The Adventures of Mavus

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"The Adventures of Mavus" follows the firsthand account of Mavus Shaw, as he enlists with The Inquisition some time after Blackflame betrays Darkstar.

The series starts with a metahuman Mavus receiving a distress signal from his old friend Junon Gareth, that was sent to all of Corinth and its neighbouring countries in an attempt to recruit as many forces to battle a tyrannical empire known as "The New Militia". Mavus joins the Inquisition under the codename Maven, and hopes to join Darkstar so he can fight with Junon and John "Jason" Crypt.


Hi there, my name is Mavus Shaw. I'm a 25 year old college engineering undergrad who's academic year got delayed because of some alien invasion, great introduction huh? It doesn't really matter to me though, since I wouldn't have been able to attend my own graduation. I've been trying to home school myself to catch up on the many semesters I have missed since the big "Automaton Invasion",but I haven't been able to wrap my head on half of the things I read because, let's face it, nobody actually reads the textbook in class, people just skim the lecture notes or grind past papers anyway.

And yes, I'm serious about the part where I can't attend my own graduation. The truth is, I'm not even actually allowed on campus. I currently live in a rusty old hut (or so the government, what's left of it, thinks haha), on some abandoned country called Corinth. I was sent there for being an "0th Tier Metahuman" and being a "threat to international affairs" by the government. Nobody can get into Corinth unless they are a 1st Tier Metahuman with evo's that are vision based. So basically I've been exiled for being too strong. The government believed that if they sent me to Corinth, I'll behave and hopefully if I ever go nuts I won't cause a nuclear disaster or something. The suits are really paranoid about that sort of thing and I don't blame them. A 0th Tier Metahuman is extremely rare and very very very very dangerous. Oh, I guess I should probably explain what all this Tier this Tier that talk is.

In this world, we've got a whole bunch of metahumans and people with magic and all that stuff roaming around. Their powers were once called "evolutions", fancy right? But later on we kind of decided that the term had way too much syllables so since then we've been just calling the evo's for short. Now unless the government wants total anarchy in the streets like some crazy dystopian fantasy you see in movies, we typically have a social order that comes into place. Metahumans that don't really do much threat to society, like, I don't know, rainbow farts, are classified as 10th Tier. They're basically the losers of the metahuman society. They get the most slack from the government since they don't really pose a threat. As you go up in Tier, your potential threat goes up. Take for instance, one of my classmates, Vera Reeves, she was able to transform into a freaking celestial monster. I really doubt you'd want someone with the ability to go nine tails whenever she loses a game of roulette at your local government get together, right? Vera is classified as 2nd Tier. That's pretty high up. The tiers keep going up to Tier 0, where you have me. I don't know a lot of Tier 0's, mostly because I don't keep in touch with politics. People in the zeroth tier are considered an extreme threat to the state of order and society. So we're basically hotspots to the government. Most of the T0's have two choices: work for the government, or be sent to isolation. People always chose to work for the government, but me, being a mad lad, decided to choose isolation. I wasn't going to become some government lackey.

When the suits sent me to Corinth, one of the ladies, who was 1st Tier told me that they would occasionally visit and check up on me, ask me how my day is, and give me my supplies for the month. Clothes, food, the works. They gave me my own lodgings and told me I'll be fine, and that they would check it on me regularly. Well, it was all fine and dandy until one day, the suits stopped showing up. Like, no parcel or drop at the marked area, nothing. Thanks guys.

Also, when they said that Corinth was mostly unoccupied, they were right, until the first fifteen miles of walking. After which, the place became a hellhole consisting of monster attacks left and right. No man (or woman, because you know, it's year 756), could survive this. I've been living off dragon carcasses for months. Yeah, freaking dragons strolled up to my home knocking on my door asking if the signature Mavus sandwich was available. What's worse, was that I basically had to learn how to cook on my own. Those animals!