Golden Globe

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Golden Globe
Player: @ghosthost#2017
Golden Globe Real Life 2.png
"I may be golden, but I'm not afraid to get dirty."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Fiona MacKenzie
Known Aliases: Golden Globe
Gender: Female
Species: Meta Human
Ethnicity: Irish
Place of Birth: Cork, Ireland (Alternative Universe)
Base of Operations: United States of America
Relatives: All Deceased/Nonexistant
Age: 22 (Earth Years)
Height: 5'11
Weight: 165lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Red
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Various Tattoos on arms, chest and lower back. Characters "4K" on the back of her neck.
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: United States of America, Republic of Ireland (Alternative Universe)
Occupation: Full Time Hero
Education: Graduated from Highschool
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
'Golden Globe' Ballistic Helmet

Ballistic Kevlar Weave Jumpsuit

Leather Jacket

Dual R-95 Handguns

Telescoping Combat Batons with Wrist-Mounts

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Golden Globe Name- Gold.png

Creator's Notes

Golden Globe was a character that I designed to have my favorite parts from my favorite comic book characters; The Punisher, Red Hood (The Jason Todd Version), Nightcrawler, and Black Widow. The result was Golden Globe! I had originally planned for her to be an actress, the last to have received a Golden Globe Award before the world went to Hell in her original Universe, but that idea was scrapped, as I felt that she /wouldn't/ be an actress. It just wasn't a trait I pictured for her. Anyways, I decided to keep the name cause I liked it. She was created on Champion's Online, January 29th, 2016. I think I'll like to see how she progresses from there. Hope you enjoy the reading!

Theme Song

Golden's Theme:Sherlock Holmes Movie Soundtrack - "Discombobulate"

I think that this best describes what kind of music Golden Globe would have in her movie... if she was ever in a movie.


Born in the year 2016 in an Alternative Universe, Fiona's early life was simple and enjoyable. Born to a slightly richer family than most, her life was good. No hardships, she was never wanting for anything, and things were looking up...

Until Revile...

She was just graduating High School when the first attack happened. Seemingly from nowhere, a Villain named Revile began an attack on Millennium City. Even though she was on the far side of the world, the news traveled fast and heroes from all corners of the globe raced to fight this new threat. In an act still not fully understood, Revile laid waste to them all via a massive release of energy that nearly erased the entire city from existence, as well as all the Heroes within the blast Radius. Fiona could only to watch the world go to Hell from that point on.

The seemingly unstoppable Super-Villain, now joined by countless other villains, destroyed the world, one superhero at a time. Every hero fell. The Champions with the destruction of Millennium City. Starforce at the Battle of Montreal. Fiona, whose powers manifested shortly after the first attack, couldn't standby and watch the world burn. Contacting a French Hero by the name of Tinker-Tailor, she begged for him to allow her to help. Tinker designed the Original Golden Globe outfit for her, using whatever materials he could find. The two developed a close relationship in the year to come.

A year and a half later, Fiona was scouting the landscape, looking for any sign of the Villain Revile. She wouldn't be able to take him down herself, but with her ability to teleport, she hoped she would at least have the chance to warn the others of his approach. But he found her camp first. She arrived back just in time to witness the destruction of London. She lived because she was two minutes late for her return. 4,000 heroes lost their lives that day. By the year 2036, only a dozen pockets of resistance remained. Golden Globe was now a member of Sigma Cell, a band of Superhero Resistance fighters that made their base in The Silverdome, an old football stadium. Life was decent. Revile had not been seen or heard from for three months, and although they were nervous that he may return, many relaxed at the pause of destruction. It was their undoing.

Revile had been busy during those three months, wiping out the villains and traitorous heroes that had joined his rampage at the beginning. Now, he simply walked into Sigma's Camp and began killing them. He did so effortlessly, no matter what the Resistance threw at him. All of Sigma Group until only she and the magic user Cast Master remained. Cast Master, in the ultimate sacrifice, used the last of his Magic energy to help Fiona escape by sending her back in time to 2014. As she was sent away, she was forced to watch the Last Hero fall.

Suddenly appearing in the middle of the abandoned modern Silverdome, she was disoriented to say the least. Doing only what she knew to do, she lived in the streets, avoiding everything and everyone that could have been a threat. It was then that she vowed; She would find Revile before his reign of terror began. She would end it before it started. For a whole year, she scoured the globe, watching, waiting. But she could find no sign of Revile. Determined to stop him at his attack on Millennium City, she traveled there and waited... waited for the day that Revile first appeared, almost twenty years before he would lay waste to the world.

She waited.... and waited... but the villain never showed. Something was wrong. Something was different. Revile never attacked because Revile had never existed. From what she could gather, Cast Master had not only sent her back in time, but she had appeared in a completely different timeline, one where the thing that was Revile had never come about into existence. Extremely relieved, she did next what anyone in her situation would do. She traveled to her hometown to find her family. But something else had changed as well. In place of her childhood home was a cemetery... and inside the cemetery, among so many graves, were two names she recognized. Her mother and her father. They had died two years before Fiona would have been born. In this timeline, she had never existed.

Heartbroken and feeling lost, she returned to Millennium City... her future uncertain.



  • Teleportation: Because of her Meta-Human genetics, Golden Globe possesses the ability to instantaneously transport herself and any matter she is in contact with the another location. The distance limit appears to be 50 yards. Half the length of a football field.
  • Crack-Shot: Years of Fighting and Defending herself and others against Revile's forces have honed her gunplay skills considerably. This isn't to say that she will never miss, but her chances of hitting her target are very high, depending on how close she is.
  • Swordsman: Or Swordswoman, in this case. As with her gunplay, Golden Globe has had many years to practice and hone her Swordplay to the point of being proficient in combat.


  • Golden Globe' Ballistic Helmet: A shiny golden colored Ballistic Helmet and the most iconic feature of Golden Globe's outfit. It was designed by Tinker-Tailor, a skilled Technopath. It provides protection from bullets, knives, and mental attacks. However, due to the amount of use it has seen, it is falling into disrepair. Without Tinker-Tailor to maintain it, Golden has begun looking for someone equally skilled to restore her helmet to its former glory.
  • Ballistic Kevlar Weave Jumpsuit: The name says it all, really. A standard Jumpsuit that has Kevlar fibers woven into it. Helps to stop bullets and blunt objects. It seems to be able to withstand slashing attacks from knives, but not stabbing ones. The suit doesn't make her indestructible by any means, but it does provide a good amount of protection.
  • Leather Jacket: A plain ordinary Leather Jacket gifted to Golden from Tinker-Tailor. She keeps it mainly as a remembrance. "You'll catch your death of cold, ma chère. Take this with you."
  • Dual R-95 Handguns: Not a very advanced weapon system in her Universe, however she showed great skill whenever she used them. And their 9mm ammunition was also in vast supply. These particular handguns were modified by Tinker-Tailor to increase the speed the bullet travels once it leaves the barrel of the gun. Bullets may be fast, but her bullets are faster.
  • Telescoping Combat Batons with Wrist-Mounts: Weapons of her own design, under her jacket sleeves she has a pair of wrist mounts that, when triggered, extend three-foot-long blades into her hands. Another trigger and they retract. Stealthy and useful, they've helped her out of more than one precarious situation. ((These things are real! Check it out here! Its amazing!))


  • Currently... None.


"I may be Golden, but I'm not afraid to get Dirty."

"Did you really think this through?"

"Now you see me- Now you don't."


-Quite obviously, Golden Globe's appearance was heavily influenced by The Red Hood. I tried to change things up a bit, so she wasn't a clone, but you can very plainly see the resemblance.

-Golden Globe likes to cosplay! She's previously dressed up as Tracer from Overwatch!


Feel free to leave an In-Character comment above on what you think of Golden Globe!
