Player: Fujiwarah
Teenage Witch
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Melanie Reed
Known Aliases:
White American
Place of Birth:
Saltbrink City, Utah
Base of Operations:
Millenium City
Thomas Reed (father), Sally Reed (mother), Robert (sibling) Egdar (sibling) Emily (sibling) Franklyn(sibling)
Black (Dyed)
Pale (Cosmetics)
Physical Build:
Slight, Petite
Physical Features:
Years Active:
0.5 (sporadic)
Personal Assistant
Saving for College
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Witchcraft and Sorcery
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Torch, First Aid, Palmtop, Protective Amulet
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada
Arkanna is a slender, albeit short, raven-haired beauty who favours make-up that accentuates her naturally pale skin, including very pale foundation, black eye-liner and mascara and black or else very bright-red lipstick. Though she prefers to wear her hair long when off-duty, she frequently gathers her hair in a ponytail. Especially when working-out, working in her civilian job as a PA or when actively heroing as Arkanna. Mel's ears have been pierced only once each, and she prefer small, stud earrings. However, she does have a hoop in the centre of her lower lip and another in her left nostril which she claims she is unable to remove (but does remove in her heroic persona) and even wears to work.
Although just seventeen, Arkanna looks somewhat older, easily passing for a woman in her early twenties with the right selection of cosmetics, but generally appears to be closer to nineteen or twenty than her actual age. In part, this is due to her slim, distance runner's build, her bearing, and the definition of her facial features. She's entirely lacking any of the "puppy fat" most girls her age still have a trace of here and there. Her breasts are a constant source of embarrassment and consternation to her, although this has more to do with her own sense of dysmorphia than any real lack of proportion to her figure. Not because she's believe them to be too small, but because she believes them to be too large. Despite her discomfort, she still tends to wear figure hugging dresses on formal occasions and when actively dating. Otherwise, she tends to favour baggy jackets, sweat-tops and other clothing which obfuscate the curves of her torso.
When dressed for work, Arkanna (as Melanie) tends to wear well-tailored, inexpensive (but respectable) business clothing rather than the designer wear one might expect of Mr Christian Troy's Personal Assistant. On such occasions her make-up is relatively subtle, but still tends towards pale foundation and dark mascara. When dressed casually, she prefers Jeans, baggy tops and leather jackets, often with a colourful t-shirt beneath. She does favour the less-extreme "Goth" clothing styles, but doesn't consider herself to be either a Goth nor an Emo: she just likes, and feels comfortable with, the look.
Arkanna's initial costume is simplistic and mostly shop-bought - consisting of an angled black skirt, black leggings, black boots, a black halter top and a thin, black domino mask, all with white detailing. Over this she wears a white corset around her waist and beneath her breasts. As the costume is made of normal fabric, it provides very little protection and she frequently has to replace various items due to wear and tear.
- Arkanna suffers from claustrophobia. Consequently, in moments of high-stress, she often discards her helmet. Even in combat.
- Without the Arkanna suit to boost her powers, Melanie is a *very* minor sorceress with a power level compared to a DEMON initiate.
- Arkanna isn't a very capable melee combatant. She's still learning how to defend herself under the tutelage of Gordon Bryce.
- As friendly and outwardly self-confident as she is, Arkanna is still a teenaged girl. It's remarkably easy for an older villain (or even a hero) to make her doubt herself and her capabilities.
- Action Survivor: Despite her initially weak powers, Arkanna is able to think up ways to come out ahead against extremely powerful and dangerous foes. She seems to thrive the more impossible the fight is.
- Adorkable
- Apologetic Attacker: Ark tends to feel guilty about hitting people too hard.
- Ascended Fangirl: Ark loves and admires Superhero's, especially Thundrax.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Despite her resultant feelings of Guilt, Ark is *not* afraid to hit hard.
- Blithe Spirit: She recognizes that bad things happen. But she's confident that good things will happen too.
- Brainy Brunette:
- Boxing Lessons for Superman: Shortly after being recruited as Christian Troy's PA, his butler, Gordon Bryce, begins teaching her self-defence.
- Closer to Earth: Her optimism is not ditziness: she has a good deal of common sense and a genuine fondness for people that is usually reciprocated.
- Clueless Dude Magnet: Ark a gorgeous and vivacious young woman with a great many admirers: but she's usually too busy or distracted to notice.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Ark is almost incapable of not helping people, given the opportunity.
- Deuteragonist: Arkanna swiftly becomes a side-kick to a more powerful hero, but she still has her own plotlines and villains gallery to complicate the lives of her teammates)
- Keeping Secret's Sucks: Ark is extremely guilty about keeping the truth of her nightime activities from her parents, who naturally assume the worst.
- Heart, The: Everybody loves Arkanna. Even some of the villains feel bad about fighting her.
- Mystical Waif: She's a seventeen year old witch.
- Plucky Girl: It takes a lot to make Arkanna back down from a fight. Even when she's utterly terrified (most of the time) she just keeps battling on.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Squishy Wizard:
- Swiss-Army Superpower: Given enough time and resources, Arkanna can find a spell for any occasion.
- Think Nothing of It: Is embarrassed by compliments.
- Weak but Skilled: Arkanna is a 95 pound girl who can be knocked off her feet by a light breeze. But she can also fry your brain with magic bolts.
- Arkanna's hobbies include Chess, Lacrosse and playing the Cello.
- Arkanna has a reasonably good singing voice. She'd never make it as a stat, but as a lounge singer she does the trick.
- Despite being a very attractive young woman, Arkanna is very self-conscious about the size of her breasts. Being well endowed, she believes her breast make they make her look lop-sided in profile. Hence all her official publicity photographs are taken from the front and back, never from the side. (She doesn't look top-heavy or lop-sided at all. It's merely a case of teenage body dysmorphia).
- Arkanna cannot cook and is very impressed by people who can.
- Arkanna idolises certain older heroes, such as Thundrax, but the real hero in her life was her grandmother.
- Arkanna's parents have no idea what she gets up to at night - she feels intensely guilty, knowing they probably think she's up to no good when she stays up so late and comes home covered in bruises.
- When at home, Arkanna helps her parents care for her two disabled siblings: Emily has Cerebral Palsy whereas Franklyn has Downe's Syndrome.
- Arkanna is presently having a crisis of faith -while raised a Christian, she's angry at God for taking her grandmother and organised religion for all the harm it causes in the world. While she's trying to convince herself she's a woman of science, ultimately most of the the magic she casts derives from spells dedicated to the "God and Goddess". Hence, she's extremely conflicted with regards to matters of religion.
- Arkanna has something of a crush on her boss, Christian Troy, but she's smart enough to know that a crush is all that it is and would never dream of letting him (or Gordon Bryce, the Troy family Butler) know a thing about it.
- Arkanna is saving for college, but she has no idea what she wants to study: Nursing, Social Work, Child Psychology, City Planning, Environmental Health, Microbiology, Mid-wifery. It changes from week to week. Consequently she keeps delaying filling out her college applications. It's never occurred to her that maybe what she really wants to be is a full time Hero.
- Arkanna graduated from highschool with a GPA of 3.5, down from the 3.8 before her grandmother died and she began training to be a hero.
- In her civilian life, Arkanna likes to dress in black clothing, wear pale foundation, red lipstick, black eyeshadow, mascara and nail varnish. Yet she insists she's not a Goth. She just "likes the look". Even so, she's always smartly turned out in business wear when working as a P.A
- Arkanna's taste in music is diverse -ranging from Classical and Opera to Hard-Core techno and Thrash Metal as suits her mood.
- She likes playing Rock and Metal compositions on her cello.
RP Hooks
In her civilian persona, Arkanna is the Personal Assistant to Billionaire Technologist Mr Christian Tory of Forge Incorporated. The typical duties of a PA provide a host of adventure and RP hooks:
- She reads, monitors and responds to her boss's email.
- Answering calls and liaises with Christian's clients.
- Preparing draft correspondence on her boss's behalf.
- Delegates work in the absence of Mr Troy and Mr Bryce.
- Assists the secretarial team .
- Manages Mr Troy's electronic diary.
- Plans, organises and schedules meetings.
- Organises travel and prepares complex travel itineraries.
- Attends meetings on Mr Troy's behalf when he is otherwise engaged.
- Records action points and writes minutes.
- Preparing documentation for meetings.
- Takes dictation,
- Plans, organises and manages events, including acting as a hostess at social and business functions.
- Conducting marketing research.
- Drafts communications.
- Prepares presentations.
- Managing and reviews office filin and operating systems.
- Preparing news updates for Troy Ind. intranet.
- Typing documents.
- Sources and orders stationery and office equipment.
Consequently, Arkanna is a person of interest for anyone wishing to learn more about Christian Troy or Troy Industries and their activities.
- Melanie has two disabled younger siblings whom she often accompanies on day trips and outings either in Utah or when they visit her in Millenium City.
- Melanie's sister Emily has cerebeal palsy, and receives specialised treatment at Millenium City Memorial Hospital. Melanie can often be found visiting her sister there.
- Melanie is still deciding which college she wishes to attend in Millenium City, and consequently can often be found on campus during open days and conducting research about the available courses.
- Anyone who works for Troy Inc is likely to recognise her as the boss' Personal Assistant.
- Mel goes for a run near her home in West-side at least twice a day (usually in the mornings and before it get's dark)and tends to hit the gym for half-an-hour every day on her lunchbreak.
Theme Songs
- "Gimmer of Hope (New Version)" - Ivan Torrent feat. Aurelia Brighton
- "Bright" - Echosmith and Lindsay Stirling
- "Believe in Me" - Demi Lovato
- "Nightingale" - Demi Lovato