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The Magnificent
Freeform Sorcery
Player: @Dreamward-Moonstone.png
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Miranda Maria Morgan
April 8
Vibora Bay, FL
Millennium City, MI
College Student (MCU)
Legal Status
Registered Superheroine
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Amanda Alicia Morgan (Mother); Lucinda Louisa Morgan (Grandmother); Roderick Bradley Hopkins (Father)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
126 Lbs
Body Type
Grayish Blue
Fair Complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
Moonstone's mystical garments generate magical runes which can be perceived when she is in costume. Her enchanted cloak's magic spell makes it extremely hard for anyone--even those versed in Sorcery--to recognize her when she is wearing it, thus making her secret identity quite safe.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Spellcasting (both offensive and defensive) and Summoning otherworldly creatures
· Equipment ·
The Moonstone Ring of Summoning, the Moonstone Armor of Familial Protection as well as the Garments of Cunning (i.e. the Cloak of Concealing, the Gloves of Casting and the Boots of Traveling)
· Other Abilities ·



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As a powerful Hereditary Witch well-versed in Arcane Sorcery, Moonstone can use a variety of spells, hexes and curses both offensively and defensively. She can cast rapid bolts or powerful blasts of Eldritch energies reshaped into runic incursions or use the same energies to fashion a shield of magic circles to further protect herself from harm, she can also open direct portals to Eldritch dimensions to let baneful magical energies bleed pure and unadulterated onto all of her foes, or even use healing spells to nurture herself or her allies back to health.

But mostly she is a Summoner, which is to say a Rifter who can not only open portals to other Realms, Worlds, Dimensions or Planes of Existence but also conjure forth beings from these otherworldly places and bind them to her will. She can also open portals to any other place on Earth in order to travel there, as long as she is either very familiar with the place or can somehow locate it magically.


Moonstone relies on a few pieces of magical equipment to enhance her own Hereditary Witch's powers:

  • The Moonstone Ring of Summoning: A ring made out of platinum magicum and set with a large, shimmering moonstone (a gemstone, not to be confused with a lunar rock) of great beauty, which is believed to be born from solidified rays of the Moon. Platinum magicum--a mystical variant of the rare metal platinum--is generally created by Alchemists and thought to have many magical qualities. Combining this metal with the moonstone gem greatly amplifies the magical powers of the Witch who wears it, especially her summoning abilities, and most notably the Moonstone Ring summons the Moonstone Armor of Familial Protection to which it is mystically bound.
  • The Moonstone Armor of Familial Protection: A magical breastplate, designed to be worn by a woman, covering the torso, breasts and shoulders. It magically adapts to the body type of the Sorceress who wears the Ring, much like the Ring adapts to her finger. It is made of the same platinum magicum as the Moonstone Ring to which it is connected, forged presumably by the same Alchemist who created the Ring. The Morgan family attributes the creation of both the Ring and Armor to fabled French Alchemist Alexandre de Korval, who allegedly played a part in the foundation of Vibora Bay and was one of its first residents, and who was a close family friend of the Morgan clan of Witches.

    The Armor prominently features nine moonstone gems, three of immense size and six much smaller ones, though still quite large in themselves. Two of the three much larger stones are set within the shoulder pieces of the Armor, fashioned to represent large demonic heads each holding a stone in its mouth while four of the six smaller stones form the demonic eyes of each shoulder piece. The third immense moonstone is placed atop the wearer's womb, with the remaining two smaller stones set on either side of it.

    As its name implies, the Moonstone Armor's mystical function is that of protection, for both its wearer and her allies, and ironically it affords an even greater level of magical protection to them.

    The Moonstone Armor normally resides in its own pocket dimension, and using the Ring to summon it sends all clothing and jewelry worn (with the exception of the Moonstone Ring itself) to that dimension.

  • The Garments of Cunning: The Garments of Cunning were magically created by Morgan family Witches to help the clan's protector in her duties. Wearing the Garments of Cunning along with the Armor will also send them to the Armor's pocket dimension when reverting the spell to bring back to the clothing worn prior to the Armor's summoning. They are comprised of the following:
    • The Cloak of Concealing: This hooded cloak is enchanted to conceal its wearer's true identity. The spell is very powerful insofar as it was designed to fool even seasoned practitioners of Sorcery. When a Morgan Witch wears that cloak, she will be completely incognito, without having to cover up her facial features in any way. People will see her face, but won't be able to identify her even if they know her well. Obviously, Morgan Witches are immune to this spell.
    • The Gloves of Casting: These long gloves were the recipient of a pretty straightforward enchantment to boost the offensive and defensive spellcasting both in quality and quantity. They even boost the Ring's enchantments. Each glove is decorated with two small moonstones, one on the forearm, the other on the upper arm.
    • The Boots of Traveling: These high boots received a similar enchantment, though one that enhances movement in physical space. They make its wearer able to run faster and jump higher, even defy gravity and fly! Each boot is decorated with three small moonstones on the lower leg and three larger cut ones at the top (mid-thigh) and each boot also features a pair of tiny, decorative--and ritually symbolic--wings attached at the ankle.

Note: It is to be understood that these items themselves are not the source of Miranda/Moonstone's powers, but that they only serve to greatly enhance her own magic. A normal person would not be able to access their magic nor would most practitioners of Sorcery, for that matter. The Ring and Armor must have a personal resonance with their wearer and the Garments of Cunning are more generally specific to the Morgan family Witches. It is to be noted also that the Ring, Armor and Garments of Cunning are indestructible items of magic, though their wearer might not be so invincible, nor even invulnerable.


Although as Moonstone, Miranda can summon sundry different beings from a slew of other worlds, planes or realms, she tends to summon the very same ones--or at least the same types of being--over and over again. Perhaps simply because she is more comfortable with the familiarity of it all, and the midst of a battle is not the time to experiment with the unknown. She also summons otherworldly companions that have strong connections to the Four Magical Elements, as well as some from the Light and Dark aspect of the Fifth Element or Quintessence, also known as Spirit.

  • Bitey: A Qliphotic Imp. Miranda's first critter which she managed to summon when she was learning her art. She was quite proud of herself for succeeding on her first try! The little guy is a handful and can be a bit troublesome; he does like to bite a lot--hence the name. He's not very useful at all in battle situations but Miranda keeps him sort of like as a pet, as a Witch's Familiar, and because he keeps her on her toes, magically speaking. He's also a great conversation piece and a funny way to amaze her friends! (Magical Element: None/Chaos)
  • Dusty: A walking--or lumbering to be more precise--lump of living clay. There is not much else to say about this strange creature which was Miranda's first true ally in her superheroic endeavors. It hails from a dusky and dusty world of perpetual twilight, where things that should not exist often tend to do so. He is strong, resistant and loyal to a fault, if not particularly smart. Like, at all! Miranda often wonders how something which is made out of dirt can be actually DUMBER than dirt! (Magical Element: Earth)
  • Freezie: In the Great Beyond there ARE hells that have literally frozen over! Freezie is a demonic Frost Hound from a very cold hell dimension. She is useful to Miranda in that she can chill her opponents with her frozen breath as well as bite them with sharp, ice-cold teeth. She can also provide Miranda some relief from the heat and stagnant humidity when she spends time in Vibora Bay during the hot summer months! (Magical Element: Water)
  • Breezy: An Elemental being from the etheric plane of the Air Element. A whirlwind coalesced in humanoid form, this being is closer to the Genies of Arabian Sorcery (Jinni) than to the Sylphs of Western Occultism, since Miranda used an old Arabic spell to summon and bind it to her will. Miranda also enjoys Breezy's talents when it gets too hot, or when she wants to feel the wind in her hair! (Magical Element: Air)
  • Lava Boy (a.k.a. The Hottie!): A powerful Lava Demon from a more stereotypical fiery hell dimension. A haughty High-Lord of Hell, he is Miranda's hardest creature to control; she cannot leave the summoning circle for long otherwise she'll lose her control of him, and he'll more likely just vanish back to whence he came to avoid the humiliation of being controlled again. (Magical Element: Fire)
  • The Walkers: Miranda's own small army of the walking dead. She can summon rotting, decomposing corpses reanimated with the Light of Spirit (the proverbial Breath of Life), not so much from the ground around her--although they do seem to rise from it when they appear near her--but from various cemeteries and battle fields located all over this (and other versions of) Earth. Her control of the Spirit element not being as strong, they never last long, she constantly has to summon more, and she can only summon a handful at a time. She can't communicate with them in any other way than simply unleashing them on her foes. For that reason she has never bothered with naming them individually like she does her other pets. (Magical Element: Spirit/Light)
  • The Black Jackals: These are literally beings of pure darkness, shadows made substantial, denizens of the dark, deserted, spiritual wastes of the Egyptian God Set and created in his image. They seem to have no real individuality, yet they whisper strange thoughts reeking of madness to Miranda, something she finds freaky and usually manages to block out. But they are obedient enough when the task at hand is inflicting pain and misery upon her foes. As it is with the Walkers, her control of the Spirit element not being as strong, they vanish soon after being summoned, so she continuously has to bring more to the Physical Realm. Again she entertains no particular relation with these... things? and as such she doesn't give them individual names. (Magical Element: Spirit/Darkness)


Miranda has spent many days in the timeless Arcane Library of the Morgan Clan's Vibora Bay mansion, and one day is like a year in there. As such she has mastered her art and acquired A LOT of knowledge about Magic, Mysticism, Sorcery, the Occult and the Arcane.

Miranda trained as a gymnast from Elementary to High School. She didn't like to compete, but she became quite good at it. She is also quite adept at Yoga and a decent swimmer.


Despite her magical powers, Miranda Morgan is still just a young human girl. As such she is very vulnerable to just about anything that could harm or kill a normal person. When she summons the Moonstone Armor, she and to an even greater extent her allies get a significant amount of protection from harm, but that level of protection is finite and can still be overcome by massive (in quantity or quality, or both!) attacks.

Despite her natural talents and her days/mystical years of study, she is still rather inexperienced as a superheroine, which can in itself lead to mistakes and miscalculations that could have dire repercussions.


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RolePlay Hooks
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Theme Songs
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