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Player: @sunakovalentine
"One can not harm what they can not see."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Namine Asato
Known Aliases: 'Ghost', 'Yurei', 'Ai'
Gender: Female
Species: Speculated to be Human
Ethnicity: Half Japanese, Half British
Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Haruto Asato [Father], Nymira Vestel [Mother]
Age: 17
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120
Eyes: Icy Blue
Hair: Ebony
Complexion: Ivory Skin
Physical Build: Thin
Physical Features: None
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Identity: Confidential
Years Active: None
Citizenship: America, Japan, England
Occupation: Confidential
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Namine Asato, commonly known as Ghost, is a woman whom clings to no title such as 'Hero' or 'Villan', a neutral being with an unending appetite for knowledge and an unpeaked curiosity, always wanting to know how things work from the inside out, even the most simplest things.

Namine is a rather shy person, considered a lingering wallflower by the others.

Physical Appearance and Personality

Standing at only 5'4, Namine holds a rather lithe appearance with an hourglass figure, looking as if she would shatter if touched. Her skin tone is the color of ivory, one might be reminded of fresh winter snow. Natural ebony locks are cut in a medium length fashion with bangs that usually find their way in front of her ivy blue orbs. Yet when she is out and about, her hair is a similar shade of her skin, a pale while shade with a soft blue tint to her bangs.

Her clothing is the same as her appearance while out and about, pale shades that make it seem like she is an apparition that wanders the city. Yet when she resides within her home or the institution, her clothing is more colorful, for lack of a better word, looking more human and natural looking.

Personality wise, Namine is a shy and quiet one with a high education yet she questions many things that she may not understand. Instead of just thinking out of the box, she questions where the box came from, why it is here, how it got here and what is it's purpose, bringing a whole new meaning to whom, what, where, why and how.


Birth and Childhood

Born within the town of Osaka, Japan, Namine held a rather normal childhood. While she was always a shy child, she never seemed to complain of the lack of friendships within her childhood years, making friends with imaginary beings. With two parents that constantly worked, she grew up alone within her home. There were no siblings and her closest type of family was the very servants within the home. However, while she grew older, the servants began to notice her less and less while her parents began to travel more and more.

The first and only time she spoke of this being an issue to her was when she was eight years of age, questioning why they head to leave. They stated they wanted to give her a better life within a chaotic world and since then, she hasn't questioned it since. She had no real room to complain. She believed that she should be lucky with such a life yet she'd be lying if she said it didn't pain her every now and then, even at such a young age.

School Life K-12

For as long as she could remember, she has always gone to private schools. Wanting her to have a great background and education for the future, her parents enrolled her within an all-girls private school, where they gave the education from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

While the schooling systems were rather advanced and harsh already within Japan, she managed to be one of the top students within her class. But where she gained ranks in academics, she was a failure within the social area, remaining as an outcast to both her fellow peers and teachers. Daily, she was secretly bullied. Secretly only because others wouldn't do it opening but in private. They'd place tacks within her shoes, insects within her food and even stabled her sleeves shut within her jackets. They found it much more entertaining, soon the whole class joining in the secret torture. It was also during one of these events did she learn of her abilities.

The First Incident

Upon a chilling spring afternoon where the remains of winter was still brushing over to allow spring to come and brighten the city, Namine rested in her seat in the back row, looking out of the window. She was now within sixth grade, the piece they were studying on was already old news to her, jumping ahead for moments like this. When the bell rang, she still was stuck within her own little world. It wasn't until she was hit upside the head with something that felt like a rolled up newspaper. When she looked to see her assailant, she saw one of her classmates with a scowl across her face. The classmate was angry with Namine yet Namine didn't understand what she did wrong. The classmate reached forward to grasp her by the arm and pressed Namine against the glass. This was the first time someone openly came out to bully here, causing her to remember all the other times she was pushed around. All the years of pent up anger finally had an outlet they could release on. She didn't care who saw nor the consequences. Actually, she couldn't think of anything, blinded by rage. The classmate was speaking but soon stopped after she began to hover off of the ground and flew through the window and out into the yard. Luckily, they were on the first floor, the girl being wounded but nothing life threatening. When the school learned of the incident, her family quickly covered up the incident and payed for the medical attention that was needed. Yet even after time passed, the event never flew by fully. Since then, the quiet torture slowly came to an end but now, she was unsure if it was better than before or worse.


Before she entered Junior High, her parents did not want her to leave their home for sometime, not after the events which happened not too long ago. They didn't know what to do or understand what happened. They knew there were people across the globe who could use certain abilities but they weren't convinced that their daughter was suited to be one of these people. Listening to a business associate from America, they sent her to the Western Lands to reside within Millennium city. When they came to America, they wished to use the weekend they had to themselves as a family. Namine didn't understand why they were there, merely thinking it was just a vacation from their usual lives. While the days they had spent together enjoying their days as a family for the first time, she didn't realize it was also her last time. Not until they lead her to a tall building painted white and they both climbed out, beckoning her to follow. They both held her tight and reminded her how much they cared but said good bye. Three men emerged from the building, one looking to be a Doctor made his way to the Asatos and the others taking her away into the building. She can remembered how much she cried for the first few weeks while within the building, learning soon after it was a Institution for the Mentally Ill.

The Insitution

The Doctors, Staff and Treatment

While the institution was rather nice and seemed to have everything under wraps, every hospital holds dark secrets. The Doctors and Staff who worked there were rather genuine people, believing they were helping the patients in any shape or form that they could. From distributing medicine to classes for those who stay in the long terms, the life of the patients were rather comfortable yet behind the scenes, more sinister things were happening. Patients that showed abilities from high volumes of strength to telekinetic abilities were experimented on like lab rats. Their reasoning behind it was because they wished to know of the 'virus' further in order to 'cure' it when in reality, they wanted to give others these abilities that these patients possess. Namine was one of those patients after they learned of her abilities.


Through experiments and trails, the Doctors learned more of Namine's abilities yet in a harsh manner. They came to the conclusion that her abilities were mainly triggered by emotions, like a natural defense for the body itself:

Apportation Levitation Psychokinesis Telepathy

The strangest part of her abilities which they have found, under speculation that there was more, was that when they would use certain objects, without movement from her, they would be destroyed quickly before them, usually being cut in half or pieces.

The Great Escape.. Sort of.

While the experiments began to die down with the more patients they received, Namine resided within her room whenever she could. She wouldn't even join others within the dining hall, her meals being sent to her room. The room was usually bare aside from the bed, desk and books that were around the area of different subjects. Soon, less and less did the doctors come to distribute her 'medication' and began to send it to her like her meals. At first, she took them until she grew curious of what may happen if she didn't take them. Receiving no phone calls from her family or visits, no one to speak to aside from the figments of her imagination and not even seeing the staff often, she was slowly beginning to lose touch with the outside world. At this point in time, she didn't seem to care if she remained alive or simply died. After a few weeks of no longer taking her medication, she began to notice that she held more of an control over certain abilities such as Levitation of both herself and objects. Over time, she began to practice and grew better with each passing day.

It was while during her small training sessions did she realize she was able to phase through walls, leaning against one within her room and moved past it into another. The person didn't seem to notice her, staring off as they watched a pre-recording of a television broadcast. She soon made it a game to phase through one wall and into the next, spying on her fellow patients.

During one of these games, she moved out of the building and began to wander the city, never venturing too far off. In fear of what may happen after her new found freedom, she always returned to the building.


To this day, Namine still ventures between the building and the outside world. No one has seemed to notice of her being gone and when she ventures, no one seems to notice her hovering down the streets. She gave herself the nickname 'Yurei', Japanese for ghost. Every now and then, she believes she is within purgatory, giving her the other nickname 'Ai'.

She believed she was going to remain within this 'purgatory' forever until she met the Man in Black. Upon watching a robbery at a bank, she phased through the wall and watched the scene unfold. She stumbled upon a man whom she later learned his name was Kagewoe, his code name being CH-HT06-MIRAGE. She witnessed him take out the group of men that robbed the bank with such ease and control, she felt excitement within herself for the first time in years. While to others, the killing may have seemed rather cruel and unnecessary yet it didn't seem to phase her. Believing she was forever dead, she moved to kneel down next to one of the corpses of the men, in front of Kagewoe. He looked down to her for a brief moment before turning away. It was the first time someone noticed her in years. She didn't want to pass up the chance and quickly followed him, witnessing the man being treated like a prisoner himself. When they reached the facility, she quickly felt the familiarity with this building. Her mind was made up to free the man from this place, without even knowing the reasons as to why he was here. Not only assisting him but the other members as well, they both quickly escaped. He now resides within a place she has made her home while not within the institution. Their relationship may be a strange one but she still views him to be a valued person with a similar past to herself.