User:Ernest Ricart

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Hypersonic (Ernest Ricart)
Player: @rejean2
Hypersonic (Ernest Ricart)
Hypersonic (Ernest Ricart)
Biographical Data
Real Name: Ernest Ricart
Known Aliases: Hypersonic
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman (Speedster)
Ethnicity: White Hispanic
Place of Birth: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 26
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Cool Brown
Complexion: Skin Color III (Fitzpatrick Scale)
Physical Build: Athletic Mesomorph
Physical Features: Exotic
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Identity: Confidential
Years Active: Two
Citizenship: Dominican Republic; United States of America
Occupation: Intelligence Analyst
Education: Political Science Degree (Summa Cum Laude); MPA
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman Speed (Beyond Hypersonic Speed)
  • Superhuman Reflexes and Agility
  • Superhuman Stamina and Durability
  • Enhanced Mental Process and Senses
  • Molecular Acceleration and Phasing
  • Electrokinesis
  • Accelerated Healing Factor
  • Friction Resistant Aura Generation
  • Dimensional Travel

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Reinforced Nextel Suit
  • Intelligent Safety, Survival, and Rescue Gear (Integrated to the suit)
  • International Wireless Comm System (Integrated to the suit)
  • Multi-vision Goggles (Thermal Imaging; Night Vision; X-Ray Vision)
  • Defibrillation System (Integrated to the suit)

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Hypersonic is a Millennium City superhero, dedicated to protect and serve. PRIMUS possesses his private information, but the public knows about him beyond his heroics. He is loved by the citizens of Millennium City and respected by his fellow superheroes.

His nemesis Roadkill is always attempting to wreck havoc wherever he goes, and ironically, Hypersonic has a hard time catching up with him.


He was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on November 29, 1991 to a middle class family. His parents got divorced when he was just two years old, and a year later his father remarried and relocated to the northern city of Santiago. He spent most of his childhood and early teens with his mother who held a high ranking position at an international company.

When he was 17, his mother joined a Christian denomination that was characterized for being unnervingly fanatical. Their relationship deteriorated, and he moved with his paternal grandparents as soon as he finished high school. On a fateful December night, the pastor of the church was exposed as a fraud and was about to be arrested, but instead of surrendering to the authorities, he decided to detonate a bomb with all of the congregation gathered inside the church. Ernest's mother was among the casualties. The event simply served to sway him in the direction of agnosticism with atheist tendencies.

His father, on the other hand, although a Christian, was not a fanatic. He was a successful computer engineer who worked at an international cybersecurity company, and he spent most of his time travelling around the world.

His grandfather instilled in him the values of hard work and dedication to studying the world around him, and through his influence, Ernest decided to acquire a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, which he did graduating Summa Cum Laude. His father used his relationships to get him a scholarship so that he could get an MPA at a renowned American university.

There, his brilliance garnered the attention of his professors and the disdain of some of his classmates. Still, even with all his school merits, Ernest felt a deep emptiness in his heart, for all he did seemed too simple for him. His goal through Political Science and Public Administration was to be able to leave his mark on Earth, making it a better place somehow, but it was not an easy task for the powers that be were alienated of the public interest and well-being.

Trying to keep himself distracted from his overthinking mind, he decided to engage in weightlifting, HEMA, and Jeet Kune Do classes. He developed an athletic build, and became very adept in physical combat, but still, it was not enough.

Origin Story

After acquiring a scholarship to complete his Master's Degree in Political Science as an international student, Ernest Ricart left his native Dominican Republic to study in the United States of America. He used his spare time to partake in different physical activities, including weight training as well as practicing HEMA and Jeet Kune Do.

One night, as he was leaving campus, a storm came upon the city. The rain was heavy and lightning bolts were visible all over the sky. He sought shelter in a nearby lab, and after identifying himself to the guard, was let in. Inside, he saw the scientists were working on what appeared to be a reactor. He stood close to it when suddenly, a lightning bolt tore through the glass ceiling over them, hitting Ernest head on and causing the machine to explode.

He should have died, but was surprised to find himself at the central hospital, alive and well. The doctors told him he was unconscious for a whole week, and strangely enough, his wounds healed at an extraordinary rate to the point at which it seemed nothing had happened to him. They wanted to run more tests on him, but feeling uneasy, Ernest ran. Little did he know he had also acquired superhuman speed, for when he realized, Ernest was already reaching the state border.

Astonished, he turned to the scientists of the lab where the incident had happened for help. After studying his newly acquired abilities, they determined that he produced a protective field around his body that guarded him from the harms of friction. They made a special suit for him and helped have a better understanding of his powers.

A new hero was born, and his name is Hypersonic!

After acquiring an American permanent residence, he moved to Millenium City. Now, he fights crime in “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.

Current Private Life

After some leaks of information happened at the lab the accident that gave him his powers, Ernest was required to sign up for the American Superhuman and Paranormal Registration Act (ASPRA), which he did willingly because, as he put it, "they already know". Ironically, he was also offered a position as an intelligence analyst and as a political consultant, with the possibility of doing it externally. He accepted, and the process for his American permanent residence was sped up for he had a temporary one at the time.

Currently, through the information he gathers while crime-fighting, he files intelligence reports and gives counsel on the possible solutions to the identified threats, a job that has a decent enough salary to afford a loft in a very nice area of Millennium City and pay the bills.

With the amazing life of a superhero and a wonderful position in his field of expertise, Ernest is finally satisfied with his current affairs.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Superhuman Speed - Hypersonic has the ability to run at superhuman a rate exceeding hypersonic speed (no pun intended). This also grants him superhuman reflexes, agility, durability, and stamina, as well as the ability of thinking and sensing the world around him at the inhuman rate of nanoseconds. While he moves faster than a flash to everyone else, he can perceive all the elements that surround him in slow motion. He can even break dimensional barriers, enabling him to travel through time and space. His body generates a protective field around his body that guards him from the harms of friction. Hypersonic can also accelerate his molecules and phase through solid objects.

Accelerated Healing Factor - Thanks to his powers, Hypersonic heals at an incredible rate, being able to close minor wounds in minutes, and recovering from more serious wounds in a day or more, never exceeding a week.

Electrokinesis - While moving at a superhuman rate, Hypersonic generates electricity around him, enough to throw lightning at close targets.


Vast knowledge of political and social sciences - Thanks to his years of study in the fields of social sciences, especially political science, Ernest Ricart is a master of dissertation and strategic thinking.

Martial Artist - After studying both Jeet Kune Do and HEMA, Ernest is quite adept fighting using his body as a weapon or with a rapier or saber.

OSINT and HUMINT techniques - Because of his time working as an intelligence analyst, Ernest is very knowledgeable in the fields of open source intelligence and human intelligence.


Determined/Disciplined - When he sets a goal in his mind, he will see it through.

Honest - He tends to be brutally honest in most cases, which tends to make some people to perceive him as rude or way too blunt. Still, others appreciate his honesty, for they know he is not one to lie, cheat or steal.

Flirt - Probably a fatal flaw, Ernest is a helpless flirt.

Gear and Equipment


Reinforced Nextel Suit - The scientists at the lab the accident took place made Hypersonic a reinforced Nextel suit with an integrated, intelligent safety, survival, and rescue system, as well as an international wireless comm and a defibrillation apparatus that acts as soon a Hypersonic loses consciousness.

Multi-vision Goggles - An advanced version of his suit got a set of multi-vision goggles, including thermal imaging, night vision, and x-ray vision.



Too many to keep track.


  • Kinetic

  • Defender

  • Nighthawk


  • Roadkill: Although Hypersonic still does not know who this evil speedster is, Roadkill knows Ernest's secret. That leads him to believe his apparent hate for him is beyond a hero-villain enmity and more personal in nature.

General Perception

Hypersonic is loved by many of his fans and hated by the goons he has put behind bars. He even has an online fan club. People just feel happy to see him around, for they know they have someone they can count on to protect them from evil's harm.

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