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Ryan Harris
Player: @Jazzenstein
Class Focus: AoE DPS/OFF-Tank
Power Level: 34
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Ryan Harris
Known Aliases: Harris
Species: Human
Ethnicity: White
Age: 35
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Licensed Private Investigator
Place of Birth: Seattle, WA
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Divorced
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Powerful sorcerer, passable summoner.
Known Abilities
Excellent knowledge of biblical apocrypha. Perceptive, good at legwork/shadowing. Passable shot. Professional knowledge of police procedures, forensics.
Heavy pistol of unknown make, silver crucifix, red sunglasses w/ low-light vision, flare compensation.

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Entry no. 3765289

When we first encountered Mr. Harris, we weren't quite sure what to make of him. He was quite obviously a dimensional refugee, but his method of entry was a great deal less dramatic than most others. On November 23, 2012, at 5:18 am, the Michigan State Police brought one Ryan Harris in for questioning on charges of public endangerment and vagrancy. Enclosed is the transcript of the interrogation.
Sgt. James Wainright: What is your name?

Harris: Detective Ryan Harris, LSDoI 11519.
Wainright: You keep saying that. What's it stand for?
Harris: Lone Star Department of Investigations.
[Wainright looks through several papers]
Harris: Let me guess. You ran a search and didn't find anything.
Wainright: Yeah.
Harris: Well, you guys have my badge. And my gun.
Wainright: Yeah, we do. Want to tell me why you were sleeping on the interstate?
Harris: I wasn't sleeping there.
Wainright: That's not what the truck driver said. He almost hit you.
Harris: Yeah, I was there.
Wainright: But you still say you weren't sleeping on the interstate.
Harris: I wasn't. I just happened to wake up there.
Wainright: That's it? Poof?
Harris: Poof.
[Wainright sighs]

Wainright: You--ugh. You know what? I think PRIMUS would probably want to talk to you. The longer I do, the worse this headache gets.

3 attached images.
Badge.jpeg - Silver police(?)badge, star motif in the center. Reads "Lone Star" across the top and "LSDOI 11519" across the bottom.
pistol.jpeg - Large caliber. Unknown make/model. Under-barrel laser sight.
glasses.jpeg- Red sunglasses, sophisticated design.

 Mr. Harris was much more cooperative with us than he was with the MSP, though we suspect this is due in no small fact to the gradual departure of his hangover upon his arrival at our offices. 

Personality Analysis

Harris' personality is in keeping with his supposed former occupation. He is devoted to the ideals of justice and fairness, but these ideals seem to have come at the cost of his personal life. Mild alcohol addiction and stress have left their marks on him; though he is battling both of them, he often appears as if he's lost sleep. Exercise and religion are his ways to self-regulate, though his religious beliefs seem more... liberal than most.
Harris, a self-described "Christian Theurge," is simultaneously very religious and very profane. When demonstrating his powers, he would often pray in Latin or beseech aid from angels spoken of in the Apocrypha, only to be seen later with a cold (often cheap) beer in his hand. For Harris, belief seems to be a way both to focus his magic and to keep himself under some semblance of control. He claims to be a Catholic, but expresses opinions and views which would be considered liberal at the very least, compared to the average Catholic.
Like many ex-police officers, he expressed frustration at the ratio of expectations placed upon him to his ability to meet said expectations. "You'd bust your ass all week, but nobody gave a shit," he said. "You'd always manage to run into that one guy you couldn't help, that one guy who happened to call for help when everyone was handling something else." His devotion to law enforcement caused his wife to leave him, a fact over which he still feels remorse.
It should thus come as no surprise that Harris took his dimensional displacement as an opportunity to cut his ties with law enforcement. He now works as a private investigator, and in subsequent check-ups, has come across as less stressed. "I feel like I'm making more of a personal connection, now that I can choose what cases I wanna take."
Usually, Harris is quite easy to get along with. Quietly jovial and polite, he can make himself comfortable almost anywhere, having a strong personal charisma. He tries to treat everyone with respect, but lines of questioning have revealed a low tolerance for things he deems foolish.
He is aware of his problem with alcohol, but is quick to adopt a defensive attitude if the subject is pushed. After having a few drinks, he becomes maudlin and reflective, questioning the merit and/or ultimate usefulness of his work, both currently and in his former line of work.
To this day, he displays a strong desire to help others, though he tends to disregard his own emotional (and often physical) well being to provide that help. I believe Harris ultimately means well, but I am not sure how effectively he can keep himself away from self-destructive measures. I hope that his age will catch up to him before his profession does--Millenium City can be an unfriendly place for prying eyes.

-Dr. James Hoang


Here is a list of Harris' spells, or "powers" as my colleagues keep insisting. The names were supplied by him.
List of Harris' Spells
Spell Name Effect
"Lightning Bolt" Exactly what it says on the tin.
"Ball Lightning" An area-effect variant of the former.
"Stunbolt" Simple, but practical less-than-lethal attack.
"Analyze Truth" Maintained spell. Alerts the caster if something untrue is said. Half-truths and things believed to be true can generate false positives.
"Blood Sight" Allows Harris to discern details on an individual based on spilt blood, from something as blood type to as specific as an illusion of their face.
"Catalog" On casting, causes the subject of the spell to recite or write down with extreme precision, every non-living object in the room. Tests revealed that unknown objects are only described to the best capacity of the individual. Harris prefers to cast it on himself with a notepad in hand.
"Improved Invisibility" "Improved" in the sense that it affects both living and mechanical eyes equally well, across a number of spectrums. Does not, however, affect sound, and according to Harris, is somewhat difficult to maintain.
"Psychometry" Harris told me this was a "metamagical technique" and not a spell in its own right. In layman's terms, "metamagic" can mean magic which affects other magic, or magical acts which come after or beyond a greater understanding of the art. This technique, then, allows Harris to see the history of an item. The better he performs it, the more detailed the information. He seems to enter a sort of trance while peering at items this way--it was difficult for us to reach him at times.

Electronically signed and dated by Dr. Roy Gibson