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The very cosmos, given sentience!

Basic Information

Most of this page is considered out-of-character, so please use good judgement when deciding what your characters might know! If you want to use the Starspawn in your character's history, or if you want to create one, please contact @Vincyre first!

What are the Starspawn?

The Starspawn are a non-biological race of beings created by an immensely powerful entity known throughout the cosmos as the Mother. In order to create one of these beings, the Mother collapses an entire solar system into it's star, which then becomes a black hole. Shortly after, the black hole fades, leaving behind a small "egg", which eventually hatches into a fully-formed Starspawn. Unfortunately, to create one of these beings, the system used must contain at least one planet that is inhabited by an intelligent, sentient species...the Mother is capable of creating a physical body, but she cannot create a mind.

Because each being has a mind created from an entire civilization's collected consciousness, they will always refer to themselves as a plural. The process does not usually transfer any memories to the created being, but it will, however, transfer many of the civilization's attitude traits. This means that if you start with a peaceful race, you will get a peaceful being...start with a violent race, and you will get a violent being. The Mother will usually go out of her way to create one of the beings out of a malevolent, warlike race.

So wait, they are created HOW!?

That's right! The ingredients for one Starspawn are...

  • One Solar system, preferably with one star, though binary systems work too!
  • At least one planet in the solar system has to be inhabited by an intelligent sentient species, usually of a violent nature.
  • Lots and lots of heat, gravity, and some dimensional anomalies.

What are their physical traits?

All beings of the particular race share numerous traits. First off, their physical bodies are for all intents and purposes, indestructible, immune to aging, and genderless, though many have gender specific forms. They all share a starry skin pattern, and contain the star that they were formed from at their core. Everything they are, from their mind to their abilities, is dependent on the star at their core, it is both a brain and a power source. They all have limited control over the physical makeup of their bodies, allowing them to blend in with organic races, should they so desire. They also almost always wear accessories made of very resilient, dense metals, though the appearance of the accessories varies from Starspawn to Starspawn. They see their ornamentation and names as a way to express individuality, and it is very rare for any two Starspawn to have the same ornamentation.

As for their voices, well...sound doesn't travel through space, so speech is not a well developed ability for them! They have great difficulty speaking in atmospheres, and usually communicate with each other through various forms of electromagnetic radiation, primarily radiowaves. When a Starspawn speaks in an atmosphere, it does so by vibrating the molecules in the air near it's head, if it has one, to form sounds, and it hears in a similar fashion. Each Starspawn learns to speak in this fashion differently, so each one develops it's own unique voice and speech patterns or impediments. As it was noted before, every Starspawn will refer to itself as a plural.

What is their role in the universe?

The Starspawn were created first and foremost as engines of destruction. Their main purpose is to "soften up" worlds, so to speak, to facilitate Mother's creation of more Starspawn. Since the first Starspawn, Nova, was created, the race has led a path of death and destruction across the universe, snuffing out solar system by solar system, led by their insidious creator. Because of this, the Starspawn are infamous throughout the universe and are hated by most alien races.

However, their individuality and free will can easily allow them to overcome their destructive urges, though many simply choose not to.

It should be noted that Starspawn usually do not interact socially with most sentient species. They are generally unable to relate to most organic races, especially those with extensive social structures or widely varying emotions. Those that choose to remain among organic races, whether they are in disguise or not, usually do so out of curiosity or some deep-rooted traits inherited from the race they were created from.

What are their abilities?

Most Starspawn are on par with high-tier metahumans, though there are few who lean towards either the medium or cosmic power level scale. There are very few low power Starspawn, though they do exist.

All Starspawn share the same basic abilities.

  • Immense physical durability, bordering indestructibility. However, they do feel pain, though to a much lesser extent.
  • High resistance to fire, radiation, and electrical damage.
  • Moderate to High physical strength.
  • Baseline gravity control, used for non-wormhole movement, levitation, and management of weight on weak surfaces.
  • The ability to travel vast distances through wormholes, created when they collapse their star core.
  • Shapeshifting, via control over their molecular makeup. This, however, is limited to size alteration and mimicry of an organic species.
  • The ability to interact with electromagnetics, usually reserved for communication, though it can be used to access radio frequencies and as a form of radar.

Many Starspawn, however, have one unique ability that defines them, though not all unique Starspawn abilities are known.

  • The ability to eject and control burning plasma from their star, as well as taking on a plasma-sheathed form.
  • Potent control over magnetic fields.
  • Greatly enhanced gravity manipulation.
  • Cosmic radiation emission and manipulation.

They also generally share the same vulnerabilities, though these weaknesses are not well known to other races.

  • Weakness to anything that can disrupt nuclear reactions or slow down particles. This is usually limited to incredibly low temperatures or negative-energy based weaponry. This includes the harsh climates of frigid planets, though they are able to recover from that easily, as a Starspawn is able to regulate the temperature of their bodies rather well. In order for cold to affect them, it must be in the form of a rapid temperature change, such as through cold-based attacks.
  • Starspawn are not weak to psionics, but they also do not have any significant resistance to them. They are on par with most races in terms of basic psionic resistance. However, many psions may find a Starspawn's mind to be difficult to manipulate at first, due to the sheer alien nature of them.
  • Starspawn are, for the most part, slow creatures, and they only get slower as their size increases, or if they are struck with anything that slows their particles or nuclear reactions. A Starspawn at basic size is capable of speeds similar to an athletic human, though most are unable to manage such feats.
  • Starspawn were not made with magic in mind, and because of this, they are particularly weak to magical energies. This does not extend to things such as magically created elements, like fire or lightning.

The Mother

The Mother, Voidheart, Starmother, the Great Deceiver...Mother is known by many names throughout the universe. She is a seemingly benevolent being of immeasurable power, worshiped as a god among many species. She, however, is more often than not malevolent, and destroys entire solar systems to bring into being her twisted "children", snuffing out the lives of all who inhabit said system. Some twisted fanatical and misguided races will even offer up their planets for sacrifice, believing that she will grant them some higher form of existence, though it is simply one of her many lies.

Mother is eternal...she has always been, and presumably will always be. She exists outside the time-space continuum in higher dimensions than most races, and therefore is immensely powerful when interfering with lower dimensions, though she is still limited by the laws of whatever dimension she is interfering with. She prefers, however, to keep from directly interfering, allowing her children to do most of the work in lower dimensions for her.

Why she creates the Starspawn is not something that anyone knows, not even herself. Perhaps it is out of some need to have something to love, or it is just her fulfilling some urge to destroy. Whatever the reason, she is compelled to create them, and she often treats them as tools or possessions, rather than entities. She is quick to punish any Starspawn that disobeys or disappoints, and she is quick to teach them their place. However, at her core, she is still a mother to them, and saying that she cares not for her creations would be a lie.

She should not be mistaken as a god, however, as gods are beings of magical origins. Mother anomaly, a broken chunk of reality, given sentience.

  • Power Level- Cosmic
  • Powers- Matter/Reality manipulation, Telepathy/Telekinesis, Teleportation, Higher-Dimensional Perceptions (true-seeing, precognition, omniscience), Immortality, Timeless.
  • Weaknesses- Limited to the laws of the dimension of which she's inhabiting at the time, limited in power in lower dimensions. This means that she can only manifest a form with but a shard of her power in lower dimensions.