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The Star-Spanning
The Cosmic Bulwark
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe." ― Dalai Lama
Player: @leroyswish
Real Name
Mason Kenerly
January 19, 1980
Manhattan, New York City, New York
US Citizen
Millennium City, Michigan
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Charlotte Kenerly (Daughter), Hannah Orson-Kenerly (Wife, Divorced)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
229 lbs.
Body Type
Pale Blue
· Distinguishing Features ·
None Notable
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Solar Manipulation, Energy Emission, Flight, Enhanced Strength, Clairvoyance
· Equipment ·
Deep-Space Travel PA, "Jupiter" PA
· Other Abilities ·
Knowledge in Astronomy

- Mason Kenerly never once thought that he would be given the task of protecting the universe. In fact, Kenerly never saw himself amounting to much in life. He seemed to have a set life. He would marry his high school sweetheart, have a few children, and go to work day in and day out for the next few decades, and that would be that. However, as destiny would have it, Kenerly would become a formidable player in the roles of order and chaos in the grand cosmos.
- Much of Mason's early life is shrouded in mystery. It is speculated that he was the second child of four, with two loving upper class parents. He did about average in school, without any notable events for the better or worse taking place. From a young age, Kenerly wanted to be a painter, and was constantly doodling and painting on whatever paper he could find. He could never find a theme or style that he enjoyed painting. Looking around, there was little that he wanted to paint. After a trip to the desert, a twelve year old Mason looked up at the night sky, and discovered one of the most beautiful starry nights he had ever witnessed.
- Growing up in the action-filled "city" of Manhattan, young Mason never found time to sit down and practice his craft. Still, he did excellent throughout his educational years. Everyday blurred together as he played through the dull motions of junior high school and regular high school. As a side benefit of staying out of trouble and doing well in his schoolwork, he met the alluring Hannah Orson. They hit it off and dated through high school. Going to the same college (Columbia University), they kept in close contact and spent a lot of time together. After a few too many drinks and a blurry night, Hannah discovered that she was pregnant days later.
- After they both dropped out of college, they rented a small one bedroom apartment in a safe part of town. Forced to work multiple jobs while Hannah stayed at home and prepared herself, Mason felt added stress and pressures physically and emotionally take their toll. They started fighting more and more, arguing about trivial matters. Yet, that all changed when their daughter, Charlotte, was born. The couple grew closer and eventually were married. the next few years were fun and enjoyable. They seemed like the perfect family. That would all change by a war that had been raging in the starry heavens for eons.

The Forged Wars
- When the Netzach lord and scientist, Rubikon (shown center, left), sparked the "Forged Wars", the universe was knocked out of balance. Two mysterious entities, the Entropites and the Aetherites, joined forces to defeat the Netzach conqueror. In a fascinating yet wicked twist of mysticism, Rubikon turned the two races against each other. For the next several millenia, while the universe was still young, the two races fought their primitive struggles for dominance over the developing cosmos. Collecting a group of primitive mages, artificers, and the like, both sides created unique artifact-devices to aid their wars: the Starheart, and the Ebonheart.
- It is unknown why Rubikon first sparked the war. Perhaps he needed the two devices to be desperately made, but that is just speculation. The two devices are quite powerful on their own, but when combined? They can desolate entire civilizations in minutes. They devices are difficult to operate, which may be the only downside. As the Entropites implanted the Ebonheart in one of their warriors, the Aetherites desperately searched for someone pure enough to contain the Starheart. As the universe had began to solidify and form,
- Worse yet, the leader of the Aetherites' forces had been slain in a battle on Mars (for the Milky Way galaxy had been fully formed for years now), they turned their eyes to Earth. In a time of desperate need, they found a few select individuals worthy of leading their ancient armies. Mason Kenerly was not one of these. In an act of the Ebonheart, all nineteen of the worthy men and women perished overnight for differing reasons. Mason Kenerly was frowned upon for his somewhat dull and average life, but times were changing. They needed someone and they needed someone fast.
- It was a horrific experience for Mason. Being suddenly woken up in the middle of the night by bizarre lifeforms and having a plate-sized device slowly, painfully implanted in your chest is quite an experience. By unexplainable means, Mason survived the encounter. One question that always comes to mind was where his wife and daughter were during the ordeal. In a short answer, they had since moved out months ago. With Charlotte now five and in school, more stress added to everything. Eventually, Hannah Orson-Kenerly and their daughter Charlotte moved out. The couple decided to get a divorce in the near future.
- Mason was very confused. Without time to ask questions or understand everything, he was thrust to a distant planet, nicknamed the "Grey-Sun". To this day, he refused to reveal what exactly happened on that planet. It was rumored that he spent days on end practicing his craft and figuring out how to work the Starheart. It was said that he led the Aetherites to a victory, but in the end, both races were destroyed. Except for Mason and the other wielder, the one in control of the Ebonheart: Blackwing.
- Returning to Earth four years later, Mason was a changed man. Although many refused to believe him, his daughter, Charlotte, had full faith in him. The two bonded quite a bit, and when the divorce occurred, Mason kept rights to his daughter. Hannah moved to Japan months later, and hasn't kept in contact since. However, Mason and Charlotte have been doing well since moving to Millennium City a year ago.
A New Millennium
- Since moving to Millennium City, Mason and Charlotte have had a successful and calm life. She is now twelve years old and excelling in junior high school. Mason is a full time hero, but manages to sell some paintings for a moderate sum of cash. The first year in the city was quite chaotic. On one such occasion, he and a small group of heroes combated several Qularr beats, no doubt experiments. They had an unnatural fascination with the downed mothership lurking in Detroit River. The situation is still being looked into. After receiving a communication's device from PRIMUS operators after extensive training. He is looking to make a big impact in 2014.
- With Rubikon threatening to return, he can only prepare and assemble a group ready to combat the undying wickedness. It is rumored that Rubikon will be joining forces with Blackwing, the stellar-pirate who still harnesses the Ebonheart's essence. Things are looking quite intense for the new year, and one can only hope and pray that the world that they have come to know and love can survive "Threat Rising".

- Mason Kenerly stands at just over six feet tall and weighs 229 lbs. He has an intimidating presence, as he is quite muscular and a bit barrel-chested. He has a shaved head and a neatly combed and trimmed mustache accompanied by a neat goatee or a full beard. However, he often shaves during the earlier part of the year. While many regard him as an average, or normal, appearance, some have noted he has a gentleman-like handsomeness. Others regard him as having a rugged quality.
- Some have noticed he has a striking resemblance to WWE Superstar Randy Orton (shown right). Mason has always responded to this claim with: "That's pretty damn cool." While they do have similar appearances, Charlotte (Mason's daughter), can point out distinct differences between the two. Still, the two are near lookalikes, sans the tattoos.
- Mason Kenerly is a very fit and healthy individual, with a runner or swimmer's physique. Since moving to Millennium City, though, he has been packing on more and more muscle to compete with the other heroes. It is a career, and many heroes are battling each other, unknowingly, to get to the top. Mason acknowledges this, and is acting accordingly. So, he is often seen at Carl's Gym, a frequent stop and near-landmark in the city's West Side, involving himself in strength training and some cardio.
- Mason Kenerly is without any tattoos or "ink" on his body. When he was younger he wanted full sleeves and some across his back, but his girlfriend at the time, Hannah Orson, did not want him to be doing that. To this day, he has never gotten the tattoos he desired. He used to have both of his ears pierced and his lip as well, but has since had those taken out, roughly around the time he and Hannah entered their second year of college.He has gone from a punk rocker to a mature adult, and it shows in his appearance.