own height when the guy's flat on their ass after I beat them up?" I asked.

I picked up the sniper case as I held out my grimoire, summoning a shadow portal. I threw the case in for storage.

"Besides, I don't mind being short. People don't expect the little guy to win. Meaning less pressure for me."

Noctis sighed in relief.

I reached into the void, and pulled out Noctis' high heeled boots.

"Now put these back on. Chrissake. Look at you. You can't even walk in those."

Noctis put on her boots, her face filled with embarrassment.

"I deeply apologize."

"Noctis, you shouldn't apologize for worrying about my insecurities. Just be honest. If anything, apologize for using my Shadow Space for your shoes!"

"But there's nowhere else to put them!"

I shadow travelled to the Star System. When it came to space travel, there wasn't much I could do. Maybe I should have invested in some oxygen masks or some space suits. But those things were far too expensive and out of my budget. The best I could do was stay in shadow form and get to a place with sufficient air.

"Is that the ship?" Noctis asked, though the folds of my coat.

"Yeah. Wait. What's-"

The ship was being tailed. Deka was in a middle of a gunfight with...

"Severens! Damn!"

I ported to the main hall of the Lotuscraft, as Noctis and I emerged from the shadows. I pulled out my P90 and Garrison.

"Stay quiet, Noctis. Try not to alert the Severens if you can." I whispered.

Noctis nodded, as her hands covered in frost. She fluttered to my side.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense

My eyes widened as everything pulsed with black mist. I began to track down the enemies.

"Four Severens breached the Orbiter. Dammit Deka. I leave for a little while without sending clones to watch over you and this is what happens."

Noctis and I sneaked to the kitchen. One of the Severens was floating around. A Battalyst.

I could use my bind to tie it down, then shoot it with my Garrison. But the whole sequence could give it an opportunity to alert the enemy. I could instead force it into the shadow realm, but all of my shit was in there. If the Severen went apeshit, I would lose my belongings and buy everything all over again. Just like last time.

"Ether, I can freeze it in place. It will not be able to communicate through Abyssal Frost." Noctis said.

I nodded at her. "Go for it."

Noctis fluttered behind the Severen and froze it, as the whole thing froze in place. But cracks began to form as the Severen started to break free.

I screwed in my silencer barrel on the Garrison as I loaded the gun.

Gun Magic: Black Bullets

I carefully took aim and fired, the bullet penetrating through its head as the Battalyst collapsed onto the ground, its eight appendages sprawled all over the kitchen.

"Good work, Noctis."

Noctis sat on my head as I walked up to the Severen and took aim, shooting it again twice more to check my kill.

Deka and his crew were still nowhere to be found. I should dispatch the remaining three Severens as fast as possible. I avoided using clones until now, to conserve mana, but I guess there wasn't much of a choice.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Copies

Two clones manifested in front of me, as they held out their own grimoires and sunk into the shadows, tracking down two of the Severens aboard the vessel. Noctis and I approached the last Severen and killed it the same way.

Noctis fluttered in front of me. "How are the other Severens?"

I closed my eyes. Kill confirmed.

"They're dead." I said, as I snapped my fingers, my clones dissipating into black mist.

I got to my feet.

"What should we do now?" Noctis asked.

I went to the Transference room. Deka was still inside, his eyes closed.

"So he's in Lance form." I said, as I put my hand on the console.

"Folock, it's Ether. What's the status on the Operator?"

"Ether? Thank goodness you're here! We are under attack by the Severens. I'm in Railjack mode along with Dataform Silas to fend them off, but there's more than we can handle. We could use your help to MAKE THEM SUFFER I mean drive them away! The Operator and Rinne are in their Archwings right now."

I reached into the shadow void and pulled out my case, assembling the Dragunov.

"Folock, take me to the roof."

I walked to the edge of the ship, as I noted the massive horde of Severens.

Leading them, was none other than Nero. The Severen Prince and brother of Lena. Deka's adopted mother.

I activated Stalker Sense to single the Severens from the chaos of energy blasts. Sure enough, Deka and Rinne were attempting to fight them off in Archwing mode.

I turned to Noctis. "We need to eliminate the leader. Mind slowing these guys down?"

Gun Magic: Black Sniper Bullets

I loaded my sniper with the bullets as I took aim. Noctis zipped around and created a cloud of frost.

Nero had noticed the frost but was unable to identify Noctis' tiny form. The benefits of being small.

I placed the reticle on Nero's head as I squeezed the trigger, the first bullet zooming to him at lightning speed.

But even against the frost, Nero's speed was still unmatched, as his claw stopped the bullet halfway.

"What is this... Black Bullets? The Ethereum thinks he can defeat me?" Nero howled into the air, a deafening screech that hurt my ears. Noctis cried out in pain as she flew backwards.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

A shadow arm caught her as I quickly reloaded, taking aim and firing at Nero again, only to have the bullet intercepted by a swarm of Severens that began to charge at me with horrifying speed.

"Shit!" I gasped, as I leapt backwards, before the Severens could destroy me just like they did with my sniper.

The Severens circled me, like a bunch of predators who cornered their prey.

"This battlefield has no place for a mage." One of the Severens taunted.

I quickly dissolved into the shadows as I held out my grimoire in Shadow Form.

Shadow Magic: Umbral Bind

Several chains linked up as the Severens were bounded in place.

I quickly emerged from the other side of the rooftop and held out my P90, loading it.

Gun Magic: Black SMG Bullets

I unleashed a barrage of bullets with my gun in hand, as the Severens crumpled, going slack.

I quickly hid, as Nero tried to search for me, to no luck.

"I have no patience in fighting a coward's game." Nero said, as he he refocused on leading the troops.

I ran up to a full sized Noctis, who clutched her ears.

"Ether, my ears hurt. It hurts." She gasped in pain.

"Calm down. Here." I placed a stimpack that I had stolen on Deka's ship on her body as her ears stopped bleeding.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gently, as I rested her head on my shoulder.

"How does he have so much power?" Noctis asked, in disbelief.

"That's the prince of the Severens. Even with Deka and Quorra, a high ranking Valian, they weren't able to beat them. I thought with my sniper I could assassinate him, but seems his reflexes are even crazier than I thought."

Noctis held me tighter as she buried her face in my chest.

I patted her back. "Noctis, you don't have to do anything right now. Your leather armour isn't enough against the Severens as it is. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this. Wait inside the Orbiter."

Noctis was silent for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, Ether. I'm sorry I was of no use to you."

"It's okay."

I tapped my coms unit. I didn't think I would ever use it.

"Folock, this is Ether again."

"You contacted me twice now! Are you sick? Allow me to prescribe you some treatment methods. First-"

"No, I'm not sick, you idiot Dataform. I want you to watch over my pixie for me inside the Orbiter. Keep her from harm. If any Severen so much as lays its disgusting appendage on her, I will shoot your terminal up. Got it?"

"You're a terrible person!"

"Can you stand?" I asked, as I helped her to her feet.

"Yes." She replied as I led her to the inside of the Orbiter.

I glanced at the one door, labelled, "Dead End".

I put my hand on it, as the door opened to revealed my quarters that Deka had made for me.

"Here. Just take it easy, okay?" I said, as Noctis laid down.

"The stimpack I gave you only sped up the recovery process. So you're likely feeling drained right now. Don't worry, I can handle this-"

Noctis grabbed my wrist.

"Ether." She muttered.

"What's up?"

"For claiming that you would use me like a tool... you've done nothing but help me. Yet I did nothing for you in return. Please come back to me so I can repay you for everything-"

"You don't have to repay me for anything. I've seen your memories. You've paid for this world enough. Let me help you, okay?" I said.

Noctis nodded as she drifted off to sleep.


"In the face of the almighty power of the Severens, the Valians send, two defective children to battle me." Nero said, as he swatted Deka away.

Rinne tried to blast Nero with a void beam from the distance, but it was useless. The Severens closed in on her, as her Archwing got ripped to shreds.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

I summoned a shadow arm to catch her midair.

Rinne stared at me, in shock. "Who are you?"

I said nothing as I flipped to another section in my grimoire.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Moon

I flooded the entire area with darkness as the Severens became confused, staggering. I took out my P90 and loaded in my Black Bullets, calmly shooting them down left and right.

"Etreum trash!" A Severen snarled as it leapt at me from behind. I whipped around with my Garrison in my other hand, shooting it dead in the face. The Black Bullet corroding its Severen flesh as it dissolved at my feet.

More Severens came my way as I walked up to Rinne, who was sprawled on the ground.

"Your Archwing is in pieces. I'm taking you back to the Lotuscraft."

Rinne gritted her teeth. "I can still fight."

I looked up, as I lifted my Garrison, shooting a charging Severen.

"You're dead weight. What use to Deka are you if you're dead?"

Rinne reluctantly took my hand as I shadow teleported to the Orbiter.

Rinne sat down in her room as she looked at me.

"What are you going to do?"

I glanced at the other rooms.

"Captain Price's first mate is away. I guess I'll have to temporarily take his place for now."

"How do you know Deka? Who even are you? I have so many questions!"

I turned to her, putting my two guns back into my coat.

"I am Ethereum. The Recon Support to the Lotuscraft Crew. Deka's first crew member."

Rinne's eyes widened.

"Since Shane Mayen is with Quorra Lavine, he won't be able to fulfill his duties. As always, I have to break my back for Deka. I hope he pays me double the salary this week." I muttered.

I shadow ported to Nero's location, tapping on my coms unit.

"Captain Price, Ethereum of Recon is here to serve as your temporary First Mate. I'll provide crowd control on the giant Severen variants. Awaiting confirmation."

Deka responded.

"Ether? Damn does it feel good to finally have you around. I'm having trouble battling Nero with those guys everywhere, much appreciated. Request accepted."

I held out my hand, melting out of the shadows before the Severen army. My grimoire manifested before me.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Fivefold Umbral Bind

Four clones generated beside me as we all summoned our shadow tendrils which latched onto the numerous Severen giants.

All five of us took out our guns. Usually, I would have had two clones stationed back at the Orbiter and use that sniper, but Nero had dispatched those stupid chickens that had destroyed my sniper. There was no using it.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense - Vulnerability Detection

My eyes flashed black, as I pinpointed all the vulnerabilities to the giants.

I nodded at my four clones, as my vulnerability detection marked the giants for them to shoot. The Severens surrounding the giant variants tried to attack my clones, but I took out my P90, shooting them down with my Black Bullets while my clones knocked off each Giant.

Nero screeched, blowing Deka away as he landed before me, his Archwing destroyed.

"Dekani Price, you are truly a thorn on my backside. Lena has raised quite the disturbance."

Deka/Umbra drew his sword. "I came here to get Lena back. I have no qualms with killing a manipulative Severen like you."

Nero laughed. "You stand no chance against me, defective Valian."

Then he turned to me.

"And then there's the mage. Why do you involve yourself with outside affairs? This does not concern you."

I said nothing, as I willed my clones to dissipate.

I aimed my P90 and fired at Nero, who blocked the bullets with his claws. I continued firing as Nero grimaced in annoyance.

"Stop this. Your bullets are nothing to me."

I kept firing until the magazine emptied.

"This concerns me because I am under Deka's employment. You're a target." I said, as I locked him down with my shadow tendrils.

Deka charged in as I shadow ported into a nearby tree. Drawing my Garrison, and taking careful aim.

"You couldn't defeat me with the help of that Quorra girl. You certainly will not defeat me alone."

Deka resolved out of Umbra and bombarded Nero with void blasts while Umbra gained sentience, cutting into Nero's legs.

I concentrated, aiming at the synovia as I fired. The Black Bullet soaring into the air as Nero tried to block it, but was held down by my Prominence Umbral Bind.

"You worm!" Nero growled as his synovia burst from the damage of my Black Bullet. I loaded another into the chamber and fired at his other synovia as the Severen fell to his knees.

Deka resolved into Umbra and brought his blade back.

"Captain?" I asked.

Deka froze in midair.

"Captain, now is really not the time for you to have your moral conflicts. This Severen is manipulating your mom. We need to take him out right here and right now-"

"I... can't move."


I turned around. I couldn't see anything, but Deka's eyes were wide in fear.

"Ether, head back to the Orbiter. Head back as fast as you can."

"Not until the target is eliminated." I said, as I took out my Garrison and took aim.

"This is the end, Nero."

I fired, but suddenly, the bullet got sliced in half.


I fired again. And again.

I aimed my P90 with my other hand and fired a bunch of bullets, but suddenly, a wave of darkness overwhelmed me, the bullets sliced into pieces.

"You have no permission to assassinate my master's son." A sinister voice boomed across the plains.

No way. SHADE was not supposed to be here.

"Licita." I said, as SHADE approached Nero.

"Very good, SHADE. Destroy these two."

"No." SHADE said, as he regarded me.

"These two must live, for now. Shane must watch them suffer."

I aimed my gun at him.

"The secret's out, Shardis. I know who you are. Who you were, actually."

SHADE said nothing, as he unsheathed Ais.

"And what will you do with this information? Relay it across the system? In my presence, everything is on my terms. After all, I know you very well."

He was right. He knew me as Shane Mayen. He knew me in the past, and definitely knew what I would do in the future and how I was. There was no beating a guy who knew all your tricks.

Deka landed next to me.

"I'll distract him with a Radiant Blind. Then we make a run for it-"

"Sorry. But you're not going anywhere." SHADE said, as he instantly closed in. Umbra didn't even have time to react as SHADE slashed upwards, slicing and shredding the Lance's chest brutally as Umbra flew into the air and landed on the ground in a violent


I realized I was frozen, staring in horror, as SHADE turned to me. I couldn't even react, or see.

My grimoire manifested as I held out my hand.

Shadow Magi-

I stopped my incantation, as Ais' tip was already at my throat.

"Now, Ethereum Lux. Let's have a little chat. I will even forgive you for attempting to assassinate Nero."

SHADE led me into the base of the Severens. I was flanked by them left and right.

SHADE took my grimoire and flipped through the pages.

"Hm. Judging from the spells in here, it looks like you already obtained Noctis."

I gritted my teeth. He knew everything. I guess the future me was a bit too trusting of this guy, even despite knowing his true identity.

SHADE closed the book.

"You know, back when I was around the same time your Shane currently is at, I always wondered. I was praying that Deka and my friends were safe. Isn't it ironic that I was praying that they were safe from myself?"

"What do you want?" I asked.

SHADE took off his mask, revealing a horribly scarred face of what used to be Shane Mayen. He waved the guards off until it was just us.

"I came here to tell you, that no matter what you try to do to interfere with your timeline's Shane Mayen, he will ultimately become me. There is nothing you can do. After all, fate cannot be changed. Just like you always said."

"So you're just playing along with the threads of fate, then."

"Correct. Everything I do is in accordance to fate. My encounters with Shane have always been predestined, even if it seems unlikely. Even if it seems absolutely impossible, it all comes down to one thing."

SHADE held out his hand, and summoned a gun. I recognized it immediately. It was much more modified than the one Shane was using, but there was no mistaking it.

A Harkanon Supra Rifle.

SHADE aimed it at my leg and fired, as I screamed in pain.

"There is no heroic ending for Shane Mayen. There is only Shardis Licita. But Shane isn't the only one who will play a part in the future."

SHADE pointed to me with Ais.

"Haven't you wondered how I managed to get from one place to another? Even faster than SHADOW?"

No. It couldn't be.

"The look on your face tells me you've realized it."

SHADE held out his hand, and snapped his fingers.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker - Superior Teleport

My surroundings elongated as I became flooded with a darkness that felt foreign. It was emanating from him.

I found myself in the Orbiter again. Deka and Rinne were held captive by numerous Severens who had invaded the ship. Noctis was with them.

"Ether? Ether!" Noctis shouted my name, as she struggled against the guard.

SHADE regarded my pixie. Then he drew Ais and brought it to my throat.

"That's right, Ether. Your magic will become mine. I will take your magic for myself. It isn't just Shane Mayen who will play a role in the Severen's domination. But your magic, by the byproduct of all your developments, will aid in the creation of the Severen's greatest soldier. Isn't fate funny?"

I grimaced, attempting to suppress the pain, but my lip quivered. Sweat drenched my body as I tried to keep myself from passing out from the bullet wound. I was losing too much blood.

Deka tried to step forward, but was held down by frost.

"This magic..." Noctis muttered.

It was her magic. How was he able to use her magic from my grimoire?

"Dekani Price, I will spare you, because you are not like your greedy, egotistical kind. After all, we've had history."

Deka paused. "What are you talking about?"

SHADE then turned to me.

"Unfortunately, for Ether, I have finally discovered what I had been wondering all those many years ago. And I have to say, I am quite displeased."

Noctis clenched her fists as she tried to step forward, but I shot her a glare. If she fought SHADE, she would die instantly. No one in this room could beat SHADE. Even together.

SHADE grabbed me by the hair and yanked me into the air.

"Take my place? Temporary first mate? Unbelievable that Cap would let that happen." SHADE hissed into my ear, as he threw me to the ground.

"Consider this a warning. Do not come for Nero again."

SHADE began to leave through a shadow portal as I felt myself losing consciousness.

"Ether. Ether!" Deka's voice emanated as I slowly woke up.

"What... so loud." I muttered, as I sat up. My head felt like it had been microwaved. I looked around to see Rinne and Deka by my side.

"Where's Noctis?" I asked.

Deka sighed as he handed me my grimoire.

"Open it." He said.

My heart was racing. What happened to Noctis? Did SHADE get her? Was she safe?

I opened my grimoire and noticed a new section. I flipped to it, and my heart stopped.

"These markings... it's her magic! What happened to my pixie?!" I said, frantically as I struggled out of my bed.

Deka held me down.

"Noctis is fine. But she told us she needed to go back to the grove, something about for your sake. We thought you knew. I'm sorry-"

I slid out of the bed as I got dressed.

"Wait, Ether, you're still injured-"

"I'm leaving. Thanks for everything. Try to avoid getting tangled with the Severens while I am away." I said, as I opened my grimoire and formed a shadow portal.

"Where are you going?" Deka asked.

"I'm going to get my pixie back." I said, adamantly, but the moment the portal opened, I fell to my knees.

"Shit." I muttered, as my heart began to ache more than normal. Had I overused my magic? This wasn't-

"Ether, your body can't handle any more magic."

"Yes it can. A mere shadow portal shouldn't take this kind of toll."

Deka put his hand on my shoulder.

"Ether, your heart isn't just being tolled by your magic. It's being tolled by something else."

"What are you talking about? I'm fine." I said, but fell to my knees again.

"Ether, you need to rest. We'll find Noctis, but if you go alone in this condition, you'll die."

I spent the night in my quarters on the Lotuscraft, reading the new incantations in my grimoire. Noctis had transcribed her Cryoabyssal Magic and intertwined it with my Shadow Magic.

"Noctis, you idiot." I muttered, as I flipped through the pages, when a slip of paper fell out of a notch in the book.

"What's this?" I asked, as I picked up the paper, and read.

If you are reading this, it means I have terminated our contract of master and familiar. From the first day, you told me that you would only treat me as a tool, and that my own purpose in your eyes was to serve. However, ever since I took on the mantle of your familiar, I have been nothing but a burden. I refuse to play that role. You have done nothing but help me, and I have done nothing but take from you. I wish I could have been more use to you, but watching you helplessly be overpowered by that Severen Assassin made me realize how truly worthless I am. I hope you find a better replacement. Inscribed in your grimoire is a portion of my power. As I believe it is the best I can offer to you.

The words on the letter began to wrinkle, as I realized I had gripped it so hard I crumpled the paper. My hands were shaking.

"Noctis, how could you do this... you stupid girl. You weren't equipped to fight the Severens. That was all it was!"

I closed my eyes.

She was wrong. She wasn't a burden, and she did help me. Every day I was with her felt a bit brighter. It was ironic, because she loved to put on that badass cold logical vibe, but in the end, she gave off the complete opposite.

I needed her in my life, because without her, it felt like I was back in my old boring lifestyle. A meaningless life.

That night, I snuck out of the ship, summoning a shadow portal, and ported into the forest of the grove. Unfortunately, due to its high magical density, I wasn't able to get its location exact, and ended up in an outer radius.

My boots sloshed in the forest as it began to rain. I slipped on my hood, summoning my grimoire.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense - Radar Mode

My vision darkened, as white hotspots of living creatures illuminated in my sights.

I'm coming for you, Noctis. Whether you want it or not.

I continued walking as thunder boomed in the night. It seemed strange. Almost... wrong. The grove was supposed to be bright and magical. Like a shrine. But now it was dark, raining, and lightning illuminating the place with some kind of ominous feeling.

My vision lit up as I followed the hotspot, to an old lady.

"Young one, what business do you have in the grove?" The woman asked.

"I'm looking for a pixie." I said.

"A pixie, you say? Here in the grove, we have many pixies waiting for their master."

Something felt off.

"And what are you doing here? Are you also looking for a pixie?"

"No. I am their watcher. Their guardian."

"Guardian? You weren't around when I was here before."

"In the day, I slumber. For it is night, when the grove is vulnerable. Where it needs its guardian."

"Hm." I muttered, as I continued walking through the grove. Pixies began coming out of their hidey holes. One of them made a disgusted face.

"Ugh. It's him again."

"Ew. No thanks. I'm going back to bed."

"Get lost, incel!"

I turned to the guardian. "I'm looking for a pixie with white hair. She wears a lot of leather."


"Yes! I just need to talk to her, is she here?"

"I'm afraid I haven't seen her ever since I received word that she chose her master. What business do you have with her?"

"I am her master. She left when I woke up, and I need to find her."

The guardian regarded me. "I assume you are a mage, who took her as your familiar. Perhaps the contract did not work out. That is quite common amongst mages and pixies. Why not select another one to replace the one you've lost?"

I stopped walking, my voice dangerously calm.

"Excuse me?"

The guardian spread her arms.

"The grove is home to over a thousand types of fairies. One that can complement the shadow magic of an Etreum quite nicely. Noctis' cryoabyssal magic may not have been compatible, but we have pixies like Arcana, who controls light. Dual attribute magic is quite the combination against opponents who might be a natural counter against your magic."

"Noctis cannot be replaced. If she isn't here, then I'm going."

"And where will you go?"

"Anywhere. I don't know. But I won't stop until I find her. No matter what it takes."

"Young Etreum, if the pixie has not returned to the grove, it is very likely that she has been killed."

My hand clenched, as I could feel my vision turn red.

"What did you just say?"

The guardian gave me a look of sympathy.

"Pixies rely on their master for life sustenance. When the contract is terminated, their power dwindles, and must return to the grove before disintegrating. During this period, they are starved, and unable to use their power. This gives predators the chance to hunt them down. After all, in the forest, the pixie is near the bottom of the food chain-"

I whipped around, and aimed my Garrison at the old lady's face.

"You're supposed to be a guardian. How can you let something like this happen to Noctis? You're coming with me to find her. If you don't, I'll kill you."

"Haste is unbecoming of a mage, Etreum."

"To HELL with being a mage. I don't give a shit about mages. Etreums. Customs. I don't care if you're the guardian of this shithole. You'll never understand my reasons for finding Noctis. Do you know what it's like, having someone by your side every morning you wake up? Sharing meals? Even being berated for your stupid decisions? Do you know the feeling, of being with someone who is able to act as your beacon of light even when you yourself accepted the darkness?"

My gun hand began shaking violently.

"Noctis... is more than just a familiar. More than just a tool. She's become someone that I can't live without. So don't you go around acting like you KNOW ANYTHING."

I took a step forward, and realized my foot had sunk deeper than usual.

The guardian flicked her fingers, and my gun flew out of my hand. I reached into my coat and pulled out my P90, spraying lead at the old lady, but numerous vines intercepted the bullets.

Another vine appeared and smacked me across the chest as I slammed into a tree.

Shadow Magic: Prominence Umbral Bind

Dozens of tendrils erupted from the shadows as the vines were ripped apart. I held out my hand as more tendrils went after the guardian.

I leapt forward, as my body began melting into shadows.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Walker - Black Comet

I zipped in like a jet stream, adjacent to my umbral tendrils as the guardian began dodging each one. I quickly regained form as I used my momentum to pin the old lady to the ground.

I pressed the barrel of my submachine gun to her forehead.

"Are you going to kill me, mage?" The guardian asked.

My eyes were wide, feral. Wild. I wanted to squeeze the trigger after everything she had said about Noctis, but I closed my eyes.

Noctis may have hated the grove, but the guardian still protected her. I couldn't do this to her. And with the guardian gone, the pixies would be finished. I didn't have it in me, as I got off the guardian, my tendrils retreating into the shadows.

"I'm going." I said, as I walked off. The guardian said nothing as she watched me leave the grove.

My magic was waning. My eyes hurt, and my heart was aching. Not just from mana overuse.

My heart was aching for Noctis.

I fell to my knees.

"Come on, Ether. You can do it." I muttered, as I struggled to one foot.

I was seeing double, as the rain had soaked into my coat.

"Okay, maybe... a five minute break." I slumped on the leaves as I felt the cold air and rainwater freeze to the bone.

I held out my grimoire. I had enough magic to shadow port back to the Lotuscraft.

"I'm not going back unless Noctis is with me." I grumbled, as I closed the book and watched it dissipate into black steam.


"Huh?" I sat up, to be greeted by a massive predator. It looked like some kind of wild cheetah thing. It's eyes were full of fury.

I quickly whipped out my P90, taking aim, but the cheetah was faster than I thought. It swiped its paw and knocked my gun away as it tackled me to the ground.

I had no mana. I had no strength. And I was freezing.

This was it.

I remembered. The day Jason had taken me to the grove. The day I had met Noctis for the first time. It wasn't great. These memories were pretty shit actually. Noctis taking away all of my sheets leaving me to freeze in the middle of the night. Noctis grabbing my ear, or my nose, or my hair. Taking her sweet sweet time in front of the mirror every morning. Using my shadow space for her shoes.

But for some reason, the shittiness of these memories were what made them so great.

My vision flashed to Noctis, sitting on the top of my head, her legs crossed.

"I'm afraid of falling in love with you Ether!"

My eyes widened. I can't die yet. Not until I get Noctis back.

"Get off of me, you stupid cat!" I roared, holding my hands outward and melting into the shadows, pulling the predator in with me. I materialized at the top of the canopy as the two of us tumbled dozens of feet into the ground. The cheetah's neck cracked, as its body went limp.

I struggled to my feet, as I noticed a small cyan light. And a tiny face that was peeking from the corner of a tree. My heart raced, as Noctis quickly hid back behind the tree.

"Noctis, there's no point hiding once the person's found you."

"I'm not going back with you." Noctis said.

"And what are you going to do once you're back in the grove?"

Noctis was silent, as I walked to the other side of the tree. Noctis' clothes were slightly torn, her wings looked slightly degraded, and her face was exhausted, covered in dirt and grime.

"You look like a hot mess." I said.

"You do not look any better yourself, Ethereum."

I knelt down as I took out my handkerchief, gently wiping the grime off of her face.

"I can do it myse-" Noctis paused, as her hand touched mine.

"Were you there? When I spoke to the guardian?" I asked.

Noctis didn't say anything, as I propped her tiny body on my lap.

I smiled as I picked off the pieces of dead leaves out of her hair.

"Let's go back to the Orbiter. I'm sure Deka still has fragments of his Titania Lance. We can make a nice outfit for you when you're-"

"Why did you come back for me?"

I stopped. "Isn't it obvious? You're my pixie. I can't have you running off on your own like that."

Noctis' bottom lip quivered.

"I don't understand. I don't get it. I've done nothing but burden you. Yet you still keep coming back for me. Just leave me alone-"

"The only time you burdened me, was when you told me you terminated the contract. Not once have I thought of you as a burden before that, Noctis." I said.


I sighed, as I opened my grimoire, reforging the contract. Noctis' degradation stopped.

"Noctis, go to full size for me."


"Just do it. I want to show you something."

Noctis hesitated, but then grew to full size until her face was inches from mine. I ran my hand through her silky smooth white hair and took a couple of strands, overlapping them in an intricate manner.


"Hang on, I almost got it."

I slipped another strand through the gap. Noctis' eyes widened.

"Ether, when did you learn that?"

I smiled. "You liked braiding your hair. So while you were asleep replenishing your mana, I spent my spare time learning how to braid. After all, you always spend so long in the morning doing your hair, I figured I could help speed the process by helping you out."

Noctis ran her hand across the braid in her hair.

"It's quite the job."


"No. It was poorly done. What a mess! I'll have to redo it myself."

I laughed, as Noctis stared at me.

"What are you ogling at? We're wasting precious mission time. Let's go home, Noctis."

I held out my hand.

But Noctis didn't take it, as she got to her feet, facing me, fully straightening her back until she was a little bit taller than me.

"Noctis, whatever you say, I'm not going to leave you alone until you come back with me to the Orbiter."

"That isn't it." Noctis said, as she stepped even closer, running her hand across the side of my face.

"Did you know when you're asleep, your face looks strikingly angelic? Just like your surname. Lux is latin for light."

"I... didn't know that."

"When you're asleep, your stress goes away. Only now did I realize. Was all that stress because of me?"

"There's a possibility that your assertion may be valid..." I said.

"Twisting it doesn't work on me. We've been together long enough for you to know that."

"Jeez. Always playing games, at a time like this." I muttered.

"There's still one more game left to play." Noctis said.

"Is now really the time?" I asked, but before I could continue berating her, Noctis pulled me in to a kiss.

All of a sudden, the pain in my heart seemingly disappeared. The black shadow poisoning in my system seemed to go away, like I was filled with eucalyptus oil. Refreshed with something anew.

Noctis pulled away, as she wiped her eyes.

"Ha. Even after everything we said about not progressing further than just master servant. Here we are. I suppose fate really cannot be changed."

Noctis shrunk into fairy size, as I felt my magic restoring with her mana combining into mine. She sat on the top of my head as the shadow portal I had halfway summoned fully formed. The reflection of my Orbiter's quarters bed barely visible in the moonlight.

I sighed, as I took a step inside the portal.

"Ether?" Noctis asked.

"What's up."

"Can I... sleep beside you tonight?"

"I probably caught a cold from looking for you so long. You're gonna catch it too if we-"

"That is fine by me."

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that's not-"

"It's fine."

I smiled, as the shadows around us began to elongate, porting back home.

"Suit yourself. Just don't go complaining to me when your nose gets runny!"

Deka wasn't too happy that I went off on my own.

"With Shane, I'm not surprised. With him being the hot blooded rebel he is. But to discover you of all people to defy my orders, you do realize I can cut your salary in half, right?"

I didn't say anything as I took my seat, the first time in a while. Most of the time they were in their meetings, I would always be in the shadows, but Noctis urged me to join them for once.

"I apologize. Getting my familiar back was my top priority. I would be sure to consult you in the future."

Deka took a deep breath. "As long as it doesn't happen again. I'm happy that you got Noctis back, though."

Deka ran down the current mission. We were expected to rescue a hostage, a member of the Taurus Council. According to the Outrider Galactic Justice Corporation, this hostage had crucial info regarding the architecture plans of the Lua. His survival was key.

"I guess it goes without saying, we place the survivor of paramount importance. This mission is no easy tas-"

Shadow Magic - Umbral Copy.

A part of my consciousness detached, entering the copy. As you would expect, almost all my copies were basically just me. My consciousness controlling them. So whatever happened to the clone, I was basically seeing through with my own eyes. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like I could be in basically two places at once.

My clone held out its grimoire and shadow ported to the location.

Shadow Magic: Stalker Sense - Radar Mode

I located the hostage. Some old man. Of course it's an old man. These geezers never cease to get themselves tangled up in things like this.

I continued listening in on Deka's plan. No one knew I had already infiltrated the base and located the hostage through my clone.

I pulled out my Garrison and screwed on its silencer, taking out the guard that was watching over him. These guys sure were careless with their camera systems. I had already placed a camera loop pulsar device that had jammed the cameras watching over the hostage before I had taken out the guard. All was left was to rescue the hostage.

I approached him and took out my utility knife, cutting open the restraints.

"On behalf of the Lotuscraft Crew of Valian Dekani Price, I am here to escort you to extraction."

The old man looked at me, gratefully. "Thank you, young man. May I ask your name-"

The hostage didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, as I grabbed his shoulders and plunged him into the shadows of the ground alongside me.

"So, that is the plan." Deka said, as he crossed his arms.

"Any questions?"

My clone surfaced from the corner of the room with hostage.

"Yeah, where does the hostage go?" I asked, as my clone dissipated into smoke.

Rinne stared at me with her mouth hanging open.

Deka sighed.

"Ether, could you at least try to tell me beforehand that this mission would be a cakewalk for you? I wasted an entire night's worth of work to plan this mission out."

Noctis kicked the air with her tiny legs.

"I apologize on behalf of my master. His ego is very fragile."

"What?" I exclaimed.

Deka laughed. "I'm glad someone is here to reign in Ether for me when I'm not around. Keep up the good work, Noctis. I'll take the hostage and transport him to Lua."


"What a beautiful day for a walk!" The old man, Pilus, said, stretching his arms.

Rinne, Deka, Umbra, Noctis, and I were tasked to escort him to the Lua Taurus Citadel, but being the boomer he was, he refused my shadow teleportation method.

"I thought this was the moon, why is it so damn bright." I muttered.

"Are you a vampire?" Noctis asked.

"Very funny."

Deka turned to me. "If this was the Solar System, a lot of the planets would be inhospitable. But with the Star System, things are a bit different. I guess you can say Pilus is a bit old fashioned."

I still didn't enjoy walking long distances. With the sun being so bright and hot, I had to take off my coat and throw it into my shadow space.

Just as I was about to close it, Noctis threw in her leather suit into the portal.

"Hey!" I said.

Noctis crossed her arms and looked the other way, pouting.


We continued walking as Pilus regarded Rinne.

"Such a sweet young lady like you shouldn't be out in the battlefield."

Rinne blushed. "I'm simply doing my part for the team. A personal mission of mine, for someone else's sake."

"A boyfriend?"

Rinne's blush deepened even more.

"Haha, that's enough prying into Rinne's love life, Mister Pilus. Why not tell us about yourself?" Deka asked.

"What do you want to know?" Pilus asked.

"Brave of you to assume I want to know anything." I muttered, but Noctis elbowed me.

"Ow! What gives?"

Noctis crossed her arms.

"You know, you're being a lot more pouty and childish than usual."

"Am I, or are you just being a bit too ignorant?"

"What are you even saying..."

We continued walking down the numerous cities of Lua. Eventually, we got to the city of Trife.

"Let's stop here for the night. The journey is long. I anticipated this, and booked us some rooms." Pilus said.

It turned out that Pilus had only booked three rooms. There were five of us. Since Noctis and I counted as one person, as with Deka and Umbra, one of us had to share a room with Pilus.

Fortunately, Deka volunteered, since there would be no way we were going to let Rinne sleep in the same room as some sketchy old man, and I already had to deal with a pouting Noctis. Putting up with Pilus would mentally break me.

We opened the door, which brought us to a single bed.

"Another single bed? Seriously?" I grumbled, as Noctis walked inside and inspected the room architecture.

I sat down and put my gear into my shadow space, laying on the bed.

"I'm so tired." I muttered.

"Perhaps it's a wake up call to do more exercise." Noctis replied.

I noticed that Noctis had made herself a tiny bed out of tissues and linen cloth.

"You're not gonna use the bed?" I asked.

Noctis was silent.

Come on now. I must have done something to get on her nerves, but then again, I was always on her nerves. She was acting a lot more pouty than usual, meaning something was bothering her. Think, Ether. Think. What did I do? I woke up, brushed my teeth, took a shower. I had breakfast. Did I forget to share it with her? That didn't make sense. I even went to the extent of letting her feed me, sacrificing my manhood for her good praises. What was I missing?

I glanced at my shadow space, as I rummaged through some clothes, when I suddenly saw it. Noctis' leather armour, it was neatly folded in the corner. She wasn't wearing it. Well, obviously. She was wearing her current Toron Titania suit, which Deka and Folock had made for her while I had decided to take a nap instead...


"You look really pretty in that. I guess I should have told you sooner."

Noctis' face began to blush, but she turned the other way. "Well of- of course it is. It features the elegance of the Toron empire, after all."

"I honestly didn't think you could pull of that white and gold trim look. Good on you." I said, trying my best to compliment her, but it seemed to be backfiring.

"If nothing good comes to mind, then don't force it, Ether."

"Well, I wasn't lying." I replied, getting up and walking to her side.

The bed was incredibly well made. I had no idea how she was able to connect the parts without any sewing tools.

"Sorry I wasn't there when you had your suit made." I said.

Noctis looked at me.

"Tha- That doesn't bother me." She muttered.

"Yeah, I did kind of promise you that I would be the one to help you out. I guess I wasn't around and Deka ended up making it for you. I should have complimented your new look earlier, but I was a bit preoccupied with other things. I didn't know you were so bothered by that-"

"I'm not bothered by something so trivial!" Noctis stammered. "Such trivial things do not concern me, your opinions on me are invalid. I have... have..."

"Sounds to me you're running out of things to say." I chuckled.

Noctis shrunk to fairy form and sat on her makeshift bed.

"I wish you were a little more aware of the feelings of others." She muttered.

"So are we good now? Come on, it was just a slight slip up."

"I'm sleeping on this tonight." Noctis said, her face adamant.

That night, I sent a clone to do some recon while I slept.

I needed to continue my surveillance on another member of the Lotuscraft Crew.

* * * Point of View: Shane Mayen * * *

I ran the tap to the sink, as I washed my face. My eyes were empty and drooping, but given everything that had happened this week, this was warranted.

"My name is Shane Mayen." I muttered, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My battle against SHADE had severely damaged my arsenal, and had given me a few more scars on my chest and side.

"My name is Shane..." I lifted a tuft of hair that had covered my right eye and used my scissors to cut it off.


I gripped the edge of the bathroom sink, glaring at my reflection. My hair running down the stream of water into the gutter. It had been a while since I had seen my face like this, only now did I truly realize how out of place my cybernetic eye was. The dark sclera and glowing cyan pupil lighting up the dark room.

"I am Shane Mayen. No matter what the world thinks I am, what fate thinks I am, I refuse that name." I said to myself.

My vision suddenly flashed as my hair momentarily flickered white. I widened my eyes as I stumbled back. But realized that it was just a hallucination. It was still me. Same old me.

Quorra and Troy were out on a mission together. They decided it was best if I stayed inside and had some time alone for a while. This has been going on for almost a week now, just me alone in the Orbiter, alone with my thoughts. During this time, I had a lot of time to reminisce about my past.

"Shane, I checked on your school webpage. You failed your second exam, why didn't you tell us?" My mom had found out I was hiding my grades. Well, hiding is a bit of a stretch. It wasn't so much as hiding. It was more like I gave up. There was no point appeasing these guys. They docked off marks for the stupidest reasons.

"There was nothing I could do." I replied. My dad stepped forward and slapped my face.

"How about this. Next year, you pay for your own tuition. Let's see if you still treat your education as a joke."

I couldn't say anything. I was basically forced into this life. No part of me wanted to study, I hated it. But my parents didn't give me a choice. I never had a choice.

My dad scooted over on the computer and checked my grade. 65% on the exam. It was a pass, I guess. But then his mouse hovered over the class statistics.

"No..." I muttered. I had a feeling what it would be, but I still didn't want to see it.

My dad clicked it, revealing a class average of 85%. My grade was near the bottom of the class. As usual.

Even if I was expecting it, it still felt shitty. I had given my all on this exam, studied everything the prof had told me to look into. Covered everything. But they pulled shit like this. Asking stuff that was not even mentioned in the syllabus. Yet somehow, everybody was able to get through that hurdle.

Everybody but me.

My mom went hysterical, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me back and forth.

"Shane!" She sobbed.

"I just can't stand it! I can't stand it! Don't you care about what's going to happen to your future?! I don't want you to go homeless!"

My dad joined in, yelling and picking up my videogames and throwing them out of the window.

I felt like ending my life that night. Because here I was, still being berated by my parents at the age of 20. I should have moved out by now, but I had no prospects in life, so I was stuck living with my parents studying a degree I didn't want. Every day in this degree made me feel just a bit stupider. And my parents losing even more hope in me.

My dad was abusive.

My mom was crazy.

And I had to put up with them.

I fast forwarded my memories like a tape, until I reminisced about the first few weeks living with Troy.

"Man, I can't believe I get to live with Shane!" He said excitedly.

I smiled. I finally felt free from my crazy parents. But the moment I stepped out of the door with my suitcase, my dad grabbed me from behind.

"You're not really living alone. Once this school year is over, you're coming back here. I was thinking that maybe once you graduate, we could all move to Toronto together. Your mother and I could live in the bottom floor and you could live on the top floor."

I clenched my fists.

You abused me my whole life, forcing me to do shit I didn't want.

Almost like you wanted to get rid of me.

Now you're not letting me escape.

I grabbed the suitcase and stepped into Troy's car.

"You're truly an asshole. Dad." I muttered.

I snapped back to reality, getting off my bed. Never once have I been in control, only now did I truly realize that. SHADE was right. Fate never stops messing with you. No matter what universe you're in.

I watched as the landing craft attached onto the Orbiter, as Quorra and Troy walked in.

"Hey Shane." Troy said.

"How was the mission?" I asked.

"Quorra did everything. As usual."

Quorra put her hand on my shoulder. It still felt weird, seeing a big Wisp Lance towering over me and speaking with the voice of a girl.

"Shane, we have an issue with the House of Licita, I know this has been really hard for you, but..."

"You want me to retake my place in the household as Shardis Licita." I deduced.

Quorra didn't say anything, as Troy gave me a look of sympathy.

"Ever since Arsanios' true identity got leaked, there is no one managing the Licita Household. They need a trueborn Licita to maintain their social status and politics. You're the only Licita alive, and you have proof with your birthmark."

I gritted my teeth.

Fate never stops messing with you.

The more I try to reject the idea of becoming Shardis Licita, and by extension, SHADE, the more I'm forced to do things on their terms.

I wanted to become a hero because I wanted a purpose. But it wasn't just that. I didn't want to die knowing I had become a monster. So between being a villain or a hero, I wanted to become a hero.

One that saved everyone and to tell people that everything is going to be okay.

But to walk through a city of corpses and destruction.

My name is Shardis Licita

Quorra dropped us off at the entrance of the Licita Mansion.

I pressed the doorbell.

"Hello?" A woman's voice buzzed in the communicator.

"Shardis Licita." I replied.

The woman was silent. I watched as the gates opened, stepping in.

The whole household looked like it was in shambles. The maid's eyes were puffy, as she inspected the birthmark on my stomach.

"It is true... Shardis lives. Our little Shardis..."

"I was born here, wasn't I?" I asked.

The maid wiped her eyes.

"To Lord Kirin and Lady Caterena. You were their one and only son. But one day, you were sent away. I do not know why, but Kirin had taken a pod and put in their little boy. The Licita lineage seemingly was severed, until Arsani Price was taken in."

I stared at the two people in the photo on the wall. These were my parents. My true parents.

"What... were they like?"

The maid laughed gently.

"Kirin was strict, but kind. Caterena was loving. But you enjoyed the discipline. You wanted to be like your ancestors, a soldier. A Tora. Caterena and Kirin supported you all the way, even if it was against their ideals of pacifism."

I enjoyed discipline, huh. I wonder where all that went. I guess little old me must have had the time of my life under the "discipline" of Dad.

I continued letting the maid inspect me like some kind of rare animal. After all, I was the son and true heir of the Licita household that had come back home. But something was still bothering me.

"Where's Arsanios?" I asked.

The maid paused.

"Lord Arsanios had been away. For weeks now. No one has received word of his whereabouts. Ever since his true identity was revealed, he disappeared. The Licita household lost almost all its political status."

"How much political status did we have?"

The maid put down my arm.

"The Licitas were the right hand men to King Quaran of the Fourth Toron Dynasty. In a way, we were treated almost as royalty. High ranking nobles."

"That much power, huh."

"Indeed. As the official advisor to the Head Licita, I have been responsible for numerous affairs on behalf of Lord Kirin and later on, Lord Arsanios."

"Now that makes you responsible for me, then?"

"Yes, Young Lord."

Quorra knelt in front of me.

"Right now, we need a Licita on our side. Your political status, if you could get it back up, could benefit our war against the Severens. With your power, comes money that could be used to fund our development projects. Since I'm a Top Ten Council Member, and a leader of the VGA, we could partner up and combine our efforts."

"That's assuming I do get it back up. I was a total loser in high school and even in uni, Quorra. How the hell am I going to be a politician next? I have next to zero qualifications- no. Scratch that. I have NO qualifications!"

The maid giggled.

"Hey now, what's so funny?" I asked.

The maid smiled at me. "Lord Arsanios said the same thing. When he was asked to take on the role of his late father. He always saw himself as a soldier in training. And even when he was conscripted to become a Valian, his dream was to become a Valian Soldier just like Miss Quorra Lavine and Zennen Ful. He never imagined himself to become a political figure of the House of Licita.

"No one becomes a political figure right off the get go, Young Lord. Walk this path your own way."

Following a tedious process of name registration, I was now officially the head of the Licita household. Quorra and the maid, Yelene, did most of the filing though. All I did was sign papers left and right.

"It's okay if I still use my old signature right?"

"It's fine." Quorra said.

"But it says Shane Mayen."

"Is that what it says?" Quorra asked, picking up the paper and inspecting it.

"My handwriting is not that messy!" I snapped, snatching the paper back.

On our way back, Yelene introduced me to the servants of the household. They nodded at me with respect, although a lot of them seemed to have a hidden undertone.

"The new lord seems... a bit uncultured."

"What in the world is he wearing?"

"His body is hideous. Strength training is unbecoming of a noble."

I stood at the front of the room, alongside all the servants. Twenty in total, managing the mansion. All under me, apparently. I also had a bunch of people under my command outside of the household, but Yelene recommended I prove myself to these servants here first.

"Things are slightly different in the House of Licita, Young Lord. For it is not the Master who chooses the Servants. Rather the Servants who choose the Master. You must prove to them that you are worthy to command."

"Hello." I said, awkwardly. The servants stared at me. Some regarded me critically.

"My name is Shane- I mean, Shardis Licita. I will be your lord- no. I will be your master. Starting today..."

My voice trailed off, as the servants looked confused.

"Young Lord, I recommend you try a little harder than that." Yelene whispered in my ear.

Dammit, I was doing my best!

I was about to take another crack at it, but Quorra stepped forward.

"Shardis Licita is more than qualified. He possesses the birthmark. I, Quorra Lavine, put my trust in him."

I looked at Quorra, gratefully, but suddenly, the servants began to talk amongst themselves.

"Quorra would have made a better Licita."

"I miss Lord Arsanios."

"We lost Arsanios for a steroid freak!"

I clenched my fist. Do this my own way.

"What do I have to do to prove that I'm worthy to be your master?" I asked.

Always a good first step to win over the trust of-

"If you must ask that question, you are not suited to be a Licita." One servant responded.

What the hell?!

My own way? What way was that? I always had the blandest personality. All I knew how to do was fight. I was certainly not diplomatic. You could ask Deka all about that. Was Arsanios really a soldier warrior addict? He seemed to reserved back then.

A bead of sweat ran down the side of my face.

"What was Arsanios like to you guys?" I asked.

One of the servants raised an eyebrow.

"He respected us. He treated us like equals. Despite his already strong social status as a Valian. Kind and dependable, professional and stoic. He was a warrior and a kind master."

"I'm pretty nice too, and I'm a warrior."

The servants began to chatter again.

"What? I'm not wrong. I'm a fighter."

A servant looked at me.

"From what we have heard from the news, you are that fake Valian. The taboo who was taught the ways of the Valian by that traitor Dekani Price. You went even as far as to get yourself affiliated with him, proudly boasting your status as First Mate. You are an abomination!"

A bunch of gasps erupted from the assembly.

After another hour of basically being bullied by my own servants, I went to my quarters. Arsanios' quarters, I guess. I sat on the chair and stared at myself through the very fancy mirror.

"Do I really belong here?" I asked.

Am I really a Licita? A nobleman?

It didn't matter if I had the birthmark or not. I was raised a Mayen. And I probably always will be a Mayen.

So it was very obvious that these guys did not want to accept that part of me.

I clenched my fists.

What am I even saying? Wasn't the whole point of me cutting my hair and doing all this, to avoid accepting that route? I should be happy, that people don't see me as Shardis Licita. That I'm not bound to fate.

Yet for some reason, part of me really wanted to win these guys over.


"What game are you playing, fate." I grumbled, glaring at my reflection.

"You pulled me here so I cannot escape my path to accepting my Shardis half. Yet, you put roadblocks on that too. Why are you such a cruel being? What did I do to deserve any of this?"

I glanced at an old photo. Kirin and Caterena with a young Arsanios.

These two were my parents, but I never knew them.

And there were never any photos of me with them either.

I felt so unwanted. So alone. Unloved.

A knock appeared at my door.

"Come in." I called.

The door opened, as Yelene walked in.

"How are you feeling, Young Lord?"

"Do you even need to ask? What kind of lord gets bullied by his own servants?"

"You need to prove to them that you are worthy. That might take time."

I sighed.

"And if I don't?"

"Then the House of Licita shall fall. Because a Licita had failed them."

"I was never raised a Licita, Yelene. I was raised a Mayen. From the world that I grew up in. I'm no nobleman. I don't know how to save this household. I don't even know if I even have the right to say it's my household."

Suddenly, a large boom echoed in the main hall, followed by a few screams. Yelene's eyes widened.

"Young Lord." She said.

I quickly got up, and grabbed my Gram, rushing down the steps.

"Lord Arsanios, why have you done this?" One of the servants screamed, as an Ash Lance appeared at the front, through a hole created by his Railjack.

"This household is no longer mine to control." Arsanios muttered, as he spun his Guandao, slicing through pieces of the mansion. I peered at the end and realized he had decimated everything before him. Even the security.

"But my lord..." A servant pleaded, only for Arsanios to plunge the pole arm into his chest. Screamed erupted everywhere in the mansion as I ran down the steps.

"Arsanios!" I shouted. "That's enough! How could you do this to your own servants? They loved you!"

Arsanios pulled the weapon out and aimed it at me.

"Their love for me is off of a lie. A false illusion. I am not a true born Licita, yet they loved me because they thought I was a true born Licita. Without the birthmark, I am nothing! I am the brother of that disgrace of a Valian. There is nothing I can do..."

Arsanios held out two shurikens, which cut into two servants from the balcony, causing them to fall off the top floor.

"But cut off whatever ties I have as a Licita."

I rushed in and caught the two of them from falling to their deaths.

"Arsanios you damn snake. Even if you're not a Licita, these people still loved you. They refused to let me be their lord because they still wanted you. Can't you see that? Can't you see how they're pleading?!"

"Young Lord, I'm afraid Master Arsanios is gone." Yelene said.

I readied my Gram.

"If you're going to keep attacking these people, I won't have a choice but to defeat you right here."

Arsanios lowered his Guandao, teleporting to my location as we were face to face.

"Are you challenging me to a bout? For mantleship over the Licita Household?"

"Maybe I am." I replied.

Arsanios lifted his Guandao and sliced down, but I was already gone. I hoped my many months of training with Quorra was worth it.

"Lance Upload Protocol: MACH Redline - 145%"

I blasted behind Arsanios and slashed down as hard as I could, catching him in the back with Gram, but the Licita was not fazed.

"A Licita never cowers from battle." Arsani seethed, as he swung around, catching me by surprise as his Guandao cut into my chest. I leapt back, firing my Hellfire at him. Arsanios spun his spear at lightning speed deflecting the bullets.

Arsanios rushed in, but I assumed the stance Quorra had taught me, readying myself, and grabbed his arm, spinning and using his momentum to my advantage, flinging his Ash Lance into a pillar.

"Anybody who goes as far as to harm his own servants doesn't deserve the Licita name." I said, coldly, as I drew my Harkanon from my back, firing an anti-aircraft shell. But Arsanios dodged it, causing a massive explosion.

"You never lived a Licita. All titles are meaningless without the heart!" Arsanios yelled, as he sliced down with his Guandao, but I blocked it with my Harkanon, and, with my other hand, aimed my Hellfire Machine Pistol in Shotgun mode, cunningly slipping it under his arm and blasting him in the chest.

I knelt down. Reaching deep inside.

Tricity Licita - 40%

I felt my body surge with power, combined with the Mach Upload, as I shot inwards, overwhelming Arsanios with hundreds of slashes with my great sword.

"You're right, brother. Titles are meaningless. But the truth of the matter is, I am a REAL Licita. And there are only certain things a real Licita can do."

I slashed down but looked up, to realize that Arsanios had summoned his Railjack.

"You... you went to the extent of stealing your own clan's Railjack?" I asked.

Arsanios continued lifting his arm.

"Clan's Railjack? Every Valian has their own. So not only are you unfit for this household, but you are delusional."

I paused.

But... Deka had told me...

In that split second I was distracted, Arsanios took full opportunity, as the Railjack's frontal cannons caught me square in the chest. My body was engulfed in explosions as I felt like I was being torn apart in a hundred places. I yelled in pain as I smashed through more walls in the mansion. My body smoking.

"Young Lord!" Yelene shouted after me, as she ran to my side.

"You are terribly hurt. Lord Arsanios, please, stop this. He is down. We can still make amends. You may have been born the brother of the Valian Traitor, but you were raised to be our lord. We will always love you for that. No matter what your name is."

Arsanios readied his pole arm, his enormous Railjack floating behind him, its cannons ready.

"Miss Yelene, this information is irrelevant to me. The Valians do not see me the same way you do. I must accept my Price heritage. And the first step to acceptance..."

Arsanios swung his Guandao, catching Yelene in the cheek. She cried out in pain as she fell backwards, a line of red on her face.

"Is to cut away my past." Licita said, sinisterly.

"You bastard... you god damn insufferable..." I growled, getting to my feet, but Arsanios planted his foot on my head, smashing me into the stone ground.

"It doesn't matter if you are a Licita or not. You will always be beneath me. I do not even care if you and SHADE are one and the same. All the more reason to eliminate you while you are weak and helpless."

I looked at the servants who were cowering in the corner.

"Look at your lord. Look at what Arsanios is doing to you people. Why are you still... supporting him..." I muttered.

"Because he has been with us since day one!" One maid screamed.

Arsanios sighed, as he took out his sidearm. An elegant scaled shotgun pistol. The Orca Supra, and shot the maid.

"NO!" I shouted, but it was too late. The maid flew backwards, slamming into a wall and crumpling to the ground, her eyes lifeless.

"You fools! He's going to kill you one by one!" I yelled, as Arsanios got off me, aiming his Orca at the servants who stood their ground.

Please. I need power.

I need it.

If I don't get up.

These people.

Are all going to die.

"Tricity. Kien. Ciel. Please. Somebody... lend me your power..." I sobbed.

This is as far as we will assist you, Shardis Licita. Tricity's voice boomed in my head.

"Why?! Because an alternate future version of me is using our power for his own gain? He isn't me! I still have time to change things-"

No. He is not an alternate future version of you. He IS you. And he is not doing things for his own gain. He has simply accepted his role in fate. Something you will eventually do.

I breathed heavily. My body was wracked in pain. It was a miracle I was still conscious.

"How can you people just disregard me like that. After all that training with you all. Over those months. You KNEW I was Shardis. You KNEW I was SHADE's past self. Yet you still helped me. Why now?! WHY?"

Another voice. A male. But he sounded a lot older. Wiser.

It is for the very simple reason. Fate. Fate brought us all together. Fate created the Grand Licitian Convergence. Fate is what created SHADE from Shane Mayen.

And it is fate that created Shane Mayen.... from Shardis Licita.

"Who is this..." I said.

My son, I suppose the last time we met, you were still a little boy.

"Dad?" I asked.

The voice was silent, as time seemed to stop. My body was humming with power, but nobody could see it but me. Everybody was frozen. The bullets from Arsanios' gun were suspended midair, as I glanced at my glowing hands.

"Is this your power? Father?"

Every Licita possesses a special power. Lady Tricity possessed the power of speed. Lord Ciel possessed the power of unmatched skill. Lord Kien possessed unmatched strength. The instant you were bombarded by your brother's Railjack cannons, you unlocked my father's power. Constitution. But now, you have unlocked my power. This very power, the very reason why I sent you back in time.

"Time manipulation?" I asked, cautiously.

Very much so, but with limits. My power is not to manipulate time, but to ride along its currents. Time and fate play crucial roles, hand in hand. My power is to experience the currents of the time stream by manipulating the very space around it. In a way, I am simply abiding by its rules. My power cannot be accessed by will.

"Why was I sent back in time?" I asked.

Kirin said, nothing, as my vision flashed white. Everything changed, as a new scene was set in place.

A little boy, drawing in crayon. Along with a younger boy, being brought home by his parents. The little boy, I recognized him. He was me.

"Shardy! Come meet your new brother!" Caterena said, as I turned around.


The boy held out his hand.

"I'm Arsanios! A true pleasure to meet you!"

"Look, Kirin. Our little Arsanios is so polite. Perhaps he can teach our little Shardis how to be a bit nicer when guests are around."

The scene changed. Fast forwarded a few years. I was now eight years old.

"Why does Arsanios never get in trouble! Why me?!" I screamed at Dad.

"Young Shardis, your attitude on your little brother is wrong."

"But he is a Valian! We as Licitas were taught to resent the Valians!"

"He is a member of our household. He is Arsani Price no longer. Right now, he is Arsanios Licita, and you will treat your brother as such!"

I watched myself run up the steps to my room, slamming it.

I continued drawing on my little notebook. Furiously scribbling with my crayon. I suddenly realized it was the same drawing that I was working on when I was little, in my last vision.

I had been working on the same drawing for all those years.

But why?

The scene changed again. Arsanios and a little version of me were both asleep, and Kirin was inspecting the crayon drawing along with his wife, Caterena.

Caterena had her hand over her mouth, in shock.

"So this is his Licita power." Kirin muttered.

The present version of myself stared at the drawing. I never had a chance to really look at it, and the moment I saw it, my heart dropped. It skipped a beat.

A man, with long white hair, wielding a familiar, demonic and sinister looking great sword. Dead bodies everywhere. Burning buildings. He was walking around it, and I realized this place. I realized the true horror of what I was looking at.

The drawing, the setting of this drawing. There should have been no way a younger version of me, who lived in the future, would know this place.

It was my University Campus.

And that wasn't it. Words at the top. That made my blood turn to ice.







"Why... what is... what am I" I stammered, in complete disbelief at what I was seeing. But the vision continued.

"Beloved, the Licitas have never been in battle for generations. How can our little Shardis..."

Kirin folded the drawing.

"Perhaps it is due to his Licita power. He possesses the power of fate."

"So he can control fate?"

"No. Quite the opposite. His power is to attract it. It seems, fate has chosen him to play a crucial war in this world. He is truly my son."

"I do not understand, what is our little Shardis going to turn into?!" Caterena sobbed.

"Time and fate. Play hand in hand. This world that our son has drawn, it is not of this time. But I recognize it, from the ancient scribes. From the ancient texts that studied a sister system, very similar to our Star System of the past. The Solar System. Perhaps it is fate that Shardis will end up there."

"What are you saying? That you are going to send our son back in time?"

Kirin put the drawing into a cabinet.

"Caterena, it is paramount that this information does not be released to anyone. Not even Miss Yelene. We must continue to raise our little Arsanios as one of our own. But it appears... Shardis must walk his own path. For it is his true purpose as a Licita."

I watched as Kirin took out a syringe. On the side, was marked:

"Memory Suppressant MK5"

"Are you sure, beloved? Won't our son resent us?"

Kirin sighed, as a tear ran down his cheek. I watched as my father plunged the tip of the syringe into the neck of a sleeping past me.

"In time, he will understand."

My vision flashed back to the present. A frozen present, standing in front of me, was father.

"Rise, my son."

I got to my feet, my wounds regenerating.

"Do you finally understand? Why these things have been happening to you? It is not just terrible luck. But rather a very clear guide."

I was speechless, but for some reason, I wasn't angry.

I wasn't resentful.

There was no point being angry anymore.

I felt empty. Because I knew exactly what was going to happen.

"There was never going to be a happy ending." I said, finally realizing the true impact of SHADE's words.

"This was all unavoidable."

Kirin regarded me with sympathy. "Everything that must happen will happen. Please believe me, my dear son, that I wished with all my being that fate did not choose you. That you could have lived a happy life. But this world, as you have already seen, is cruel. And it will never stop tormenting you. Until you draw your very last breath, as SHADE."

I reached behind my back, feeling the grip of Severen Steel. I drew Ais, as I took a step forward. And another step.

Dad remained steadfast, a warm smile on his face, as I plunged Ais right through his chest.

"I accept my fate." I said, without emotion, as tears streamed down Kirin's cheeks.

"I love you, my son."

Kirin dissipated into millions of pieces, as I heard the footsteps behind me. Numerous Licitas were behind me, their weapons drawn.

I turned to them, my face cold and void.

"You will give me your power. For I am all that is left of your kind. Whether you want it or not."

"Shardis Licita, you have finally accepted your role." Tricity said, as she stood forward with her knives.

I readied Ais, as the two of us charged. But I was faster. Because unlike Tricity, I was able to call upon her power far beyond her limits. There was no limits to fate. No boundaries, as long as I walk on its threads.

I slashed upwards as Tricity vomited blood, crumpling to the ground.

The Licitas all readied their weapons and charged me, as I lowered the tip of my sword.

"Whatever happens, is in the name of fate. For my name is no longer Shane Mayen." I lifted Ais, preparing to battle all of my ancestors at once.

"My name is Shardis Licita."

The Unarmored Valian

Time resumed back to normal, as I had instantly closed the distance between Arsanios and a group of servants.

Arsanios stared at my sword.

"This blade... how did you get that blade?"

"Contradiction." I replied, as I pushed Arsanios back.

Arsanios lowered his Guandao, glaring at me from within his Lance.

"So even when you started anew, as Shane Mayen, your disgusting bloodthirst and lack of honor was still a defining feature of yours."

I had a vague idea of what my Licita power was. But I still didn't fully understand it. All I knew, was that this power, although quite possibly the most powerful ability to ever exist among the Licita, was severely restrained. There was no free will behind this ability. Just like father's.

Even with Quorra's training, my battle prowess was still not enough to outmatch Arsani. But with this power, maybe...

Because if it is fate that I defeat Arsanios and take the rightful heir to the House of Licita, then there is no way I am going to fall.

I brandished Ais with one hand, and Gram with the other.

Give me all of your power. This is non-negotiable.

Tricity Licita's speed.

Kien Licita's strength.

Ciel Licita's skill.

Gunthel Licita's constitution.

My body surged with power, as my cybernetic eye reticules focused on Arsanios.

"You are in no position to talk down on me. You fake Licita." I said, as I blasted forward, the strength of Kien amplifying my leg muscles, creating a shockwave from where I last stood.

Arsanios tried to use every trick in the book. Clones. Teleport. Shurikens. Smokescreen. It didn't matter what he did. Either my cybernetic implants or the power of my ancestors provided a perfect counter.

I materialized in front of Price as I brought both Ais and Gram back, slamming into Guandao with so much force that the entire mansion shook from our clash.

Arsanios struggled to keep up the clash, his feet cracked the ground.

"You don't deserve them, Shardis. You... you disgraceful being."

"I am not disgraceful." I said, as I summoned even more of Kien's power.

"I am superior."

To command us like tools, you truly are the worst of our kind, Shardis. I could hear Kien's voice in my head. But I grimaced.

I pushed even more with more strength as Arsanios' pole arm began to crack.

"Impossible..." He muttered.

"Everything about you Valians has been just that. The impossible. But at the end of the day, you're just a bunch of kids playing with your little Lance dolls. The only advantage you Valians had was the endless variety of your different Lances, but now, I have all of my Licita ancestors in my arsenal. And I can call them at any time I want. Unlike you."

I sliced downward, severing Arsanios' pole arm in two as he fell on his back.

I towered over my adopted younger brother, the sun behind my back, giving me a dark and sinister silhouette.

"I'm taking my rightful place as heir. I have no place for trash who disregards his loyal servants and throws them aside. You're not just a fake."

My hand hummed with power as I reached into the Lance, pulling Arsanios out and throwing him onto the ground.

"You are an intruder in my house."

I readied Ais.

"Would you kill your own brother?" Arsanios asked.

"My own brother? From the first day I met you, I never saw you as one." I said, coldly, and was about to bring the blade down when I suddenly doubled over.

I clutched my heart as pain wracked my body.

"Dammit." I muttered.

I must have overused my Licitian Potential. Or maybe it was fate. Maybe it was fate for Arsanios to keep living.

I fell to one knee, as Arsanios lost consciousness.

Yelene ran to my side.

"Young lord. Arsanios has been defeated."

I nodded as I glanced at the remaining servants.

I pointed at them.

"Take him to the laboratory room."

The servants stared at me.

After all of that.

They were still loyal to Arsanios.

I guess there really was only one option.

I got to my feet.

"Young lord, please. Do not overexert yourself." Yelene said, but I brushed her off.

"Thank you, Yelene. For always being on my side from the first day. I will forever be in your debt."

Yelene bowed.

I turned to the rest of the servants.

"As for the rest of you, as you can see, I have bested Arsanios Licita, no. Arsani Price, in combat. I am the rightful heir, as Shardis Licita. You will serve me."

"We refuse. We will never serve someone so violent. So vile. So-"

I drew Ais and aimed at the tip of the blade at the servant's throat.

"You. Will. Serve. Me." I hissed.

The servant's eyes widened as others put their hands on their mouths.

"After everything I did to that Valian. You still want to get on my nerves? Here is some trivia on your new master. I have a short temper. I am quick to anger. And you do NOT want to be on my bad side. If trying to get along with you all only led to ridicule..."

I sliced with Ais, cutting an entire stone pillar in half.

"Then I shall rule you all with fear."

* * * POV: Ethereum Lux * * *

"Ether? Are you all right? What's wrong?" Noctis' concerned face peered in front of me. I wasn't eating breakfast, my face was still full of shock at what I had seen through my clone.

Whatever happened in that split second where Shane was attacked by Arsanios' Railjack, he had suddenly gotten extremely powerful. And not just that.

It was like his whole Shane personality was just an illusion, and I had come face to face with the real, true, Shardis Licita. One who cared less about others. One who was tyrannical and hurt his own servants if they defied him.

As for what happened to Arsanios, Shane had him locked in the laboratory room. His goal? Was to extract every bit of information from Arsanios' body he could in an effort to gain void powers. With these powers, he would become strong enough to turn the tide of the war.

In his favour.

"Captain... Miss Thresh, there is something I need to tell you." I said, quietly, as we were all in the table.

"What's up? Ether, you're really pale." Deka said.

"Shane Mayen is gone."

Rinne stared at me in horror. "Wha- What do you mean he's gone? What happened to him?"

"I shouldn't have kept this a secret. It was foolish of me to. But, I let it escalate to this point."

"What are you talking about?" Deka asked.

I held out my grimoire.

"It's best if you all saw what I saw together."

Shadow Magic: Emotional Extension - Reverse Flood

My memories of what I had seen flooded into Deka, Rinne, and Noctis.

From the day I watched Shane battle SHADOW, unlocking his Licita potential for the first time.

To Shane battling Queen Lena, where Lena compared him to SHADE.

To Shane's training with Quorra and Troy.

To Shane's battle against SHADE in the Lua Council.

SHADE's reveal, and Shane's spiral to despair, realizing there was nothing he could do.

Then to Shane's ultimate transformation to Shardis Licita, delivering a near fatal blow to Arsanios.

Everybody was quiet.

Rinne's breathing was ragged.

"Shane... you damned fool. Why did you keep all this a secret from me. I should have been there with you..."

Deka stood up.

"Ethereum Lux, although this was partly your fault, the blame is not all on you. We must all take accountability. We all played a role in my First Mate's fall. But just because he fell doesn't mean he can't get back up. We're going to save Shane Mayen from himself."

"But how will we do that?" I asked.

Deka drew a diagram with his void energy.

"Folock, I've relayed what I saw into data for you to process. Begin a feed."

"Yes, operator. Commencing."

Deka looked at us.

"During that memory, I noticed something. Folock, scroll to the part where Arsani is bound to the table."

The feed refocused. Deka grimaced.

"Arsani..." He muttered, but then noticed us, and quickly reverted back to his objective expression.

"Look at what he's doing."

Rinne, Noctis, and I focused.

"I don't see anything." I said.

Noctis pointed at Arsani's fingers.

"What is that? Is it some kind of signalling?"

Rinne's eyes widened. "That's not signalling. That's Triflian Sign Language!"

"Triglian what?"

Noctis rolled her eyes. "Sign Language, Ether."

Noctis walked to the feed and scrolled back.

"Look, in that split second, look at what Arsani is looking at."

"Uhhh, us?"

"And what does that mean?"

"I don't know!" I muttered.

Noctis sighed. "You are able to obtain so much intel for this group through your reconnaissance, yet your deduction skills are ironically non existent."

"Is now really the time to be roasting me, Noctis."

"It means, Arsani knew you were there! He saw you. He was trying to signal you as a distress call!"

Deka turned off the feed, crossing his arms.

"Then we know what we must do. Folock, I want you to translate that Triflian. How long is this going to take?"

"I would say around a day, Operator."

"Then it's settled. Rinne, Ether, I want you both to prepare. We're going to arrange a mission to recover my younger brother. And...

Deka put his hand on his chest.

"There's a lot of things I want to talk to him about."

I left the meeting, and began to pack my things, putting on my coat and scarf.

"Where are we going?" Noctis asked, as she fluttered next to me.

"We're going to visit someone important to me." I replied, as I summoned a shadow portal, stepping inside with Noctis tucked inside my scarf.

It was snowing, and the hospital was caked in the stuff. Thank goodness I had my scarf, both for me and Noctis.

"Is this...?"

"Yeah." I replied, as I checked in with the receptionist.

"Edward Lux." I said.

"Edward... yes. Ruby is in Section C, the same room. Arrangements made."

I took the usual path, going up a few stairs. Ruby wanted me to use stairs instead of the elevator because she wanted me to be healthy.

"Edward?" Noctis asked.

"Yeah. My name is Edward. Don't tell anybody about this please. Ethereum is so much cooler."

"I won't." Noctis said. I glanced at her, and realized she didn't say it in a sarcastic manner. She had a genuine smile on her face.


"Nothing. The name Edward suits you. I find it endearing."

My face felt hot as I quickly looked away.

"Only call me that when we are alone. It's embarrassing."

Part of me wanted Ruby to magically be sitting on her bed, gazing out the window. That delusional part of me that so desperately wanted my sister to be better. But sadly, reality was often overwhelming.

I opened the door to see numerous of tubes sticking out of my sister's comatose body.

"Hey, sis." I said, as I took a seat and sat down. Noctis adjusted the folds of my scarf and peeked out.

I took Ruby's hand.

"Things have been pretty hectic this month. But it wasn't all bad. Mister Price decided to up my salary since the job's gotten much more dangerous now. So I'm sure the operation will happen sooner. I've learned a few new spells for my Gun Magic. I wish you could be around to see it. Anti-magic bullets. Cool right?"

I looked at Noctis' fairy form and frowned.

"And then there's this fairy that I ended up getting. She's super annoying."

Noctis frowned.

"I am Noctis, it is an honour to meet the competent sibling."


Noctis giggled, and slid out of my scarf, fluttering in front of Ruby. "I hope you wake up soon. We have lots to talk about."

I got up and reached into my shadow-space, pulling out a bouquet of flowers and replacing the ones that were currently on the table.

"My sister loves flowers." I explained.

"That's really sweet of you." Noctis replied, gazing at the flowers.

"I like flowers too. I wouldn't mind being given some..." Her voice trailed away.

"Being given what?" I asked.

Noctis' face reddened. "Nothing an incel like you would care about." She said, angrily.

After a few more hours of talking to Ruby, Noctis and I left the hospital. We were going to make another stop. Just in time too.

"Ether! Miss Noctis!" Gunthul bellowed, running towards me at full speed.

Noctis casually got off the top of my head and fluttered away as her master got crushed to death in a bear hug.

"What the hell, what's gotten into you?" I asked.

"God. The modifications on your Argent were done ages ago. But you never showed up to pick it up. I thought you two were dead."

"Well, I guess it's flattering to know you were worried about me-"

I was interrupted by Gunthul grabbing Noctis from the air. Noctis yelped as Gunthul rubbed his face against hers.

"Such an adorable fairy. I would be devastated if a cutie like you died!"

"I- You- Let me go. Master Ether!" Noctis exclaimed.

"There's no point. Once this bundle of cuddles and fun gets his hands on you, there's no escape." I replied.

"You aren't even making an attempt!"

I inspected my newly modified Argent Shotgun. Noctis sat on my shoulder and leaned in to get a closer look.

I took the barrel and swapped it out for a longer module. Sliding a switch caused mechanical components to shift, as I watched my Argent Break Action Shotgun transform into its sniper mode.

"This little project took a while to implement. I had to outsource a lot of parts. Hope it's worth it, boy!"

Gun Magic: Loadout Assessment

My grimoire projected a red hologram, showing various numbers.

"Hm. +0.8 Punch Through. Corrosive Proc should penetrate his armour if Noctis slows him down..."

"I have no idea what you're saying, kid. But I feel sorry for the lad who's on the receiving end of that. This gun might be even more deadlier than the Dragunov I sold ya."

"Thanks Gunthul."

I strapped the shotgun to my back as it went into its concealed form: a classic break action Stoeger Coach Gun.

I left the shop as Noctis and I headed back to the Lotuscraft.


"What's up?"

"What did you mean, by penetrating his armour if I slowed him down? Are you talking about Shane Mayen?"

I stopped walking.

"What if I am?"

Noctis hesitated. "But Shane Mayen is a member of the Lotuscraft Crew. Just as you are. He's your teammate-"

"That man I saw, that you all saw, is no longer Shane Mayen. Right now, he's a target that needs to be eliminated for the greater good."

"And you're going to tell Rinne that?"

"No. She will simply get in the way. I need to assassinate Shane Mayen myself if it comes down to it. Because only I truly understand how much of a threat a future Shardis Licita is."

Shane Mayen was probably the biggest threat right now. Even more than the Severen Valian war. Even with the Severens possessing the technology to go back in time. You would think having that power would make you automatically overpowered.

But there is only one ability that can overwhelm even that.


The power to be favoured by fate. As long as it is fate that something will happen, or for a man to walk a certain path, they cannot be brought down.

This was the secret to SHADE's incomprehensible power.

This was why SHADE was so strong.

Fate was keeping him alive.

But I possessed the power to trump even that. A power that, although in the face of normal natural phenomena, seemed useless, was the perfect counter against Shane's powers.


The power to negate fate itself. My anti-magic bullets.

My anti-magic bullets will break the very thread of fate and save the world from The Unarmored Valian.


"It's time." Deka said.

I emerged from the shadows, shooting down enemies left and right, as the entire Lotuscraft crew charged forward, assembled. As one body.

Backtrack to a few days earlier, the message was fully decrypted by Folock. Arsanios had transmitted his coordinates and a basic security layout plan to us. During this time, I had taken the liberty to do some recon on Shane's progress. And to say the least, he had progressed a lot.

While we were busy preparing to spring Arsani, Shane had taken full advantage of his new power as the head of the household. Using his newfound wealth, Shane had completely bought out the Toron Corpo empire behind the Corpo organization founder, Adam Virgo's back.

"Will you really rescue me from that enormous Severen?" Adam asked.

Shane knelt down next to him.

"I've been taught the Way of the Valian. A Valian's duty is to exterminate the Severens. This Ropalocyst is no match for me."

"Th- thank you." Adam said.

I watched Shane battle the giant Severen. Again, his power of fate took me off guard. During the first few minutes of the fight, Shane was seemingly outclassed, the Severen blasting him with devastating beams of energy and smashing him around like a rag doll.

But once he had become beat up enough, Shane began to get stronger and stronger, until he and the Severen were equally matched. Then, a sudden boost in power, as Shane overwhelmed the Ropalocyst easily.

Noctis gripped my scarf from inside of my shirt. Her tiny body's warmth contrasted with how cold I was feeling from Shane's unusual powers.

"His strength and speed... it's overwhelming." She said, in disbelief.

Shane emerged from the battle the victor, but he had suffered some crazy wounds as he limped back to the facility.

"Mister Licita, I am forever in your debt. That Severen has had me locked in this facility for months, forcing me to make these... Severen Corpo unit monstrosities. Business and sales have been suffering greatly." Virgo said, as he led him to his main office.

Shane sat down.

"What can I do for you in return, Lord Shardis?"

Shane glanced at the guards around him. Several Corpo soldiers stationed at the main office to protect the CEO probably. But none of that mattered. Because at that moment, all of the people who were in this office... were Shane's.

"I want you to officially give me the reigns of the Toron Corpo Empire." Shane said, calmly.

Virgo's smile melted.

Shane held up his hand.

"Now, don't get the wrong idea. I am not the type to simply take control of your empire and cast you aside. I am offering you to be my right hand man. After all, your skills with business and both infernal and external affairs are unmatched."

Shane spread his arms.

"As evidenced by this gargantuan business mogul you have built yourself up to be. You have my respects, Adam Virgo."

This was not Shane. There was no way the Shane Mayen I knew would be this diplomatic. Seeing him talk like this made me feel really uneasy.

Noctis sensed what I was feeling and turned around, running her hand across my face, concerned.

"Ether, are you all right? Let's call it a day with reconnaissance. We may always come back another time."

"No. We need to keep going. I need this intel. We need this intel."

Virgo hesitated, getting up from his seat.

"Shardis Licita, while I have been a fan of the Licita Bloodline ever since I rose the ranks of the Toron Corpo, I cannot simply accept this as a payment. You may have incredible political power, being near royalty, but have not forgotten that you fostered a Valian in your household? Breaking the laws of the Licita? And not only that, but that Valian being the biological brother of a traitor?"

The Corpo hesitated.

Virgo paced the room, as I glanced at Shardis. His face was dead and empty. But in the shadows of the room and his bangs, he looked downright sinister.

My heart hurt seeing someone who had so much promise, who was always the first one out in the field, who inspired others...

Fall like this.

"I would have to say, your demands are quite hasty for a Licita. For one thing, a Licita who fights with such a vulgar, dirty style. Even Arsanios fought with grace. Never once soiling his hands by stepping foot into the fray himself. You lack class. You lack mannerisms. You lack prestige. But of all things..."

Virgo held out his hand to the Corpo soldiers who were supposed to back Shane.

"You lack the will to command these people. I know that you bought the majority shares to this corporation, but you can never win the heart of my employees by money."

The Corpo nodded at each other, and drew their guns, all pointing to Shane.

"A shame that you made an enemy of the Toron Corpo Empire, Lord Shardis."

Shane chuckled. Then laughed. Shaking from it, as it began to become more and more crazed, as Shane laughed hysterically. Suddenly, he stopped, glaring at Adam.

"Are you saying I am delusional, Mister Virgo?"