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Player: @Carnagebringer
Your soul is mine!
Character Build
Class Focus: The Grimoire
Power Level: 8 and raising
Research & Development: none
Biographical Data
Real Name: O'Lathapoh Ohdeena Okgaul
Known Aliases: O'Lathapoh, Paper-Mache head, O, Olath.
Gender: Male
Species: Undikon
Ethnicity: Southern Undikonion
Place of Birth: The capital of Undike, Kee'lathakah
Base of Operations: A "rented" Apartment in Downtown (He brainwashed the original owner into giving it up.)
Relatives: None
Age: Physically, Somewhere in his Mid Twenties, But he's actually 7,600 Years old.
Height: 7'0
Weight: 124
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: none
Complexion: Unknown, Usually hides behind colors of his costume.
Physical Build: Unusually Muscular, But not large.
Physical Features: None
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 7'600
Citizenship: Unknown
Occupation: Soul keeper of the Damned.
Education: Somewhere Beyond usual education.
Marital Status: Single. (Could be going after his Acolyte...?)
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
The usual Spandex like suit, With weird shaman weaponry such as Gas and smoke bombs, And claws.
ReldinBox Template

O'Lathapoh hails from another time universe, Basically, His species and Humans were at war due to Jealousy of some sort (His species didn't like them gaining popularity in their galaxy) And both alternate Time species were wiped out, O'Lathapoh left before the war escalated, And now hes stuck with Mortals and Super humans, And an Acolyte by the name of Kerran Silverguard.