Mogul vs. Remnants Pt. VIII

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Remnant 5, Thomas King, continues his vigilantisms with the aid of telepath and technomancer Skylar Merle, as well as the aid of Guardian Merrow Rivenlight in an attempt to restore his name as The Floating Man. As Thomas continues his journey, he begins to understand the true value of heroism, as he starts his career off as a villain in the public image, despite doing his best to help the people.

Chapter 89 (Remnant 5)

"Down the street, I've created a marker on your minimap." Skye spoke through my coms.

I zoomed to the location. A fire. I needed to rescue the civilians. Multiple people were screaming and some of the citizens who were safe stared at me.

"It's the Floating Man! Run!" One screamed.

"Floating Man! You scumbag, you choose now to terrorize us when the place is on fire!"

The firefighters glared at me, as they continued to fight the fire. One spoke into their coms and requested backup from law enforcement. Great.

I scowled from under my mask.

"Tom, don't let them get to you. Just rescue everybody first."

I wish I could just tell these guys off. But Skylar programmed my mask to avoid speech, because she said I was too "brash" and that I never think before I speak.

I levitated in front of the building. Civilians came first. I flew inside.

I willed the cinder blocks off of the trapped people, and willed them off of the building as they screamed frantically.

"Please... Floating Man! Mercy! Don't kill me! Oh god..."

I plopped them into the emergency blanket from the firefighters.

"Skye, you got anymore people in here? I can't find any more."

Skye was silent for a few seconds. "I sense more. You should just extinguish the fire first. Let the firefighters do the job. You may have powers, but they're trained for this. Make their lives easier."

I floated back out of the building, as more and more people crowded around the scene, taking pictures of me.

"Did he get a wardrobe upgrade?" One said.

"Doesn't matter. He's still a scumbag. Keep exposing his bum ass. If he kills us it only proves us right."

I looked at the fire. "How am I supposed to extinguish this???"

I could sense Skye rolling her eyes. "You're not very bright are you."


"Have you seen the Flash? How he created a vortex to funnel it all out? Just do that."

I hesitantly brought my arms in front of me, and began wiggling them around in a circle like an idiot. Several people from below continued staring at me.

"Is he conjuring up a curse?"

"I thought his powers were telekinesis."

"Maybe he's a voodoo guy. I mean, would make sense."

I breathed in sharply. "I look stupid. Skye. I need an actual solution."

"You dumbass, not like that. Do it with your powers! Jeez. No wonder you're the bottom of your class."

"Oh, right." I muttered. I held out my hand, imagining a funnel of air around the entire building. Siphoning the flames in a spiral motion. The flames began to get sucked out, entering the funnel, as the funnel began to condense, turning into a ball of rotational energy in my hand. The building's flames were extinguished, as several gasps and silence filled the air.

A clap appeared from the crowd, followed by another, and another. Awkwardly, at the start, but became a full out applause.

I looked at the crowd from beneath my mask, smiling.

"Good work, FM." Skylar said.

Suddenly, cop cars began to pull up, officers pushing and shoving the crowd away, as they quickly screamed and dispersed. The officers aimed their guns at me as I heard a sonic boom. A woman flew up to me and tried to punch me in the face, but I quickly weaved out of the way.

"Floating Man!" Lady Liberty growled at me. "You dare show your face, after what you did to our beloved Captain Metro?!"

The crowd went silent again. Some began to murmur with one another. "That's true. Is he trying to atone?"

"No. He must be tricking us."

"But what if he didn't kill him?"

"Are you stupid?"

Lady Liberty glared at me, her fist clenched. "I'm going to kill you kid. But not in front of the civilians. What you did to my Robert, I will never, EVER, forgive."

Liberty flew in and tried to punch me in the face, but I held out my hand, freezing her in place.

"Skylar, let me speak."

"No. You're not ready. Fly away."

I took a deep breath. Fine. I pushed her away, as she flew in to the ground. I zipped into the air, creating a sonic boom, as I flew from the site as fast as I could. Lady Liberty also zoomed upwards to pursue me. I continued flying with Liberty on my tail. Without the civilians I could blow her away.

I leaned backwards, as I continued flying at Mach 3. We were in a rocky landscape, fields and mountains surrounded us.

"Skylar? Any people around?"


Good. I looked at the spinning ball of wind and fire in my hand. I widened my eyes, as I concentrated my telekinesis into it, the rotation increasing in intensity, rotating faster and faster and faster. The ball of energy began so condensed that air began to get sucked into it.

Liberty flew in, about to launch a punch. Her eyes, although she was wearing her eye mask, showed tears.

"I'm going to kill you!" She screamed.

I'm sorry, Liberty. For all the pain I caused you. I didn't want to kill Metro, he left me with no choice. But at the end of the day, she was right. I killed him. And now he was gone.

I closed my eyes, as I threw the ball at her, the immense rotational kinetic energy dispersing into a massive explosion, sending Liberty flying into several mountains.

Now was my chance. I flew away as fast as I could and flew back to Skylar's hideout.

Chapter 90 (Remnant 5)

I scrolled the news app on my phone.

"Lady Liberty Defeats Floating Man! Sends Him Retreating!" The image under the headline showed a news camera picking up me flying away with Lady Liberty on my tail.

"The hell." I muttered.

The media made it sound like Lady Liberty was the one who rescued the people, and that I had absorbed the fires for my own benefit, because I was holding them in the palm of my hand. Apparently, I was going to threaten the people, until Lady Liberty stepped in and announced that she will not let me harm the people.

For some reason, a lot of people bought it. But there were some people who were conflicted.

"I'm not convinced FM wanted to hurt us. He saved the people."

My public image in the media was still really bad. Everybody in the Metro League hated my guts, which was understandable. At least things were started to make a turn for the better. More and more people became aware of my actions, and began to doubt the media.

This continued for the next few weeks. With Skye acting as my overseer, I was able to pinpoint emergencies, crimes, and the lot. With her help, I was able to save the city, the people, and my reputation slowly began to improve. The #freefloatingman hashtag became trending for weeks. I saw myself being recognized, although still very controversial, by the people who still thought of me as Metro's Killer.

At some point, I think someone had made an action figure of me, but the action figure got banned by the government.

As for my life as Thomas King, my school results had undergone a significant improvement.

"Hey, Skye. Mind reading Sam's mind? Gotta figure out how to do this question."

"You realize this is cheating, right."

"It's not really cheating... I mean. I know how to do it. I just forgot."

"That makes no sense at all. But if it helps keep your identity, then..."

Skylar linked Sam's stream of thoughts to mine, so I could hear him loud and clear. I smiled at the problem paper, and began writing down his solution.

The next few days were looking up for team Thomas. Because Skye was able to help me out with her telepathy, I was able to learn the material better without the stress of exams. Even though my exams weren't really representative of how I was doing, my assignments showed that I was slowly getting better. My grades began to improve, and Sam began to take notice.

"Mad respect dude. I honestly didn't think you would get this far." He smiled.


Hailey groaned. "Ugh. He went from 43% to 64%. Relax. It's not that big of an improvement."

Sam's smile melted, as I clenched my fist.

Hailey kissed Sam goodbye and left the house. Sam closed the door.

"Sam, you shouldn't have to suck up to her like that."

Sam frowned, and stared at the ground. "I just don't wanna get on her bad side, you know?"

I looked at the window, as Hailey was picked up by a bunch of guys in an expensive car. She was off to another party.

"If you have to constantly do stuff like that, she isn't worth it. I'm not saying it because she's mean to me, but this type of relationship does not look like its gonna end well."

Sam walked to the counter and put his head in his hands.

"Tom, you've only recently begun to take school seriously. But for someone like me, who spent his life studying and trying to do well, a high achiever, she means a lot to me."

"How so?"

Sam looked at me. "Because my entire life I was clowned on for being a try hard. I saw myself, and I realized that even if I'm making bank, saving lives as a doctor, and owning an expensive car, I still won't be happy. Not if I'm all alone. No girl liked me back then, because I wasn't popular. Until Hailey. She's all I got to cling on to a social life."

"What about me?"

Sam smirked. "You too, I guess..."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" I scowled.

Sam laughed. "Nah. I just... I don't know. The you before, so carefree, and failing all your grades. I didn't like that. Honestly, I just wanted to avoid you, because you were a bad influence on me. But seeing you try to turn in a new leaf... I respect that. A lot."

I smiled. "Thanks man. That means a lot."

I walked back to my room. Things were looking better. I just needed to keep grinding, on both school as heroics, and I will hopefully grow enough to be able to ask Merrow about my origins. About who I was. Where I came from.

I was about to crack open the textbook and begin studying, but suddenly, my phone vibrated. It was a new one. My parents bought me a new one after finding out I broke the old one after I visited them over the weekend.

The text bubble was black. Meaning it was from Skylar's encrypted network.

"Tom. Something's up."

I texted back. "What is it?"

"Something... I sense... evil."

"Wow, gee thanks Skye for the clarification."

Skye began to call me and I picked up.

"Tom... listen to me." Her voice was full of fear. I never heard her sound like this before.

"This presence I'm feeling, it's... just evil. Just pure evil. I don't... I don't know what to think of it. You need to save the people there. They're in danger. Just go there and swipe them up, and leave. Don't fight."

I quickly changed into my uniform. "Where's the target?"

"Tom... the target is not too far from your place. It's near Hailey and her friends."

Chapter 91 (Remnant 5)

I managed to stop the car from flipping over.

Hailey and her buddies were screaming their heads off. I mean. Who wouldn't. I quickly moved them away, and gently put the car on the ground.

"Hey, is everybody okay? Anyone got whiplash?" I asked as I knelt down in front of them.

They screamed at me.

"Oh god! It's the Floating Man! Please, save us. SAVE US!" They screamed.

"Hey! Just tell me if anybody is hurt! Calm down!"

They continued screaming.

Skylar's voice buzzed in my coms. "Hey dumbass, you can't speak. Remember?"

Ah shit. I forgot. No wonder.

I turned around, and saw a jolt of black electricity as a figure appeared. He was tall and very fit. Dude made me jealous. His hair was spiked up, and he had black electricity. Kind of like a Black Flash.

"You are the Fifth."

Huh? What was he saying?

"Fifth?" I asked. Skylar was silent. "No idea what he's talking about."

The man stepped forward, and brought both hands up, the sky, which was already dark from nighttime, somehow felt darker.

"No words, from the Fifth. Interesting. A Remnant that doesn't talk. Master Mogul speaks of your brethren, all of which have been known to have... a sour tongue. One of them needed to be silenced... permanently."

The hell was this guy talking about? Master Mogul? Remnant? Just hearing those two words made my head hurt. I had no idea why.

I turned to Hailey and the others. They were frozen in terror. I needed to get them out of here. Screw this weirdo.

I held out my hand, and a massive shockwave sent the guy flying backwards. The shockwave shook the trees as the entire pavement cracked. Now was my chance. I willed the car to lift into the air, and flew away with Hailey as they screamed, hanging on for dear life.

"Skylar! Need some help!"

"Like what? This guy is so obviously a supervillain. Don't fight him with these people around. Get them to safety and move the fight!"

I considered going mach speed. Suddenly, Skylar stopped me.

"You dumbass! Don't go mach speed! You'll flat those people!"

Oh. Right. But going slow wasn't going to do much good, because suddenly, the man appeared, in a flash of black lightning.

"Very slow. I am disappointed. Floating Man." The man pulled out a sword, and slashed at me. I instinctively flew back, as the people began screaming. Hailey flew out of the car and grabbed onto the door with one arm.

"Floating Man!" She sobbed.

This guy. I couldn't fight him like this. I needed to do something.

I dropped the car, gently, as the people immediately got out and fled for their lives. The man regarded them.

"A duel. Indeed. Let us see your power, Fifth of Decen."

This guy was talking too much. I leaned forward, and shot straight into his midsection, the two of us flying into the skies.

Welp. That was a stupid idea. Because the moment I did that, the man instantly escaped my grip, and launched a kick into my face. If it wasn't for that mask and my aura, I would have shattered all of my cheekbones as I plummeted into the ground, creating a crater in Downtown.

People screamed as the man descended from the skies, a dark storm brewing as he held out his hands, which sparked with black electricity.

"Is this the best you can do? The best the Fifth can offer?"

I got to my feet, and summoned a bunch of cars that were parked into the air, and flung them at the man, who sliced them up into little pieces with his sword, then aimed it at me. A massive jolt of black electricity as I instinctively willed it to stop.

The two of us struggled, attempting to control the clash. The clash caused massive wind pressure as things began to get pulled into the bolt of lightning. The destruction this was doing to the city was ridiculous. I needed to stop it. I willed the bolt to fly to the sky as the man stumbled back. Now was my chance!

I brought my foot back and reeled my fist into a straight right punch, concentrating on pure telekinetic force to emit from it. I launched it right at the man, but he regained his composure quickly, and zipped out of the way just in the nick of time.

My eyes widened as the punch I sent created a huge windstorm that obliterated an entire skyscraper, leaving behind a huge hole. People began screaming all around.

"No...." I muttered.

"Tom! Behind you!" Skylar shouted, but it was too late. The man had already closed the distance, and slammed into me as I flew into a car. Everything went blurry as I was disoriented. The man levitated before me.

"This went wonderfully. Lord Mogul would be most pleased with my performance today." The man looked at the devastated building, as everybody began to panic in the streets, screaming my name and freaking out.

"The Floating Man! It's the Floating Man! Call the Metro League!"

I was still dizzy, but made out a woman who was kneeling on the ground. I saw that she was by the side of a man who was heavily injured. She was sobbing and begging him not to leave her.

My eyes widened.

"I... I caused this..." I murmured.

The woman looked at me with rage and fury, her eyes red from crying. I did this.

"Tom... get up. Please."

"I... can't...." My voice cracked. I was doing so well. I was slowly gaining the trust of everybody here. And now... I lost it all. Because I was careless and stupid with my powers. The numerous lives in that skyscraper...

Chapter 92 (Remnant 3)

"Meena?" I asked. We were standing on the guardrail, waiting for the target to appear with the payment.

"Yeah?" She spun her revolvers around her hands elegantly, as she looked onward with dead, expressionless eyes. The eyes of a killer, devoid of a soul, ready to take a life.

"Did you ever consider having kids?"

Meena's eyes widened and she dropped one of her revolvers.

"Dammit Deacon! What the hell kinda question is that?!" She growled. She picked up her revolver and slammed me against a wall, her eyes a murderous rage.

"Hey! It was just a question. I was just kind of wondering... you know. A couple had this conversation too."

Meena glared at me. "I already have to take care of your stupid ass. What makes you think I want to take care of another? On top of that, how the hell am I supposed to save you when I have a damn fetus kicking inside me?"

I looked down. "Sorry." I muttered.

Meena's expression softened as she leaned away from me. She sighed. "Look, Deacon. Our lives are hard. It's shit actually. Can you imagine bringing our son or daughter into this life? Can you imagine how bad that is? What kind of brutal life they're going to have to go through?"

I gasped as I woke up from my memory. I was still tied up, in a straitjacket, in a dark holding cell. Sweat raced down from my face as it dripped onto the ground.

"Meena..." I muttered. "I must protect you, and destroy all that will get in the way of your ambitions. You've lived a hard enough life."

My eye twitched as I growled, a sharp pain in my head causing me to doubt my thoughts.

Was there a way to protect her without destroying everything?

Why was I still thinking about her.

She doesn't want me.

She doesn't want my help. My protection.

I heard a rumbling as someone opened the door, descending the steps. A woman appeared from the shadows. Her green frizzy hair fluttering with the wind as she approached the holding cell.

"Hey, Deacon."

I said nothing.

She tapped on the holding cell. The guard widened his eyes. "Lady Rivenlight! This is unwise!"

"It's okay. I trust him."


Merrow entered the holding cell and closed it behind her. She was holding soup. Merrow waved her hand, and my straitjacket slid off of me as I crumpled to the ground. I got to my feet and Merrow knelt in front of me.

"Deacon, have some of this. You're sick."

She was right. My fever was terrible and I wasn't able to think straight. But I didn't deserve this, after everything I did to her.

I turned away, but Merrow scooted to my field of vision.

"Don't be picky! Have some!" She put a spoonful to my face as I reluctantly sipped it. My body filled with warmth.

I drank the rest of the broth as Merrow looked at me.

"How is it?"

I stared at the ground. "It is good. Thank you."

Merrow smiled. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tears raced down my face. "There is nothing you can do. I've done everything in my power to get Meena back. I killed all these people to make sure she doesn't have to. So she can live a normal life. So we can live a peaceful life. But she ran out on me. She..."

"Do you think killing is the answer, Deacon?"

"I don't know anymore."

Merrow stroked my hair. "Your hair is so pretty. I think Decen wanted white hair at some point. Of course he was too embarrassed to tell me that."

"My hair is a reminder of what I am. I can never go back."

"I'm not asking you to go back to who you are before." Merrow said, causing me to stare at her in surprise.


Merrow laughed. "You're very strong now. With your power, we have an edge in our battle against Mogul. I think it's great you've gotten so strong. But you need to remember who you are. You're not a killer."

She touched my chest. "Is it wrong to have the strength of Fury but the heart of Deacon?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"I'm going to another universe to aid in another Remnant. And I was thinking you should come with me."

"What?" I couldn't have heard that correctly.

Merrow held out her hand, and formed a beautiful water construct of a man who looked younger than me. He wore a long trench coat and a black hood, with a mask that covered his entire face.

"His name is Thomas King. The Floating Man. He's trying his best to become a hero in a world that is rejecting him. Your brother needs all the help he can get. He's lived his life without understanding the brutal way the world works,. I figured with someone like you around, he can have some influence on getting tough. Maybe you could protect him the same way Meena had done for you."

I looked at the hologram. My brother... I already had to deal with Lucius and Arman. Arman was okay. But I still hated Lucius.

Merrow looked at me. "You are tough, aren't you Fury?"

My face turned red. "I... I guess so."

Merrow laughed. "So what will it be? Will you help your brother in his journey to becoming strong? Just like you did?"

I glanced at my hands. Meena had done her best to make me tough, and in a way, I took some of it to heart. Just as she did for me... I will do it for Thomas.

I took her hand. "Let's do it."

Chapter 93 (Remnant 5)

Choppers, military vehicles, rescue units swarmed the entire place.

All I could see were numerous headlines on the breaking news on the buildings.


I clenched my fist.

"This... this is unfair..."

Skylar tried to calm me down. "Tom... what matters is you stop that villain right now. No matter what others think. That's your priority. Otherwise he will keep destroying everything."

I looked at the man who was floating in front of me.

"What will you do, Fifth?" He said, smiling sinisterly.

I clenched my other fist, as the ground around me began to rumble. Everybody scurried around as I heard several sonic booms.

"VILLAINS." Lady Liberty shouted, as she was surrounded by the Metro League. Stormlight. Streamweaver. Laserblood. Metro Boy. Atom Body, and Captain Patriot.

The man turned around. "Ah... the cavalry."

The man flew into the air, and introduced himself.

"Floating Man and the Metro League. You wish to challenge the Acolyte of Lord Mogul? Saul of Ksenia?"

Lady Liberty looked at me. "You're... not affiliated with him?"

I raised my hands in exasperation.

Captain Patriot stepped forward. "SAUL!" Saul regarded him. "Superhero, you stand for justice? Well, I stand for Corruption. For Corruption is human nature. Corruption is life. Without Corruption to balance out Justice, we will live in an unbalanced world. I shall prove that, I shall show Lord Mogul what it is to be his loyal follower."

He pointed at me. "By defeating The Floating Man, and the Metro League."

Lady Liberty was still glaring at me with hate, but Captain Patriot put his hand on her arm.

"Liberty. What The Floating Man has done thus far is inexcusable. But for the betterment of this world. We must work together and defeat Saul."

Liberty turned back to Saul, who was beckoning us all forward.

"COME." He shouted.

The entire Metro League charged, and Saul smiled viciously, drawing his sword, and pointing it to the sky, causing a massive black electricity storm. Shaking and causing a huge windstorm all across the city. Civilians being pulled off their feet, buildings floating in the air.

"Do something!" Skylar shouted.

"Let me talk." I responded. Skylar was silent.

"What will you say?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm going to tell them to fight Saul. And I will rescue the civilians. With my powers, I'm the best fit for the job."

Skylar was quiet for a few seconds. "Hmph. Guess you're not a bonehead after all. Go on then."

I could hear a click, as my mask opened me up to speak.

I went up to Lady Liberty, and got on my knees, putting my face down. She looked surprised. A bunch of people who weren't screaming gasped and took out their phones. This was gonna give me such a bad image. I could only imagine the millions of memes that were gonna come from this, but I needed to.

"What... What are you..."

"I'm sorry. Lady Liberty." I responded. "I know there is nothing I can do to make it up to you. But right now, the lives of the civilians are the top priority. I leave Saul to the League. I'll rescue and protect the people. It is the least I can do."

Liberty grimaced, as she watched the other members of the League take on Saul. Saul easily held them off, and launched a black slash at Atom Body, who flew into the ground. Atom flew to us.

"Liberty! We need your help. The kid's right. His TK is the best thing we got to protect the people. We need everybody in this fight."

Liberty glared at me. "I haven't forgiven you, Floating Man. Make no mistake. But I will give you the opportunity to prove your worth to this city."

She flew off.

Skylar buzzed in my coms. "Hm. Not bad. Not bad at all. But I'm shutting you up."

"What? Why?!"

"Because it's a one time thing. Go and save the people, hero!"

The ground around me began to rumble. Pieces of rock shaking and lifting off the ground as I glowed green.

"Let's do this. Skylar! Pinpoint everybody that needs help!"

My mini map became populated with red dots.

I shot to the sky, and went after a building that was on the verge of collapse.

I held out my hand, and pushed the entire skyscraper back upright.

"Skylar! I need to get everybody out!"

"Let the rescuers do that. Just find a way to stabilize it!"

I looked around. Stabilization... I thought back to how I was able to condense the air in the palm of my hand, when I blew out that fire. If I could do that...

I held out the palm of my hand, and willed the air to condense around the sides of the building, creating giant skyscraper sized supports, holding them together. I let go, and willed the rotational speed of the air particles to generate a constant force, holding it in place.

"Not bad. How long will it last?" Skylar asked.

"As long as it needs to. Let's go!"

I flew to the next bunch of red dots. Numerous people, probably like hundreds, of people were pinned down from broken pieces of concrete, piping, vehicles, and everything. Remains from the storm, and... my actions.

I levitated in the sky, as my body cast a huge shadow to the people. Loved ones and families looked at the sky. Looked at me.

"The Floating Man..." One muttered.

"What will he do to us?!" Another screamed.

I concentrated, and held out my hand, in a claw shape, raising it into the air, as hundreds upon hundreds of giant pieces of debris floated into the air, along with the trapped people. People began screaming.

"Let my wife go you monster!" One jeered at me.

"You bastard! Taking advantage of the situation! You're the reason we're in this mess!"

I ignored them, as I lifted more and more and more from the ground, and soon, the sky was decorated with thousands of glowing green pieces of debris and people. I slowly lowered the people onto the ground, setting them onto the ground.

The jeers and boos went silent, as I glared at the debris, sending them into the sky as far as they were. Into the atmosphere. Into outer space.

The silence was broken by one little girl, who started clapping. More and more people began to join in, from what started with two or three awkward claps, to an all out applause.

"Come on, Tom. Enough dawdling around. We still got more people to save."


I took out fires, lifted buildings, and closed chasms after getting everybody out. As more and more people began to thank me. The law enforcements glared at me at first, but soon one of them went up to me, taking off his helmet.

"Thank you, Floating Man. I have no idea what your motives are. But... if they're good. I respect what you're doing. Keep it up." He nodded at me.

"Someone! Please! My wife and daughter!"

The officer turned to the man. "What happened? It's going to be okay sir. Where are they?"

The man pointed to a huge pile of debris. Thousands and thousands of tones of concrete.

"They're under there. They... I can hear them screaming for help!"

The officer's face paled. "We don't have any equipment for that..." He whispered. But I stepped forward. And flew to where he was pointing.

"Skylar, where's the two people?"


I walked up to the mess, and touched it with the palm of my hand, as everything began to glow green. I opened my eyes, and blew the whole thing apart, revealing the trapped mother and child, willing them in, and setting them in front of the man, who was sobbing in relief.

I threw the debris into the sky and out of orbit.

"Daddy!" The girl cried, running up to the man. I approached the family as the wife stared at me. The girl approached me, but hesitated.

"Are... are you evil?" She asked.

I knelt down in front of her, and held my hand into the air. The teddy bear that I had found while blasting the debris outwards flew into my hand, as she gasped. I put the bear in front of her as she took it.

"Thank you, Mister!" She said, and ran up to me into a hug.

"Oh shit!" I screamed.

"The hell? You've never been hugged before?" Skylar said.

"Well... no..."

"Well now you're probably appreciating the fact that I muted your mask."

"Yeah. Thank god for that."

Skylar laughed.

The wife got up. "Thank you, Floating Man. I thought we were going to die."

The husband also walked up to me and held out his hand. "Even if the world hates you, we will remember what you did for us today."

I smiled. Nodding, I took his hand and shook it.

Suddenly, a massive explosion appeared. I whipped around, to see that Lady Liberty had slammed into a building. Saul levitated to her, and backhanded her into the ground, which caused a massive shockwave.

The little girl screamed, but I held out my hand, stopping the shockwave from progressing further, condensing the massive kinetic energy into a rotational ball of energy. I floated into the air, as I turned to the family.

The husband smiled. "Give that guy hell.... hero!"

I gave him a thumbs up, as I flew to Saul and launched the ball into a beam, which slammed Saul into the sky.

Saul stopped, and regarded me.

"Finished evacuating already? Well no matter. I came for you. Those Metro fodder were just warm up."

"Is that so?" Captain Patriot said, as he flew next to me. His face was battered and bloody.

Saul raised an eyebrow. "You strive to become like Captain Metro so much. It's actually a pain to see."

Patriot grimaced, and flew in, to launch a punch, but Saul caught his fist, and began punching his midsection.

"Fodder. That is all you are. Even with Captain Metro's help. You are just fodder."

Patriot lost consciousness as he fell to the ground. I held out my hand and slowed his fall as he hit the pavement gently.

"Why do you care for these scum?" Saul asked. Floating so we were face to face.

"They treated you like mud. Made your public image so bad, that it is near unrecoverable. But yet..."


Skylar sighed. "Fine."

I heard a click. "Because... I am a hero. And this is my job." I replied.

Numerous people crowded around Saul and I, snapping pictures and cheering me on.

"Get that bastard! FM!"

"Smack his villain ass up!" Another said.

"Floating Man! Floating Man! Floating Man!" The crowd began to chant.

Saul scowled, and launched a giant black slash at them, but I stopped it, condensing it into a ball of energy in my hand.

I held it under my chin, the black energy surrounded by a green glow that illuminated my mask.

"Not today. Supervillain." I said. I blasted Saul in the chest, releasing a small pocket for the energy to escape, as Saul went flying away from the city. A place that wouldn't harm the people. I shot after him as the crowd continued to chant my name.

My hero name.

The Floating Man.

Chapter 94 (Remnant 3)

Merrow brought me to another world.

The place looked like a normal city, minus the obvious destruction. It reminded me of Blackwater but without the crime, the murder, the blood.

"Sorry I couldn't get you any clothes. But I figured you seemed kind of attached to Kyrael's outfit."

I looked at my clothes. A leather jacket, dark grey open hoodie, and black t-shirt. Dark grey jeans, and white sneakers.

"Hm." I responded.

Merrow laughed. "One of these days I'll get you to open up to new clothes. All black looks cool but is kind of basic, you know?"

I buttoned up my jacket and zipped up the hoodie.

"How is this."

Merrow raised an eyebrow. "Meh."

I looked at the city and the ruins. "Where is Thomas?"

She pointed at the sky, the region with black lightning. "He's in a fight, looks like. We need to go help him out."

She concentrated, and swiped the air. To no effect. Merrow gasped. "What... I can't make a portal!"

"What do you mean?"

Merrow tried again. "Nothing's... no. We need to go! Now!"

Merrow grabbed my wrist and summoned a water construct, transporting us to the location of the black lightning as fast as she could.

"Mogul... that bastard. I should have known."

I looked at the ruins remains of the city. People dressed in colored leather spandex and armor suits were recovering, while numerous of civilians swarmed them.

"Superheroes..." I muttered.

"What?" Merrow said, over the wind.

"Superheroes in this world..."

"Yeah. This universe has superheroes who look after the people. Thomas wants to be one of them."

I thought back to the Cobalt Five. I thought back to how I slaughtered them with my own hands. I thought I was doing it for the betterment of Meena. Everything I did was just for Meena and no one else. But now... I couldn't tell if what I did was really worth it. The Cobalt Five must had been as these superheroes were to the people. And I took that away from them, as they met their fate with a collapsing planet.

We landed on the ground. Thomas and the shadowy figure engaged in a colossal battle. Entire landforms were ripped out and flung at each other as black lightning arced from the sky. I couldn't tell who was who just from their faces along, since they were both masked. But judging from the one in the trench coat, with the glowing green aura, I could guess he was The Floating Man.

"Strange. I would think you were stronger. But the limits of your potential is obvious." The man said, as he sliced another landform in half.

Thomas flew back and held out his hands, as the entire landscape shook. Massive tremors erupted as huge chunks of land unearthed itself as if the earth itself was splitting apart, climbing, like an ocean parting way.

Thomas clasped his hands together, and the entire crevice swallowed the man whole. Thomas began breathing heavily, as his green glow dissipated. The Remnant fell onto the ground.

Merrow looked extremely worried. "No. He's just gassed himself out. That's not going to beat him. We need to go."

She instantly zipped to his location, but not before the ground shook. The crevice opening up into a chasm, as the shadowy figure flew into the air. Thomas, although he was shrouded by the mask, looked up. And I could tell he was in horror, because the figure laughed.

"Well. The Fifth has depleted his powers. You are still such an amateur. Did you really think you could beat me by throwing mountains everywhere? And to believe you could defeat my master?"

The man held out his hand, as air swirled around it, black lightning arcing from his arm and all across the sky. He aimed it at Thomas, as the electricity blasted him away. The shockwave sent Merrow and I flying.

"Thomas!" Merrow shouted, as she fought through the storm, and blasted forward in a shockwave of Hydropower intercepting the man, who looked surprised.

"Guardian of Decen..."

Merrow seethed, as her spear intercepted the lightning. "Do not dare lay another finger on my Paladin's Remnant, Saul."

Thomas stared at her. "Paladin Remnant?"

"Dammit." Merrow grumbled, as she began to lose her balance. I walked forward. Glaring at Saul.

Saul laughed. "If you can't hold me off, what can you do against Master Mogul?" Saul upped the intensity of his electricity, and the shock blasted her spear into pieces as she shouted in pain.

"Merrow!" I instinctively shouted, as I rushed forward.

Why... are you saving them? I instinctively said. I doubled over. "I need to-" destroy. I growled. I grabbed my temples. Focus. Merrow did nothing wrong to me. She loved me like a brother. I had to save her. Thomas deserved a chance.

I brought my arms back as two tendrils erupted from my back, latching onto both Thomas and Merrow. I hurled them back onto the land before they could plummet into the chasms below.

"Thanks." Merrow panted.

Thomas stared at me. "Who..."

Saul laughed. "Another Remnant! Well... this might be a little too much for me to handle!" He descended from the sky and picked up a broken piece of Merrow's spear.

Saul paced around. "An amateur, an edge lord, and a green haired whore." He spat, as he flicked his hand, the shard shooting past me and slicing Merrow's face, leaving behind a line of red.

I clenched my fists. I didn't know who he was. I didn't know who Thomas was. But he not only insulted the one person who loved me unconditionally... but he reminded me of someone I hated a lot.


Merrow stood up, and helped Thomas to his feet. "Okay. We need to take him down together. I'll distract-"

"No." I said, as I put on my black mask, the bangs around my eyes dancing with the wind.

Merrow looked at me. "Deacon..."

I walked forward, as my body became encased in Demonfire, black and orange flames emanating from my body, the orange glow lighting up my surroundings in a a ten meter radius. I looked at Saul, my one revealed eye glowing with malice.

You have chosen to disrespect Merrow Rivenlight, my progenitor's Guardian. On top of that, your attitude reminds me of some bad blood. Unlucky.

Saul smiled creepily. "I see... Diablos runs in your blood. A formidable opponent indeed." He began to swing his sword elegantly, readjusting his sleeves.

I glared at him, my eye wide from the powers surging in my body. You have chosen to face the wrath of Fury. Perhaps your previous fights have made you confident.

I rushed in, and Saul instantly brought his sword up, but he hadn't realized two of my tendrils had already wrapped around him, until they impaled his back. Saul's eyes went wide as he spat out blood.


I leaned in close. This whole time, you've been fighting superheroes, who hang on to their precious morals. I hissed.

Saul's eyes were full of terror as I brought my hands together, immense flames beginning to illuminate the entire landscape.

I am not a hero. I am not The Floating Man. From here on, remember your place.

My flames concentrated into a ball of black and orange swirling energy.

Forever a footstool... a slave. Be thankful that I have granted you an escape from such a miserable life.

I put the ball against his chest.

ANGELBREAKER BLAST I growled, as the beam dispersed into a massive black and orange explosion. Saul disintegrating before Merrow, Thomas and I.

Chapter 95 (Remnant 5)

Everything hit me like a train.

Remnant? Fifth? Third? Who the heck is this Fury guy? Why did he look so cool?

I got to my feet. "Mer.... Merrow?"

Merrow walked to the ruined remains of her spear. "No..." She muttered.

Fury/Deacon walked to her side and picked up the shards. "I'm sorry for your weapon." He said.

She knelt next to the shards. "This weapon... I've had so much history with it. Decen and I..."

"Decen?" I asked, and suddenly my head flashed.

"Aughhh! What's happening?!" I growled, as I felt waves of energy emanate from my body. Suddenly, Fury doubled over.

"Thomas... your powers..." He muttered, as he stumbled.

Skylar's voice buzzed from my coms. "Your powers, they're telekinetic and empathic! Your mind waves are influencing Fury's!"

Merrow ran up to the both of us. "Thomas! You need to control yourself. Calm down!"

My vision flashed to that of a boy with black and pink hair, the same guy I saw from so far back.

"I... I can't make it stop!" I shouted.

Skylar was quiet, no doubt had no idea what to do. Merrow ran up to me, and touched my face.

"Look at me. Do you recognize me? Decen?"

Merrow's beautiful face regarded mine, and for some reason... I recognized her. Like I knew her from the bus. But for some reason, it was like another level of familiarity was unlocked.

The visions stopped.

"You're..." I muttered, as I stumbled. Fury clutched his head.

"You have very poor control of your powers." Fury noted.

Merrow sighed in relief. "Look, let's just get back to Skylar's base. You too, Deacon."

Fury nodded.

"You dumbass!" Skylar hit me over the head with a textbook.

"Ow! The hell?!" I exclaimed.

"You went ahead and fought him? What were you thinking?"

"I had no choice!"

Merrow tried to calm Skylar down. "Come on, he was doing his best..."

Skylar threw her hands in the air. "I can't win with you people! I can't work with this bumbling idiot! One moment he's doing great, being heroic, then he pulls off stupid shit like this!"

Skylar turned to Fury. "And who's this Tokyo Ghoul ripoff?"

I half expected Fury to do that same super cool Angelbreaker Blast thing on her, but Fury just took off his mask.

"I am Deacon Chow. The Third Remnant of Decen. I was summoned by Merrow Rivenlight to aid in the development of Thomas King."

I put up my hand. "I have a question."

Merrow smiled. "Yes, Thomas?" She asked like I was in middle school.

"Yeah. The HELL is going on?! Why do I get weird ass visions when someone so much as says the word Decen? Why did that weirdo call me a Remnant? Who the hell is this guy and why does he look so damn cool? And how is he so strong. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Merrow cut me off. "You're not ready, but I will give some truth, considering you just witnessed so much. You are Thomas King, and you lived a life oblivious to your true nature."

"Thanks. Couldn't have figured that out myself."

Merrow stepped forward. "You are a Remnant of Decen, the Paladin of War. Deacon is your brother. You have fourteen brothers, including Deacon. And I am Decen's Guardian."

I stared at her. "What in the Kentucky Fried Fuc-"

Fury regarded me with critical fiery orange eyes. "You lack control of your powers. And you use it in a destructive, reckless way. It was no surprise you struggled with Saul. You will need proper training if you wish to serve our purpose."

I took off my trench coat and put on my normal clothes. "I get it, I'm an amateur. Maybe you're just really damn strong? Didn't you think of that?"

Fury shook his head. "No. My power is nothing to the likes of Mogul. But yours still has potential. I think I understand why Merrow got me to come here. I'm going to whip you into shape."

"Whip me into...shape."

Fury raised an eyebrow. "You want to be a hero, did you not? What is a hero if he can't protect himself?"

He was right. I did everything I could, but I was still too reckless and weak. If I hadn't destroyed that building...

Merrow laughed. "Come on, Thomas. I think that's great. Bonding time with your older brother! Isn't that sweet?" I smiled nervously at Fury.

Fury scowled, leaning on the doorframe and crossing his arms. "Just don't expect me to go easy on you. I hate it when people are soft." He left the room, and exited the house.

"Where are you going?" Merrow called out to him.

"I'm going to familiarize myself with this city. Don't worry. I won't eradicate this planet. Again." Fury responded, before closing the door.

"Again?!" I blurted out.

I turned to Merrow. "Ummm...."

Merrow looked at me. "Don't mind Fury. He's had... a really rough history. A really bad past. But inside all that darkness is still a kind person. Deacon is still in there. You just need to bear through it."

I could sense that Merrow was in sorrow. Can't really blame my empath powers.

"Uh, Merrow?"


"That spear... I'm really sorry about it."

"I'm fine." She responded, but I stopped her. "No, I can sense your pain. If there is a way to restore it, I'll do my best to help you out."

Merrow smiled. "You're so sweet, Tom. Lucky me, to find another Remnant that has a good heart!"

I blushed, and Skylar rolled her eyes.

"Hey, moron." She said, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Don't you have class?"

I glanced at my phone screen. 7:58am.

"Holy shit!" I screamed. "I'm gonna be late!"

I rushed out the door, and Skylar shouted at me. "Hey, dumbass! You forgot your backpack!"

I ran back into the house and took the bag. "Thanks."

Skylar shook her head.

Chapter 96 (Remnant 3)

Walking down these streets reminded me of the time Meena and I had to scout out an assassination target. Meena was forced to wear something other than her suit: a blouse and jeans. She hated every second of it.

A couple of videos of The Floating Man was broadcasted in the media. They were mostly negative. Likely a propaganda stunt to uphold the reputation of the superheroes in this world. From what Merrow had told me, there were three types of meta humans in this world. The Superheroes, those who were in the Metro League, the metahumans who didn't do anything with their powers, and then there were people like Skylar and Thomas. Who did their own thing.

Typically, the Metro League superheroes were the major icons of justice in this world. And media supported them, and were willing to twist the very story to benefit them.

To the people of Downtown Metropolis, The Floating Man was a heroic symbol. But to the rest of the city, and possibly the world, Thomas was seen as a villain. Reckless, foolhardy, and a large security risk. His controversial image led to rampant debate on social media, coffee shops, schools. Practically everywhere.

This entire world was split into two, those who supported the Floating Man, and those who didn't. But Thomas' actions were beginning to increase those who supported his name.

I didn't care about any of that stuff. The only thing that mattered was to get Thomas out of his stupid habits and to make him use his powers to the best of his ability. I stopped and saw my own reflection from the store mirror.

My leather jacket was buttoned up, but my white hair danced with the wind.

"Wow, check out these clothes Meena!"

Meena grabbed my arm and continued walking, not even bothering looking at the clothes.

"But Meena, they're half off!"

"Don't care."

"I thought you would be into that kind of stuff..."

"Why? Because I'm a woman?"


"What, am I also gonna have to buy myself a pretty little dress and look for cute boys at the coffee shop? Huh?"

Meena stopped and approached me. "Let me give you a little lesson. I can't believe I have to tell you this. But we're all different. You can't lump us all into one category. I don't give a shit how I look. Do I look like the type of girl who worries about that? I wear the same goddamn thing, not because I like it, but because it gives me a tactical advantage."

Meena took out her guns and flipped them in the air. "If you really wanna impress me, find a gun that does a better job than these babies."

I smiled at the dresses that were lined up.

"50% off! Limited Sale!"

The smile quickly turned sour. I remembered walking into her empty room. How she had left me, and punched me saying she didn't want my protection.

Suddenly, I was interrupted by a yelp. Some man had stolen a purse and ran off with it.

"Stop! Thief!"

The man booked it as fast as he could, pushing people aside.

"Hero! We need a hero! Lady Liberty! Captain Patriot! Anybody!"

I put my hands in my pockets and continued walking. I didn't care about this shit. Maybe she should have put her hand more firmly on her purse. If anything, it was her fault for letting her belongings get snatched like that.

"STOP!" A young boy's voice popped up. He stood in front of the robber, his hands outspread. He couldn't have been any older than 14.

"Huh?" The guy asked. The young boy's face looked terrified, but he was masking it with a determined look.

"Return the purse! Now!" He shouted.

"Funny kid." The man responded, and punched him in the gut. Some people gasped. But no one did anything. What were they going to do? Try to get involved. My time in Blackwater taught me that if you wanted to play hero, you needed to make sure you had a fall back plan. Simply rushing in would just get yourself killed. For me, I was grateful, because Meena was always there to protect me. But this kid...

The kid got back to his feet. "I'm not giving up!" He screamed, and charged again. The robber chuckled and threw a solid right hook on the kid's face, blackening his eye and sending him on his ass. The kid struggled to his feet.

"Give... it back..." He muttered. More and more people walked away, going on their phones, and pretending to not have seen anything. Disgusting.

I watched as the robber laughed and continued beating on the kid. Over and over again.

"What's the matter kiddo. Done already? You was talking some big talk just a minute ago!"

The kid grasped onto his leg. "I'm not... done yet." He murmured, as the guy kicked him in the face.

The kid fell on his back, gasping for air. The man stood over him, and knelt down, punching the boy in the face over and over again.

The boy sputtered blood. "Okay... Okay I give up. Please... no more..." He sobbed, but the man continued his assault. "No more?! The hell you think you sayin no more?! What happened to the bravado, huh? Nah. Fuck that. You were talking big shit to me. Now I'm gonna have my fun."

The guy kept smashing his fist into his face. It was disgusting. The boy had given up, and not to mention the fact that he was still a child. A stupid child who didn't know better. This was a grown man abusing him. For his own fun.

I stepped forward and grabbed his wrist.

"He's finished. Take the purse and leave." I said.

The kid stared at me, and the guy got up. "The hell? You want some of this too? You white haired freak?"

He swung his fist, but I dodged it effortlessly. "Leave. Take the bag. The kid's already beaten. Why keep attacking?"

The guy continued his assault on me, but I dodged everything. "Playin hero? You're no Captain Metro. I do whatever the hell I want. What do you know about my life huh? What the hell does this brat know about my struggle? Tryna get hired but being turned away because of my race?"

I caught his punch. "I don't know anything about your struggle." I said calmly. The guy dropped the purse on the ground and punched me square in the face. But I took the hit, looking at him.

His face was full of surprise. "The hell? Ain't a flincher are you? Freak?"

I pushed his fist away as he stumbled.

"Trust me." I said. Putting my head down. "You don't want this fight. Walk away."

The man chuckled. "Yeah, screw that. I'm gonna beat your ass right now. Playing hero. You're both hella delusional!" He stepped forward, but I was already there, lifting him off of the ground and throwing him into an alleyway. Thankfully, no one was around, as they had already left the scene. All was left, was this robber, and me.

I walked slowly to him, my eyes glowing a sinister orange as my body was a mere silhouette of shadows.

You would not listen. I said, my voice, doubled, demonic.

The man whimpered. "The hell... you're.... you're not one of the League are you..."

You have made a grave mistake today. I said.

"Please... hero. This goes against your morals man! Let me go!" He pleaded.

I zipped forward, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up, my orange eyes glowing with evil.

I am no hero. I said. I do whatever the hell I want. When I want. I...

I began to heat up, as the heat arced across his shirt as he screamed in pain. "No.... NO!!!" He yelled.

Am Fury. I said, as the man's clothes burnt up. He fell to the ground, naked.

"You... you spared me!" He exclaimed.

"Get out of here." I said. The man ran away as fast as he could, putting his hands over his crotch.

I left the alleyway, and the kid was still there, staring at me. I walked up to him and knelt down.

"You realize what you just did was the stupidest thing anyone could do?" I asked.

The kid looked down. "I just... wanted to do what was right."

"What you did was reckless and stupid. Want some sound advice? Get strong first. Then worry about justice. Because right now, you might as well walk straight into death's door. You're no hero. You're a child."

The kid's face was full of shame. He reminded me of someone very familiar.

I took the purse and put it in his hands.

"You're not a hero now. But doesn't mean you won't become one in time. Start with returning this." I said. The kid's face brightened up. "I... I will Mister! I won't let you down! I'll become a hero someday, I hold my word!"

He ran off with the purse in his hand.

I watched him in the distance. And almost smiled.

Chapter 97 (Remnant 5)

"Tough luck, Floating Man."

I watched as the villain knocked me onto the ground. The coms unit was dead. My mask was cracked, and I was unable to use my powers.

You're probably wondering. Tom. How the hell did it end up like this?

Well to tell you the truth. I had no idea. It was a minute ago where I thought I had apprehended the guy, and instantly, it felt like I lost all my strength, and my powers were sapped from me. In other words, the guy must have had the ability to take away my powers.

"Rgghhh" I muttered, trying to claw my way away, but the guy stomped on my back, aiming his gun at my head.

"Everybody wants to be a hero these days. I mean. Who wouldn't? This nobody Floating Man became a hero! Now he's got a little following and he didn't even have to kiss Liberty's feet!"

This was bad. Really bad. I had no coms to Skylar. Her powers were still shit levels ever since she used it all up in her surge to save my identity. Merrow was away. I had no damn clue where Fury went. I was gonna die.