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Revision as of 21:31, 18 September 2014 by GLoRToR (Talk | contribs)

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A veteran role player, writer, artist, community leader and a genuinely good guy with just as many merits as any other human being, and probably twice as many flaws. I can spend hours upon hours designing stuff, writing backgrounds, thinking up plots, or just hanging out with the very few people I hold dear.
Quick to make acquaintances but slow to trust. What else do you want to know? Ask me in game!


I like to make friends and to be nice to people! I don't always manage, nobody's perfect. Trust me, I tried! Anyway, I made this page so that there is more room in character descriptions for actual relevant stuff than writing the same five lines at the top, neither of which will cover every subject on what I find important nor will it be always relevant to everybody who wants to read a character of mine. This here is a work in progress so take your time to read what-ever interests you, hit me up in-game if you have a question, or just go ahead and play with me!

Personal Conduct: IC

What happens IC, stays IC. I'm old enough to know the difference between IC and OOC - then again it might not just be a matter of age, there is the experience behind it as well.

It has happened before and probably will happen again that a not-so-friendly character of mine will offend somebody OOC through how they behave IC - I'm sorry if that happens but this is role play.

Personal Conduct: OOC

Personal Conduct: Gaming



