Prince tritan

Tritan Seacrest is the Prince of Lemuria, an adventurer who is half-Human and half-Empyrean. Due to his unique anatomy, Tritan has a variety of powers including superhuman strength, durability, water manipulation & telepathic control over marine life. He belongs to the royal family of Lemuria, and normally acts as the Liaison between Humans & the remaining Civil Lemurians.
Tritan was born the son of the Lemurian King Arvad and the Aegir's Lemurian Liason Lt. Katherine Seacrest. Katherine was a fiery and strong-willed woman which is what most attracted Kind Arvad, she decided to continue being the ships Liaison even throughout her pregnancy. When the time came for Tritan to be born, Katherine was to be transported to a land hospital. On that faithful day, the Bleak Ones attacked the Aegir preventing her from being transported to land. Due to this the ships crew had to preform a natural birth on the ship with little to no experience in childbirth, while the King defended the ship. Unbeknownst to the crew there was a Shape-shifting Rebellion Spy aboard the ship, it effectively slaughtered all those within the makeshift delivery room aboard the ship. Unfortunately due a curse placed upon her by the attacking Bleak One Katherine died during childbirth, Arvad rushed in the room just in time to kill the Spy before he was able to kill the baby. The curse on his mother indirectly effected Tritan giving him the power to transform into an Amphibian-like creature much like the Rebelling Lemurians & the ability to breath & live underwater without breathing or pressure equipment. Since the King was too busy helping end the Lemurian civil war to raise his child in such turbulent conditions, Captain Jandebeur was forced to raise Tritan alone(with help from the crew) on the Aegir. As a child Tritan began to show that he had inherited his father's gifts & from there his training with his father began.
Having seen Tritan's Empyrean power's manifest first hand, Arvad decides to take Tritan out training in the Lemurian wilderness. He leaves Tritan alone to survive against Sharks and other dangers for six months, though during this time he watches Tritan carefully. During the first six nights, while complaining about the sour flavor of the seaweed Arvad has given him, Tritan accidentally triggered the Bleak One's Curse, through his anger from near starvation and transformed into a Amphibious Lemurian sending him into a blind rampage. Arvad quickly knocked him out, causing Tritan to revert to his normal form before Tritan destroyed too much of the landscape or hurt any innocent beings. Arvad then enchanted him with Lemurian Style tattoos to help him with controlling his transformation. He also gifted him with Battle Armor similar to his own, to symbolize him being Arvad's student. For the rest of the year, Arvad showed no mercy as he teaches Tritan how to fight and use a Trident.
After a year of training, the king decided it was time to train within the palace walls for a few months in the Battle Chambers. Arvad and Tritan enter and train in the Battle Chambers while wearing some new Battle Armor made by the Royal Blacksmith. In the Battle Chamber, Tritan struggles to transform into an Lemurian. Arvad informs him that to become an Lemurian, it must be triggered by anger and rage. Tritan realizes the only way to become an Lemurian is for his father to fight him at full power. Hesitantly, Arvad launches a full-powered assault against his son. Tritan blocks the attack and thinks about all the other times he was not able to help his friends whenever they were in danger while his friends helped him out if he was in danger. Thinking about this, Tritan becomes overwhelmed with rage, allowing him to transform into an Lemurian and fired a full blown assault right back at Arvad, who dodges the attack and tells his son to focus his rage, making him seemingly be able to control this rage filled state. Later, Tritan again transforms into his Ancient Lemurian form and trains while Arvad watches as his Lemurian form improves. Tritan gets tired and transforms back into his base form. Arvad then comes up with a plan for Tritan to gain full control over his transformation, so he tells Tritan to try and stay transformed as an Lemurian for the whole day until it starts to feel normal. At some point during their training, Arvad prepared to call it a day, but then Tritan then manages to surprise Arvad by transforming into his Lemurian form and showed that he had complete control before collapsing from exhaustion. That moment ended up being the catalyst that caused Arvad to realize that Tritan is the Key to uniting the Lemurians. Months later, with their training finally completed, Tritan and Arvad emerge earlier than expected from the Battle Chambers with Tritan having full control over both his Empyrean Powers & Lemurian Transformation.
Tritan often comes across as solemn and prideful. He is also a brilliant tactician, a result of his warrior upbringing. Though normally a calm and introspective man, when provoked Tritan can be possessed by a great rage, which was later revealed to be caused by his Human-Empyrean metabolism. Tritan has a complicated relationship with the Lemurians. Being raised in Lemuria, Tritan was raised to be the Underwater Country's next King, many resented the idea since he is not Lemurian but Empyrean like his father King Arvad. However, since he was effected by the Lemurian curse and can transform like the Lemurains, he is more accepted than his father as Royalty. Many women also find Tritan very attractive due to his strong demeanor, which Tritan is quite aware of. Tritan has no problem flirting with otherwise attractive women.
As the Lemurian Civil War raged on Tritan traversed the world looking for allies for his cause, he briefly began to harbor a lot of hatred for humans as he felt like an outcast; this hatred grew whenever he returned to Lemuria and was fed anti-human propaganda by the Lemurians & the actions of select humans aboard the Aegir. When he fled Lemuria, due to him not wanting the responsibility which came with being King. Tritan became a 'superhero for all' and his faith in humanity was restored, by the good people he met across the seas. As time passed, Tritan came to accept his responsibilities as future king & renewed his dedication to Lemuria.
The armored area of a Lemurian chest piece is largely confined to protecting the chest & back, with the abdomen & arms left lightly covered or free to enable swimming. Light and medium armor are of overlapping strips of Lemurian leather, but heavy armor is of Questionite.
The shell-shaped Lemurian pauldrons are constructed of stiffened Lemurian-leather often capped by a covering of Questionite, the mysterious light metal the Lemurians use for their heavier arms and armor. Symbols of rank are typically affixed to shoulder armor for the easy identification of officers.
Lemurian gauntlets consist mostly of bracers to protect their wearers' forearms. Made of a mixture of Questionite and Lemurian leather.
Like their boots, a key aspect of Pyandonean headgear is that it's easily doffed in the event the wearer goes overboard. The light armor coifs are just hoods, but the medium and heavy helms seem intended to intimidate by presenting a nonhuman visage, either some sort of crustacean or a spiny deep-sea predator.
Lemurian belts are made of the same thick, overlapping leather strips as their light and medium armor, and made from the same source: triple-tanned hide of porpoise, creatures the Lemrians slaughter on sight. Accompanied by a Questionite Buckle.
Though their outfits are usually kilted, underneath them the Lemurian marine wears greaves of overlapping shark leather, tightly wound so as not to interfere with swimming or the climbing of ships' rigging.
In line with the Lemurians' obsession with survivability since they are deep underwater, their boots are light affairs made of Shark hide, often capped by a covering of Questionite.
The Trident is a three-pronged weapon used by the first Lemurian King, The Bronze King. It is capable of commanding the oceans & sea creatures. The magical weapon also grants its wielder great power and the divine right to rule the sea. The original Trident of Poseidon was forged by the High Council out of questionite and Poseidon's own essence. It can manipulate and conjure water, as well as disperse energy in the form of force fields. The Trident of Poseidon may be used by his chosen champions, and was most recently wielded by Tritan.
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King Arvad is the Empyrean King of Lemuria, Prince Tritan's father & Brother of the Empyrean King Hazor. Arvad fled from Arcadia after attempting to usurp the throne. Long one of earth’s most hated supervillains, this rogue Empyrean seized control of Lemuria two hundred years ago and used it as a war machine in numerous attempts to conquer the surface world. He was a key Nazi subterranean ally during World War 2, and launched numerous attacks during subsequent decades.
However, the decades wore away at Arvad’s defiance and he found himself with unexpected feelings for his subjects. Arvad’s villainous nature softened enough that UNTIL even sent a diplomatic mission to Lemuria (where he met his future wife): unfortunately, neither they nor Arvad counted on the return of the Bleak Ones: rebels who reverted back to the Lemurians’ original form. In recent years, the rebellion of the Bleak Ones priesthood has led to two startling conclusions: first, that he loves his people and wants to do right by them, and second, that he needed the surface world’s help if he was to protect them.
He attempts to reconcile with the heroes of the surface world, not an easy process after decades of being “the menace from beneath the waters”. In recent years, he’s won acceptance as a changed man, though not everyone believes that he’s sincere in his desire for redemption. Now Arvad, the man who made the Bronze King kneel, the man who has been the surface world’s most persistent enemy for seven decades, finds himself in common cause with the surface-dwellers.
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