Mogul vs. Remnants Pt. II

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Chapter 19 (Remnant 9)

Having superhuman strength is great. You can do whatever you want, beat up whoever (except for Mogul... and Merrow I guess), and get away with it. Right?

No. Not if you want to get stronger. Because as someone who has a strength evo that can't be turned the hell off, I can't go to a regular gym and expect to have progress. I have to be creative.

I spent the day training with boulders. Grabbing Pariah, and smashing, slicing. Building my strength with each blow. Each cut, reminded me of Arman, and it made me sad. Months had passed, since Arman was frozen in the ice. We had never figured out how to free him from it, and every day, Michael went to check, and it turned out that Arman's life force was fading away. With every day, we lost more of R1.

"Raaaah!" I yelled at the sky, having sliced the last boulder in half. It had started to rain, and I became bombarded with raindrops. My face was wet, but I couldn't tell if it was the rain, or my tears.

Pariah's tip clunked on the ground, as I fell to my knees.

Was there even a point in training? It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to push, it was useless. I wasn't getting stronger, at least strong enough to be of any threat to Mogul.

I rested on Pariah, the blade glowing silver in the rain, my long hair plastered to the left side of my face, slightly covering my left eye.

"Arman..." I muttered, thinking back to our time together.

"You have a brother, Brickhouse. I am your family, and I will be here with you."

I sobbed in the rain. Where no one could hear me. "I loved you too bro. I just... couldn't tell you." I muttered.

I looked at my reflection. I had grown over the past few months. My rapid aging as a Remnant really showing. I probably looked around the same age as Arman. Since he had told me that when he grew, it plateau'd around 22. My face became more chiseled, but at the same time, I had lost my energetic, confident, and cocky grin. Could call it maturity, but I felt like it was more depression.

I remembered how Arman always cared for the wellbeing of everybody else. He was every definition of a saint. Every time he smiled, it filled me with happiness. Obviously, I wouldn't tell him that. I never thought much of it at the time, but now, knowing that Arman isn't here, it made me realize how much of my brother I had taken for granted.

I sat on the ground, my arms resting on the hilt of Pariah. I had looked so badass, those many months when I strapped Arman's sword to my back, declaring I would carry on his legacy. Merrow looked so proud, and I knew a sliver of hope had entered her.

But looking at those boulders that I struggled to chop down. I knew Arman could have cut them down in seconds. It took me a whole day.

I could never live up to Arman's name. I could never live up to Merrow's expectations and give her the same smile Arman had. Cuz it just isn't me.

I closed my eyes, and got to my feet, putting Pariah onto my back. I didn't deserve this sword. I knew that more than everybody. But somebody had to step up. Even if it was temporary.

I looked at my hand, which was blistered from wielding Pariah all day. "I'll get you out of this, big bro. So Merrow will be happy again. And we can kick Mogul's ass together. Properly this time."

Chapter 20 (Remnant 9)

"Back from training, Lucius?" Merrow asked me, she was in the office again, studying. She looked as beautiful as ever. But I knew she was with Michael. Nothing can be done about that. Also, you might have noticed that she started calling me by the name that I was given. I couldn't care less anymore. The Brickhouse... I was no Brickhouse. I didn't deserve to be called that, after getting my ass kicked by Mogul.

I said nothing as I took off Pariah, and put it gently next to Arman's body. He looked so at peace, smiling, still trying to comfort Merrow thinking she was there. I put my hand on his face. It felt cold to the touch, but at the same time, looking at his smile, filled me with warmth.

Merrow was at the doorframe. I turned to her.

"Got any leads on my brothers?" I asked.

"I haven't gotten far. I'm... sorry."

"It's all good." I replied.

I walked back to my room and took off my shirt. I had gained some muscle mass. Maybe a little bit. My arms had gotten bigger, and my shoulders too, making me look wider. I was still nowhere near Michael, or those guys you would see in the ring who actually knew how to fight and train. But it was alright progress. Then again, could have been puberty. I was technically still a teenager when I decided to start training with Pariah. I wish I could say the same for my power though.

I sighed, filled a cup of water, and sat on the sofa. I sifted through Arman's old letters he had written. They were meant to be for Lyra and Kaius, but since he... well. Let's just say the letters never were sent. We had no means of exiting more than 25 meters from the house without being too separated. Yes, I said house. We had relocated, since Mogul found our old location.

Dear Lyra and Kaius,

I am doing well. Lady Rivenlight has taught me the customs of "fashion". She purchased me these garments, as it has helped me integrate myself into modern society. One day, if I make it, perhaps we can go to the malls together. I am certain that Lyra will get along greatly with Lady Rivenlight! She is very beautiful, even my brother thinks so!

Yes, on the topic of my brother. I had met my first Remnant. He looks just like me! You claim I jest, but if you saw him with your own eyes, the resemblance is uncanny! He is undergoing inner turmoil, and I struggle to connect with him, as I did with the children in the Church. But I will not give up. Because like you two, he is family. And I love him.

I miss you two dearly, and be well!

In all respects and wishes,

Arman Wan of Argen

A tear drop had landed on the paper, and I quickly dried it off, putting it away. I wiped my eyes. God dammit. I ruined it. My stupid eyes.

"We'll get him out of this. I swear by Neptune." Merrow spoke, from behind me.

I made way on the sofa for her, as she sat next to me. She managed a weak smile.

"By Neptune, huh." I replied, managing a slight smirk.


I turned. Merrow was fiddling with her hair again, she liked doing that whenever she was uncomfortable.

"Sup." I replied.

"If I told you... that I had no idea what I'm doing. What to do. What is right... would you leave me?"

"No." I looked out the window. "We're in this together now. For Arman's sake."

Merrow picked up Arman's letters, and started reading them.

"He was such a sweetheart." She muttered.

"I know. I wanted to bully him so bad, and take advantage of his naiveness." I joked.

Merrow smirked. "Of all the people I had met, even when I was with Decen, I never met someone so pure and kind. But despite all that, you know he had some inner demons himself."

My eyes widened. "Really? Like what?"

Merrow smiled. "You're afraid of being unable to carry on Arman's legacy. Whenever you swing Pariah, I see hesitation in your movements. Like you feel that you don't deserve to wield that sword. You know, Arman was the same way. He always thought he was inferior to Decen, and always compared himself to him."

"Makes sense, Decen's strong as hell. Who wouldn't wanna be like him?"

Merrow continued reading the other letters Arman had written. "Arman realized that to become strong, he had to do it his own way. He became strong through his love for Lyra, Kaius, and the people of Argen. He used what was special to him. His compassion. To grow strong. I think if you found something that was innate to you... maybe you could build off of that."

I looked back at the window. "Ain't nothing special about me." I muttered.

"You think so?" Merrow asked.

"I'm strong, but not strong enough. I'm durable, but not durable enough. Everything I am is mediocre." I replied.

"I think you need to keep searching, Lucius. Everybody is special, and I'm not saying that to be generic. Every Remnant has their own special ability and quality that represents Decen. If you want to start somewhere to get stronger, you could try to find what that is. I believe in you, Lucius."

Chapter 21 (Remnant 9)

"His name is Deacon Chow." Merrow told me, sifting through papers, the light making her green hair brighter than usual.

"Deacon, huh? What powers he got?" Merrow looked at a few documents. I had never really figured out how she was able to pinpoint all them Remnants. I figured she had just did interviews and stuff. She had some good detective skills, but judging from the bags under her eyes, it was pretty clear she was being taxed out. No matter how much mascara she had on.

"Not much. He has some fire powers, that's it-"

"FIRE!" I shouted, grabbing Merrow's shoulders. She gasped.

"Jeez, Lucius. You scared me." She muttered.

"Fire, he could melt the ice. He could get Arman out of there. We need him. Where is he? How much fire can he control?"

"Lucius..." Merrow put her hand on my face. "We can't be too hasty. I want Arman to be better too, but we can't just rush into things."

"Little man looks like he can deal some good damage." Michael said, as he leaned down to take a look.

He looked older than me, which made sense. His hair spiked forward, but ran down the back of his neck like a mullet. He wore a baggy jacket, like Decen in my visions. I hoped he wasn't as soft as he looked.

We left the house, together. These days, if we needed to leave outside the house beyond the "safe zone", we needed to go together. I hoped our house wasn't in ruins when we got back.

I gently lifted Arman from the bed, and put him in the back seat to Michael's truck. The sheets were stiff, from being in Loz-Q's vicinity. But I took those too, blanketing him. I knew it wasn't gonna do shit for him, but for some reason, I wanted to make him feel comfortable.

I took Pariah and strapped it to my back as we headed out.

Michael took the wheel, as I sat in the back with Arman. Merrow looked in the rear view mirror, smiling as I tended to Arman, readjusting his blankets.

"Remember, Lucius. Try to contain yourself."

"The hell's that supposed to mean." I muttered.

"Just... try not to flip out, if Deacon isn't what you expected. When you first met Arman, you literally hurled him into the octagon and tried to fight him. We don't know what kind of Remnant Deacon is. He could be really powerful."

Chapter 22 (Remnant 9)

"What do you mean you can't control it?!" I grabbed the guy and began shaking him.

"Lucius!" Merrow shouted, pulling me back.

Deacon looked down. "I'm... so sorry. I can't control my powers. I don't like hurting people man."

For a guy who was older and taller than me, I couldn't expect him to be so damn soft. I thought Arman was soft, this guy... was the biggest beta I had ever seen.

A tall woman walked up to us. She was... hot. Okay, I admit. I thought Merrow was a bombshell, but this woman was just... freaking smoking hot. She had a curvy figure, black bodysuit and everything, but her waist was lined with bullet magazines, and holsters for two of her guns, which were revolvers. A gold wrap covered her right eye, like a blindfold.

I was about to throw in a pickup line, but she suddenly wrapped her arms around Deacon. "It's okay, babe. You're perfect for me."

Deacon smiled. "Thanks, Meena."

I couldn't believe my eyes; my nose twitched in disbelief. Apparently, Michael found my expression hilarious, because his face was tensed up, holding in a laugh.

Deacon looked at Merrow.

"I've been having visions, of you and Decen. I had to find you, and I knew you were looking for me. But I'm not strong enough to help you in your quest. I'm sorry."

Merrow put her hand on his arm. "It's going to be okay, Deacon. We're all in this together. You have amazing fire powers. It's just a matter of control." Deacon and Merrow began to talk about stuff. Deacon sharing Merrow his visions, and Merrow explaining everything. About Mogul, about Decen, and his Remnants.

Meena sat next to me and a frozen Arman.

I put my hand on Arman, instinctively.

"Is this your brother?" Meena asked, gently.

"Yeah." I responded. "His name is Arman Wan. The First Remnant. Deacon and my eldest brother. He gave his life trying to protect me, to save me. Fought Mogul himself to allow us to escape. I owe him my life."

"I'm sorry." Meena responded.

I looked at Deacon. "How did you guys meet?"

Meena leaned back. "He's kind of my... sidekick."


"Yeah. I'm a mercenary, for an organization, at least I was. Deacon helped me with stuff, but he's... not too great in a fight. I've been trying to help him to get stronger, but he's not the kind of guy to fight and harm others. He's sweet, and a good person."

"The hell..." I muttered. Not another one. For a badass Paladin of War, that's two for two I ended up with someone soft.

Meena smirked. "You probably think it sounds stupid, from what Merrow tells me, you lived your life fighting in the Underground. I can relate, I spent my life taking contracts, and training, mastering my revolvers. But... not everybody's gone through that.

"Deacon hates fighting. He doesn't like hurting people. Because he's just so different from me, he helped me see that everybody has value. I don't know. I'm not good with that kinda stuff. I guess I lived my life without having someone actually love me, and with Deacon, he's so innocent. It's why I don't like pushing him into doing something he doesn't like."

He's going to be doing a ton of shit he don't like, if he was coming with us to fight Mogul. And he will help us beat Mogul. Pacifist or not, he was a Remnant of war. He had to have potential. He just needed to unlock it.

I glanced at Deacon again, who was trying to show Merrow his pyrokinesis, but the flames raced up his sleeve, as he yelped. Merrow quickly doused the flame with some Hydropower.

Chrissake. I might as well take my chances with Meena instead. This dude is hopeless.

"I have to take a shit." I announced in front of everybody. Merrow stared at me. That was a bit excessive. But I couldn't care less.

I got up, and slammed the door to their house. I probably shouldn't have done that, considering it wasn't even my house. But I couldn't give a flying shit. I was so eager to meet Deacon, because he had fire powers. He could bring Arman back. But my usual luck, screwed me over. And now we're left with a god damn Pacifist who didn't even know how to use his own powers to light a candle.

I propped Pariah onto the wall and took off my shirt. Groaning in pain.

"Arghhh...." I groaned, taking a look at my wrist. Red lines had developed underneath. I clutched my temple. I managed to hold it in until now, but the pain was too much.

I gasped, breathing heavily, as I undid one of the bandages. I told Merrow that it was just a minor injury, but that was a lie. I don't normally get hurt, my skin was like iron. But...

I stared at the cracks that had developed all over my forearm. It had gotten worse. Pieces of.... something had developed, protruding out of my arm like spikes. I didn't know what the hell that was, but just looking at it...

I clutched my forehead again, groaning in agony, falling to the ground of the bathroom. It wasn't just the pain. Looking at the spikes, made me... angry. It filled me with rage.

"What... what is happening to me..." I seethed, my teeth gnashing and grinding, as I fumbled with the bandages, wrapping my wounds up again to keep the pain back to its usual throbbing tone.

It happened every time I wielded Pariah. Every time I swung that blade, the celestial energy entered my body, like it was trying to cleanse me, but something inside me was fighting it.

The clash was causing my body to explode. These spikes... I felt like it was just the beginning.

Chapter 23 (Remnant 9)

I spent the next few days chopping down trees with Pariah. Then I went to chop more rocks. I intentionally used the flat of the blade for each, using crushing damage instead of the blade to make the task harder.

Every time I swung the sword, my right forearm would momentarily flare up in pain. But I kept soldiering through.

"You shouldn't be training with injuries my man." Michael said from behind.

I turned around, breathing hard. Michael had also finished working out, he was in a tank top, which showed his capped delts, massive chest, and huge lats. Even though I was stronger than him, a small part of me envied him, because he looked strong too. Nobody would want to pick a fight with a six foot five musclebound jockey. He looked like a bouncer.

"What am I gonna do? Sit on my ass all day?" I grumbled.

Michael looked around the training grounds. "Looks like them boulders ain't gonna bother nobody ever again." He joked.


Michael glanced at my forearm bandages. "You still ain't recovered? It's been weeks."

"Yeah, you know. Probably cuz of my iron skin. Might've slowed down my healing or something. I'm sure it'll get better."

"It won't unless you stop pushing yourself so hard."

I got up to tell him off, but I grimaced. Taking a breath, I planted Pariah on the ground.

"I just gotta take a few breathers, it'll recover. I'm sure."

"Take it from me, it won't. You gotta understand, you need recovery to grow. It ain't a nonstop grind of the same muscle, it won't have time to get big."

I said nothing, as I sat on a rock, staring at the sunset.

"Arman left quite the impact on you, hasn't he?" Michael sat next to me.

"I ain't no leader, Mike. I'm just... me. I bust heads, it's all I known, all my life. I can't inspire people. Like Arman."

"Arman is pretty inspiring. The little man was one of the bravest fighters I ever seen."

Michael repositioned himself. "But you know, you are too."

I turned around. "Nah, you're messing with me."

Michael raised an eyebrow. "You don't think you're brave? When you fought through Mogul's creepy ass aura and threw that punch anyway? You ran after Arman... despite being knocked unconscious by that monster."

"I did it for Arman."

"But you still went back. It doesn't matter what the motive is, you fought through your fears. I think that deserves respect all on its own."

I realized a tear had run down my cheek. I furiously wiped it off.

Michael put his hand on my back, and it was one of the few times I didn't wanna push the big guy away.

"You still blame yourself, during that day. I don't know what to tell ya. But I know if Arman was still here, he would tell you it's gonna be okay. You did what you could."

The next day was full of surprises.

"I want you to train me, Lucius." Deacon went up to me.

"The hell?" I muttered. I looked at Merrow. "You ain't gonna train him? Why do I have to?"

Merrow smiled. "It'll be nice for you to get to know each other. Deacon wants to become tough, for Meena. Isn't that sweet?"

My eye twitched in annoyance.

"What are we going to do first, Lucius? Pushups? A run?" Deacon asked me question after question like a god damn uzi.

I turned around, and punched him in the gut. Lightly, obviously.

Deacon groaned, and fell to his knees, clutching his midsection. Coughing and retching.

"Lucius.... why..." He groaned.

"I'm gonna make it real transparent with you. I don't care about you wanting to impress your super hot girlfriend. But this ain't something you can just turn on like a switch. You don't choose to become tough. You don't suddenly decide to become a badass and blow shit up. You need to train. You need to grow stronger. You need to take this seriously."

"Lucius..." Deacon looked up, his face determined, but contorted in pain.

"I will become tough. For Meena."

I turned around. "Yeah, whatever."

Suddenly, Deacon got to his feet, bounding to my direction like a student to a teacher. I couldn't believe this was happening. Screw you Merrow. I bet she was enjoying every second of this.

Chapter 24 (Remnant 3)

Lucius was brutal. In many ways, it was almost impossible to imagine this guy was my younger brother.

He got me to hike up a mountain, with a backpack full of bricks. That was around 90 pounds on my back.

"Come on, Deek. I'm carrying four trees and Pariah, and I'm outpacing you. You want Meena to know her man can't even climb a little hill?!"

"No!!!" I shouted, as I struggled, clawing at the snow. My hands were covered in frostbite, my head hurt, and I was becoming lightheaded. But I needed to remember. I had to remember where I came from.

* * *

"I won't fight you. Meena Kennedy did nothing wrong. If you want to punish her, you're going to have to kill me. Double the blood on your hands." I glared at the board. Meena was in cuffs, because she had refused to shoot down an innocent, who was being framed. The Organization didn't care. They just wanted to target dead, because they were paid to do it. Whether the target was innocent or not. It was a contract.

Meena didn't want to, but she drew her gun anyway, her hand shook. But I took it, and convinced her otherwise. The Organization didn't like that.

One of the board members got up from his chair. He was massive. Definitely muscularly enhanced, because he stood a whopping 7 feet.

I stood my ground, for the first time in my life. Because it was my turn to do the protecting. I wanted to protect Meena. This didn't stop my legs from shaking. I wanted to melt, from the sweat that was coming out of my skin.

"Outta the way, Mister Chow. Or I will have to kill you too. I know you don't have what it takes to stand here before me."

The man held up his fist, and I flinched, but I stood my ground. Shaking, my eyes red. I was wetting myself. But If I didn't stand my ground, they were going to execute Meena. I couldn't live with myself knowing she died.

"You got spunk kid. Maybe I'll let you go."

I looked up. "Really?"


The guy rammed his fist into my stomach, and blood burst from my mouth. I gagged, choked.

"Deacon! No!" Meena screamed, trying to get out of her restraints.

"Leave him alone! It's me you want!"

The guy kept smashing his fist at my body, and I could feel myself dying. My instincts no longer were warning me and telling me to run. Because I couldn't. I was too injured. I couldn't even stand. Just waiting for the end to come.

Blood leaked out of the corner of my mouth, as I stared at Meena, with rapidly closing eyes. Her blindfold was off, revealing her one eye, that was artificial. A mere bronze ball, from when a stray bullet had shot it out. She was so self conscious about it, that she refused any relationship that came her way. Any guy who asked her out, because she was too scared of showing her eye.

But I didn't care. She was beautiful, with or without that eye. Inside and out.

"I won't... let them kill you..." I mumbled, my mouth disfigured, my nose bent. The guy began kicking me, the board watching as Meena pleaded for the man to stop.

"Meena..." I muttered. She looked at me with her horrified eye.


I summoned the last of my strength. I was going to die, so I might as well tell her.

"You're... beautiful. I... I love you."

Before the guy could land one final kick, the doors busted open, as law enforcement, officers, SWAT units, FBI, and everybody came in. A massive gun fight ensued, Meena's harnesses were released, and she immediately peppered the guy attacking me with hundreds of rounds of bullets in a matter of seconds.

Meena ran up to me, and cradled my head in her lap. "Deacon, stay with me. Please."

"You saved me... again. Like you always do. I wish I could have saved you this time..." I muttered.

"No." Meena responded.

"Wha... What?" I asked.

"You saved me, way before then. You showed me there was more to life than completing another contract. To doing my job. You stuck by my side like glue... no matter how many times I insulted you out of my own insecurity."

"You made me human again, Deacon. And... I love you too."

* * *

I managed to get to the top. I wheezed heavily. Lucius was waiting at the top, having already taken off the trees. And chopped them too.

"Didn't think you'd make it, big bro."

I couldn't even speak, I was too busy catching my breath. Everything was burning. I was in agony. My muscles were wasting away.

"I want to... get tougher. So I can protect-"

"I get it, dude. You want to protect Meena." Lucius knelt in front of me.

"I know, because I feel the same way. I want to protect Arman. And everybody. You ain't the only one who wants to become tough, and become stronger. We're all in this together." Lucius held out his hand, and I took it. He was so strong he instantly pulled me up from the ground. I wobbled, trying to regain my balance.

"Alright. Now let's start the real training."

My face paled.

"The what?!"

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. That was warm up. You wanna get tough? Then let's get it. Ain't no days off, maggot!"

I spent the whole day training with Lucius, and by the end of the afternoon, I was so tired I was unable to stand. I couldn't even keep up with the whole day. I watched as Lucius continued training, swinging his massive sword around. His endurance was ridiculous.

Lucius launched a heavy swing with Pariah, which blasted a row of trees. He was breathing heavily as he slammed the tip of the blade into the ground, and leaned on it.

"You're... really strong, man." I complimented, but Lucius stared at the ground, trying to catch his breath.

"How long have you had that sword? By the way?"

No answer.


I walked up to him, and realized he wasn't breathing heavily because he was trying to catch his breath. It was because he was in pain.

I looked at his forearm, which was bandaged, as it shifted along with his movements. I looked closer, and realized it wasn't shifting. It was vibrating.

Lucius clutched his forearm, and fell to his knees, groaning in pain, as the bandages began to glow red, from underneath.

"Lucius!" I ran up to him, but the Remnant held out his free hand.

"Stop! Don't... don't come any closer, Deek." He muttered, trying to contain it, but I could tell the pain was overwhelming him.

Lucius glared to the sky and roared in pain, as I watched the bandages tear, spikes protruding out. I fell backwards.

"You need help! I'll call Merrow!"

I was interrupted, because suddenly, Lucius turned to me. His face, contorted in pain, red jagged lines raced up the palm of his hand to the right side of his face, his eyes, in utmost terror. He was trudging to me, making feral noises. But it looked like he was struggling, like he was fighting himself to keep him from reaching me.

"Run... get out of here." He grumbled, as the spikes became bigger, going up his shoulder. One giant spike sprouted out of his shoulder as Lucius growled in pain. Glaring at me.

"RUN!!!" He yelled, as I scrambled back to the house.

Chapter 25 (Remnant 3)

"Merrow!" I rushed inside. Merrow was laughing with Michael over something, when suddenly she jolted upright.

"Deacon? What's wrong?!" She ran up to me.

Meena also rushed up to me, concerned. "Baby, is something wrong?"

I was panting, having ran back to the cabin.

"Lucius... he... something's wrong with his arm!" Merrow's eyes went wide. She instantly took her coat and sprinted out of the door. With Michael, Meena, and I running to where Lucius was.

Merrow ran next to me, her hand waved, and summoned a water dragon, lifting Michael and Meena.

"Get on." She instructed.

"Where is he? Where did you see him last?" Merrow asked me, her voice, extremely stern.

"That wa-"

I was interrupted by a roar of agony. It was Lucius.

"Lucius..." She muttered, her voice shaky. Michael put his arm around her as we soared across the sky.

"He'll be okay. Brick is tough as nails."

Merrow closed her eyes. "Calm down, Merrow. Calm down."

Suddenly, a massive tree trunk came flying our way. My eyes widened, as it became closer and closer to us, but then Michael stepped forward, blasting it to bits with his eye beams.

I looked at who had thrown it, and nearly choked.

Lucius was trudging around, clutching his arm, which was covered in monstrous black and red spikes. The entire right side of his face was crusty and monstrous, resembling lava rock. His teeth were jagged, like fangs on the right side of his face, and his right eye was glowing red.

He was growling, breathing out of his mouth, steam exiting the corners of it, as he glared at us and roared.

We landed, and Merrow gasped.


My vision doubled, as I clutched my head.

"Deacon!" Meena ran up to me, grabbing my shoulders. "Another vision?"

I looked up. Standing in Lucius' place, was a boy the same age as him, a long navy blue coat, and magenta streaked hair. His arm, spiky, just like Lucius' but a massive blade, steaming with red energy. I blinked, and the boy was replaced with Lucius again, who was clutching his spiked arm. Growling and roaring from the pain.

"He looks... those spikes..." I muttered.

"It's Decen's transformation powers." Merrow confirmed. "He's inherited his transformation..."

Merrow sprinted forward, trying to calm Lucius down, but the Remnant swiped at her. Merrow dodged.

"Lucius, you need to control this. It's me, Merrow! Can't you recognize me?!"

"AAARGHH!!!" Lucius growled, slamming his fist on the ground. Then his head. Over and over again.

Merrow ran up to his side, tears in her eyes.

"Come back to me, Lucius. Snap out of this, please!"

Michael ran up to Lucius, but wasn't so lucky when he swung at him. A spike pierced his shoulder, causing Michael to yell in pain, and the guy was sent flying into the air.

Meena drew her guns, but I stopped her.

"Don't! You'll hurt Lucius!"

Meena put them away, her face full of uncertainty. "What are we going to do?"

Chapter 26 (Remnant 9)




I could only feel these things, as I felt like a passenger in my own body. The only objective? Was to make the pain stop. I couldn't hear anything, as my vision was nothing but red.

My teeth, were clenched so hard I thought they would break.

I knew I was stumbling around. One wrong step, and I'd fall off a cliff or something.

It's whatever.

Nothing matters.

Everything hurts.

I just wanted it to end.

There's no getting Arman back. I can't even wield Pariah, without ending up like this. It's all hopeless. Everything is hopeless.

"Yeah, it is." A voice appeared.

"Who... who is this..." I muttered.

"You know."

I couldn't see anything. Everything was red. But that voice, it was circling all around me. I knew who this was. There was no denying it. He sounded just like me. Just like Arman. Just like Deacon.

"Paladin Decen." I mumbled.

"You inherited my transformation. Nice. I kinda thought you would be the one to manifest it. The other Remnants got the shitty abilities that I stole from other metas. You got an ability that is inherently mine. You should be real happy, kiddo."

"Happy?" I grumbled.

"I'm in so much god damn pain. I can't even walk. How am I supposed to use these 'powers' if I'm constantly like this? Do I look like the damn Hulk to you?"

Decen's voice was all around me. "Funny, I don't remember asking for your opinion."

The red began to swirl all around me, streaked with black.

"So damn ungrateful. You have the best gifts. Transformation. Regeneration. Strength. Durability. Absorption. You basically have all of my base powers. You're a mini Decen, and you're complaining?"

I watched as the swirls of red dissipated, entering the black, until I was surrounded by pitch darkness.

I looked down, and realized it hadn't dissipated. It had fallen to the ground. The red... was blood.

"Rage. Anger. They think it's all bad. But what happens when you let the rage take over? You unlock your next part of your power. Because it breaks it. Breaks your shell, the stupid shell you kept inside." Decen's voice boomed in the void.

"Anger..." I muttered.

"Every Remnant is different. But at the end of the day, you all came from me."

I watched as numerous bodies surfaced from the red liquid, black corpses, zombies, clawing their way up my legs. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I didn't know why, but there was only one emotion in my mind at the moment.

"You all... came from me."

The bodies grasped onto me, ripping and tearing away, as I let the agony take me over.

"You're all... Remnants of War. Of bloodshed. Of violence. Of rage."

I looked at my right hand, which was pitch black, covered in black spikes. Pulsing with red glowing veins. I closed it into a fist

I swung my fist, knocking all the corpses back. The corpses got up, and knelt before me.

"Rage and anger. It's a primal thing. You telling me it's a bad thing? That you should keep it locked away?"

I bent down, as more spikes protruded from my body. I yelled in agony, but also with something else.

"To take away a warrior's rage, is to take away a part of themselves. No man lives without anger, because it is part of them. Part of their warrior soul."

Pariah suddenly, appeared out of nowhere, and I caught it with my spiked hand. The silver glow clashing with the red, forming a somewhat magenta glow.

"You can't have war, without conflict. A war without conflict is just a mere sparring match. We, as living beings, are created to compete. It's just how it is."

I grasped Pariah with both hands, my teeth, baring at the blade's celestial glow, forcing the red energy emanating from my spikes to enter it. The blade began to hum with power, with a new power.

"But that said... a being consumed with rage... is no being at all. Everything needs a balance."

A puddle of red liquid began to swirl around me, in the darkness, forming into the shape of a person. A woman with green hair. She was begging for me to stop, and to come back to her.

Another being began to take shape, a kid, who looked my age. But I knew he was older. Much older than me. He was the oldest of us. Arman smiled at me.

I watched as thirteen other beings took shape, all looking just like me.

"The Remnants of Decen. My Remnants. We all crave war. Some crave it intensely, others don't even know they had that craving."

I realized I was no longer in pain, Pariah, in my right hand, no longer glowing silver, but glowing red, sparking with red electricity. I looked at my body, my traps, my entire right arm, covered in huge spikes. My legs, also had spikes. But it wasn't as aggressive. It kind of looked like... armor.

"Remnant 1 was the first. The Kingslayer. But he's too soft to make the right calls, even if they are difficult ones. Only you can."

I watched as the Remnants and Merrow walked behind me, as we faced a massive legion of black beings, one of them, stood taller than the rest. A giant black orc, his eyes red.

I sneered at Mogul, growled and snarling. The rage emanating from me, entering Pariah.

"You cannot be stopped. You are a wall that shall never falter. Take the lead.


I roared, and slammed the tip of Pariah into the sea of blood, launching a massive wave of spikes at the legion, annihilating them, and Mogul, dissipating from the spikes as they grew as tall as a skyscraper.

The spikes dissipated. The ones I had created with Pariah, with the ones which protruded from my body. The darkness becoming light, everything disappearing.

I woke up to see Merrow in shock. I was still holding Pariah. My arm and my body's spikes returning back into my body. I stared at the dissipating wall of spikes in front of me. It was real. I had created all this. I was wearing these... no. I manifested... this spike armor. Pariah was trailing with red steam.

I looked around me. Michael, Deacon, Meena. They were in shock.

I took one step forward. "Merrow..." I mumbled, before falling flat onto my face, and lost consciousness.

Chapter 27 (Remnant 9)

I woke up to see Merrow's angelic face peering down at me.

"God, I must be in heaven..." I muttered.

She crushed me in a hug.

"Don't EVER worry me like that again." Merrow sobbed, from behind my neck. She smelled like the ocean. I guess I probably should have seen that coming, she was literally a mermaid girl. But still... you'd think she would have had some other kinda scent. Like perfume or something.

She pulled away, wiping her eyes.

"You came back." She managed a slight scoff.

I looked down. And my heart almost skipped a beat. My right hand... it was... blackened. I wiggled my fingers... only they were no longer fingers. Sharp claws took their place. I thought the spikes had returned back into my body, but my hand...

"Most of me, anyway." I joked. But I was sad, that my hand could never go back to the way it was before.

Merrow held my claw, her eyes twinkling. "So you just had to inherit both his personality and his looks, huh."

My hand was completely cladded with the black stuff. And I probably knew why. It was there to help me wield Pariah, and to channel my spike powers into the sword. It still looked funky, and I could forget about getting laid with kitchen knives for fingers.

"Hey Merrow?" I asked.

"What's up."

I thought again of how much I resembled Decen. He even said so himself. I was like a mini him. I had his powers, his iconic transformation powers. Decen meant so much to Merrow, that even seeing Remnants like Arman and I made her sad.

"Do I... make you sad."

Merrow raised an eyebrow. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden? So caring." She teased.

"Okay, that's cool. I guess I'll just screw off then."

"No! No no. I... Look. Decen has been dead for years. But, yeah. I miss him. A lot. And yes, you remind me of him so much." Her voice broke.

I sat up. The blankets were comfy. Then again, anything was comfy when you spent years sleeping on the floor. My hair bounced around, gently stroking my left eye.

"Is it because of the hair? Should I cut it off."

Merrow smiled. "Just be yourself, Lucius. You shouldn't change your appearance just because of what others think of you."

"Yeah, I know. It's just, I don't wanna keep reminding you of Decen when I don't intend to. Ya know? I don't want to make you sad."

"Aww, that's so sweet, has Arman rubbed off on you?"

I cringed. "You know what, scratch that. Imma keep my hairstyle just because you said that. Screw what you think."

Merrow laughed. "It's true that you remind me of Decen a lot. Especially in your younger days. But these days, I think you've taken good steps in the right direction. Decen never would have stopped to tell me he was concerned about how I felt. You're already one step ahead of him."

I looked at my reflection. My long hair having grown out even more, reaching my shoulders. My left eye was barely visible. Yikes.

"I think I can stand." I told Merrow.

"Good, because we're heading out." Wow, tough love. I like it.

"Where to?"

"Somewhere to help Deacon master his powers better. I always hesitated to go there, in the case where Mogul would attack, it would put many lives in danger. But we don't have a choice. You want Arman to get better right?"


"We're going to visit an old friend. Her name is Kyrael Prima, the leader of the Corinth Inquisition."